How to use everyday tricks

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024


Life Tricks are short, simple, and quirky tips to help you make your life easier. It is not enough just to look at the photo with a small inscription "Take a scoop to ..."! Check out the detailed descriptions of several everyday tricks to always use them in practice.


Method 1 of 10: Strive for efficiency

  1. 1 In the evening take time so that think out done in a day. Consider all effective and ineffective actions and steps. Think of more practical problem solving solutions that you can apply.
    • For example, you spend too much time in the shower. Try playing a suitable song beforehand so you get out of the shower right away when it's over.
  2. 2 Use useful tips on the site wikiHow. Various articles cover tricky and useful problem-solving techniques in detail. Our authors have in their arsenal a lot of everyday tricks.
  3. 3 Search YouTube for "simple tricks" for more tips. People come up with new solutions every day.

Method 2 of 10: Kitchen

  1. 1 Place a wooden spoon on top of a boiling pot to keep the foam from rising. This advice works because the bubbles and foam in boiling water are made up of steam. When the bubble touches an object whose temperature is below 100 ° C, the vapor condenses (turns into liquid again) and the bubble collapses.
  2. 2 Turn your trouser hanger into an inexpensive cookbook holder. Everyone knows the situation when you try to cook a festive dinner, but you constantly have to run across the kitchen to look at the recipe again, and as a result, the dish burns. Try securing the book to a trouser hanger and positioning it on the handle of your kitchen cabinet door.
  3. 3 Wrap the drink in damp paper towels and refrigerate. Squeeze the towels gently to keep the water from dripping. Leave the drink in the refrigerator for fifteen minutes to turn ice cold. This is a great option if the freezer is empty of ice and your drinks are bottled.
  4. 4 Pour the batter for pancakes into a ketchup bottle. This method will allow you to keep your work surface clean, and also to use the dough later without having to cover the bowl with plastic wrap and wash the drops off the table. Use a funnel to pour the dough into the bottle. Extra trick: make a funnel from a used bottle!
  5. 5 Use muffin tins to serve sauces and condiments for meat on the fire. Small muffin tins allow you to set the table so that the sauces do not mix with each other. The task of cleaning the table is also simplified.
  6. 6 Use a straw to remove easily peduncle on the strawberries. This quick method will keep all the berries intact. Stick a straw through the bottom and squeeze out the stem.
  7. 7 In the process making lemonade use tongs to squeeze all the juice out of the lemon. Squeeze half a lemon in a pair of tongs and squeeze as if you were squeezing a piece of meat to squeeze out almost all the juice. Remember to wash your tongs.
  8. 8 Use dental floss to cut soft foods and foods like cakes, cheese, rolls, and fudge. The flexible thread is very thin and allows you to cut food. Grasp both ends with your hands and cut the dish completely. It uses the same principle as when cutting plasticine with wire.
  9. 9 Use the top of the plastic bottle to seal the bag with bread. Cut off the top of the plastic bottle. Pass the edge of the bag through the neck of the cut-off part of the bottle. Fold back the edge of the bag and screw on the lid to obtain an airtight seal.
  10. 10 During the diet use a small plate to eat less. You can't place a lot of food on a small plate, but you can fool the brain.
  11. 11 Prepare the noodles in the coffee maker. The water will begin to boil and soften the noodles, making them cook. Cook for the same amount of time as in the saucepan. Do not try to make the sauce in the coffee maker. It is also convenient to cook sausages in it.
  12. 12 Use the plastic cover as a stand. Don't have a glass stand? The flat lid is what you need! Place the glass with the drink on the lid and the stand is ready. Also, remember to wash the lid first.
  13. 13 Reheat leftover pizza in a pan or baking dish. This will prevent the dough from becoming soft and dry. You can add a little oil to the pan.
  14. 14 Place an inverted spoon on top of the dish when pouring milk into the cereal. Thanks to this trick, milk will not splatter the entire table.
  15. 15 Use a bottle to separate the yolk from the protein. Crack the egg and squeeze the plastic bottle a little. Place the neck against the yolk and unclench the sides of the bottle so that it is inside.

Method 3 of 10: Bedroom and Bathroom

  1. 1 Anchor a magazine rack on the back of the cabinet door to store your hair dryer. The stand will fit perfectly and will allow you to position the hairdryer vertically. You can also use Velcro hooks.
  2. 2 Use coat hooks instead of a towel rack. They take up less space and hold larger towels better. Also, towel hooks dry much faster.
  3. 3 Attach magnetic strips to the back of cabinet doors to store tweezers, hairpins, and other metal items such as cosmetic brushes. Use adhesive magnetic strips to avoid damaging the walls. Storage items must be magnetic.
  4. 4 Place the reader in an airtight bag for a quiet to read in the bath. First, you need to put a sheet of paper in the bag and completely immerse the bag in water. If the paper gets wet, then this bag will not work. It is best to use a clasp bag.
  5. 5 Attach the brush to the drill and apply detergent to avoid overexerting yourself. All dirt will be washed off effortlessly. As the advertisement for Mr. Muscle says: "Loves the job you hate!"
  6. 6 Hang a ceiling lamp in a tiny bedroom. Do not take up space on your bedside table and provide bright lighting. DIY a lamp:
    • buy craft wire;
    • make a frame with pliers;
    • attach a Christmas garland to the frame.
  7. 7 Make a low hanging basket. Do not buy an ugly beige basket, but take a colored fabric and sew it yourself using a hoop. Take or sew the bag, then wrap the top edge around the ring and sew.
  8. 8 At painting the room add a tablespoon to the paint vanilla extract. Stir and start painting. For every half liter of paint, add one teaspoon of vanilla essence or extract and stir thoroughly. After work, your room will smell like vanilla, not paints and varnishes.

Method 4 of 10: Clothes and Shoes

  1. 1 Make your shoes waterproof. Take wax (lube) and treat the shoes. Wax the top of the shoe completely and renew the layer regularly.Use a hair dryer or other heat source to melt the wax and make it invisible.
  2. 2 Use a hair straightener to smooth your collar. This method is much simpler and more effective than a heavy iron with prolonged heating. Borrow an iron from your girlfriend, sister, wife, daughter, or just buy an inexpensive model.
  3. 3 Use white wine for removing red wine stains. Gently blot the stain with a tissue soaked in white wine. First, check in an inconspicuous place so as not to spoil the product.
  4. 4 Use a glass cleaner to clear patent leather shoes. This tool allows you to restore the shine of patent leather shoes. Apply to dirt and wipe gently with a tissue.
  5. 5 Connect the socks with a safety pin before washing, so that you do not look for a pair later. This will save you the trouble of finding second socks. Use a stainless steel safety pin that will not open during the wash process.

Method 5 of 10: Storage and Cleaning

  1. 1 Use a clean scoop to fill a bucket that won't fit in your sink. Start by placing the bucket on the floor right in front of the sink. Place the wide side of the scoop inside the sink so that the water can drain into it. The handle should protrude slightly outside the sink to allow water to flow down into the bucket.
  2. 2 Use nail polish to paint the keys to the locks and distinguish between them without any problem. No need to go to the master and order color duplicate keys. Why not make them bright and colorful to your taste for free? It is best to use nail polish instead of paint. Gel polish and any other polish will do.
  3. 3 Use a scarf or shoe hanger to keep cleaning supplies safe from children. Bubbles fit perfectly into pockets, and all labels are clearly visible in a mesh or transparent hanger. In addition, this design does not occupy a horizontal area.
  4. 4 Use toothpaste for cleaning cloudy headlights. Squeeze some of the paste onto a rag and work the headlamp in a circular motion. The toothpaste will help you get rid of problems for 2-4 months if you do not use wax or industrial products to protect the headlights from fogging under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Toothpaste is a mild abrasive that naturally polishes surfaces and removes minor scratches. Do not use toothpaste with cooling crystals to avoid scratching the headlights. Regular whitening paste will be the best solution.
  5. 5 Draw labels with a marker. Use suitable removers for different materials:
    • for fabric use an antibacterial hand gel;
    • for skin use rubbing alcohol;
    • for walls use hairspray or toothpaste;
    • for wood use rubbing alcohol;
    • for carpets use white vinegar;
    • for chalkboards use a marker in the color of the board;
    • for furniture use milk;
    • for ceramics and glass use a solution of 1 part toothpaste and 1 part baking soda.
  6. 6 Make a tennis ball key holder. Make a slit in the ball. Add eyes and attach a Velcro hook to the wall to secure the ball. You can also use the ball as a holder for towels, pens or letters.
  7. 7 Squeeze the edge of the tube of toothpaste with a paper clip to squeeze out all of the toothpaste. Use all the paste in a tube and don't throw away the rest.
  8. 8 Place dried paint brushes in vinegar for half an hour. The chemicals in the vinegar can break apart and soften the bristles.
  9. 9 Make a scoop out of a plastic milk can. First, cut off the bottom of the canister. Then make a long cut across the flat side just below the handle and cut the canister diagonally from bottom to top to create a scoop shape. A convenient way if you need to collect trash when the scoop is broken.

Method 6 of 10: Parenting

  1. 1 When the children grow up, make a desk out of the crib. Remove the mattress and remove the side panel, which can be left for future use or thrown away. Measure your mattress and find a board that matches your size. Add hooks to the walls.
  2. 2 Don't let children get locked in the bathroom. Secure the lock with a rubber band. Slip the elastic twisted into the figure-eight lock over both handles.
  3. 3 Slide the foam tubing over the trampoline springs to prevent children from getting hurt. Cut these tubes to the required length and cut lengthwise. It is advisable to use straight tubes. This method will also make the trampoline more graceful!
  4. 4 When bathing your baby, place a laundry basket with small holes in the tub to prevent the toys from floating away. Also, the child will be able to lean on the back and hold on to the side walls of the basket.
  5. 5 Cover the surface with oilcloth to create a waterproof picnic table. Buy a roll of oilcloth or film and tape it to the table. You can also cover the table with strips of duct tape.
  6. 6 Make a fortress or temporary locker room with a sheet and a gymnastic hoop. Fold the sheet in half and hang over the hoop. Attach the structure to the tree in an upright position.
  7. 7 Insert the dropper into the nipple to administer the medicine to the baby. The baby will probably not give up the nipple and will not even understand that there is a medicine. After that, do not forget to thoroughly wash the nipple and only then give it to the baby again.
  8. 8 Make a hammock for the kids from the sheet. Unfold the sheet diagonally and tie the ends over the table. Then tie the other two ends above the baby to keep it from falling out.
  9. 9 Make a bracelet for your child with your phone number. Tell your child to wear the bracelet every time he leaves the house. If the child gets lost, he will always be able to contact you using the number on the bracelet.
  10. 10 Place a Styrofoam tube under the sheet if your child falls out of bed. Place the tubes along the edge of the bed. Cover the bed with a sheet. Now the child will not fall due to an impromptu barrier.
  11. 11 Use an inflatable pool instead of a playpen. Cover the playpen with a blanket, toys and pillows. It is best to use a pool with an inflatable bottom to keep the baby soft on the inside.

Method 7 of 10: Study

  1. 1 If sites like YouTube are blocked on the school computer, then go to the "Incognito" for Chrome browser. Do not do this too often that you are not noticed and the whole secret is revealed.
  2. 2 At preparation for the test always repeat the most difficult material before bedtime. If you go to bed right away, it will be better remembered. Don't cram, but always study hard!
  3. 3 Chew a gum with the same flavor during preparation and during the test to better remember the material. If you clearly remember the taste of chewing gum, then you will also remember all the information.
  4. 4 Do double cards. If only one card can be used, then fill in the entire area with a red pen. Then write over with a blue pen. Wear red and blue 3D glasses and close one eye to read text written in blue or red. All rules are followed.
  5. 5 Use rubles instead of a ruler. Forgot your ruler at home but have some money in your pocket? Any banknote from 10 to 500 rubles will come to your aid. Their length is 15 centimeters. Suitable for approximate measurements.

Method 8 of 10: Electronics

  1. 1 Use a spring from an old handle to prevent the charger wire from kinking. Why pay for a new charger when you can secure the wire with a spring from the handle so it does not bend around the connector.
  2. 2 Use the paper clips as keyboard feet. Fold back the two silver clip levers and insert the black piece under the square hole on the back of the keyboard. This will make the keyboard tilt slightly again.
  3. 3 Use clamps to support the wires. Fasten the clamps to the side of the desk (computer or book).Most often, the connector at the end of the wire is wider than the slot in the clamp levers, so this method will allow you to conveniently position almost any cable. Say goodbye to knots and tangled wires!
  4. 4 Use toilet paper sleeves to conveniently fold cables into the box. Small cables can simply be wound up and inserted inside the grommet. For long wires, the sleeve will become a kind of tie. Stack all extension cords, chargers, headphones, and other wires neatly.
  5. 5 Place your phone in the cup to increase the alarm volume. Do not hear your alarm clock in the morning all the time? Make the sound loud. Use the cup as a booster. Place the phone in the ear cup with the speaker facing down.
  6. 6 Use your old cassette box as a smartphone stand. Open and turn the box upside down. Large smartphones like the iPhone 6/6 +, Galaxy Note 4 and Nexus 6 may not fit.

Method 9 of 10: Shopping

  1. 1 Get Compensated On Amazon. If after the purchase of the product the price for it has decreased within 30 days, the store will refund the difference. Send an email to the customer service address.
  2. 2 When buying shoes without a child circle your foot before going to the store. Cut along the contour. If such a paper insole fits into shoes, then a child's foot will fit.
  3. 3 When buying from Apple, add the item to your cart, but do not checkout. Leave the item in your shopping cart for 7-10 days. After a while, you will be offered a 15–20% discount on goods.
  4. 4 When buying air tickets online, try clear cache. It is not uncommon for airlines to see your old requests and raise prices. Save up to RUB 3,000.
  5. 5 Fill in all the bags at once with the stroller snap hook. Often a person is able to carry away all the packages at one time, but the handles hurt painfully into the hand. A carabiner with a soft lining will help solve this problem.
  6. 6 Use clean pizza boxes instead of new canvases. Delivery services often give up extra boxes. It is best to use white or other solid color boxes.

Method 10 of 10: Miscellaneous Tricks

  1. 1 If the hike fails find wood chips and brushwood, then use chips. It is not always possible to find brushwood off the beaten path, so chips are a great substitute. Any brand will do. Chips burn very well because they consist of a hydrocarbon (combustible) that is saturated with fat (combustible). What about some good advice to stop eating chips?
  2. 2 Use paper muffin tins to keep your child's hands from getting melted ice cream. Pierce the center of the mold with an ice cream stick. For this method, one form is enough. It is best to use thick paper molds.
  3. 3 Tie the extension cords so they don't come loose. Make a knot first and then join the ends. Now they will not come loose when pulled.
  4. 4 On the beach, hide valuables in a tube of sunscreen. Use all the cream and wash the bottle thoroughly to get rid of the oil. Use an inconspicuous tube to avoid drawing attention.
  5. 5 If a bee has landed on you, then just blow it off, and do not drive it away. This way the bee will not feel threatened or sting. If you blow off a bee, it will mistake your breath for the wind.
  6. 6 If you forgot a spoon, use the foil under the lid. Roll up the foil and straighten the end to form a spoon.
  7. 7 Place an empty, opaque water bottle on your phone. Unlock your smartphone screen or turn on the flashlight. Put the bottle on your phone. In a dark room, it will become much brighter, since the bottle material is able to distribute light. Thanks to the bottle, the radius of the rays of light will become wider and will be able to illuminate a large area. A full bottle will produce colored rays.


  • Prepare all the necessary materials before each task.
  • This article is not an exhaustive list of tips and tricks. Do not be limited only by the listed possibilities. Come up with your own tricks!
  • Read this article to help you pack your travel suitcase properly.
  • Use common sense and don't use useless advice.