How good it is to poop

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How To Take The Best Poop, According To Science
Video: How To Take The Best Poop, According To Science


Infrequent bowel movements lead to abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and bloating. If you haven't had a bowel movement in a long time, there are several ways to help your digestion and ease your bowel movements. Start with more gentle methods by trying to make changes in your diet and lifestyle. If this does not help, you should see your doctor.


Method 1 of 4: Quick Ways to Relieve Constipation

  1. 1 Drink a hot mug of warm water with lemon juice. Drinking warm water with lemon juice is especially useful in the morning, but you can drink this wonderful drink at any time of the day. Add one tablespoon of lemon juice to a mug (250 ml) of warm water.
    • Warm water with lemon juice will speed up your metabolism and soften stools. However, for the effect to take place, you will have to wait a bit.
    • If you are constantly experiencing problems with constipation, then start each day with a mug of warm water with lemon juice.
    • If you don't have lemon or lemon juice, you can have a cup of tea, coffee, or just warm water to help with bowel movements.
  2. 2 Make an Epsom salt solution. Epsom Epsom salt can act as a quick laxative. If you have this salt in your home, mix 1 to 2 teaspoons (read package directions) in a glass (250 ml) of water. This solution will speed up the bowel movement, and you will have a bowel movement after a while - you will have to wait from 30 minutes to six hours.
    • You can also take an Epsom salt bath. Fill a tub with warm water and add about one cup of Epsom salts. The body will absorb the magnesium from Epsom salts through the skin.
  3. 3 Try baking soda. A solution of baking soda and water can also relieve constipation. Stir a teaspoon of baking soda with ¼ glass of water and drink the solution. This medicine can also help relieve gas and indigestion.
    • Keep in mind that baking soda is high in sodium. If you are on a diet that requires you to reduce your sodium intake, it is best to skip this remedy.
  4. 4 Eat prunes or drink plum juice. Prunes are known to soften stools. If you have prunes or plum juice at home, use them to make your intestines work.
    • Do not overdo it. Eat a few prunes or drink one cup of plum juice.
  5. 5 Lead an active lifestyle. Light exercise is also great for stimulating the digestive system. If you've been sitting for a long time, this may be the cause of the constipation. Walk around the area, make your bowels work.
    • Even if constipation makes you uncomfortable, this is not a reason to sit or lie down all the time. Take a walk every day. Daily walks or light jogging can help relieve constipation.
  6. 6 Take a laxative. This is one of the easiest and most effective methods to quickly get rid of constipation. There are many different laxatives available at your local pharmacy. Osmotic laxatives help move fluids through the colon. This type of laxative includes the following drugs:
    • Magnesia milk (magnesium hydroxide).
    • Magnesium citrate (magnesium citric acid).
    • Lactulose
    • Polyethylene glycol
    • Long-term use of laxatives can lead to unwanted side effects.
    • Laxatives can cause electrolyte imbalance in the body, sometimes leading to irregular heartbeats, confusion, weakness, and heart attacks.
    • Long-term use of laxatives can also become addictive, resulting in poor bowel function.
  7. 7 Take a chair softener. Stool softeners are taken orally and are relatively mild laxatives. A stool softener usually works well with infrequent use if the constipation is not chronic. A stool softener such as Dokuzat Sodium works by increasing the amount of fluid absorbed by the stool. As a result, the stool becomes softer and easier to pass through the intestines.
    • Follow the directions for use on the package. Typically, a stool softener is taken once a day on the evening before bed.
    • The stool softener should work on the first, second or third day.
    • Do not use the drug for more than one week, unless advised by your doctor.
  8. 8 Give a "quick" enema. One of the effective ways to get rid of temporary constipation is an enema with sodium phosphate solution. It is necessary to insert the tip of the enema into the rectum and squeeze the bottle, squeezing the liquid into the intestine. After that, you should stay in the same position for no more than 5 minutes. After this time or earlier, you will feel a strong urge to defecate.
    • Enemas can be purchased at many supermarkets or at your local pharmacy.
    • Before giving an enema, you should try a more gentle remedy, such as a stool softener.

Method 2 of 4: Caring for Healthy Digestion

  1. 1 Eat more fiber. Constipation is more common among those who do not eat properly, do not drink enough fluids, and lead a sedentary lifestyle. In order to prevent constipation, your diet should contain adequate amounts of dietary fiber, or fiber. The daily diet should include at least 18-30 grams of these fibers. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and cereals are high in fiber. You can increase your fiber intake in the following ways:
    • Eat a variety of cereals and cereals for breakfast.
    • Eat whole grain breads.
    • Add beans, lentils, and chickpeas to a variety of dishes and salads.
    • Eat fresh or dried fruit for dessert.
  2. 2 Enrich your diet with vegetables and fruits. For example, eat a fruit smoothie for breakfast, a salad for lunch, and in the evening spice up your dinner with leafy vegetables such as broccoli and spinach, or sweet potatoes.You can also eat carrots in the morning with warm water and lemon juice.
    • You can also add a light yet fiber-rich snack like prunes to your diet. This product speeds up digestion and has a laxative effect.
    • One clinical study showed that prunes brought relief to 70 percent of constipated people.
  3. 3 Take fiber supplements. If you are trying to increase the fiber content in your daily diet, you can take special fiber supplements. These can be purchased at a pharmacy or supermarket. While these supplements can be of great help with short-term use, try to ensure that you get enough fiber from natural foods in the long run.
  4. 4 Drink plenty of fluids. Make sure you drink about 2 liters of water daily. Lack of water in the body, or dehydration, is one of the causes of constipation: if there is not enough fluid in the intestines, its work slows down, the stool becomes hard, and bowel movements are painful.
    • Help normalize bowel movements and other warm drinks such as tea or coffee. Drink them in the morning to warm up your insides and invigorate your intestines.
    • Avoid consuming too much caffeine, as this will further increase dehydration, thereby exacerbating your problems.

Method 3 of 4: Changing Toilet Going Behavior

  1. 1 Listen to your body. Try to always pay attention to the signals sent by your body and respond to them appropriately. In particular, when you feel the urge to do so, do not delay using the restroom. Constipation can occur due to the fact that you restrained yourself and did not visit the toilet in a timely manner: this led to a thickening of the stool, making it difficult to defecate.
    • Constipation often occurs in people who travel or who have changed their daily routine. In this case, eat yogurt or prunes and try not to get too far from the restroom.
    • On an air flight, ask for an aisle seat, and on long road trips, try to make frequent stops.
  2. 2 Make it so that you can relax in your home restroom. A relaxing, serene environment will make it easier for you to have a bowel movement. While in the toilet, close the door, having previously introduced in your family the rule that you cannot enter if the door is closed. Don't let your family bother or rush you. Never be in a hurry, as this can only make the situation worse.
    • Sitting on the toilet, place your feet on a low stool or other support. This will raise your knees to make it easier to have bowel movements.
  3. 3 Relax while sitting on the toilet. Try to relax and breathe evenly while sitting in the restroom. Do not hold your breath and do not try to inhale more air in order to tense up later. One method is to imagine that your anus is an elevator shaft. Try to carefully lower the "elevator" to the second floor, then even lower, trying to reach the first floor.
    • Relax for a second, however, not allowing the elevator to rise higher again.
    • Expand the belly at the waist and squeeze it again, making them back and down, repeat the movements several times. When doing this, apply some effort, but try not to exert yourself too much.

Method 4 of 4: Medical Assistance

  1. 1 Make an appointment with your doctor. If you have tried all the methods described above and they did not work for you, it is possible that you have a bowel obstruction. If constipation continues for several weeks, you should see a doctor to rule out the possibility of serious illness. See a doctor as soon as possible if you experience nagging pains, cramps, dizziness and fatigue.
    • You can ask your doctor to refer you to a biofeedback session.
    • This lesson teaches you how to properly relax and tighten your pelvic muscles.
    • If you are taking any medications, talk with your doctor. Some medications can cause constipation.
  2. 2 Sign up for a belly massage or do it yourself. If you have been constipated for a long time, abdominal massage may help. It takes 10 to 20 minutes and can be done in a standing, sitting or lying position. Massaging the abdomen often reduces the need for laxatives and is also helpful for flatulence. However, this type of massage is not recommended for all patients, so consult your doctor first.
    • Abdominal massage should not be done to pregnant women and people who have had intestinal obstruction due to malignant tumors.
  3. 3 Ask your doctor to prescribe the medications you need. Talk to your doctor about medications that can help you. Constipation remedies help the intestines to fill up with fluid, making it easier to pass stools. If over-the-counter laxatives have not worked for you, your doctor may prescribe more effective drugs.