How to flirt on the internet

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 25 June 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How to Flirt with A Girl On Social Media | The "REC" Method
Video: How to Flirt with A Girl On Social Media | The "REC" Method


Want to flirt online? We will help you with this. You can improve your flirting and online communication skills, as well as learn how to date and network so that you have a better chance of meeting someone.


Method 1 of 3: Flirty communication

  1. 1 Start your conversation with something fun. If you want to be spoken to, then you need a topic for conversation. Whether you know someone in "real" life or just from their dating page, it's impossible to reach out if all you said was "hey" or "you're cute."
    • Don't start the conversation with "hey" or "how are you." It won't get you anywhere. Start with an interesting question, observation, or comment. Even if it's small, start like this: “Wow! I must definitely ask you about the new photo on the page. Is this a waterfall? Please put it up. "
    • Don't start out straight. Unambiguous hints and vulgar jokes are not a way to attract someone's interest. Read the next section for more detailed advice on choosing a topic for conversation.
  2. 2 Encourage the other person to talk. People like to have a casual conversation. If you want fun, flirtatious communication, make it easier for the interlocutor by asking him questions, becoming a good "listener" of his answers.
    • Ask more follow-up questions. If the photo of the waterfall on the page was taken in Cancun last summer, ask about the trip. How did it go? What was the funniest thing you saw there? Worst thing you've tried?
    • Do not stick your nose into other people's business. Ask a question like this: “Sounds interesting! I would be afraid to try parachute jumping. How do you like it? " Is one thing. But the answer to "How can you afford to skydive if you work in the service industry?" - does not concern you.
  3. 3 Be playful. Flirting is hard to pinpoint. Many people only want to find a connection, a kind of spark. This is often due to your sense of humor and your mischief. Let your sense of humor flow.If you find it ridiculous to mention obscure Wu-Tang Clan songs or refer to random facts, so be it. Be yourself. If someone thinks that this is not funny, then it is better to be interested in someone else.
    • Sometimes, light teasing can be flirtatious and exhilarating, or make you withdraw abruptly. One person might find it funny when they say, “Wow, cool picture of a waterfall. Looks cold. And also these terrible plants. It is commendable, however. " To the other, it’s not so.
  4. 4 React in a timely manner. Flirting needs reciprocity, otherwise there will be no spark. Reply to all messages as soon as you receive them, and show the person that you enjoy communicating with them.
    • “Leave them waiting” is the slogan of people who don't go out on dates. If you want to meet online, chat there. If you don't want to pay attention to the messages, go and do something else.
    • If someone isn't talking to you, leave them alone. It makes no sense to bombard this person with a million interesting and well-formulated questions, to which he will only respond with the phrase "rzhunimagu".
  5. 5 Be the initiator of the end of the conversation. It is best to end the flirtatious conversation so that the interlocutor has a desire to talk more. You need to leave the person with thoughts about you and a desire for you to enter the chat again for further conversation. Before the conversation dries up, it's a good idea to interrupt it unexpectedly and leave the other person thinking about you.
    • Set the mood for a topic that's difficult to complete. If you really made someone laugh, but can't think of anything else, just end the conversation: “It was nice to talk to. It's time to feed the dog, otherwise it is already ready to eat me. "
  6. 6 Be persistent. Flirting takes some effort, but you shouldn't count on a lot right away until you get used to a good person. If you cannot start a conversation with someone, you cannot start a conversation. Flirt. Enjoy. Keep conversations with many, let them be about this and that.
    • On the other hand, don't give up too easily. To get to know a person, you need to spend some time online. As mentioned above, talk lightly and be friendly.
  7. 7 Stop looking good and just be yourself. If you want to flirt and find a sincere connection with someone, then it is important to be yourself, and not a version of Facebook ads of yourself. It's very easy to come across as arrogant online the more you talk about yourself and your accomplishments. So don't. Just be yourself.
    • Write the way you speak. You don't have to try to "sound smart" or try to use words that you wouldn't normally use to flirt. It will look fake and ridiculous.
    • On the other hand, self-deprecating humor can sometimes be funny, but sometimes it can also seem disgusting and annoying. It's good to talk about yourself in a positive way.

Method 2 of 3: Knowing what to say

  1. 1 Do it lightly. Flirting is like a normal conversation, only with humor. Count on laughing and having fun, not dating someone or making you fall in love. This is very unnatural. Just communicate as if you were with a new friend.
    • Take advantage of the internet as a resource. Have you read a humorous story, seen a funny gif or a cute video? Pass on to the interlocutor. There will be something to share and talk about.
    • Different people like to talk about different things. For one, telling long stories and talking about serious things can be flirting, while for another it can be boring. For some, talking about parties seems like flirting, while for others it can turn off. Study the person and adjust.
  2. 2 Take your time. Internet flirting is a marathon, not a sprint.Don't rush into talking about your desires, planning a date, or figuring out where you are going to move with all the children you have. Wow, where are they going. Just focus on laughing a little and seeing if you like someone.
    • Don't jump straight to vulgar sexual innuendos. Not all people can be addressed with unambiguous expressions, it will be flirty only if you already get to know each other well enough. If this seems vulgar, then this is no longer flirting.
    • Don't blur out “I love you” based on a five-minute chat and one photo from the page. This will kill the relationship immediately. It's okay to tell the person that you think they are cute, charming, or showy, but leave your love language behind until you both get to know each other a lot better. If you wouldn't say this when flirting in real life, don't say it online.
  3. 3 Talk about points of contact. If you are in the same class as the other person, talk about the class. If you are from the same city, talk about the neighborhoods you like. Talk about hangouts. To start a relationship, talk about what you have common views.
    • If you have nothing in common, or can't figure out what you have in common, ask questions until you figure something out. Even if the questions are stupid, like "Which month is the best and why?" or "Who are you according to your horoscope?", you can start a conversation about something.
  4. 4 Talk about something funny that happened to you today. At some point, everyone you communicate with online is said the same words and asked the same boring questions. "What do you do in your free time" and "What are your hobbies?" Are kind of narrow-minded questions. But if you tell a story about how your neighbors swear over the fact that one of them's dog urinated on the other’s porch, then you’ll have a funny topic that you can push off from. “How do you feel about dogs? And what about the absurd neighbors? "
    • Don't talk too much about your life. Telling the whole story and backstory of your life will definitely make the person think you are narcissistic. Tell us interesting facts.
  5. 5 Don't overload with information. No one needs all the intimate details of your life story, your problems, and your innermost thoughts and desires. Leave them for later. This is not flirting, but chatter.
    • If you're trying to flirt, don't be a mess. It won't work in your favor if you tell me that you've been defeated many times lately. It will seem awful.
    • Be extremely careful when talking about serious topics like marriage, monogamy and parenting, especially if you don't know the person. These words are considered killing flirting. To talk about this, wait for a personal acquaintance.
  6. 6 Play a silly associative game. If you really can't think of what to talk about but really want to flirt, you can always start playing random questions and chatting about stupid things. Talk about your favorite food, your favorite animals, whether Keti Perry is talented or more boring than white toast. Suitable silly questions and tips to show your wit:
    • "Tell me a story about the tastiest sandwich you have ever eaten."
    • "Who are the members of the Wu-Tang Clan or One Direction or the Beatles most like you?"
    • "If you could travel to any country, which one would you choose?"
    • “Which is better: sleep or jacuzzi? Or Netflix? Or ... an excursion? I choose to hike, I swear I'm not lazy. Let's continue, I'm sorry. "
  7. 7 Praise the other person sometimes. A good compliment can be a way to open doors and provide a topic to continue the conversation. Pick a trait you like about the person or notice something and use it as a compliment, then turn it into a topic of conversation.
    • Compliments are good, but difficult to respond to.Try to include them in the conversation: “That photo of you at the waterfall is so beautiful! You look great. What happened that day? "
    • One compliment in a conversation is enough. If you start to seem overly generous with compliments, it will look intrusive and disgusting. If you find someone attractive, that’s good to hear, but you don’t need to repeat it five times a minute.

Method 3 of 3: Online Dating

  1. 1 Register on an online dating site. Online dating is becoming more common and almost necessary, especially in big cities. Nowadays, it's just a way to meet a person. If you want to flirt on the Internet and meet interesting people, open a profile on a dating site and start making contacts. This is a great way to connect and flirt online. The most popular and well-known dating sites are:
    • Match
    • OkCupid
    • Tinder
    • MeetUp
    • Plenty of Fish
    • eHarmony
  2. 2 Write an honest questionnaire. If you want to establish contact with someone, fill out the details of the questionnaire honestly and in a slightly flattering manner. Describe yourself as you are to attract people with similar interests.
    • Don't be boring and boring. Each questionnaire contains the phrases "I live to the fullest" and "I just love to travel." Be honest and find interesting topics of conversation.
    • Consider carefully how you describe yourself in the questionnaire. Describe the most truthful, interesting and characteristic facts about yourself, for everyone who will read.
    • Honest doesn't mean desperate. If you haven't had a date in the past 20 years, then there is no need to draw attention to it.
  3. 3 Use an embellished photo for your profile. Relationships are more important than looks, it's true. But when you're flirting with someone online, good portraits and photos in decent clothes are still important. If you are having trouble taking your own photo, ask a friend or professional photographer to take a few shots to capture you in better lighting.
    • Be yourself. Don't try to be a rude, half-naked, or artsy version of your photograph. Show yourself a sincere, simple, and likeable person with a photo that best shows you.
    • No nude or drunk photos. Bad idea.
  4. 4 Keep a little secret, there is no need to inflate your own worth. Maintain confidentiality while you are chatting on the Internet. Take the time to get to know the person before sharing personal information, and even after that, arrange the first meeting in a public place. By adhering to these rules, you will always enjoy flirting online.
    • If someone who seemed cute at first, but turned out to be really weird, has your phone number or address, it's just awful, if not scary.
    • Don't be tempted to post hundreds of your own photos for people to view. Everyone you flirt with will start to think you are narcissistic.


  • Allowing the other person to instantly take control of communication (and relationships), which happens as a result of too often compliments like "you are such a hot thing." In fact, every idiot sends such messages to the interlocutor. Don't be one of them. If he or she is so irresistible, guess what? He or she already knows about it. So who cares if you let them know, they now know not to be taken seriously.
  • By adding action to the conversation, you let the other person know who you are. Did the interlocutor praise you? Give thanks, and if you're flattered, write * blush *. The interlocutor will be able to see a great reaction in your action, so to speak.
  • Some dating experts recommend that a woman strives to find out as much information about a man as possible, while at the same time hiding more information about herself as a precaution.Use instant messengers as a way to get the information you need. Search for an identity online to gather additional information.


  • On the internet, people are cheating. At times, you may be disappointed or surprised.
  • Until you get to know each other well enough, always meet in public. Especially the first meeting should always take place in a public place.
  • For girls: take your girlfriends with you if you are meeting in the evening.
  • Your 80s photos show that your mentality is still there. Avoid them like the plague.
  • Don't use photos of your ex (or cut out).
  • Do not pose photographs taken from a distance. Let potential acquaintances take a closer look at you.