How to be happily married

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 17 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
3 ways to build a happy marriage and avoid divorce | George Blair-West
Video: 3 ways to build a happy marriage and avoid divorce | George Blair-West


The wedding is over, and with it all the hassle of holding it has gone. You will soon be starting a family life. The perfect marriage is a mixture of compromise and honesty, not servile behavior.


  1. 1 Be yourself from the beginning of any relationship. If you start a relationship by showing the perfect hybrid version of you and Stepford's wife, what happens if the marriage breaks down? Be yourself from day one, and your spouse will prove to you that you are accepted and loved for who you are, and not what you want to appear.
  2. 2 Develop your sense of humor. A good sense of humor cannot be separated from a great marriage. Trying to see humor in difficult situations will help both of you to get through difficult times more easily.
  3. 3 Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. These are the three most important words for a good marriage.
  4. 4 Trust each other completely. You have built a relationship of trust. Don't feel like your spouse is doing something solely to annoy you - maybe he or she just doesn't understand that it bothers you. Tell your spouse what worries you without thinking the worst of him, and once you've figured it out, give your partner time to make changes and corrections.
  5. 5 Get rid of minor irritants. Ask yourself if it's worth fighting over something that annoys you. Something not properly or just is different on how would you do it? Do not comment on inaccuracies. If something really bothers you, talk about it in a non-accusatory tone, and also determine if you can deal with it without an argument.
  6. 6 Find ways to share responsibilities. If you both work 80 hours a week, why should a wife do the dishes and cook? Try to choose the homework you do best for yourself, such as washing dishes and mowing the lawn, and share the responsibilities. Think of how you both can participate in the work, for example: I take out the trash and you take the bucket home, You wash and I dry, etc. So you get rid of the aching housewife syndrome. Remember, you will always live together (until death do you part) - you can always finish things tomorrow. Your world won't collapse if you don't finish your laundry today.
  7. 7 Take time to sit and spend time together. Even if it's only 10 minutes before bed, talk, hug and enjoy each other's company.
  8. 8 Don't expect perfection. Remember, your spouse is a person just like you. Consider the human factor: fatigue, work overload, stress, family illnesses, personal illnesses and common weakness.
  9. 9 Do something nice for your partner during a difficult time. If you ignore or constantly argue about an issue, you will most likely break up. A nurturing gesture will help you get closer to each other, thereby increasing the chances that you will cope with your problems. This is especially helpful if you feel like your partner isn't complimenting you or has stopped doing something nice for you. Start complimenting and being nice - they WANT to do something nice for you!
  10. 10 Try to find something good in your partner every day and tell them about it! Whether it's a compliment about his or her outfit, or gratitude for taking out the trash, it's always nice to get support from a loved one. And you will love to support it too.
  11. 11 Learn from your mistakes. When you ask for forgiveness, do it sincerely! This means that you will not do this again. If you ask for forgiveness and do the same, it will show your partner that you didn’t feel guilty, and this will erode your trust over time.
  12. 12 You should not have secrets, and also avoid side affairs. It's important to be honest with your partner because it shows that you trust each other in everything.If you are hiding something, they will find out about it anyway, and your marriage will be at risk. If you are honest and open, there will be no suspicion or jealousy. Don't do anything to anger your spouse, and if someone in the office is flirting with you and doesn't want to stop, tell your boss about it and ask to transfer one of you to another department. By maintaining your reputation and communicating openly and honestly with your partner, you will be trusted when needed.
  13. 13 Remember, there are ups and downs in marriage. While you are planning your wedding, you can entertain yourself with fabulous thoughts of happily ever after. The reality is that this is a daily grinding - one of you or both of you will be tense, on the verge of boredom, not enjoying each other, not feeling warmth and tenderness. It's not just your feelings. Repeat: It's not just your feelings. It's about your duty to each other. Maybe you don't "feel" that you are in love, "feel" that you are getting what you need, or whatever, the reality is that you made a promise to each other. Often marriage sucks is not romantic - it requires you to work as a team and fulfill your responsibilities every day.
  14. 14 Plan your dark days. You’ll experience much less stress if you work together on budgeting, run at least a small savings account (a $ 500 emergency fund can work wonders), and prepare yourself for the time when things can go awry - life becomes much easier.
  15. 15 Act like everything is okay. If you are having a difficult period, you feel that you cannot even remember what attracted you to it, you think about what made you marry her ... just smile and behave kindly and tenderly. Act like everything is fine. In fact, try to lead by being kind, caring, and considerate towards your partner. It may sound strange, but if you just slowly move forward and act like nothing happened, one day everything really is will be ok, good and even better.
  16. 16 Don't be afraid to go to bed angry. Many well-wishers say that you cannot let the sun go down while you are quarreling. But it's much better to get to a point in an argument where you can stop actively fighting and go to bed. Instead of continuing an argument that gets out of hand and ends up going nowhere, if you stop, rest, and wake up with a fresh mind, you may see problems from a new angle and also come to a better solution than if you were. continued to quarrel until you got tired and said that you cannot return back. A dream will help you get rid of side negative feelings - you cannot always say: "Okay, that's enough, the quarrel is over" and return to that warm, loving feeling - sometimes the resentment remains. Let her go - give yourself a break. Both of you will feel better in the morning.
  17. 17 Ask yourself what you can do today to make your spouse's life better. As you look every day for ways to make your spouse's life a little better, you will never forget that you really care about her or him. The good things you do for your partner will make you think positively about him or her. It's a good habit.
  18. 18 Kiss your spouse for at least 5 seconds before you leave their house in the morning and before going to bed at night.
  19. 19 Give thanks for the little things (washing the dishes, cleaning the table, installing a new roll of toilet paper - do those things without expecting anything).
  20. 20 Compliment each other every day. It doesn't take long for your spouse to feel good. Be sincere and when someone compliments you, even if you disagree, say thank you.
  21. 21 Hug and hold hands often, every day.
  22. 22 Be quiet and listen! You will learn so much more if you close your mouth and open your mind.You have one mouth and two ears, so you can listen twice as much as you can speak.
  23. 23 Argue softly. How you speak matters more than what you say. Remain calm and speak in a normal voice.
  24. 24 Be careful and think about which words to use. Before you speak, ask yourself this question: if you or your spouse dies at this moment, would you like these words of yours to be your last?
  25. 25 Have a special date with another married couple at least once a month so you can laugh and learn from each other. Go on a romantic date at least once a month and bring romance into your home.
  26. 26 Enroll in a class together. There are restaurants that teach you how to cook a full meal, or you can both learn to play an instrument. This is a great way to spend time together and see your partner learn.
  27. 27 Take decisions one at a time. It's not very fun when someone asks your opinion and you say, “As you want.” If they wanted to do it the way they want, they wouldn't ask you. Be polite and give a complete and honest answer.
  28. 28 Play sports together. If you look after your health and look after yourself, you show your partner that you will be there for a long time and can take care of him if he gets sick.
  29. 29 Appreciate your partner's strengths and weaknesses. They chose you because you have qualities that they would like to learn. Show them how much you love them by supporting them in times of weakness and admiring their strength. Listen to what they have to say, you can learn something.
  30. 30 Do the nice little things (see number 2). Waking up and finding a hot cup of coffee or ironed shirt, or going home and seeing candles lit are ways to show you care.
  31. 31 Show that you value them and never take them for granted otherwise you will miss when they leave!
  32. 32 Laugh at the little things in life, save the drama for a major crisis! Don't make a problem about where he puts the tube of paste, laugh at the little things, and it will only make you happier!
  33. 33 Take responsibility for your actions and choices. Be honest in all aspects of your relationship. If you haven't done this before, then start now.
  34. 34 Going dancing with your spouse on weekends is a great and fun exercise. If you can't dance, you can take a lesson together and learn how to dance to enjoy each other.
  35. 35 Go for walks. Exercise isn't just good for your physical health. They help blood flow to the brain, making you think clearly. The sights and smells of nature will help you both relax. Thinking clearly and the relaxing influence of nature will help create a great atmosphere in which you can talk openly and honestly about any topic.


  • Try Sunday Review. Head to bed early on Sunday to sit down and discuss the weekend and what's next for both of you next week. This is a great way to stay informed.
  • Go on dates once a week! Take your wife out on a date Friday or Saturday. So you will have time to take a break from the children and spend the evening together.
  • Also try spending an evening with your family on Mondays. Gather the children together and share the good news with them, then treat them to something delicious.
  • Read John Farrelli's book, Instructions for a Good Marriage - it's great!


  • Try not to criticize or take offense. If you are having an argument and your spouse wants to end it with humor or an apology, try accepting it. You can always discuss the problem when you have calmed down.
  • Make sure you have a clear, open financial plan. Many people have problems in marriage due to financial problems.