How to be a Christian

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 5 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOW TO BECOME A CHRISTIAN | Tips & Next Steps for New Believers!
Video: HOW TO BECOME A CHRISTIAN | Tips & Next Steps for New Believers!


Have you ever felt in your life the prompting of the spirit and love of God within you? If you confess faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and love for your neighbor, you have begun a Christian life by faith. Faith is a significant part of your personal life, just as you trust your life to a driver rushing at 120 km / h on a two-way highway, when only a small strip separates you from a disaster. Faith in God is not as daunting as the above example. If you have decided to become a Christian but do not know what it means and what to do, this article will shed some light on your new life in the love of Christ.

Becoming a Christian is easy and requires no special rituals. Most Protestant churches are encouraged to be baptized as a symbol of your conversion after repentance before God and in gratitude for the death and resurrection of Christ, who took upon yourself your sins. In the Catholic and Orthodox churches, more attention is paid to the Sacraments as a way to join the Ecumenical Church, and in these churches you need to find spiritual guidance (for example, in the form of confirmation from a priest). Your new birth, in any case, leads to personal development through serving people and living in Christ, which you can learn about below.


Method 1 of 2: Conversion

  1. 1 Consider that you need Christ. Read carefully Ten Commandments... Have you ever lied? Blasphemed? Stole (at least something small)? Looking at someone with lustful thoughts and desires? Christianity believes that we are all born sinners and throughout our lives sins are manifested in us, even after receiving Christ. As Jesus said: And if anyone looks at a woman with lust, he has already committed adultery with her in his heart (Matthew 5: 27-28). He also said: whoever is angry with his brother in vain is liable to judgment (Matthew 5: 21-22). On the day of the Great Judgment, you will stand before God to account for your sins. If you die in your sins, for breaking the law God will have to send you to where He is not, that is, to hell, and this is called the second death.
    • Realize, most importantly, that He sent Christ to voluntarily give Himself on the cross for the sins of mankind, so that you, confessing faith, repenting of your sins and receiving the Holy Spirit, would be saved and serve people like God.
    • As the Son of Man, He said: "Father, if Thy will is there, let this cup pass from Me - but 'not My will, but Thine be done.' "And it is His sacrifice for you, so that you didn't go to hellby accepting Him. "... So, repent and be converted to atone for your sins." (Acts 3:19)
  2. 2 Believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and rose from the dead to pay the penalty for your sins and make you right with God.
  3. 3 Express your repentance to God - just express in words your regret for everything you have done unworthy of His holiness. This is a good time to admit your personal mistakes and disobedience to God. Believe that Jesus Christ forgives you. Repentance is always expressed in life changes; you turn from sin and turn to Christ.
  4. 4 Express your trust in God - especially, confess your spiritual need for Him and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.
  5. 5 Study various Christian denominations - Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, non-denominational, Orthodox, Pentecostal, etc. - to decide for yourself whose teaching is closer to what Christ spoke of, according to His words in the Holy Scriptures.

Method 2 of 2: Growth and Obedience

  1. 1 Find a Christian community for yourself: we cannot go through life alone. It is important that you, as a Christian, have support and fellowship with other Christians who can instruct you in the faith and help you live in trust in God.
  2. 2 Be baptized; baptism symbolizes union with the Body of Christ. This does not mean that you have to do something to win salvation; it is a symbol, a sign that God is at work in your life. You can imagine it like compound with Christ in His death and resurrection in your heart (in the very center of your being) and in the face of witnesses. Baptism was described by the apostle Paul as follows: "So we were buried with Him by baptism into death, so that, as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we also can walk in a renewed life."
  3. 3 Continue on your journey - after you have received Christ and received the Holy Spirit, communicate with Him in your daily life through prayer, Bible reading, and following Christ's example.
  4. 4 Love - love Jesus, love people with the love He gives you. It is the main reflection of the changes in your heart, love is one of the most important aspects of the Christian life.
    • Don't lie - never lie to God, seek Him in repentance, accept His love, His action and salvation by grace. Lack of repentance leading to salvation is extremely bad, and if you do this not do, your path is to hell - but no one wants that to happen - especially if you want to meet your family and friends in heaven. Isn't that what you want?
  5. 5 Admire what Ephesians 2: 8-10 says:

    "[ 8. For you are saved" by faith "," by grace "-

    and this "not from you", "God's gift" -

    9. "out of work", so that no one boasts.

    10. For we are God's creation

    "created" in Christ Jesus "for good works",

    which God has ordained for us to fulfill. "
    (Ephesians 2: 8-10)So if you are saved live doing good deeds according to God's law of love ...

  6. 6 Read Scripture as much as possible: so you begin to understand what you need to live in Christ. To be ChristIanin, you need to grow in Christ.
    • You need the gospel: Good news Jesus Christ that despite the fact that you broke the law, Christ was punished for you. This is not deserved by anything, it is in its pure form a manifestation of Divine grace. He gives us the opportunity to repentance and faith in His Son in order to find salvation from eternal torment.
    • Believe in basic doctrines about the atoning death of Christ and His resurrection.
    • Repent in your sins and accept Christ as your Lord and Savior.
    • Accept your gift from God in your daily walk with Christ: "By grace you are saved by faith, and this is not from you, God's gift. Not from works, so that no one can boast." (Ephesians 2: 8-9)

Two simple secrets

  1. Learn more about Christ, believe that He died and rose from the dead as your Savior, and then turn to the One True God in a prayer of repentance: "God the Father, I turn away from my sins, from all my bad deeds; I want changes and from the bottom of my heart I thank You for everything that You have done, for the fact that I am forgiven and saved from the punishment for sin - as a gift - and for that You give me new life. Thank you for the gift of receiving the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ. "
  2. Show love; follow Christ, teaching others that "there is only one Mediator between us and God, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He is the Lord for all who believe in Him, repent and follow Him in the Spirit:"

    Following Christ includes attending meetings with people of the same faith, baptized, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit as a sign of the acceptance of a new life, with people who turn to God in prayer, read the Holy Scriptures and show God's love through kindness, forgiveness, peacemaking, faithfulness and love in relationships with believers. (Do not be led by feelings; do not judge anyone harshly, not even yourself; live by the Spirit of Christ, in faith, hope and charity. So, live by the Spirit, and no one will snatch you out of My hand; this is security). But being convicted of sin, in anticipation of the consequences of sin, ask for forgiveness (to be forgiven), and you can continue to live as a Child of God, through the name of Jesus Christ - for God is the only true Judge of everything, bad and good. The love of God is perfect and casts out all fear.



  • God is not wrong. Never think that He did something wrong. He knows exactly what he is doing, and everything that He does has its own purpose and meaning. :) :) For example: a guy's mother died. Around the same time, the father of a girl of the same age died. But they didn't know each other. Then one day a woman invited both families to dinner. The family that lost their mother had two boys and a girl about 13 years old. Another, which had lost her father, had 2 boys and 3 girls of the same age. They met and soon one of the boys and one of the girls began dating and then got married. Later, the parents of these two families began to meet and also got married :) They became two happy Christian families. Some people would be extremely angry at God for the loss of loved ones and loved ones. And these people experienced great grief for some time. But the situation has changed. God allowed them to survive the loss and gave them new happiness.

••• these people are now my mom and dad and my grandparents •••• :) :) So please don't be angry with God. He knows what he's doing.

  • Remember that God is always with you. You can talk to Him in prayer at any time.
  • Please don't waste this precious life, we only have one life to live it in Christ.
  • Remember, it's not just about prayer. After repentance, one must strive to live like Christ.
  • Know that as a true Christian you have seen God in a new way.
    • You should hate the sin that you used to love.
    • When you repent and turn to God, He will give you a new heart and new desires, as well as the Holy Spirit to follow Him.
  • For all true Christians, Christianity is not just a religion of adoration of the divine essence; it is a personal relationship with Christ, the only mediator between God and man. And the Spirit of God will become your friend and comforter throughout your life, living in you, and you are in Christ (since Christ promised that he will never leave you).
  • When reading the Bible, read more than just words.

    • There is no point in reading page after page just to look godly and be sure you are doing the right thing.
    • Just study small passages of text over and over again, as much as you can "master" with your mind, without overloading it.
  • You may find it helpful to study Christ's words about who He is and what He has done.

    • It is extremely important to investigate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
    • You need to know how his sinless nature, unjust punishment, and resurrection from the dead enable those who believe in him to be forgiven.
  • Don't just read articles. While you may find it helpful to read religious literature, this is just the beginning. You can find God by following His commandments. Jesus called to follow Him, saying "I and My Father will come to you and stay with you ..."
  • You may find it helpful to talk to a Christian. Choose someone whose integrity and knowledge you respect.
  • Remember that God loves you no matter what.
  • If someone hurts you in their own words, don't back down. In the end, the Lord himself was accused (although being a Holy One, he did not commit sin), and He did not back down or even get angry. Follow His example.
  • Whenever you take Holy Communion - as a gift from God to all of us who love Christ - do it in remembrance of the fact that Christ gave His Body for us and shed His blood, as He Himself explained the presence of bread and wine during the "Last Supper". Holy Communion is the literal presence of Christ in all who receive him.
  • Do not utter curses unnecessarily (i.e., it is not necessary).
  • Also, God created you for joy in this life. Please do not perceive Christianity as some kind of moral code that deprives life of all its joys. Take God as the source of supreme joy and let that be the main one. God is most glorified when you rejoice in Him. He created us for knowledge, love and service to Him (“Whatever you do to the least of my children, you did it for Me!” - said Jesus) and to enjoy life with Him, this and the future. In reaching the purpose for which we were created, we experience a sense of deepest satisfaction, peace and joy even in the most difficult periods of our lives.
  • Scripture states that "we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). In other words, every person has done something bad in their life.

    • Romans 6:23 continues, "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
    • Out of love for us, God sacrificed His Son, Jesus Christ, as an atoning sacrifice for our sins, so that we could approach God in prayer and have a personal relationship with Him.
  • The Holy Bible describes God's redemptive action in this world.

    • The Protestant Bible contains 66 books, divided into two categories: the books of the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Catholic Bible consists of 73 books, and in different editions of the Eastern Orthodox Bible, the number of books may vary.
    • The first four books of the New Testament are called the Gospels because they describe the "good news" in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
    • The Gospel of John is considered a good book for beginners, suitable for acquaintance with the teachings of Jesus Christ.
  • Understand the differences between the Orthodox and Protestant churches.


  • There are many unbelievers around you, but this does not mean that you cannot be friends with them. Be an example, your attitude should reflect Christ. Although Jesus himself sat and ate with sinners, He taught them how to become saints. We all stumble at times, do not forget about how high you fell! Forgive, just as Christ forgave you.
  • The decision to accept Christ and become a Christian is yours.But not all people who "call" themselves Christians believe in what is stated in the Bible and in this article. Someone does not believe in the divine essence of Christ, someone in hell or in original sin. At the same time, everyone can call themselves Christians, even denying the truth. The most important thing in the life of a Christian is faith in the meaning of life according to the teachings of Christ and following the golden rule. Naturally, Christ taught to believe in God as a reality, to believe in His omnipotence, in Him as a Judge. Accordingly, to live according to the teachings of Christ means to believe in the reality of God and in Christ ...
  • The last book of the Bible is the book of Revelation, which is extremely interesting to read, but it should not be started too quickly. It can be intimidating and give the reader a misconception more mystical than faith. Before you tackle complex books of scripture, make sure you understand the gospel well.
  • Remember that all people are sinful and imperfect. When you sin, come to God with repentance.
  • Be faithful witnesses for Christ. Every Christian is called to preach in word and deed, but this calling must be fulfilled with gentleness and respect. Christ did not preach what people wanted to hear from him. If He did that, He would not have been crucified. People may be offended, but if it does, make sure it's not a result of hypocrisy or injustice.
  • You need to repent of your sins. Without true repentance, it is impossible to become a Christian. Confess your sins to Christ.
  • Perhaps when you became a Christian, you were told: life will improve, your marriage will be healed, you will never get sick again, all problems in life will be resolved, and so on. This is simply not true. Jesus said that you will be hated just as people hated Him (Matthew 24: 9). You can be mocked, ridiculed, and even harassed. Don't be confused by this. Life is not that long, and a reward awaits you in heaven.
  • Although Christians are in trouble, you can also experience the amazing power of forgiveness, grace, healing, and miracles, including the miracle of salvation and eternal life. Jesus promised to help, so never give up and thank God for the life and eternal hope found in Him.
  • Keep a journal to record your experiences with God in your daily life. For example, keep a prayer journal to record your prayers and their results.
  • If you feel the need for changes in your life, want to be freed from the burden of sins, want to learn to live without looking back to the past, start attending a Christian church, also learn the verse from the Gospel of John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His Son The only begotten, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish, but have eternal life. " This means that God sent His Son to take on the burden of our sins and set us free through faith and trust in Him.
  • Do not try to win your way to heaven by works, for salvation is accomplished "not by works" (Ephesians 2: 9). Your righteous deeds are “like a filthy garment to God” (Isaiah 64: 6). Try to imagine how you can cleanse yourself with dirty clothes ...
  • Within Christianity, there is a variety of currents, the doctrines of which may differ. Find a church that relies on the Bible and the writings of the early church fathers for its teachings, rather than on its own interpretations of biblical doctrine (and not on the traditions of individual denominations). Find relevant literature on theological topics that interest you. Also, study the writings of the "early church" and the history of Christianity.

What do you need

  • Bible.
  • The teachings and writings of the Church and Christians throughout history agree on the gospel teachings of Christ described in the Bible.