How to be fearless

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 1 February 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
How To Be Fearless Under Pressure
Video: How To Be Fearless Under Pressure


Successful people are often praised for their ability to "fearlessly" pursue their goals, but it cannot be said that a fearless person has no fear at all. On the contrary, he has learned to take risks and dream globally even in the face of fear. Face your fear, change your mindset, and take concrete steps that will lead you to a successful and fearless future.


Method 1 of 3: How to Face Fear

  1. 1 Notice the symptoms of fear. One of the first steps towards solving a problem is the ability to notice moments of fear. Sometimes our actions are dictated by fear, but we don't even realize it.In a moment of fear or doubt, pay attention to the physical manifestations of such feelings. Structure your symptoms to recognize fear immediately and effectively deal with it. Some of the most common symptoms include:
    • labored breathing;
    • rapidly changing thoughts;
    • heart palpitations;
    • dizziness (or even fainting);
    • heavy sweating;
    • anxiety or panic;
    • a feeling of powerlessness in front of fear (even if you are aware of its irrational nature).
  2. 2 Determine the nature of the fear. Take a pen, a piece of paper, and write down a detailed list of your fears. Keep the list handy and complete until you have listed all the aspects that scare you. Use as precise wording as possible. So if you are intimidated by an upcoming promotion, what exactly are you afraid of? What will others think? Or responsibility?
    • When ignorant, we tend to exaggerate our fears. If you bring fear to clean water, then it may not be so frightening.
  3. 3 Consider solutions. Try to find a workable solution to each fear on your list. Perform this task in a calm and reasonable state, but not during a flash of fear. You can also use a friend's help to learn new ideas and perspectives.
    • If you are afraid of physical harm to health, then how can you protect yourself? For example, buy a life jacket for boating or a helmet for cycling.
    • If you are afraid of specific interpersonal interactions, try rehearsing such conversations with a friend in a role. What strategies will enable you to have a smooth conversation?
    • If you are intimidated by a big change in your life, try to imagine every aspect of that change and the consequences for you. Will your life change for the better or for the worse?
  4. 4 Learn to deal with fear. "Fearless" people also experience a sense of fear, while they have learned to deal with it and move forward in spite of fear. There are several methods to keep fear from getting the best of you. Try the following:
    • review the previously compiled list of fears and decisions;
    • ask a friend to share their views on the situation ("is this a reasonable fear or not?");
    • practice breathing deeply.
  5. 5 Face your fears. Once you've learned to contain your anxiety and fear, try challenging yourself. Deliberately expose yourself to frightening situations in moderation to find a way out. Increase the level of exposure until the fear stops bothering you.
    • If you're afraid of heights, try visiting a low-rise ride with a friend.
    • If you're afraid to speak in front of an audience, try telling a small company story.
  6. 6 Some types of fears are perfectly reasonable. Fear is an evolutionary function of adaptation, thanks to which it is easier for a person to survive in the world around him. For example, if a steep cliff frightens you, then fear hints at the danger of the situation and the need to be careful. And while fear is uncomfortable, it serves a specific purpose. Accept that sensible amounts of fear are a beneficial component of modern life.
  7. 7 Notice overwhelming fear. Reasonable fear is natural and understandable, especially in new situations. But if fear is taking its toll on your life, you need to take action and ease the tension. If you are experiencing excessive fear, it is best to see a doctor or psychotherapist. In the following cases, fear becomes a problem:
    • fear causes severe anxiety or panic;
    • you are aware of the irrationality of your fears;
    • fear causes you to avoid certain places, people, or situations;
    • fear directly affects your life;
    • the feeling of fear does not leave you for 6 months or longer.

Method 2 of 3: How to change your mindset

  1. 1 Find exemplar. This could be a friend of yours, a celebrity, or even a movie or book character. If a personality inspires you, it can help make your life more fearless.Think about the kind of person you would like to become, and find yourself an example to follow. For this:
    • choose an example to follow;
    • make a list of the qualities of such a person;
    • find ways to become like him.
  2. 2 Start believing in your abilities. If you want to become more fearless, you must first understand yourself and believe in your abilities. Even if you want to become better, you should remember: you are a strong, capable and worthy person.
    • Bring a notebook, writing utensils, and a timer.
    • Set a timer for five minutes and write non-stop. Start with the word "I ..."
    • Set the timer again. This time, write about your abilities and merits. Start with the words "I can ...".
  3. 3 Challenge convention. To be bold and fearless is to swim against the tide. If you are not sure how to proceed in a particular situation, do it contrary to the accepted conventions. In this case, even small and seemingly innocent actions will help you take a step towards fearlessness.
    • Get a new hairstyle or go for a bold outfit;
    • take an unexpected career move;
    • start dating someone who is not right for you.
  4. 4 Try to think positively. The cornerstone of your ability to become fearless is a strong-willed and positive mindset. In life, we always encounter problems, obstacles, setbacks and frightening events. Living without fear means being able to properly respond to such situations. How to learn to think positively:
    • strive to fight negative thoughts;
    • start keeping a gratitude journal;
    • use positive affirmations on a daily basis;
    • surround yourself with positive people.

Method 3 of 3: How to Achieve Fundamental Change

  1. 1 Set achievable yet ambitious goals. Don't be afraid to turn your dreams into reality. To do this, you will need to set several achievable goals that will lead you to the desired result in the long term. First, define your ultimate goal, and then divide that task into five or ten steps.
    • It is important to set small goals that add up to a global result. Any big task becomes more doable if you go step by step.
    • If you do not have a ready-made goal, then ask yourself: "What have I always wanted to achieve?"
    • For example, if you want to write a book, set a small goal to write 500 words a day or a draft chapter every week.
  2. 2 Make a plan. Each goal requires a plan. Divide the large-scale task into phased steps. Set a deadline for each step. Try to anticipate possible obstacles and solutions to the problem.
    • For example, if you want to travel, you first need to save money. Create a plan to help you earn extra money. Determine how much to save each month.
    • If you want to lose weight, then choose the right diet and exercise, as well as set a specific time frame.
  3. 3 Take action. Courage is the opposite of indecision. When the plan is ready, it's time to get down to business. Find people who have a similar goal in mind to feel supported and committed.
    • Celebrate even minor victories to stay motivated.
    • Don't put it off and force yourself to act now. Now is the best time for new beginnings.
  4. 4 Learn to accept mistakes. Many people are afraid to do things for fear of failure, but the bottom line is this: all people are wrong. The difference is that fearless people are not afraid of every inevitable failure. Learn to accept and be prepared for mistakes so you can learn from mistakes and draw conclusions.
    • For example, if you're a writer, get ready to get 20 bounce emails in a year.
    • If you are an athlete, then take part in a tournament in which you have no chance of winning.
    • It is failure that helps people develop and push the limits of opportunity.
    • Be persistent.Don't let a couple of failures, rejections, or mistakes make you give up.


  • Don't mistake stupidity for fearlessness. Driving while intoxicated in the oncoming lane is stupidity, not fearlessness.
  • Intense fears are called "phobias". If you have phobias, then seek help from a doctor or psychologist.