Ways to Understand Men

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 powerful ways to understand men - what men want
Video: 5 powerful ways to understand men - what men want


If you want to understand men, the first thing you need to know is that men and women are actually from the same planet. Although scientific research has shown many differences between men and women, there are many anecdotes that explain why men and women are so different. If you want to understand men better, you should consider the differences and similarities between men and women but always keep in mind that any man is a separate person with hope and lust.


Part 1 of 3: Understanding The Difference Between Men and Women

  1. Understand that men tend to fight. Research has shown that men are not the same as women, they will often choose paid work depending on the quality of their work in comparison to their peers, which is why from their own experience. you also understand that men are often interested in sports (play or watch). Many men choose such jobs because they develop themselves in competitions, and they have a feeling of satisfaction with skills and qualities than people. If you play against a guy in a game, don't be surprised if his mood suddenly becomes extreme and doesn't give in when he starts showing signs of defeat. Cheerfully accept the reaction and assume nothing happened.
    • Encourage his competitive interests. You will notice that there are many activities specific to men - such as betting, watching or playing sports, and extreme sports - all focused on competition. Since the feeling of victory is so important to a man, when you encourage him in these activities it will make him feel satisfied in a relatively safe way.

  2. Understand that men tend to behave based on what they see. Vision is the most powerful senses, in the information processing of the brain the process of processing what you see from day to day is the main task, but men are often more responsive to those What they see more than women. Therefore, you may find that men often prefer to look at maps for directions than to read instructions, or they may insist on seeing the problem in order to begin fixing the problem. .Don't try to be uncomfortable with this personality, accept it as a trait that is hard to control since birth.
    • Don't overreact if they look at another woman. Paying attention to what is visually stimulating means a man will be more inclined to look - even stare - at attractive people. But don't get angry - just because he looks at a girl in a miniskirt doesn't mean he must want to sleep with her. Looks harmless, it's just a natural reflex, not a sign of a fading relationship.

  3. Understand that men and women don't value the same aspect of a conversation. Research shows that this difference starts at a young age, while girls make friends by sharing secrets and discussing issues and boys make friends through activities and hobbies. . If you expect your boyfriend or husband to be like a girlfriend to confide in, you will be surprised - since men are not inclined to build relationships through chat, they will often change topics quickly. than women. In addition, men often do not make much eye contact when they talk to others. They usually only stare blankly at an object into view while they are talking.
    • Instead of blaming him for this difference and complaining that he never listens to you, choose your own strengths. If you really want to discuss an important issue with him, talk in a way that doesn't let him judge. Tell him, I need to say this, if you can listen to me, it'll mean a lot to me. If he cares about you, he will try to get involved and be as interested in your story as an insider.
    • Looking forward to hearing the solution. Another downside when men talk is that they tend to focus on problem-solving. If you only need a man to talk to rather than show you the solution, tell him so in the first place. Remember that he will try to help you find a solution because he really cares and that's what he thinks a devoted person would do in a conversation, not because he wants to manipulate you. .

    Allen Wagner, MFT, MA
    Marriage and family therapist

    Encourage him to see if he is making an effort to communicate. "If a person is trying something new, for example praise you and you block them in the first place because they are only giving praise at level 2," said Allen Wagner, a family and marriage consultant. While you expect level 10, then you will never get level 10. It will return to zero immediately. However, if you know how to nurture and say something like "thank you for complimented me, "they'll be glad they did and will do it."

  4. Understand that men don't always recognize emotions as quickly as women do. Think of the old-fashioned man in the case of a husband who doesn't know what he did to make his wife so angry. Maybe he not only doesn't have the slightest clue - he doesn't even understand why his wife is sad, or if he is sad. Since women have a more developed border than men, they are able to distinguish and interpret emotions, which is a useful skill when women have a role to maintain social relationships in civilizations. Ancient. On the other hand, men are inferior to women in studies of how the two sexes perceive and control emotions.
    • Don't expect him to be able to read your mind. If you are sad about a guy, talk to him as calmly and sensibly as possible. When he understands how you feel, he can learn to alleviate the problem. However, if you don't tell him, you can't force him to recognize your unusual expression.
    • Give him some space. Since a man is not used to discussing his own private affairs with his friends, you will find that he has a tendency to solve the problem on his own. If a man is quiet when you talk about his personal problems, stop and give him space to get through. Most men will tell you if he really wants to.
  5. Understand that men can hardly "just be friends" with women. Studies show that men who have pure friendships with women are more likely to have feelings for each other and also often misunderstand that their friend feels for them. Although women also express masculine feelings toward their male friends, they often stop when they know their friend already has a girlfriend, while men are less discouraged when their friend already has a boyfriend. and will still show a desire to pursue them.
    • However, that doesn't mean that any of your male friends have feelings for you, basically.
  6. Understand that men and women work differently in the workplace. Although men and women can both complete the same job or stay in the same office, the two genders still have different ways of completing work. Men tend to focus on completing a specific task while women tend to focus on completing a task; Women tend to ask a lot of questions while men find it difficult to listen too much. However, both men and women feel that the other party is insensitive to their needs in the workplace.
    • Men and women tend to react differently to workplace stress. Women often openly express concerns about a failed project, and men tend to curl up and find a quiet place to cope with failure.
    • Men and women also seek recognition differently. Women feel happier being praised in the same workgroup, and men enjoy being praised individually.

Part 2 of 3: Don't "Wield your chopsticks" when thinking about men

  1. Don't think that every man wants to sleep with all women. Although you may be convinced that your boyfriend, male friends, or male co-workers may want to sleep with all the women on this planet in some ideal world, "no" Everyone is like that. Even though men can look at women around them and may have peek-looking eyes, they will still choose very carefully when they really want to sleep with someone.
    • If you're convinced that your boyfriend really wants to sleep with all the women, then why are you two together? If this is really a problem in your relationship because it is his nature, it is a bit but if the reason is just because you think he is a man then you need to rethink your opinion. me.
    • Surely you will have rude male friends sometimes. But remember that men love to brag about the number of women he wants to sleep with in order to be cool, but that doesn't mean they really like it.
  2. Don't think that men really hate gatherings and "woman-type" dates. You might think that your boyfriend hates choosing places and activities for a date night, but that's not really true. Surely your boyfriend can complain when you make him watch the movie Love Actually (Real love) comes the 10th, but the truth is, he loves to do what you want to do, really because that's what makes you happy.
    • Remind yourself that if your boyfriend really doesn't want to do something, he definitely won't. And so are you.
  3. Don't think emotionless men. Think of the character Tony Soprano: a guy with a large appearance and difficult but inside is a gentle and sensitive man. Of course, women are often open to their feelings and share more, but that doesn't mean men are emotionless, incapable of being hurt, and don't know how to empathize and empathize. Men can have a hard time expressing their emotions, but that doesn't mean they don't have strong emotions like you.
    • Man are not Nervous people are only concerned with basic needs: food, sex and sleep. Get this thought out of your mind right away.
  4. Don't think men only always think sex. Sure, men think more about sex than women, especially in their teens, but that doesn't mean they have that in mind all the time. Like everyone else, they spend time thinking about friends, family, hopes, dreams, and careers. If a woman in heels walks past, they will surely be distracted for a while, but that doesn't mean in their mind as if they were XXX sections for over 18s in video shops near you .
  5. Don't think that men only care about looks. If you just look at the looks, both men and women are myopic. You might think a man who only cares how a woman's body looks, has a plus if she has a good looking face, but that's not the case when a man is serious with a girl. Don't think that all you need to do to impress men is heat up the gym, put on eyeliner, and put on tight pants. You must impress the man with your charm, intelligence, and speaking ability.
    • Surely some men will value looks more. But you also have to admit the same thing with women.
  6. Do not think that men are easier to betray than women. You might think that men are often seen as traitors, and who would forget the Tiger Wood scandal? However, both men and women can deceive, even women will often seek more emotional bonding while men are more likely to seek bond in terms of sexual needs. Don't think that your man will cheat on you because he is a man, if he does, then the real reason is that he is looking for other out-of-love relationships with you.
    • That doesn't mean there are no bad guys out there. But women can also be like that.
  7. Don't think that men don't like commitments. You might think that any man you meet is scared to commit and wants to run away as soon as you speak. "I think I should meet my parents". In fact, men have the same need for commitment as women. You only think 20% of men are the dreaded guys to commit. Just remember that there are a lot of women who are also afraid of committing and being serious with someone.
    • If your current partner is afraid to commit to you, don't tell yourself it's because he's the "typical man." There are many other reasons why a man doesn't want to commit, like lack of experience or being hurt by a past relationship.
  8. Don't think that men are afraid of strong women. Surely men can fear strong women - if you're first lady Michelle Obama or television queen Oprah Winfrey. But in general, men are really attracted to women who are determined to know what they want and are comfortable following it. Don't try to be feminine, naive, or "fake deer" to impress a guy. If you want a guy to be serious with you, you have to fulfill your full potential.
    • Strong means confidence. And everyone is fascinated by confidence.

Part 3 of 3: Understanding Men Better

  1. Learn to understand their egos. If you want to understand men more deeply, you should try to understand their egos.
  2. Give him some space. Practicing this principle well can improve your relationship in the long run.
  3. Learn more about men's behavior in long-term relationships. It helps you to understand a man's thought processes in long-term relationships.
  4. Find out how you can help your boyfriend overcome a breakdown. This is a difficult task, but it will help you understand a man.
  5. Improve relationship with your boyfriend. If you understand better how to improve the relationship with your boyfriend, you will know men better. advertisement


  • Remember that the information in this article is based on a synthesis of common points. It doesn't apply to all the men you know.
  • If your boyfriend is down, give him a hug for comfort. It will help him feel better.
  • If he doesn't talk to you for more than 2-3 weeks, ask why. Don't ask him after just an hour he hasn't talked to you. Give him time.
  • Men are not people who can read people's minds. They can't guess what you're thinking unless you say it. Try giving him some clues in his words and gestures so he can understand what you want him to do.