How to be humble

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 26 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024


“It's hard to be humble when you're perfect in every way,” is the old country song. Undoubtedly, few people actually consider themselves perfect in everything. Still, it can be hard to be humble, especially if you live in a society that encourages competition and individuality.

Even in such a cultural environment, humility remains an important positive. Cultivating humility is paramount in most spiritual traditions, and humility helps you establish and enjoy more fulfilling and fulfilling relationships with others, along with creating opportunities to earn respect for yourself.


Part 1 of 3: Accept Your Boundaries

  1. 1 Admit that you can't be the best at everything - or at anything. No matter how talented you are, there is almost always someone who does something better than you.Look at those who are better and think about the potential for development. Nobody can be the best at anything.
    • Even if you are the “best” in the world at something, there will always be something that you cannot do and may never be able to.
    • Acknowledging your limitations does not mean giving up your dreams and does not mean giving up on learning new things and not developing your existing abilities. It simply means recognizing that we are all human, we are not perfect, and none of us can do everything on our own.
  2. 2 Admit your own mistakes. We judge others because it is much easier than looking at ourselves. Unfortunately, this is also completely unproductive and, in many cases, harmful. Condemnation of others becomes the cause of discord in relationships and prevents the formation of new ones. Probably even worse, it keeps us from trying to improve ourselves. Everyone makes mistakes.
    • We judge others all the time, as a rule, without even realizing it. As a practical exercise, try to catch yourself judging a person or group of people and evaluate yourself instead each time. Think better about how you could improve yourself, rather than how others should act. Still, you cannot control the decisions and behavior of other people - but you can control your own.
    • Work on your flaws. Don't forget that growth and development is a lifelong process that never stops, even if you are very experienced at something.
  3. 3 Be grateful for what you have. Let's say you graduate from one of the oldest universities in England with the highest grades. You undoubtedly deserve credit for your many hours of study and for your persistence. Think, however, that there is a person as smart and hardworking as you, who has less wealthy parents, he grew up in a different environment, or just made the wrong choice in life. You could be in his place.
    • Always remember that if yesterday you made the wrong choice, your whole life today could change and, in addition, today may be the day when your right choice will change your whole life.
    • Although you have undoubtedly worked to get what you have, you could not have achieved all of this without the support of other people. Everything we do is the result of what others have done for us. We are shaped by the people around us and become better in some way so that we can achieve our goals.
  4. 4 Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Part of being humble is knowing that you will make mistakes. Become aware of this, and understand that all people make mistakes, and you will get rid of a heavy burden. However, this does not mean that you should be imprudent - try to avoid obvious mistakes, but do not be afraid to try new methods to achieve your goals.
    • Each of us can experience only a small piece of life at a time. There are always people older and wiser than you. Seniors are worth listening to, so you must make decisions based on that knowledge.
  5. 5 Admit your mistakes. While you may be afraid that people will be angry or annoyed with you, it's best to always admit rather than hide them. Whether you made a mistake as a boss, parent, or friend, people will appreciate the fact that you are willing to admit that you are not perfect and that you are working to improve yourself and trying to fix the situation. Admitting your mistakes demonstrates that you are not stubborn, not selfish, and not afraid to look less than perfect in the eyes of others.
    • Admitting your mistakes will make people respect you more, be it your own children or your co-workers.
  6. 6 Don't brag. It's okay to have healthy self-esteem and be proud of your accomplishments, but no one likes it when someone tries to constantly pay attention to themselves and their accomplishments. If you feel like you've really done something great, chances are that people will start to notice, and for your modesty they will respect you even more.
    • This does not mean that you should be cheating about your accomplishments; if someone asks you if you have run a marathon, it is perfectly acceptable to say yes. But you shouldn't constantly talk about how amazing you were when you ran a marathon or achieved other goals.
  7. 7 Be considerate in conversations. A humble person should not be submissive to a quiet person - humility does not mean lack of dignity. However, a humble person should be attentive to everyone in a conversation and should not interrupt or silence anyone. As a humble person, you need to understand that everyone, including you, has goals and dreams of their own and might want to talk about their accomplishments and express their opinions.
  8. 8 Don't take credit for everything. We are all human and who we are depends a lot on the influence and participation of other people. Countless people have supported you and helped you become who you are so you can make your dreams come true. It's perfectly okay to be proud of your accomplishments, but keep in mind that no one ever achieves anything on their own, and that we humans help each other achieve our goals.
    • Share the love. Recognize people who have helped you along the path to success.

Part 2 of 3: Appreciating Others

  1. 1 Appreciate the talents and qualities of others. Force yourself to look at others and appreciate what they have done, and in general, appreciate people for who they are. Understand that all people are different and enjoy the opportunity to connect with different people. You, of course, have your own personal tastes, preferences, likes and dislikes, but teach yourself to separate your opinions from fears, and you will appreciate others more - you will be more humble.
    • The ability to appreciate the talents and abilities of others will force you to find qualities that you would like to improve or acquire for yourself.
  2. 2 Stop comparing yourself to others. While competition can be healthy and challenging, it is almost impossible to be humble when we are constantly striving to be “the best” or trying to be better than others. Better try to look at yourself more. Remember, the ultimate goal is not to be better than others, but to be better than who you were before. When you focus all your energy on self-development rather than comparing yourself to others, you will find it much easier to make yourself better because you don't have to worry about whether you are better or worse than someone else.
    • Each personality is unique. Appreciate people for who they are, not for their skills and appearance in relation to you.
  3. 3 Don't be afraid to reckon with the judgment of others. While it’s ultimately up to you whether you’re right or wrong, it’s quite another matter to admit that you’re making mistakes and you’re not always right. It is somewhat more difficult, however, to be able to admit that in many cases those around you - even those who disagree with you - may be right. By disregarding your partner's wishes, laws that you disagree with, or even sometimes your child's opinion, you bring acceptance of your limitations to the next level.
    • Instead of just saying that you are humble and that you make mistakes like anyone else, you should also focus and live with this attitude - being humble is a way of life, not a one-time action.
  4. 4 Look for inspiration in literature. This is another way to appreciate those around you. Ponder on spiritual scriptures and proverbs about humility. Pray, meditate, do whatever you want to draw attention away from yourself and your sense of self-worth (especially in comparison to others). You can read inspirational biographies, memoirs, the Bible, science fiction or science fiction about how to improve your life, or anything that makes you more humble and appreciate the information others have to offer.
    • If you are not related to spirituality, consider the scientific method. Science requires humility. It requires you to step back from your preconceived notions and judgments and realize that you don't know as much as you think.
  5. 5 Maintain your ability to learn. Nobody is perfect at anything. There will always be people who are better than you in some way, and therein lies the opportunity to learn from them. Find people you aspire to be like in certain areas and ask them to be your mentors. Mentoring requires setting boundaries, confidentiality and discernment. As soon as you go too far, trying to be "incapable", go back down to the ground. Being a learner means that you acknowledge that you always have to learn more in life.
    • You can become more humble by learning things you don’t know at all, like pottery or scripting, and know that you’ll let others teach you and show you the way. It will help you realize that everyone is good at something, and we all need to help each other in order to become better.
  6. 6 Help others. Much of humility is respect, and part of respect is helping them. Treat people as equals and help them because it is right. It is said that if you can help someone who may not be able to help you in return, you learn humility. By helping people in need, you will learn to appreciate even more what you have.
    • It goes without saying: do not brag that you volunteered to help. It's great if you are proud of your work, but remember: volunteering is not for you, it is for the people you have helped.
  7. 7 Go last. If you are always in a rush to get things done first and get to the front line, challenge yourself and let others do it before you - for example, elders, disabled people, children, or people in a hurry.
    • Ask yourself, "Do I really need to do this first so urgently?" The answer is almost always no.
  8. 8 Be nice to others. Compliment those you love, or even those you barely know. Tell your partner that he / she looks great today; compliment a co-worker's new hairstyle, or tell the cashier at the store that you liked her earrings. Or you can go deeper and compliment important personality traits. Make at least one kit a day and you will see that those around you have so much to offer to the world.
    • Pay attention to the positive traits of those around you instead of looking for flaws.
  9. 9 Sorry. If you made a mistake, confess and admit you were wrong. Even if it hurts to apologize to someone, you must overcome your pride and tell the person that you are sorry and apologize for the harm caused. Over time, the pain will subside and will be replaced by a feeling of relief, because you know you have corrected the situation. This will show the person that you really appreciate him or her and that you are admitting your mistake.
    • Make eye contact when you apologize to show that you really care.
    • Don't repeat mistakes. The apology does not give you permission to do it again. This will cause people to mistrust you and your words.
  10. 10 Listen more than talk. This is another great way to appreciate others and be humble. The next time you engage in a conversation, allow the other person to speak, do not interrupt, and ask questions to keep the person talking and sharing. While you should be part of the conversation, make it a habit to let people speak more than yourself, so that you don't look like someone who is concerned only with what is happening in his own life.
    • Ask questions to show that you understand what the other person is talking about. Don't just wait for him to stop his monologue so that you start talking. Remember that if you are thinking about what you want to say, it will be harder for you to focus on what the other person is talking about.

Part 3 of 3: Rediscovering the Sense of Miracle

  1. 1 Revive your ability to wonder. Since we are human and know almost nothing about the world around us, we can expect to be filled with feelings of awe more often than usual.Children have a sense of wonder, and it awakens the curiosity that makes them such keen observers and capable learners. Do you really know how a microwave oven works? Can you assemble it yourself? What about your car? Do you understand how your brains work? And the roses?
    • The hackneyed attitude “We've seen it all” makes us feel much more important than we really are. Nobody has seen everything - nobody knows everything. Be surprised as a child, and you will not only be humble; you will also be more willing to learn.
  2. 2 Please. Meekness of spirit is a sure path to modesty. When confronted with conflict, apply "aikido" where possible: absorb the hatred of the attacks of others and turn it into something positive, trying to understand why they are angry, responding with gentleness and respect. By practicing gentleness, you will gain the ability to wonder as you focus on the positive aspects of life.
  3. 3 Spend more time in nature. Take a walk in the park. Stand at the foot of the waterfall. See the world from the top of the mountain. Take a long hike. Swim in the ocean. Find your own way to connect with nature, and take the time to truly appreciate all that it means. Close your eyes and feel the breeze blowing across your face. You should feel that you are completely humble in nature - a force that is so limitless in its depth and power. As soon as you begin to show admiration and respect for everything that existed long before you appeared and will exist for a long time after you leave this world, you will begin to realize how insignificant you are in this world.
    • By spending more time in nature, you will see how huge and complex the world is - and that you are not at the center of it.
  4. 4 Practice yoga. Yoga is a practice of love and gratitude, it will make you feel delight through your breath, your body, love and kindness in the world around you. Yoga will help you understand how fleeting time is on earth and appreciate it even more. Make it a habit to do yoga at least twice a week and get emotional benefits as well as physical benefits.
    • Yoga is totally about humility. In yoga, there is no such thing as bragging about how you managed to master a new pose. Here everything is done at its own pace.
  5. 5 Spend time with your children. Children have an ability to admire the world that is difficult for adults to reproduce. Spend more time with children and observe how they value the world around them, constantly ask questions, and how they enjoy and enjoy the most insignificant and mundane things. For a child, a flower or a roll of toilet paper can be the most incredible thing in the world - during the day, anyway.
    • Spending more time with your children will help you remember how extraordinary our world really is.


  • Learn to admit when you're wrong, and don't let your pride make you feel like your actions are being judged ...
  • Remember that there are many benefits to being humble. Being humble can help you be more content with your life, as well as get through bad times and improve your relationships with those around you. It is also very important to strive for knowledge. If you think you know everything, you may not be open enough to seek new knowledge. Humility is also somewhat counter-intuitive, and in general, a wonderful tool for self-development. In addition, if you feel superior, you have no incentive to improve. Most of all, humility allows you to be honest with yourself.
  • Always be loving and kindhearted, who knows when someone might need to reach out to you.
  • Ask questions if you don't know, know little, and if you think you know everything.
  • Never brag about what you have - give in order to receive.
  • It's okay to talk a little about yourself, but make a conscious effort and ask others about them. It is also a good idea to listen more when you are being spoken to or answered.
  • Be kind and helpful. Help others and say that you are always ready to help.
  • Appreciate your talents. Humility does not mean that you cannot be happy with yourself. Self-esteem is not the same as pride. Both feelings come from recognizing one's talents and qualities, but pride, the kind of pride that tends to be arrogant, is rooted in self-doubt. Think about the abilities you have and be grateful for them.
  • Seek reliable and wise advice and acquire responsible partners if you find that this is a weak aspect in your life. Pride precedes a fall, and prevention is definitely better than cure.
  • Living a selfless life is more satisfying than being selfish.
  • Before thinking about yourself, think about others. Think first that someone needs you, not that you need someone.
  • Communicate and help people, especially the poor, the weak, and so on.


  • Likewise, don't confuse humility with flattering (over-praising a person for your own benefit). This is a common misconception, but the two relationships are completely different.
  • Being humble is not the same as being humble, and often people try to appear humble in order to gain praise. People around you will understand this, and even if you are cheating on someone, you will not receive the same benefits that you would actually have due to the development of modesty.
  • Although humility is a good thing, don't go too far thus becoming a doormat. Remember, everything should be in moderation. Modesty is not a weakness, in fact it is very strong, as is kindness. Standing up for yourself is entirely possible with modesty, and it just takes a little experience. Be prepared for the need to practice this, and don't give up if you are not initially balanced.