Ways to Kill Lice

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Treat Lice Without Chemicals | Consumer Reports
Video: How to Treat Lice Without Chemicals | Consumer Reports


Head lice are a common problem with young students because they can be passed from one student to another. Lice are bothersome and annoying, but you can get rid of them completely in a week or two. Body lice or dog lice can also be resolved with appropriate treatment. The steps below will help you get rid of lice completely from today.


Method 1 of 2: Get rid of hair lice

  1. Choose a lice killer. Using a lice killer is the fastest way to fight back lice growth. Some drugs are designed to kill both the lice and the eggs, while others are intended only to kill adult lice. For the second type it is recommended to use twice. To use a lice killer, read the instructions on the bottle carefully and take the following steps:
    • Wear old clothes and sit in the bathroom. This makes bathing easier.
    • Apply the medication to your hair and scalp according to the instructions printed on the bottle.
    • Waiting for the medication to take effect for the allotted time is usually an hour or less. Do not let the drug soak for too long compared to the instructions.
    • Rinse with water, do not use shampoo for 2 days.

  2. Use a lice comb. This step will help to speed up the effect of the lice killer, but you can simply get rid of them with a comb. Lice combs are specially designed to remove eggs and dead lice.
    • Divide your hair into two parts.
    • Start brushing from the scalp, from the roots to the ends.
    • Dip the comb in a bowl of warm soapy water. This will kill the lice and nits quickly due to the source of the herbicide.
    • Continue brushing each side of the hair until all of the hair has been combed.
    • Clean the comb by immersing it in a dish of hot water after each use. Head lice and eggs will die when exposed to temperatures of 50 degrees C for 5 minutes or more.

  3. After the initial treatment, wash all clothes, bed sheets, pillow cases, stuffed animals, and any other fabrics used by the person with lice, wash in hot water and then dry thoroughly. Although lice will not live long when separated from their heads, care should be taken to thoroughly wash the furniture so that other family members do not get lice.
    • For items that cannot be soaked in hot water, such as hair brushes or hair accessories, pack them in a plastic bag for at least two weeks. This way, lice will have no food and air supply and will die.

  4. Watch for lice in your hair. After using the killer or combing, keep an eye on the part of your hair every 8 hours for lice growth. It is very difficult to completely get rid of lice after one treatment. Carry out brushing every 8 hours continuously for 3 days. Then, continue to examine the scalp every 16 hours and brush if necessary for 2 weeks.
    • Most lice killers should be used a second time 10 days apart to get rid of lice that have developed from the last time.
  5. Use lice-killing oils to help speed the elimination process. In addition to the killers, there are also natural substances that help kill lice. If you are sensitive to chemicals, use the following oils to kill lice.
    • Cook ½ cup coconut oil or warm ½ cup evergreen oil and massage into hair and scalp. These two oils both have antibiotic effects.
    • Combine the use of a comb on the hair that has been oiled. This will make it easier to remove the lice eggs.
  6. Use apple cider vinegar to kill lice. This is an economical and effective way to get rid of lice eggs. Mix ½ glass of water and ½ cup apple cider vinegar, then rinse your hair and scalp. Use a brush for the hair; This will make it easier to get rid of the lice.
  7. Use an essential oil spray. Some essential oils can get rid of lice and nits from the hair. Add 5 drops of essential oil to about 30 ml of water and place it in a spray bottle.You can use one or more of the following essential oils:
    • Tea leaf oil
    • Lavender
    • Marjoram
    • Mint
    • Thyme grass
    • Eucalyptus
  8. Getting rid of lice is a long process. Adult and immature lice can be easily eliminated, but nits are difficult to eradicate. If the head lice are not completely destroyed, the head lice cannot be completely removed. Care is always taken to get good results. advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Eliminate other types of lice

  1. Eliminates the body lice. This type usually lives on the edges of clothing and sucks in human blood. They are larger in size than hair lice and are easier to spot. This type of lice is often found in areas where people cannot wash and wash. Body lice can be easily eliminated if access to personal hygiene areas is accessible. To get rid of head lice on the body, follow these steps:
    • Throw away all lice-contaminated clothing. They can last up to a month on clothing.
    • Bathe and use soap regularly.
    • Regularly wash clothes, blankets, bedspreads, and other fabrics.
    • Your doctor may prescribe a cream containing permethrin, malathione, or benzyl alcohol to relieve itchy skin symptoms.
  2. Cure pubic lice. Pubic lice are usually sexually transmitted. Pubic lice also live in hairy areas of the body such as the eyebrows, ears, and armpits. These lice and eggs are easy to spot. Here are some methods for treating pubic lice:
    • Use a cream containing 1% permethrin or a cream with pyrethrins and piperonyl butoxide. These chemicals are effective in killing lice. Use according to the instructions on the package.
    • Use a comb to remove lice.
    • Use hot water to wash clothes and underwear.
    • Dip combs and other objects in hot water for 5 minutes.
    • Shaving the pubic area to remove lice from the hair is more effective when combined with chemicals that kill pubic lice.
    • Watch to find out if lice are growing. If so, a second eradication is required.
    • Use lice-killing shampoos only if the methods above have not been effective. This shampoo has a high eradication effect but also has a negative effect on the brain.
  3. Get rid of dog lice. Dog lice are not likely to be transmitted to humans (or vice versa), but they can make your dog uncomfortable. Currently there are two types of dog lice: chewing lice and blood-sucking lice.
    • See your vet to see if you have lice.
    • Use powders, aerosols, or other types of treatment on the advice of your veterinarian.
    • Use hot water to wash your puppy's sleeping area and objects it touches.
    • Soak the cleaning tools in hot water for about 5 minutes.


  • Lice infection is not caused by poor hygiene. Even people with clean hygiene can get lice, not just those with dirty habits. So if someone teases you, that's not right. Don't panic when you become infected with lice - this is a common phenomenon many people experience.
  • Use a hair straightener on nits. The radiant heat will remove all lice.
  • Do not share hair accessories with others.
  • One natural product that is effective in reducing the spread of lice is fresh rosemary. Many rosemary scent shampoos and sprays are known to repel lice. There should be about 2-3 sticks of fresh rosemary in each family member's pillowcase. Can be placed under pillows so as not to interfere or interfere with sleep. After a week's time, the lice will crawl out of the hair and stop laying eggs.
  • Infection with lice is not necessarily caused by poor hygiene - this is a common problem for everyone. Check those around you to make sure they are not spreading to others.
  • Do not scratch the scalp. Although lice cause an itchy sensation, if you scratch too much, there are more serious consequences!
  • Apply a little olive oil to a lice comb. This will work because lice hate oil very much.
  • Do not tell other people that you have lice except people you trust.
  • Use the shampoo with Tea Leaf Oil for one year to avoid getting lice.
  • Wrap all toys in a plastic bag for 3 weeks to completely eliminate lice
  • You should brush your hair regularly to see if lice have fallen off.
  • Lice eradication is ineffective overnight. It should be done at least 1 week after the first treatment.
  • If your child is infected with lice, do not play with other children.
  • Make your beds, pillows and seats clean.
  • Lice have a reproductive cycle of 7 to 10 days, so it's best to brush every 6 days with a specially designed comb or until all lice are sure to be eliminated.
  • Do not share hats with others.
  • If you are unable to use the spray on indoor furniture, you can use a large towel to cover for a few weeks or cover the floor areas where children often play.
  • Items that cannot be dried can be wrapped in a plastic bag and dried in the sun for one day. Even if the weather outside is not hot enough, the inside of the bag will accumulate heat and kill the lice.
  • Read the instructions for using lice sprayers. Remember that these are insecticides and can be absorbed into the scalp.
  • Don't share combs or hair brushes with others. Always carry your own comb with you.
  • If possible, keep your hair short (especially girls) as it is easier to get rid of lice from short hair than long hair.
  • Cook evergreen leaves or squeeze water and apply to hair and scalp for half an hour… then rinse with water and use a brush to remove lice.
  • Don't scratch your head as this can spread lice to others.
  • Make sure you follow the steps correctly and slowly for a good effect.
  • Check your hair every two weeks.
  • Wash clothes often.
  • If you are a man (or a radical woman) then you might consider shaving with a cardboard - disposable trimmer and razor. Clean the scalp and shave at least every two weeks.
  • In fact, bathing does not necessarily eliminate lice. They usually like to breed in clean areas.


  • Do not share a hair comb with other family members.
  • Do not let any chemicals soak in your hair for longer than the recommended time. This can damage the scalp.
  • It is recommended to dispose of the hair in the sink or tub

What you need

  • Lice combs
  • Lice killer
  • Conditioner
  • Country
  • Conventional comb
  • Oil
  • Hair