How to quickly lose two kilograms

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 8 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
how i lost 2kg in one week | glow up diary ep. 1
Video: how i lost 2kg in one week | glow up diary ep. 1


You can lose two kilograms if you change your diet and start exercising. To lose weight in a healthy and safe way, try to lose two pounds gradually over several weeks. Many studies have shown that losing weight over a long period of time is safer and healthier, and it also reduces the risk of losing weight back. If you set realistic goals for yourself, then two kilograms can be lost in two to three weeks. Start eating right, exercising, and making lifestyle changes to lose your target weight over time.


Part 1 of 2: Changing Your Diet

  1. 1 Cut back on your calorie intake. To lose weight, you need to exclude excess calories from the diet. A low-calorie diet will help you lose two pounds in the target time.
    • Reducing your daily intake by 500 calories will help you shed about 0.5-1 kilograms per week. You can also cut your daily calorie intake by 750 calories to help you lose weight a little faster.
    • While cutting calories can help you lose weight, eating too few calories (less than 1200 calories per day) is not safe for your health and is not considered a healthy way to lose weight. This increases the risk of nutritional deficiencies, fatigue, muscle loss, and delayed weight loss in the long term.
    • Keep a food diary or use the appropriate mobile app to calculate your typical calorie intake. Subtract 500-750 calories from that figure and you have a new upper limit to help you lose weight.
    • If, after subtracting 500 calories, you have less than 1200 calories, use 1200 calories as the new daily value. You can burn extra calories through exercise.
  2. 2 Eat a protein and fiber breakfast every morning. Protein and dietary fiber speeds up your metabolism and helps you stay full for longer.
    • Studies have shown that high protein diets (and protein foods) help you stay full, reduce appetite, and promote weight loss. Start your morning with a protein-rich breakfast so you can have as little snacks as possible throughout the day.
    • Dietary fiber also helps you stay full longer. They also add volume to food, which allows you to eat less food.
    • For a high-protein, high-fiber breakfast, you can eat a two-egg omelet with low-fat cheese and fried vegetables, or 1 cup (240 milliliters) Greek yogurt with 1/2 cup (28 grams) raspberries.
  3. 3 Include a serving of protein foods with every meal. In addition to protein-rich breakfast foods, include protein sources with every meal.
    • Protein is an excellent nutrient that can help you lose weight. Eating protein regularly throughout the day can help reduce your appetite, speed up your metabolism, and recharge your energy.
    • One serving of protein foods is about 85-115 grams. This is roughly the size of a deck of playing cards. Including a serving of protein with every main meal and snack will help you provide your body with your daily protein requirement.
    • Lean protein foods are not only a good source of protein, but also low in calories, which can help you lose weight.Such foods include seafood, poultry, eggs, low-fat dairy products, lean beef, and legumes.
  4. 4 Eat vegetables and fruits. To better satisfy hunger and increase the amount of food you eat, eat 5-9 servings of vegetables and fruits daily.
    • Both vegetables and fruits are low in calories and at the same time rich in various nutrients that the body needs. With their help, you can significantly increase the amount of food and thus be full without consuming extra calories.
    • Aim to eat 1 serving of fruit and 1-2 servings of vegetables at each meal. This way you can consume the recommended 5-9 servings per day.
    • Pay attention to the portion size as well. One serving equals 1 cup of vegetables, 2 cups of leafy greens, or 1/2 cup (small slice) of fruit.
  5. 5 Include whole grains in your diet. An important part of a healthy diet is 100% whole grains. They are a source of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals.
    • While whole grains are good for your health, you should keep them in check throughout the day and week to help you lose weight. Studies have shown that those people who eat fewer carbohydrates (especially foods rich in them, such as pasta, white rice, bread and baked goods) can lose weight faster.
    • Eat no more than 1-2 servings of grains a day. In this way, you can enjoy these nutritious foods and lose weight at the same time.
    • Control serving sizes. One serving of whole grain foods equals approximately 30 grams, or 1/2 cup. Try oats or quinoa.
  6. 6 Replace high-calorie drinks with water. Calories in drinks contribute to weight gain. Studies have shown that sugary drinks add a significant amount of extra calories, which can lead to weight gain in the long term.
    • Limiting your intake of lattes and other sugar-laden coffees, smoothies, sports drinks, sugary sodas, and alcoholic drinks can help you significantly reduce your calories. Many doctors and nutritionists consider these drinks to be "empty calories" that have no nutritional value.
    • Instead of high-calorie drinks, increase your intake of water and natural liquids (such as flavored water or decaffeinated tea without sugar).
    • Aim to drink 8-12 glasses (2-3 liters) of calorie-free fluids daily to stay hydrated.
  7. 7 Limit your intake of processed foods, sugar, and refined carbohydrates. These foods are low in nutritional value and contribute to weight gain and interfere with weight loss. Limit their consumption to lose two pounds faster.
    • Limit (or avoid) processed foods like frozen meals, canned soups, processed meats, canned spaghetti, chips, crackers, and pretzels.
    • Also try to eat less or eliminate processed sweets and sugars from your diet altogether, such as ice cream, candy, cookies, baked goods, and sugary drinks. If you are into something sweet, eat some fruit.

Part 2 of 2: Changing your lifestyle

  1. 1 Do 30 minutes of cardio every day and do interval training twice a week. Remember to warm up before and after your workouts. Interval training should include periods of moderate intensity, alternating with intervals of high intensity (for example, sprint running).
    • Interval training is more effective in losing weight and boosting metabolism than monotonous workouts at the same intensity for 45 minutes. After interval training, fat continues to be burned for a long time and the metabolism continues to accelerate.
    • If you can vary the intensity of your exercise, use a treadmill, stationary bike, stair stepper, elliptical or rowing machine, or swim. Allocate 1-2 minutes to sprint, then recuperate for 2-4 minutes. Try using an app that tells you when to switch from one interval to another.
    • If you're unsure of how to get started with interval training, sign up for an interval training session. For a quick weight loss, try aerobics, cardio to burn fat, or exercise on a stationary bike.
  2. 2 Do strength training every two days. Dedicate at least 30 minutes at a time to strength training will help speed up your metabolism and build muscle. Check with an exercise therapist, personal trainer, kinesiologist, or physical therapist before embarking on any serious strength training session.
    • Do squats, lunges, push-ups, pull-ups, planks, and other bodyweight exercises for 30 minutes. This can be done at home or in the gym and use hand and body weights.
    • Explore other methods using training videos available online, or sign up for a few sessions with a personal trainer to start losing weight.
    • Make sure to rest at least one day between strength training sessions. This will give your muscles the opportunity to rest and recover from exertion.
  3. 3 Walk 30 minutes a day. Walking after lunch, work, dinner, or right after waking up will burn 100-200 or more extra calories. This will help you lose weight faster.
    • Get a pedometer and walk at least 10 thousand steps a day. Doctors recommend walking 10-12 thousand steps a day to stay healthy. It will also help you shed a few extra pounds.
    • If you don't have time for a 30 minute walk, try walking 10 minutes three times a day.
  4. 4 Sleep more. Sleeping less than 7-9 hours a day can prevent you from losing weight.
    • Increasing sleep time will help balance hormone levels, speed up your metabolism, and lose weight.
    • Among other things, getting normal sleep helps control your appetite. Not getting enough sleep can make you feel more hungry and contribute to unsuitable food choices.
    • Try to get at least 7-9 hours of sleep every night. Go to bed early or wake up later if possible.