How to type quickly

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 22 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How I Type REALLY Fast (156 Words per Minute)
Video: How I Type REALLY Fast (156 Words per Minute)


Printing is an essential skill these days, and when it comes to efficiency in the workplace, those who can type quickly have a huge advantage over others. If you have the glory of a two-finger typist, take the right direction today. You will instantly train your fingers.


Method 1 of 3: The Basics

  1. 1 Buy a good keyboard. Some people like laptop keyboards, while others enjoy the feel of large, massive keys. If you need to, purchase a keyboard with signed numbers - not all laptops have them.
    • Today the choice of keyboards is huge. Some are wave-shaped, others are slightly shifted to the right, there are large ones, there are small ones. Choose what looks more familiar to you, otherwise you will have to get used to it completely anew.
  2. 2 Get used to it. Do you know how you can run at the speed of light on a treadmill, but as soon as you find yourself on the street, you can barely master an easy run? Or how in one setting can you create, like Michelangelo, and in another, your work is more like the drawings of your sister's toddler? The same is true for the keyboard. On one you can type at lightning speed, on the other you can barely touch your fingers. So get used to yours. The more familiar you are with your keyboard, the faster you will type on it.
    • It will take time. Begin an active web search. Comment on YouTube videos, write articles on wikiHow, and start a blog. Before you even look back, your fingers will get used to the keyboard layout, and you will already be on autopilot to find letters.

Method 2 of 3: Good Habits

  1. 1 Remember, the main concept is the starting position. If you play a lot, it may be more difficult for you to develop this habit. Your 8 fingers (excluding the thumbs) should be in the starting position - f, s, b, a and o, l, d, g. Spreading your fingers along the entire length of the keyboard maximizes the efficiency of your hands.
    • See the little raised dashes on the a and o keys? They are there to help you. Even if your eyesight fails you tomorrow for some reason, you will always know where to place your hands. Keep your index fingers on these keys and place the other six fingers on the keyboard accordingly.
    • ALWAYS RETURN TO HOME POSITION. You may be wondering “why?” Just do it. When you know where your fingers are, there is no need to think about what they are doing or what letters they are typing. What does it mean? With a little practice, your eyes will always be on the screen. In the end, you will feel like each key is being watched over by one of your fingers, and the only limit to your typing speed will be your hand dexterity.
  2. 2 Use all your fingers. This is logical - if you only used six fingers to type, you might not be able to reach some keys fast enough. So if you have ten fingers, be grateful and use them all. This way you will type much faster.
    • If you first use two fingers to poke the keys, that's okay. Start by spreading your fingers across the keyboard. Place 8 fingers in the starting position and thumbs on the space bar and start typing. Have each finger press the keys around the original and use only the nearest finger.
  3. 3 Cover the keyboard. As soon as you begin to roughly navigate where which key is located, cover the keyboard. This avoids the temptation to pry, which will definitely slow down your typing speed.
    • If you don't have a special cover, just cover the keyboard and hands with a scarf or something similar. If you have to use the backspace key a lot, that's okay. The more practice, the less often it is required.
  4. 4 Remember the shortcut keys. Today, with existing technologies, printing is not just words and phrases. To type quickly and get your job done quickly, you need to know how to use your computer and get the most out of it. Instead of moving your cursor around the screen, learn a series of hotkeys (shortcuts) to help you speed up your work even more.
    • Here are some useful keyboard shortcuts:
      • Ctrl + Z = Undo
      • Ctrl + X = Cut
      • Ctrl + S = Save
      • Ctrl + A = Select All
      • Shift + arrow = Select next letter
      • Ctrl + arrow = Move cursor to next word without selection

Method 3 of 3: Practice, Practice, Practice

  1. 1 Add to your computer. Leave your phone or iPad and start writing emails on your computer. If emails aren't your topic, start texting old Facebook friends. This will give you extensive typing practice.By typing a little every day, you will soon develop a good skill.
    • Link tasks to your computer. Now the list of vegetables is on your computer. Are you in school? Print your notes. Need to organize your data? It's time for spreadsheets!
  2. 2 Go online. There are a dozen websites designed to increase your typing speed, where you can hone your skills in a fun way. There are games, calculators and special programs designed to help you learn to type faster. and more precisely. Using chat will also help you increase your typing speed.
    • When you feel like you've already taken the time to learn the placement of letters on the keyboard, as well as develop a solid typing skill, join one of the online chat programs. Try to spend a little time each day talking to people online.
  3. 3 End.


  • Download music to your iPod and try typing lyrics along with the music. Start with slow songs and celebrate prom with rappers.
  • Speed ​​can also be affected by the correct body position during printing. The back should be pressed against the back of the chair, with the toes bent like a paw. The more comfortable you sit, the more your mind is able to focus on the words in front of you.
  • Learning to print without any formal instruction can take up to two years. If you want to learn faster, sign up for specialized courses.
  • Try to remain calm and clear of mind. When anxious, nervous, or stressed, our brains tend to make many more mistakes due to their lack of concentration.

Sources & Citations

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  • Welcome to Touch Typing Study