How to quickly and efficiently check in at the airport

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
15 Airport Security Tips to Get You Through Fast and Easy
Video: 15 Airport Security Tips to Get You Through Fast and Easy


A quick guide to getting through the airport quickly without slowing down the line or getting into awkward situations.


  1. 1 Purchase a plane ticket in advance via the Internet or airline ticket offices. If, when purchasing a ticket online, you are given the opportunity to print a boarding pass, then it is better to do so, especially if you do not plan to check in your baggage.
  2. 2 Pack your belongings carefully, remembering that you will only be given one piece of baggage in addition to smaller carry-on baggage that you can take with you on the aircraft. When packing any liquid in your carry-on baggage (lotion, shampoo, body oil, etc.), make sure the volume does not exceed 85 grams. Store all liquids together in a sealed plastic bag.
  3. 3 Arrive at the airport 2 to 3 hours ahead of your scheduled departure time. This is necessary in case of delays on the way to the airport, during check-in, or when passing through security.
  4. 4 Depending on the size of your baggage, you may need to submit and check in more than one bag. Find your airline's check-in counter, which is marked with the appropriate symbols and logos outside the terminal building in the departure area. Take the queue and wait until you are asked to come forward. As a rule, there should be a basket there, which allows you to determine that your luggage is small enough to be taken on the plane, otherwise it must be checked in. Also, remember that you are only allowed one piece of baggage and only one smaller carry-on baggage with you on board. Be prepared to present your identity documents.
  5. 5 When asked, present your identity documents. If you are checking in your luggage, please present it for inspection when asked to do so.The employee will make a mark on it and either place it on the conveyor or ask you to bring it to the scanner. If you are not checking in your luggage, then tell the employee about it. In any case, the employee must give you your boarding pass, unless you first printed it yourself during online check-in. If you are not checking in your baggage, have checked in online and printed the required paperwork, you can skip this step entirely.
  6. 6 Go to the checkpoint at the departure gate. There you will meet a security officer who will check your boarding pass, ID and let you go. After that, wait in line in order to pass the control with the help of an X-ray machine and a metal detector. You will have to put all your bags, metal objects and shoes on the conveyor belt for later inspection. If you have any liquid in your bag with an airtight seal, take it out for a separate scan. If you have any objects that can appear on the X-ray in the form of a certain box (such as a laptop or video game console), then take them out and scan them separately. Take out any jackets or sweatshirts as they need to be scanned separately. Remove all metal objects, including keys, jewelry, belts, etc. Then, take off your shoes and place them on the conveyor belt. If you are confused in something, then just ask the security officer for help.
  7. 7 The security officer will tell you when you can go through the metal detector to the other side of the conveyor, where you can pick up your belongings. Fold back all your belongings that you had to get out of your bag, put on your shoes and leave the checkpoint.
  8. 8 You are now in a safe place to board the plane. Gate numbers indicate where your flight will board. An airline employee may have already told you your gate number; the number may also appear on your boarding pass, or you can find it in the flight list with the corresponding gate numbers on the next screen. Find the gate you need, by their number. They tend to be very visible to passengers, so don't worry about not seeing them.
  9. 9 Take a seat near your gate and wait for the announcement that the plane is ready to board passengers.
  10. 10 The staff at the gate will announce boarding and give you further instructions. As you approach the sliding sleeve crossing, you show them your boarding pass. It will be scanned and returned to you. Sometimes, an employee can keep his detachable part.
  11. 11 When you get on the plane, find your seat and place your luggage on the top bunk above your head. If you have a small bag and would like to keep it with you, then simply slide it under the seat so that it does not interfere with your legs.
  12. 12 Enjoy your flight!


  • Don't panic if you get lost at the airport. Just ask one of the airport staff for help.
  • Don't let anyone rush you through the baggage control. Forgetting to reach for a metal or other box-shaped object will ultimately slow down the progress of the queue. Just relax and do what you need to do at your own pace and ignore anyone.
  • After you pass the security check and collect all your belongings, head to the seat in the waiting room. That way, you can put all your belongings neatly back, put on your shoes, make sure you haven't forgotten anything, and don't have anyone waiting for you.
  • If you donate your bag, then don't be afraid to put liquids of any weight in it. The 85 gram rule does not apply to baggage you check in.


  • The traffic and confusion at the airport can make you feel confused. Take a deep breath and think about what needs to be done next. Do not worry!
  • Don't joke about bombs or terrorist attacks because airport security will take it very seriously.
  • Do not take sharp objects with you, they will be taken away from you.