Ways to Love Someone

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Love Someone
Video: How To Love Someone


Sometimes, loving someone is a challenge. When you fall in love, you put your crush in the center, and this is often not easy. Besides, love for boys and girls is different from the love for family members, so you must behave differently in each case. However, with the following simple things, you will know how to show the affection that others deserve.


Method 1 of 5: Romance for the Lover

  1. Distinguish between infatuation and love. Infatuation means you feel excitement, happiness, excitement and many other levels of emotions that cannot be expressed in words. During the infatuation phase, you will find your relationship and partner both ideal but this feeling is temporary. True enduring love is often more than just emotions. It is a sincere commitment that develops even as the feeling of infatuation fades away.
    • The infatuation can last for two years in your mind, just like an opium.

  2. Love that person. Accept and avoid doing or saying anything that makes the person's mood go down. Criticism, sarcasm, and passive aggressive behavior can kill a relationship. Instead, show support, kindness, and particular care to the person to strengthen the relationship.
    • For example, if you find it difficult to accept the person, apply a 5: 1 ratio. Give 5 positive comments for each negative comment. You will appreciate him more.

  3. Be open and sincere to everyone. Sharing with your significant other can create feelings of intimacy and make you two closer. It may sound intimidating, but in truth you will begin to learn about someone to understand and then care for them.
    • The best way to achieve emotional intimacy is to spend time with your ex. During that time, ask questions to get to know the person better. Informing questions can increase your emotional bond.

  4. Dating that person like the first time. Think about the time when you two started getting to know each other. Remember your efforts to impress the other person and how thrilled. Try to conquer them again.
  5. Love much as I can. Think about the point that attracted you to the point when you first met and continued to "fall in love". The person who thinks he is "passionate about" increases brain activity in the new love or infatuation area.
    • While it's important to remember the early stage, the present view is just as important. Keep the "when you first fell in love" feeling for that person in the present.
  6. Love everything about that person. That person may change over time. Whatever interests you when you first meet you, enjoy your ex's growth and avoid focusing on the past. Just as you want to be loved for who you are now, so does that person.
    • Recognize and appreciate the person's qualities. Love what belongs to that person, not impose your own standards. If the person is tall and thin or short and well-built, look great.
  7. Adjust your thoughts. Focus on changing your attitudes and desires, instead of trying to change the person. The person may not want to change the relationship or continue with it. Don't try to control what is out of your reach. What you can do is focus on your actions and aspirations.
    • You may be able to spend time getting to know someone else without making a decision to continue with your relationship. During this time, don't put pressure on the person.Let the person make a decision for himself.

Method 2 of 5: Romance for Friends

  1. Understand friendship. Friendship means two people who respect, accept, and appreciate each other. You will become friends with people who share your interests or views. While some aspects of the friendship will be similar to love, there will be a big difference. Love is two people blending together, but friendship is completely accepting of each other.
    • Some close friends, even though they are far apart and rarely talk, but when they meet again, they feel like they have never been apart.
  2. Learn how to be a good friend. Don't take friendship for granted. Instead, spend time and effort on building a good friendship. You can do it in many ways. Put the needs of your friends above yourself when needed. Stay by your side, even when it is inconvenient to you. Most importantly, become the friend you want to have.
    • The beauty of friendship is to cherish each other's differences. However, sometimes a difference can create a gap. Are you willing to let go of your needs to support your friends in a decision?
  3. Solve conflicts in friendship. When arguing with friends, don't be afraid to talk about it. Put yourself in your friend's shoes to understand their point of view. If you are unsure of the problem or the solution to a problem, ask a friend. As for the unimportant, just leave it aside. If not, gently let your friends know that you have listened and thought before giving their opinion.
    • Keep your tone of voice at a level of communication and show respect. Listen carefully, but not criticize.
  4. Protect and respect your friends. Although this doesn't mean being a bodyguard, you should also care about your feelings and support your friends. Part of this means you should keep your friends from being selfish. Selfishness is a natural part of being human, but you can learn to protect and put your friends above your needs.
    • For example, if you want to see a new movie, but your friend has an appointment early the next morning, don't pressure them. Instead, support your friend and change the timing so that you both can watch the movie.
  5. Respect friends. Respect your friends even when they're not around. No one wants to be talked about behind or become the topic of discussion. Avoid gossiping and steadfastly change the subject if someone is suggesting this. Your friends will trust you even when you're hurt.
    • Your friends will feel betrayed knowing that you are not protecting or taking their side. This will put an end to the relationship.

Method 3 of 5: Love for a difficult person

  1. Choose how to love your loved one. Loving a family member is like love for others; it requires commitment. Don't think that loyalty is enough to build a strong relationship. It takes effort but family affection also includes stability, safety and support.
    • When you build strong relationships with the people in your life, you will learn how to take care of others better. If you have a bad relationship with a loved one, you may find it difficult to be compassionate or compassionate.
  2. Create a clear desire. Start by accepting your loved one no matter what they have and giving a realistic desire that you both can achieve. When both of you achieve what you want, then continue to set other wishes. You can start with the occasional conversation and gradually increase as you both learn to love and understand each other.
    • Become clear with expectations and results. For example, if you invite a loved one to dinner once a week, they should show up if they agree. If not then continue to resolve the outcome of that incident.
  3. Set a limit. Limits will create controllable expectations of interactions and behavior. If an upset loved one behaves unreliable and unfamiliar, set a limit on expectations. This can help you both get involved in building a relationship. You can also negotiate to set limits, just keep an eye on the aspect that matters to you.
    • Behave flexible depending on the moment. For example, if your loved one often doesn't keep up with an agreement, decide for yourself whether to heal or forget them. You are not responsible for the feelings or choices of others.
  4. Heal your relationship. You must stop thinking, change your way of speaking, and carefully choose your actions. Change the way you think and talk about your loved one. Find the things you appreciate and focus on the positive things about them. Treat your loved one as if you were in the relationship you wanted.
    • If you want to heal your relationship with a loved one, remember that you cannot change anyone other than yourself. Your loved one will probably never change.

Method 4 of 5: Love for yourself

  1. Take care of yourself. Pay attention to appearance. You see yourself in the mirror a few times a day, so you will want to love what you see in the mirror. In addition, it can also help you feel more confident around others. If you don't love yourself, you tend to be critical of others. So please love and treat yourself well.
    • Eat healthy and exercise. Determining to spend 20 minutes to practice every day will help your brain realize your worth.
  2. Treat yourself well. Think you're in the finishing touches. You need space to grow and experience something new. Don't let your fear of making mistakes stop you from finding new challenges and reaching out. It is normal to make mistakes and learn from them.
    • For example, make time for hobbies and activities that you enjoy or want to learn. Encourage yourself to learn new skills. Treat yourself like a friend.
  3. Forgive yourself. Learning to forgive yourself will prevent you from being "angry at cutting boards" towards someone you love. Caring for yourself will make you love and appreciate others, not just you.
    • Anger and guilt affect your health. Getting angry at yourself can increase stress. Stress can cause or worsen cardiovascular disease, autoimmune problems, and cancer.

Method 5 of 5: Love for Everyone

  1. Be yourself and set realistic goals. It can be difficult to be honest in a relationship where you can't be yourself. Don't try to hide yourself. Instead, let people accept who you are. Set attainable goals for yourself. Those goals should help you build your character, not make you someone else.
    • For example, if you are quiet and only have a small group of close friends, don't try to make yourself the most popular person in school. Because it doesn't make you happy and you're on the wrong path.
  2. Maintain a habit of love. You will cultivate a loving relationship if you behave with love and understanding. This means being trustworthy, respectful, and kind. Although it sounds simple enough, you need to make a self-assessment to see your emotional level.
    • Showing love takes practice. Don't give up, continue to improve your gestures of love. The relationship will turn out well with your efforts.
  3. Become a good communicator. That doesn't mean much has to be said. Instead, practice being honest and communicating. Besides being actively listening to others. Learn to ask questions and be clear when communicating. This way, others will want to join you in the conversation even more.
    • Put yourself in other people's shoes. Think about how they feel when you hear you. Please create a personal contact.
  4. Avoid things that lead to an abusive relationship. Never threaten, blame, insult someone else, threaten, isolate or look down on another person. This habit of control is really just to increase one's power over another.However, when this happens, there is no longer a healthy loving relationship.
    • Abusive relationships will get worse over time. If you fall into this relationship get help. Remember, you deserve a healthy, loving relationship.