How to Get Over Anxiety

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to cope with anxiety | Olivia Remes | TEDxUHasselt
Video: How to cope with anxiety | Olivia Remes | TEDxUHasselt


Anxiety or restlessness can result from both psychological and physiological factors. It is very common to feel anxiety or restlessness, but some people have little control over this emotion. Anxiety disorder is a diagnostic condition that requires medication or therapy, but there are simpler steps you can take to relieve anxiety.


Method 1 of 5: Cope with instantaneous anxiety

  1. Deep breath. If there is an important event imminent, you will surely be thrilled as that moment closer and closer. It can be difficult to get rid of this feeling entirely, but there are steps that will help you manage your anxiety. Deep breathing can help reduce heart rate and blood pressure. Sit up straight and inhale deeply through your nose, placing your hands on your stomach to feel the air filling your lungs.
    • After holding your breath for a few seconds, slowly exhale through your nose. Repeat this breathing pattern until you feel your heart rate slow down and relax. Try to get rid of all thoughts and focus on your breathing only.
    • To maintain a steady breathing rhythm you should count from one to five as you inhale and count again from one to five as you exhale.

  2. Practice and prepare. If you are going to have a presentation or job interview, practice will help you get used to the impending event. Ask a close friend to listen to your speech or ask familiar questions during an interview. This is also a useful way to use when you are going to meet someone to talk about something embarrassing.
    • Tired of seeing your roommate soaking up a dirty dish in the sink? Practice expressing your frustration discreetly before meeting them.
    • Practicing for non-patterned events like parties can be a little tricky. However, if you practice joking or telling jokes, you will be more comfortable coping with possible situations.

  3. Think carefully about your fear. If you are anxious before a job interview or a presentation, think "what's the worst that could happen?" Perhaps the interview had a very bad end, but it was not the end of the world. It's normal to worry about an important life event, but keep in mind that there are plenty of other opportunities that even seem like one.
    • If you fully appreciate these events, you may find the confidence to express yourself more perfectly.

  4. Spend time visualizing. If you feel your anxiety pressing in, take a few minutes to visualize something peaceful and gentle. Close your eyes and imagine a situation that makes you feel safe, such as an image of the sea with gentle waves, a funny cat or a happy childhood memory.
  5. Listening to music. Listening to slow and calming music, or listening to sounds of nature can also help you relax, lower your heart rate, and reassure you.Listening to music with fast and comfortable melodies singing along also helps relieve stress. advertisement

Method 2 of 5: Incorporate relaxation techniques into your life

  1. Practice regular deep breathing. Deep breathing exercises used to calm down during times of stress can also be incorporated into everyday life. You also have time to relax while you take a deep breath. Sit up straight and fill your lungs with air through your nose and mouth. Count to five while you inhale, and don't be reluctant to count to five the first time.
    • Exhale slowly so that the air leaves your lungs slowly and in control. Count to five as you breathe out.
    • Repeat this process until you start to feel calmer and more relaxed.
    • Take 3-5 minutes of relaxation breathing each time and do it 2-3 times a day, or whenever you feel stressed and nervous.
  2. Massage. Use a tennis ball to massage your shoulders. First you have to wrap your shoulders and neck in a warm towel for 10 minutes. While wrapping your eyes closed, loosening the muscles in your shoulders, neck, back and chest, the warmth will help relax them. To increase the relaxation effect, you should massage your back. After taking off the towel, stand with your back against the wall.
    • Place a tennis ball or soft roller between your back and the wall. Use your back to press the ball against the wall and hold the ball in place with the back you want to massage.
    • Press lightly for 15 seconds by leaning against the ball, then release the pressure and move the ball to a new position.
  3. Apply a method of dynamic relaxation, muscle tension - relaxation. The goal here is to systematically tighten and then relax different muscle groups. This method helps release tension in the muscles to make the whole body feel more relaxed, while allowing you to focus on each muscle group alternately. You will become more aware of bodily sensations and see when you are reluctantly straining your muscles.
    • Start with the toe. Tense the muscles in your toes for 5 seconds, then relax for 30 seconds.
    • Next, tense and relax your calf muscles. Continue doing the rest of the muscle groups, in order from bottom to top.
    • You can also practice this method from the top down.
  4. Use spontaneous relaxation. Spontaneous relaxation combines imagination and body awareness to help you relax, a method built on a number of different relaxation techniques. First you have to close your eyes and visualize a peaceful scene. Breathe slowly and deeply. As you focus on your breathing, slowly relax each part of your body. Start with the legs and move up the arms and shoulders and continue with the rest.
    • You should see your heart rate drop while relaxing.
    • Instead of imagining a single image, you can repeat relaxing words or phrases over and over.
    • The word "self-generated" implies that something arises from within us.
  5. Meditate. Regular meditation can actually help your brain cope better with stress. Just meditating for a few minutes a day can help ease your anxiety. If you feel restless or anxious on a regular basis, it is best to incorporate meditation into your daily life. The meditation is this: put your feet on the floor and sit upright, close your eyes, mumble a mantra of choice, and let all other thoughts drift.
    • While repeating the mantra you must focus on your breath at a slow and deep rhythm.
    • Place a hand on your stomach as you inhale and exhale, trying to synchronize your breath with the mantra you are reciting.
    • You can choose any spell you like. However, you should choose an optimistic club like "I'm living a peaceful life!".

Method 3 of 5: Coping with anxiety

  1. Not perfectionist. Usually, people feel anxious or restless because they are expected by others or pressure themselves to do things well. However, not every day goes smoothly, you will have times of failure and disappointment. Learning to deal with anxiety is a way to become stronger and more independent.
    • It is important to understand that life is often complicated and difficult, and sometimes you have to accept and find ways to limit those difficulties.
  2. Coping with restlessness. Try to find the cause of your restlessness. Are you worried about your job, your love life or your money? Worried about social issues at a company party? After you've identified the source of your restlessness, you begin to find ways to change your perspective. Instead of thinking "My job was not as expected", think "This job is an opportunity for me to pursue other more attractive things".
    • If restlessness involves a particular place, go there and confront it directly. If you feel scared when you step into the elevator, the next day you will continue to use that elevator.
  3. Use rational thought against unreasonable thinking. Whenever something makes you nervous, write down when and why you feel that way. Then reflect on these feelings and begin to fight them with rational thought. You can also choose to confide in others for relief, similar to journaling. Instead of always paying attention to your anxious thoughts, keep them out of your head by keeping a journal.
    • Let the diary do the job "remembering" your worries, and allow your mind to freely do other things.
    • Journaling is also a great way to keep track of any restless things you may have. You will have a much more positive outlook every time you rethink what used to be stressful, but now it's gone.
  4. Shame yourself. There are cases where the anxiety stemmed from the fear of shame. If this is the case, try intentionally embarrassing yourself so that you get used to the feeling. For example, try holding a lemon to a stranger for no reason. That means the more you put yourself in embarrassing situations, the faster your fear and anxiety will be.
  5. Become another person. Turn yourself into someone else with a fake name and biography, then use this new person in strange or unremarkable situations. This gives you a chance to get used to things like socializing and flirting with women. Of course you should never use a new person in situations like job interviews or dating, then the confusion between two people can have serious consequences!
    • Think of this as a fun way to get used to situations that often stress you, and don't take it too seriously.

Method 4 of 5: Take care of yourself

  1. Exercise regularly. Regular exercise can significantly reduce anxiety, relax your mind and allow your muscles to burn off excess energy. Exercise also has the added benefit of improving sleep and boosting confidence.
    • Just taking a short walk can help ease your anxiety. Your spirit will be more refreshing if you find a place to walk with fresh air.
  2. Sleep a lot. Nowadays a lot of people suffer from lack of sleep and add stress or other serious illnesses. When mentally tired, it is very difficult to distinguish between rational anxiety and irrational worry. On average, an adult should sleep 7-9 hours per night. Schedule a regular sleep schedule and stick to it.
    • To get a good night's sleep, do a relaxing exercise before bed. Deep breathing, muscle stretching and methods of dynamic relaxation, muscle tension - relaxation are all beneficial for sleep.
  3. Eat a healthy, balanced diet. A healthy diet provides all the minerals and nutrients you need to stay active and healthy. Poor diet causes blood sugar levels to fluctuate and can lead to feelings like restlessness. Regular exercise and healthy eating will reduce this risk.
    • Eat more complex carbohydrates like bread, potatoes, and pasta. Reduce your consumption of simple carbohydrates like cookies, chocolates, chips, carbonated beverages, and beer.
  4. Limit your caffeine intake. Coffee has its own benefits, but the caffeine in coffee (not to mention other drinks like soda and energy drinks) is a stimulant that leads to restlessness.For the first few days you should write down your caffeine intake in your notebook and then start a plan to reduce your caffeine intake for a few weeks.
    • If you have trouble sleeping, stop consuming caffeine both afternoon and evening.
    • Try decaffeinated teas and coffees, then consider replacing them with the coffee or tea you drink every day.

Method 5 of 5: Know when to see a doctor

  1. Assess your anxiety. The above tips can help you relax and deal with everyday fears, but you should seek help from your doctor if your anxiety is chronic and severe, or when you find it almost impossible to overcome. This situation. There are many health conditions that are likely to cause anxiety, like generalized anxiety disorder and depression.
    • It is characteristic of generalized anxiety disorder that a person feels very restless for no apparent reason.
    • If your anxiety really affects your daily life, you should see your doctor.
    • Contact your doctor, friend or relative right away if you have thoughts of self-destruction or suicide.
  2. Be honest with your doctor. When talking with your doctor, it's important to be straight and honest. Actually talking about your feelings is difficult, but you must try to describe as clearly as possible and not miss any details. They are ready to help you but need to have enough information to make an accurate diagnosis, and develop a treatment plan for you.
    • Think ahead about what you want to say before going to the clinic. If you have been monitoring your moods and things that cause you to become overly anxious in the past, share this information with your doctor.
  3. Don't be alarmed by the diagnosis. If your doctor says you have generalized anxiety disorder or clinical depression, you shouldn't conclude that you are unlucky because you have the same illness. It is estimated that 1 out of every 25 people in the UK has generalized anxiety disorder. You should ask your doctor to explain the diagnosis.
  4. Find out fully about your treatment options. There are several ways to overcome anxiety, including psychotherapy and medication. Chances are your doctor will advise you to exercise regularly, eat healthy, quit smoking, and reduce your alcohol and caffeine consumption.
    • Treatment can begin with a self-care period under the supervision of a doctor. Patients perform alone or join groups.
    • One of these therapies is cognitive behavioral therapy, with the aim of changing the way you respond to life situations.
  5. Understand what medications your doctor may prescribe. If the initial treatment isn't successful, your doctor will prescribe medication to treat your anxiety. You must thoroughly understand all prescribed medications, including potential side effects and the length of initial treatment. There are many drugs that are prescribed based on the patient's specific symptoms, of which the basic medications are:
    • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). This is an antidepressant that increases the amount of serotonin in the brain. An SSRI is usually the first drug they will prescribe you.
    • Serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). If the SSRI doesn't cure your anxiety, your doctor can prescribe a SNRI, also a group of antidepressants, that are used to increase the levels of serotonin and noradrenaline in the brain.
    • Pregabalin medicine. Pregabalin may be the next choice if neither the SSRI nor the SNRI is effective. This is a commonly used anticonvulsant for people with conditions such as epilepsy, which has been shown to be effective in reducing anxiety.
    • Benzodiazepine medicine. This group of sedatives and anti-anxiety effects are very effective, but can only be taken for a short time. Doctors often prescribe benzodiazepines with short treatment periods when anxiety develops.
    • As with all medicines, you must follow the instructions for use and keep in constant contact with your doctor.


  • All relaxation techniques take practice. You have to be persistent if you do not see the immediate effect.


  • If anxiety or restlessness is severe, seek professional help.