How to grow onions from onions

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How To Grow An Onion From An Onion Bottom! (2019)
Video: How To Grow An Onion From An Onion Bottom! (2019)


Onions are vegetables that are both easy to grow and delicious and are found in many dishes. If you have an onion in your hand, you don't need to plant it with seeds. Just by cutting off the base of the onion and planting it in the ground, you can grow onion plants from cut pieces of onion. With time, patience and plenty of water, you can harvest onions in 90-120 days.


Part 1 of 3: Prepare onion pieces

  1. Cut the bottom of the onion about 2.5 cm from the bottom up. Place the onion on the cutting board and cut off the bottom with a sharp knife and peel off the outer skin. Your onion piece needs to be about 2.5 cm long to grow a healthy onion plant.
    • If you want to grow onions outdoors, plant them in early spring. If you are growing onions indoors, you can do this at any time of the year.
    • You can use most types of onions to grow, including store bought onions. This method works best if you have onions that are fresh and not spoiled.

  2. Let the bottom of the onion dry for 12-24 hours. After cutting onions, remove the remaining onion and place the bottom of the onion on a dry flat surface with the cut side up. Wait for the onion pieces to dry for 1 day until the onion pieces will soften and dry to the touch.
    • You can use the remainder of the onion to cook the dish or compost if you don't want to throw it away.

  3. Stick a toothpick on each side of the base of the onion. Divide the onion into 4 parts, then stick a toothpick into each onion half to depth. Plug them evenly so that the 4 toothpicks form an X-shape.
    • This step will allow you to place the onion on top of the bowl of water while the onion is rooting.
  4. Place the onion over the mouth in a small bowl of water. Fill a bowl full of water to the top of the bowl and place it flat. Place the onion on top so that the bottom just touches the water and leave for 3-4 days. Plant onions when tiny white roots have grown.
    • The diameter of the bowl should be less than the length of the toothpicks.
    • To help the onions grow faster, keep them near a sunny window or outside.

Part 2 of 3: Growing onions

  1. Fill the pot with well drained soil. Go to the nursery and buy a mixture of well-drained soil and a large pot with holes in the bottom. Half fill the pot with soil - you will cover the rest of the soil after you have planted the onion pieces.
    • If your garden soil is well drained, you can also plant onions outdoors.
    • Test the soil drainage by digging a hole about 30 cm from the hole and filling it with water. If the water drains completely within 5-15 minutes, the soil is well drained.
  2. Place the onion in the soil and pour the soil on it. Once white root fibers have grown at the bottom of the onion piece, place the onion in the center of the pot. Pour soil into the rest of the pot above the onion pieces until about 2.5 to 5 cm from the top of the pot.
    • If you want, you can place a pot of onions that have just been grown indoors or outdoors in warm sunny weather.
    • If you plant the whole onion base in one place, you can get more than one onion plant but they will grow together and not grow well. Each slice of onion will grow about 1-6 seedlings. Onion slices as shown in the picture can be cut in half. To have more seedlings and each tree to grow well, use a sharp knife to cut the base of the onion into parts so that each section has a few roots.
  3. Water the scallions immediately after planting. Watering will help the onions adapt to the new environment and grow roots faster. Water enough to keep the soil moist, but not soaking wet.
  4. Spray the soil with nitrogen fertilizer after watering. Onions thrive in soils with high nitrogen concentrations. Spray nitrogen fertilizer directly into the soil and mix well with your hands to provide the necessary nutrients for the onion plant to grow.
    • You can purchase nitrogen fertilizers at most garden stores and plant nurseries.
    • Read the label on the packaging to see how much fertilizer to apply to the soil.

Part 3 of 3: Caring for onion plants

  1. Water the onions about 2.5 cm of water per week. Onions need a lot of water to grow healthy and produce more onions.Test the soil every day - if it feels dry to the touch, water it until it is damp.
  2. Pull out the lawn regularly if you are growing onions outdoors. Onions will have a hard time competing with invasive plants, and weeds can take away the water and nutrients needed for onions to thrive. You should regularly check and pull weeds as soon as they appear.
    • Avoid spraying herbicides around the onion plants, as most herbicides kill both weeds and plants.
    • Check for small insects or other pests on onion plants and spray a non-toxic and plant-friendly insect repellent if found.
  3. Fertilize onions every 2 weeks. Regular fertilization will help the plant to grow large, healthy onions. Spray the nitrogen-rich fertilizer at least twice a month until the onions start to emerge from the ground.
    • Stop fertilizing when onions will first sprout up until harvest.
  4. Harvest the onion when it is flowering. When the onion plant begins to flower, you can harvest the onion. Use a shovel to shovel the soil around the onion and hold the base of the onion leaves and pull the onion off the ground.
    • On average, onions grown with onion pieces take about 90-120 days to form new bulbs.

    Steve Masley

    Organic growers Steve Masley has been designing and maintaining organic vegetable gardens in the San Francisco Bay Area for over 30 years. In 2007 and 2008, Steve taught Local Sustainable Agricultural Practices at Stanford University.

    Steve Masley
    Specializing in growing organic vegetables

    Can you cut onion leaves? Grow it Organically's Pat Browne and Steve Masley said: "You can harvest the green onion whenever you like, but if you want the onion to get bigger, you should leave it as it is. onion coat, so if there are 8 or 10 onion leaves, the onion will have 8 or 10 growing layers. "



  • If you are planting onions in a pot at first, you can always switch them out in an outdoor garden later.
  • As long as you take good care of your onion pieces, you will produce as many onions as those grown from seeds.
  • Remember to take care of the onions and weed!
  • To keep onions fresh for many months, you need to store them properly.


  • If your onion plant appears droopy, discolored, or unhealthy, the plant is probably sick. You will need to separate the onion plant from other plants and talk to the staff at the nursery for the best treatment.