How to Become Famous in High School

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Rating Famous Celebs I Went to High School with TikTok: matisonj
Video: Rating Famous Celebs I Went to High School with TikTok: matisonj


Entering the world of high school can be a pretty intimidating experience, but you shouldn't let it down. If you love yourself and know how to bring comfort to everyone around you, you will quickly become a prominent figure in school. If you want to learn how to become famous, proceed to Step 1.


Part 1 of 3: Being Friendly

  1. Don't be fake. Being fake is the worst character because once you become fake, your "friends" will not adore you for your true nature. Be confident that you are an amazing person and that you have many valuable qualities and that you will be able to attract a variety of interesting people to find you. Don't just tell others what they want to hear just because you think this will make them love you more and avoid showing off just because you want to look great yourself. The other person will be more easily recognizable when you're just trying to impress or flatter them, and that makes it harder for you to befriend them. Instead, open up and let people know about what you really are and what interests you. In addition, if you are fake, people can perceive this and will defame you and that will make things more and more difficult for you.
    • If you became famous because of your sham, what would be fun? You don't want to have to wear the "mask" forever, right?
    • Remember, it's not worth it to completely change who you are just so that people can like you.

  2. Be kind sincerely. People usually don't like a flattering person. Smile at someone you know when you meet them in the hallway. Avoid acting "I am"; people often don't like people with an arrogant personality. If someone mentions you, you probably want them to talk about your good side, not the bad side. Don't be too kind, however, because otherwise, other people will start to take advantage of you. You might think you need to be like one of the characters in "Mean Girls" in order to stand out, but in reality, this method won't. benefit you.
    • To be truly kind, you need to be polite and well behaved. This means keeping the door open for others, greeting people you know, giving way to others while walking in the hallways, and always being friendly even when you're in a bad mood.
    • However, saying that doesn't mean you have to be falsely happy as adults do; It simply means that you need to be kind to people whether they are famous or not.
    • Nothing can be worse than someone just trying to be kind to another celebrity or to someone they think can help them. If you don't treat people "inferior" well than you and are only kind to people "higher up" than you, people will quickly turn away from you.

  3. Protect yourself when necessary. If you want to make real friends, you shouldn't allow other people to step on you. If you stick to your stance and determine when you need to stand up to protect yourself, you can win everyone's respect and possibly make new friends and become famous. than. If you are kind to people just because you want them to love you, you won't get results and people won't respect you.
    • If someone treats you badly, makes you feel inferior, and discourages you, you don't need to put up with it. Let the person know that their actions are completely unacceptable.
    • You don't have to put yourself down in someone's shoes just because that person is not being nice to you.You can ask him or her to stop doing bad things without cursing or mistreating them in retaliation. Remember you are better than them.

  4. Be open to meeting others. If you are a friendly person and enjoy meeting other people and chatting with them, it will be easier to make friends. Be enthusiastic about meeting other people regardless of their background or class. Of course, take it easy and don't be aggressive towards people you have just met, or who seem busy, but if you find the opportunity to talk to someone else. that you have just met, such as when you are standing alone and someone else is right next to you, you can take this opportunity.
    • When you are talking to someone you just met, take it easy, talking about your subject, your interests, or your favorite music. Ask the person a few easy-to-answer questions to show them that you care. You can talk about more serious issues once you get to know each other better.
  5. Take care of others. The key to being truly approachable and outstanding is not talking about yourself often or bragging, and instead, show your sincere interest in others. It's like saying that you need to really show your concern, not just show concern. People will love you more when you ask them questions and let them know that you care about them, not when you boast about yourself. During your next conversation with someone, smile, ask them questions about their day, make eye contact, and show them that you really care. This doesn't mean you should pretend you care, but it does mean that you should make an effort to make people feel like you care. You can do it by the following method:
    • Inquire about the person's weekend
    • Ask questions about the person's extracurricular activities
    • Give a compliment about something the person is using
    • Ask about an issue the person has been talking about
    • Balance in talking about yourself and talking about your partner
  6. Don't act in a "careless" manner. High school is a time when many people act like they are too great to be concerned about anything else. They may put their eyes on, drop their heads in class, be late for school, or shrug their shoulders when the teacher reprimands. However, you should not perform these actions. Learn to accept that it is normal to show concern, and that you should try to pursue the things that really matter to you instead of worrying about how you might look like an idiot. do these things. If you are really into English, express your excitement about the book you like; If you enjoy being on the basketball team, tell your friends about the upcoming match.
    • Talking about the things that make you happy makes you an interesting and engaging person. You should also express your opinion. Nodding in agreement with anything the other person says can be quite boring. Be the one to talk to and recognize the right time to listen and respond.
  7. Have a social conversation with someone you just met. Many high school students lack social skills, and if you know how to do this, you will improve your communication skills and will probably become more popular. To be able to have a social conversation with others, you need to know how to talk to them when you meet them in the hallway of the classroom without being scared or off topic. Relax, stop worrying that you might say something inappropriate, and make the other person feel comfortable when you talk to them in the hallway before another class starts. head. You can do it by the following method:
    • Talk about the class you just finished and the class you are about to start.
    • Inquire about the person's weekend.
    • Talk about any school plans, such as a dance party or a soccer match, and ask if the person is in attendance.
    • Chat about something going on in your surroundings, such as a school conference flyer, or a shirt someone else is wearing with the name of a your favorite college.
  8. Smile at everyone. You may think that smiling at people is the last thing you want to do in high school because this is not fun, however, you should change your attitude if you want to become someone who is easier to get along with and stands out more. Smiling will make you more contactable, and will make more people notice you and will make people feel like they're welcome every time you show up. This is an important part of being friendly. You don't have to smile at everyone in school, but every time you pass someone in the hallway, smile gently at that person even if you don't know them.
    • A common practice among high school students is that they tend to like to judge others, and often like to think of someone as bad and rude without knowing the reason. If you smile more, you will make people think that you are a relaxed and open person.

Part 2 of 3: Attracting Attention

  1. Well-dressed. You don't have to wear the trendiest or most expensive outfits to stand out, however, you do need to choose clothes that will help people realize that you really have taken your time. squirrel for his looks. This is not a matter of short-sightedness; It has been shown that people who dress better are more valued and treated with respect by others than those who appear rude whether they are in an interview or not. are meeting others at a party. Choose clothes that suit you, are not wrinkled, clean, and people will pay more attention to you.
    • You can use loose or tight clothing, depending on your style. But if you go for the wrong size, you should reconsider your style of dress.
    • Use a few accessories, such as a pair of silver earrings or a watch with a sleek look that will make your outfit stand out.
    • Don't worry about having five or ten new clothes. Owning a few high-quality clothes will help you. A quality pair of jeans is better than three cheap jeans.
  2. Keep good hygiene. Bathe, shave, brush your teeth, apply deodorant, and keep body and hair clean and tidy. While scent and cleanliness are pretty important, don't use too much perfume or your body scent will turn out as bad as if you weren't taking a bath. Good hygiene shows you respect and care for yourself.
    • You should come to school fresh and clean. Bring a deodorant to the gym and make sure you stay as clean as possible.
  3. Make right decisions. Don't drink, smoke, run away from home, or run away from home. Bad decisions can destroy your life before you actually do it, and it won't make you famous. Maybe you're thinking that if you rebel or disobey the rules you will get people's attention, they will actually notice you, but only for a short period of time, and they will not pay attention to you in the way you want to be noticed. Becoming famous for her diverse personality and friendliness is different from being famous for having a bad reputation.
    • Thinking people will make it easier for you to make the right choices.If you are exposed to negative influences, it will be easier for you to make bad decisions.
    • If you're at a party, avoid drinking alcohol, jumping from a high place to the ground, or do something goofy just to prove yourself. The interest you get from these ridiculous tricks won't last.
  4. Use your confidence to impress people. If you are happy with yourself, with what you do and with how you look, you will attract people's attention. Smile at others and don't hesitate to greet them or talk to them. Keep your head up and maintain positive body language, good posture, and a friendly attitude every time someone notices you. This method will help people want to get to know you and get them to notice you.
    • Developing confidence can take years. You can achieve this if you do not hesitate to do things you truly love and excel in a certain field, and from there you will also feel happier and more proud of yourself. me.
    • Make a list of all the traits you love about yourself. Refer to this list regularly, especially when you're feeling down.
    • You can also try to change the things you don't like about yourself. Don't think that you have to maintain all your personality; you are the one who can control your own destiny.
    • Another way to boost your confidence is to spend time with people who make you feel better about yourself. Stay away from people who often make you flinch.
  5. Don't laugh at or bully others just because you think this action will make you famous. Even if this can help you increase your popularity, people may think badly of you. Should not act like that because it's not fair to use other people to become famous! In addition, bullies can scare others, but they rarely become famous. You don't want others to know you as a bad guy.
    • Truly famous people don't want to waste their time doing things that make others feel discouraged because they have confidence in themselves and are not interested in treating others badly.
  6. Avoid neglecting your studies. Remember to focus on your studies even when you are taking the time to try to become famous. Your score is more important than your social status. If you study well, people will notice you because you are an excellent student, and you will have many opportunities to meet more people. Of course you wouldn't want to turn yourself into a "nerd", but if you are proud of your academic efforts, others will appreciate you too.
    • Remember, according to the creator's arrangement, being famous can be quite fun for a short period of time but once you look back on your high school years, you will regret not spending it. more time spent studying than not trying to stand out.
  7. Give priority to exercise and sports. Whether you train at the gym club or do excellent in a certain school sport, exercising not only improves your appearance, but also helps you feel better about myself. And once you feel better about yourself, you will get people to notice you because you are handsome, confident, and worthy of their understanding. While the act of exercising alone won't make you more friends, it will contribute to the creation of a lifestyle that may increase your popularity.
    • Putting a priority on sports practice will make it possible to meet more people and make more friends, whether you join your school sports team, enter a sports tournament, or just are studying sport at the local club.
  8. Always act like you're having a great time. Another way to get people to notice you is to show them that you can always have a great time anywhere. Whether you are walking across the hallway of a classroom, attending a party, or waiting in line to pick up a lunch at the cafeteria, act as though you are enjoying the time. You don't have to laugh wildly during Math class, but you do need to form a positive emotion and let people know that you are happy to be yourself and to be able to do the things you enjoy. If you're chatting with friends, focus on the story instead of rolling your eyes around looking for more famous people to talk to. If you care about other people's thinking, they'll want to talk to you too.
    • If you smile, be happy, and are satisfied with what you are doing, you will be able to make more friends.
    • Of course this doesn't mean you should pretend you're having fun when you've just had a bad day, but whenever possible, enjoy your time.
    • You can complain about something if you really want to, but you won't want to complain so much that you become known for your negativity.
  9. Do not hesitate to do what you want. While being close, caring, and friendly are essential qualities to becoming famous, you also need to feel comfortable with independence and do the things you enjoy. Don't be afraid to wear something no one has ever worn, listen to music that is completely different from the music your friends usually listen to, or take part in an activity that isn't available at school, such as yoga or a skateboard. Being independent helps people notice you for a pretty simple reason - because you stand out.
    • This doesn't mean you need to be different simply because you want to stand out, but because you really want to do something different. You don't want to be "fancy" when you try to do something to "replace" common actions just to get the attention of others.
  10. Don't try too hard. While there are quite a few things you can do to increase your social standing and become more prominent in the eyes of others, you need to be careful not to look like you're doing your best. In high school, people are quite sensitive about this, so you should avoid appearing like you are willing to do anything just to become famous. This means that you shouldn't try too hard to talk to other famous students when they are not excited and you should not “join” in other people's stories when you are not welcome. Avoid imitating the looks of other celebrities because people will notice this.
    • Making friends is a great way to become famous. However, you should be careful and should determine the right time to make friends. You don't want yourself to get into humiliating situations when moving too fast.
    • Similar to attracting the opposite sex. While it can be great to quickly win over someone you like, take your time and take some time to think about the other person's feelings before taking the next step.

Part 3 of 3: Actively Participating in Activities

  1. Join extracurricular activities. Whether you are on a basketball team, cheerleader, French club, or school band, participating in extracurricular activities can hardly make you more popular because you will have a chance meet more people. If you only get to know your classmates, you will miss out on the opportunity to meet other wonderful people in your school. Also, when you meet people who share your interests, it becomes easier for you to make friends.
    • Remember, in order to excel, people need to know about you - so everyone can know about you, what better method than engaging in extracurricular activities?
    • Finding the right extracurricular activities for you will also help you find new passions, discover new interests, and even find inspiration to pursue a new career path.
  2. Get to know your classmates. While being a great student is quite important, you should also take time to relax and make friends in class. Whether you are chatting with your partner in the lab or with the person sitting behind you in Algebra II class, you should try to get to know your classmates - in a way, of course. interrupt your learning process!
    • You might find a new best friend while working on a school project with a classmate or writing an experiment report. Don't think that you can only make friends after school.
    • Your classmates may also be quite enthusiastic about meeting new friends, because students in the same class will usually not have a chance to study together for a long period of time as each class will usually is changed at random.
  3. Participate in community activities. Another way to show interest is to participate in something in your community. Whether it's volunteering at a free food distribution for disadvantaged people or participating in a regional soccer tournament, joining the community will help you get acquainted. with more people and adept at dealing with different types of people. You can also meet schoolmates while participating in these activities and this will help you make friends from your school or from your neighborhood.
    • Being involved in community activities not only helps you meet new people, but volunteering and doing something productive will help build your confidence, and it will make it easier for you to do so. get to know other people better. This is a mutually beneficial measure.
  4. Maintain diverse interests. If you want to become famous, you need to participate in many activities; If you only join the baseball team or just work on a school project, you will miss out on the chance to meet interesting people. While you shouldn't do too many things at once, engage in at least two or three activities that can help you meet new people; If you only pursue a single hobby, you will only be able to get acquainted with people you have met. Find and participate in activities that you enjoy so that you can make more interesting people.
    • Part of the process of becoming famous is that people can recognize you every time you walk across the hallway of a school. Participating in different activities can help you achieve this easily.
  5. Proved itself. If you don't hesitate to take risks and prove yourself during and after class, you'll be able to get noticed. Please register to participate in the school talent contest. When a certain guest comes to visit the school, volunteer to step onto the stage. Help other students with their homework after school. Volunteer to help out in the school library. If you focus on only doing what you need to do instead of finding new things to do, you will hardly be famous.
    • If you're the shy type, you don't have to prove yourself in a way that is overly showy. You can do little things to make a difference, like proposing a club or announcing to your class's sports team during homeroom time.


  • Don't lie because otherwise people will think you are a fake. A lie will influence you. Integrity and good morality will make it possible for you to win people's trust and respect.
  • Make sure you know how to be cool when taking photos (doesn't mean you have to be naked for everyone to see!). Smile while taking pictures, even when you're looking elsewhere. And make sure your smile shows you are an easygoing person.
  • Keep up with news on media and fashion trends. Find out news about movie actors and musicians. If you don't know where to start, go to to listen to popular songs in the country, and visit websites of popular magazines such as Cosmopolitan Vietnam, Her World Vietnam, Young Fashion , etc.
  • Remember that high school time is not the end of the world! These are just 4 short years in your life. If being famous isn't going to make you the happiest, forget it - life is too short for you to care about anything else except being happy.
  • Be funny! Be someone who can make fun of others or have a sense of humor.
  • Become a great storyteller! The person who makes the other person unhappy is often the person who is alienated (unless you can turn everything into a joke!).
  • Acne will not affect your standing in school, but you should try to take care of your face by using cleansers and acne creams. Another great tip for getting rid of acne and keeping the body healthy is Stop eating foods made from wheat. Find out about this issue; Wheat Belly (roughly translated as The Harm of Wheat) is a good book for you to refer. This book is quite amazing and you will be shocked to find out the real harm of Wheat on your body!
  • Smile as much as you can. (This doesn't mean you have to be a weirdo smiling or smiling 24/7.) People will not like interacting with people who are often frowning or emotionless.
  • Don't make friends with bad people.
  • Should not be insecure. Others may be jealous of you. So be yourself and don't worry about those people, they are not you, only you can be yourself. So show them who you really are and be yourself!
  • Focus on your studies and on your social life. Be careful with your friends. You never know if a friend of yours might be the one to delay your studies and progress, and most people have it.
  • Avoid being the bad bully who always thinks you're awesome. Please follow the steps outlined in the article.


  • Don't make friends with people who talk badly behind others. They may betray you.
  • Don't act "out of the crowd" if you don't really like it. If not, you will look like a fake! Try to follow your dreams, be kind to everyone, and you will be able to get to know many people regardless of your current social status.
  • Avoid bragging too much or people will think badly of you.
  • Don't slander others because eventually you will be slandered by others!
  • If ANYONE in the celebrity group tries to induce you to use drugs, stay away from them IMMEDIATELY. Not being famous is better than stepping on this path!
  • In general, stay away from these people and remember that the more easily you can say no, the better your future will be! And remember that popular girls and nice girls don't fight! Being a lady doesn't mean you can fight, if someone annoys you, don't mind them or tell someone about it.