How to Be Different

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Be Different | Annie Agar | TEDxDetroit
Video: How to Be Different | Annie Agar | TEDxDetroit


There are many people in society who want to be "part of the crowd". But if you want to be a leader and stand out from the crowd, this article is for you. When you know you're unique, that feeling is wonderful.


Part 1 of 3: Know yourself

  1. Understand that you are different. First, know that you are inherently unlike anyone on the planet. Certainly there are some people who are more unusual than others, but we all have unique experiences and personalities, which makes us different on Earth. No one has a brain like you, even thinking and reacting differently. Just being human, you are already very different.
    • The categorization is relatively useless. Even striving to be different is not something that can be easily achieved. With a slight cultural background change, you will find that people behave differently on their own. So accept that you are inherently unique and grow on your own. Anyway, who are you?

  2. Find who you are and be yourself. To be different, you need to be yourself - not someone else's copy. If you don't know who you are, the process can be a bit intimidating. To be yourself, you need to find who you really are. Do you know what you like? Friend like what? Who are you when no one is around?
    • Loving yourself is also very important. If you're not comfortable with yourself, you'll end up trying to be someone else - or at least, building up a cover to please others.

  3. Take some time to yourself. Today, it has been "commonplace" to be bombarded with impacts - whether from television or from people around it. To really know who you are and make yourself different, take some time to yourself. Separate yourself from everything. What do you have left? Think about what is important to you.
    • You know, we are always reminded of what to wear, what to eat, what to say, how to look, how to behave, what to watch, to read ... Be alone and suddenly you are not directed by anyone . It feels so strange, sitting there, thinking about things that you wouldn't miss if you never had to dress / dress / say / do / read / watch over someone else. Think about the aspects that the environment imposes on you and what you might be willing to embrace.

  4. Know what you want. Be very careful when you really want to be different. Perhaps you are simply in a group of friends you don't get along with, and the little voice that goes through your head has been misinterpreted. What does the difference really mean to you?
    • What do you consider normal? Why do people who view you "like anyone else"? Everyone has a different interpretation of the definition of "different". Do they look like that too? Behave, talk, and daydream like that?

  5. Know how different you want it to be. Once you have determined what "difference" means to you, you intend to take action how? If you were in a group of friends who ate only Swedish oat bars (also known as protein bars) and wore pink clothes on Wednesdays, how would you like to boom yourself? Do you want to be a math prodigy or just want to stir the air by wearing purple? You can be special in so many ways. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Find out what is unique about yourself

  1. Pay attention to your surroundings. A Japanese shaking hands instead of bowing is said to be different in Japan, but quite normal in Western countries. Reading Thoreau for fun will be common in some communities, but in others it is "normal" to read Cosmopolitan. To know how to be different, you need to be aware of your surroundings. Suppose there are three words to describe the environment in which you live. Now, what is the opposite?
    • Come back to the movie "Mean Girls." What are the three words to describe that environment? Shallow. Frivolous. And of course, mean. Do you want to be different from the Plastics group? You need to be a person who thinks more deeply, doesn't care about looks, and is kind. In another setting, however, it is perfectly normal to be kind to people (and to be expected). How is your environment like?

  2. Please observe. Try taking a moment to separate yourself from the space around you and observe. How do people behave? How do they interact (with friends, strangers, cashiers, lovers)? What do they all assume? How do they dress? If you suddenly enter this environment, how do you get out of the box?
    • Certainly, there are varying degrees of excess here. Simply wearing light-colored clothes will make you look great at the coffee shop on a gloomy day.
    • You can change your behavior a little - when the cashier at the coffee shop asks you what you want to drink, try saying, "Hmm. Not sure. How are you today?"
    • You can be disruptive - like laughing loudly, throwing things, or dancing on a table. These are certainly very different from the usual social etiquette, but will probably help you stand out.
  3. Do what you like. Be bold, you will love the trendy things and the wrong things. No problem! As long as you get to do what you love, you will probably have yourself a unique combination. Chances are, you enjoy baking, magic arts, and buying second hand stuff. As long as you like it.
    • It doesn't matter what other people think and do. Would you like to sing a song by Jekyll & Hyde at a karaoke bar in Germany? Great. Just do it. Would you like to buy that Abercrombie & Fitch bag? Sure, if that makes you happy. Just make sure you don't do it because someone else told you to!
  4. Try new things. We are born as part of a group. Therefore, we are always in contact with things that everyone around us has naturally agreed to. These are fine too - they can lead us to things we didn't even expect - but it's also important to try new things that no one has approved yet. If not, how do you find out what you like or dislike?
  5. Dare to break through. From a very young age, we seem to have been brainwashed to integrate into the community. We dress, don't eat, go to school, do gender-appropriate things, and so on. It's hard to realize that this is a situation you can escape from. There are limits in which you can make a breakthrough. It just doesn't happen to all of us.
    • Think about how you would behave if you put on dinosaur clothes. No one can see your face or your body, because you are in the clothes dinosaurs there. So all of a sudden you break into rooms, wave your tiny arms and scare people just because you can. You can do it in real life, but choose not to… Why?
  6. No need to be reasonable. If the last example is not enough, instead of just doing it differently, you may not do it. The point is, if you want to walk around the school, put on your headphones and dance like you're in a video of Selena Gomez, you can. If you want to wear a hat that looks like the state of Texas and stay out at Wal-Mart all night, if you find something like that, you can. (Doesn't mean you should, but you can definitely do it.)
    • Some people will lose their faces when they see you dressed in dinosaurs, dancing in front of a crowd, and wearing weird hats. But you know that, if you want to get over the limits and cross the line, you're more likely to encounter opposition. If you can handle it, just do it. Just remember that a lot of people will frown at "out of the box" things.

Part 3 of 3: Taking action

  1. Shake hands with the enemy. This is called treating people differently that they didn't expect. Of course, differs in a good sense! And see where that gets you - who knows, the next time you run into the police, shake his hand, ask him about yourself, and see if you avoid getting fined! Most likely.
    • One surefire way to set you apart is to be friendly with everyone. You know how many people can be really friendly with everybody Which? Probably not very much. It is very difficult! We only judge the people around us and are only attracted to certain types of people. Instead, be kind to people you don't feel like being friendly with. You will be different soon, and also learn a lot!

  2. Please dress for yourself. It's easy to get caught up in what society sees as beautiful and attractive. When this is difficult to avoid completely (if you don't make your own clothes), treat fashion like a cafeteria - take what you want and leave everything else. Do you like a certain trend? Very good. Would you rather choose a pair of rain boots from 1972 than a pair of Uggs? Great - maybe your mom has a couple of pairs in her closet.

  3. Don't let yourself get involved in the game. It's hard to think of a few examples of that everyone both do. For example, you could say, "listen to less popular music", but lots of people do. One thing that seems to be commonplace in crowds, however, is sensationalism. Everyone likes it. If you want to be different, stay away from them. Don't let them become part of your life. And definitely don't get started!
    • Due to human interactions, we all end up using a lot of tricks. A friend asked me if I felt upset, and I said no to keep things warm, even though I was upset. I do everything to get attention, to guide everyone's noses; We use tactics to get what we want, even if they don't do it well. If you can recognize these impulses, resist. Straightforwardness and sincerity are qualities to pride in and make you even more different.
  4. Say what other people think. One of the tricks of humans is not to say what you really think.We are afraid to stand out, make noise, hurt other people's emotions or embarrass ourselves. There will be many times when everyone thinks about something, but no one says it. The phrase "elephant in the room - boycotted" exists for a reason! Become that person!
    • Most people cannot do what they really want because they are entangled in social conventions about appearance and manners. They think about others too much and because of that can not be yourself a main way. If you find yourself doing something in the presence of someone else, just do it! (But of course, that must be legal!)
  5. No need to find a way to impress. You may not know it yet, but here is why the opinion of others is not important. People have been paying attention to how people see them and impressing others, so try not to do that. Usually when we don't try to impress, what we do again becomes impressive!
    • You know, people still say, "Run after love, run after love". Likewise. Instead of building an image in front of people, just show who you are. Then much better and more original.
  6. Know that the world functions in the opposite position. Nothing really looks like it looks. Many people try to be different and then all be alike. Silence can make people more attentive when you speak. When you're not trying to seduce others, they find you attractive. So, try Being different probably won't get you anywhere.
    • For example, it is not necessary to dress like a squirrel (or a dinosaur) and enter a bar to be considered special. In a way, it means getting other people to pay attention to you just as if you were wearing short skirts and high heels. So the next time you try to be different, think about what you'll actually do. Is that actually the opposite?
  7. Know that you will run into obstacles. Society is not good at accepting what is not a trend. People are praised for being fashionable and beautiful - only a few are praised for extending restrictions and breaking out. Those people probably won't greet you with open arms. But it doesn't matter! You don't need them. But you really need to know that it will happen. Thus, you will have to prepare in advance.
    • Aristotle once said, "To avoid being criticized, don't say anything, do nothing, and be nobody." This statement does not need correction. As long as you behave differently, people will criticize! Consider it a good thing! You get criticized when you are doing something. You are getting attention. You give people access to something different. Great! You are different.


  • Remember, self-discovery is a never-ending process. How you are at the age of 15 will be very different from 22, 49 or 97! Needs and preferences change as we get older. Things that we once valued, sometimes won't matter anymore. Wisdom replaces petty ambitions as we learn to grow from ourselves.
  • Think openly, or at least try to do so. Learn to see the world from different (and not necessarily human) perspectives. Don't be afraid of people who challenge your prejudices and values.
  • Try to get along with yourself. If you're surprised that people don't like your eccentricity, you just look blind and goofy. If you are not ready to endure weird gazes or comments, you have no choice but to keep your weirdness to yourself.
  • Do what you like, don't think about other people's comments.
  • Don't show your superiority to people who are not different. A lot of them really like the way they dress or the TV shows they watch. Remember, famous things have their reasons. Do not ignore it, sometimes you really love them. You may be amazed at the intellect of episodes "The O.C.", or a crush on The Plain White T.


  • Don't classify yourself. Just because you feel like a "gangsta hand" doesn't mean you can't love ballet.
  • Remember that eccentricity is not necessarily better than "normal". All people are eccentric in their own way, even when they follow the rules of society.
  • Acting casually to look different is hateful and superficial. Doing so will not help you see the world in a new or different way.
  • Remember that asking someone how to be dissimilar to who you are is taking away the purpose of what you are trying to do. Meaning, if you ask others how to be different, you will NOT be different because most of the time, they will show you what they themselves do differently. Therefore, it is almost impossible to ask others how to be unlike who they are because they will unintentionally tell you how to become like them. Surely the converse conundrum?