How to treat a dream

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Here’s How To Stop Your Nightmares - Rewrite the Script
Video: Here’s How To Stop Your Nightmares - Rewrite the Script


Dreaming, sometimes called "night ejaculation", is an unintentional ejaculation that occurs during sleep. This is a very normal part of puberty and you don't need to worry or feel guilty about it. You need to learn about perceptions and false information about dreaming in order to build a healthy life for you. See Step one below for more information.


Part 1 of 3: Understanding Dreaming

  1. Understand why there is a dream phenomenon. During sleep, unintentional ejaculation sometimes occurs when the genitals are stimulated by clothes or sleeping position, leading to orgasm and ejaculation. It can even happen when the genitals are not stimulated at all. Your body always produces semen whether you have a sex life or masturbate regularly or not. Your body performs this function regardless of your religion and culture.
    • If you do not orgasm regularly but are still sexually stimulated, the excess semen produced by the prostate gland will make the genitals more sensitive, thereby making dreams easier.

  2. Know when dreaming happens. During puberty, hormones promote the production of more sperm in the body, which is why dreaming often occurs in the early teen years. Dreaming is normal while you sleep, but sometimes ejaculation can happen at other times when you are being sexually aroused unintentionally. Sometimes you are still sleeping while dreaming or will wake up right away. When dreaming, the penis may be erect, but it may not be.
    • More than 80% of men have at least one dream in their life. Some experience unintentional ejaculation in adolescence and the frequency decreases gradually during adulthood. Others often have dreams throughout their lives, regardless of regular sexual activity, but there are also some people who do not experience this phenomenon at all.

  3. Find out spreading information about dream dreams. Dreaming is not a physical or psychological abnormality, but it's actually a perfectly normal sign that your reproductive system is working well. In other words, dreaming is not the "problem", other than it makes you feel shy or sleazy when you wake up.
    • 200-300 years ago, men who had a dream are often diagnosed with a "sperm" or "weak semen", and some cultures go even further to "cure" them with castration method. This is completely scientifically groundless and is now considered an "imaginary disease". There is no such thing as weak semen.
    • However, there is also information that men "must ejaculate" regularly to get rid of stagnant sperm. It is true that unused semen is absorbed back into the body, and you don't "need" regular ejaculation to live a healthy life. That doesn't mean that dreaming is unlikely to happen if you don't have orgasm very often, as there are no scientific studies to prove a link between sexual activity and dreaming.

  4. Dreaming is not your fault. Your body is doing what it should do and you don't have to feel guilty about dreaming at all. So you shouldn't torture yourself about a very normal bodily function.
    • If you have a dream, don't be surprised or embarrassed. After waking up, clean the genitals with soap and water, and change the sheets.
    • If you're trying to control your sexual desires or thoughts, or follow a religion that prohibits masturbation, you don't have to feel guilty about dreaming sometimes. It is not a sign of impurity or something wrong on your part. In the end this only happens while you are sleeping! You can talk to a close friend or rabbi about your problem for advice.
  5. Talk to your doctor. If you still have questions, your doctor can explain to you about dreaming and what is considered normal. Call or make an appointment. Ask your questions. Your doctor is the one who can help you understand dreams, gender and sexual health.

Part 2 of 3: Changing Living Habits

  1. Relax. It has been found that large changes or times of stress are more likely to lead to dreaming than in a relaxed mood. So you need to get enough sleep and exercise, reduce the amount of time you work to rest and do what you love. Fill in your free time with new activities or hobbies, and relax your mind whenever you get the chance.
  2. Sleep upright. Wearing loose-fitting clothes or sleeping nude helps reduce the risk of unintentionally stimulating the genitals during sleep.
    • Some monks abstain from sexual behavior, they change their sleeping habits by only sleeping for a few hours at a time, waking up frequently at night to meditate and pray for a while before going to sleep, this way of sleeping reduces the possibility of emanation. crystal unintentional.
  3. Avoid spicy foods and stimulants. Eating "heat-boosting" foods like green bell peppers and eggplant is considered reckless in some cultures, as well as coffee or other caffeinated substances, especially if you eat late at night.
    • If you are trying to treat a dream, you should eat less and eat several times a day, keeping your body hydrated to help digestion function properly. Go to the bathroom regularly and get plenty of exercise to reduce stress.
  4. Avoid strong aphrodisiacs. You must avoid situations that give rise to a sexual desire as much as possible. It is easy to control these desires if you avoid watching pornography, TV shows or other media that may arouse lust. Fill in your free time with a variety of activities, and avoid focusing on sexual thoughts.
  5. Practice yoga, tantra or karezza techniques. If you understand the functions and relationships that exist inside the body, you will be in control of your orgasm, whether during sex or in unconsciousness, like when you are sleeping. Practicing yoga helps you get to know your body and feel better about its reactions.
    • If you are having sex then tantra or karezza techniques are semi-spiritual yoga exercises, as they are related to half-orgasmic sexual activity, considering sex as attachment enhancement. relationship between two people, not "reproductive activities". Separating sexual activity from orgasm helps you better manage your dreams.
  6. Build a healthy relationship with sex and masturbation. If you are having sex with another person, you must talk to each other to maintain an open and healthy sex relationship that can both satisfy you.You can talk to your partner about dreaming if you feel comfortable.
    • If you're not having sex (or even if you do), develop a healthy masturbation routine. If masturbation helps control your thoughts and desires about sex, it may be right for you. Many young men masturbate several times per week or even daily.
    • If you are having sex and are still having dreams, it may be helpful to talk to your doctor.

Part 3 of 3: Using Natural Methods

  1. Drink sage tea. As a part of the Indian cuisine, sage tea is sometimes used as a drink at night to help sleep well and relax, often consumed by monks or ordinary people to avoid sexual thoughts. and dream.
  2. Use fenugreek and honey to "cool off". Fenugreek powder is a popular ingredient in Indian cuisine and Middle Eastern countries. You mix a little fenugreek powder with the corresponding amount of honey to reduce the bitterness, this is a mixture often used to improve sleep, treat sexual troubles like dreaming.
  3. Drink licorice root tea. In addition to supporting breathing and throat health, licorice root is commonly used in oriental medicine to cure all ailments related to the "basic chakras". Tea tastes good, helping to improve overall health and respiratory health.
  4. Take a warm bath with essential oils. There is often a misconception that "cold showers in the shower" reduce libido. In contrast, low temperatures actually increase sperm production in the testicles. Applying aromatherapy by adding a few drops of peppermint essential oil, lavender essential oil, sandalwood essential oil or rose essential oil to a bath, this is considered to reduce the likelihood of dream.
  5. Use gourd extract. This is a popular method, although there is no scientific basis, whereby you mix gourd extract with sesame oil in equal proportions and apply it on your scalp before going to sleep to eliminate libido. You should try it because there is no harm.


  • Some studies show that stress is a factor in increasing the likelihood of night ejaculation and dreaming.
  • As the prostate becomes more difficult to stimulate, thoughts about sex may disappear.


  • Dreaming is not a sign of health problems, and there is no medical reason to try to prevent it.