Ways to Destroy a Hard Drive

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to properly destroy a hard drive - Tip Tuesday: Episode #006
Video: How to properly destroy a hard drive - Tip Tuesday: Episode #006


Do you have a useless, inaccessible hard drive full of sensitive data on the other? Are you sure you want that data to never come to light? Once you've wiped your hard drive clean, you can consider the following options to further protect your data. The methods below will be very effective (but most of them are quite picky).


Method 1 of 10: Wipe data and remove the hard drive

  1. Backup computer data. It's easy to forget all the MP3s you fell in love with in the '90s, as well as your beloved family pictures when all you care about now is to clear the cause of your shame and avoid getting it. in prison. However, you need to make sure that all your important and legitimate data is backed up as the end result of this process is that everything on the hard drive will be ... "wiped out". .

  2. Wipe the drive. Always "clean" the drive before attempting to destroy it. While the more sophisticated the destructive, the more effective it is in making the data irreversible, nothing can be 100% guaranteed (especially if you have reason to believe the industries function will be ready to spend months and tens of billions of dong to find your secret). But, what about wiping the data and how about making the hard drive explode? No one can recover.
    • We need a little bit of practice, though: a complete erasing process on a computer can do this too, and only someone with really state-of-the-art equipment has a little chance of recovery. data. There wasn't even a lot of evidence to suggest that was possible.

  3. Open the computer case. Open the computer case and find the hard drive. They are usually located in different places depending on the case, sometimes can be inside a metal box. You may have to learn about your particular model if you have difficulty locating the hard drive.

  4. Open the hard drive. Remove the hard drive cover. This is easier to see when you loosen some screws with different shapes depending on the make and model of the hard drive. There is a chance we have to cut some of the tape. Be aware that sometimes the screw is underneath the label, so try poking around with a screwdriver.
  5. Remove magnets. Remove the travel lever and magnet to reach the optical disc underneath (our real target). Usually there is a screw inside and this is actually quite easy. You need to remove the magnets carefully as they are attached very tightly and you could get injured.
    • Seriously, we will have trouble if these magnets stick to the refrigerator because they stick so tightly. You can break your fingers with these. And, please do not swallow and Do not let your pet swallow the magnet (pets, in this case, include children).

  6. Remove the optical disc. This part looks like a beautiful mirror. You may need a screwdriver to remove the piece that secures the circular, centrally located disc. This is what stores (at least most) the data. Our target is this department. Sometimes there is more than one disc, so be careful. advertisement

Method 2 of 10: Smash the hard drive

  1. Use a hammer. The quickest and most direct method is to destroy the optical disc with a hammer. Place the disc on a surface that you can smash and easy to clean, put on goggles and protective gloves, then take all your anger on your boss and dump it on the optical disc.
    • Make sure you are the only one in the room while proceeding; beat each other in order to limit the injury of others to flying metal and glass pieces, and also to prevent them from starting to worry about your alertness or sending you to a psychiatric hospital.
    • Some optical discs are made of metal, others are made of glass and ceramic. The second type is more fragile. The first type will definitely deform and will no longer be used, but if you are not sure, you can also apply some of the more interesting methods below.
  2. Carefully dispose of debris. After the discs have broken into pieces, carefully collect and dispose of them. You can sell the ticks, or put them in a bag of persistent trash. advertisement

Method 3 of 10: Burn the hard drive

  1. Experiment by burning. Although the temperature alone may not destroy the data completely, turning a hard disk into a molten viscous liquid is really effective. Regardless of what you do, make sure the process is done in a well-ventilated place, as the melted hard drive will emit a very toxic odor.
    • Use standard fire. Place the hard drive in a heater or iron drum (second option is recommended), an ordinary flame hot enough to liquefy the hard drive. Throw the drive in and let it sit as it may take a while. Interesting Level: 3 stars.
    • Use a torch.Wearing some protective equipment, fix the optical disc at a reasonable distance with an insulator and monitor the melting. Make sure the floor below is heat resistant. Interesting Level: 5 stars.
    • Use aluminum thermostats. To make the destruction of the hard disk even more thrilling, you can boldly fill the container with sand, drop the optical disc, and then light the aluminum heat over the disc. This is scientifically based, a chemical reaction that produces a lot of heat and a little bang, so you must be extremely cautious. Do not use this method indoors, near trees, yourself, or your children. Interesting Level: 11 stars.
    • Use sugar and potassium nitrate. Mix sugar and potassium nitrate in a soda can and place the mixture on the hard drive in the sand bucket. Basically, this is a small bomb, so you need to really Be careful about where to install and where you will stand when the bomb explodes. Interesting Level: 11 stars.

Method 4 of 10: Shoot the hard drive

  1. Experiment with a canola gun or a rubber band. Erect the optical disc in a safe place and turn it into a targeted target. Interesting Level: 7 stars. advertisement

Method 5 of 10: Magnetize the hard drive

  1. Experiment with a large magnet. The story of scanning magnets over a computer to erase data has become a myth. If you want to destroy data with magnets, you will need a giant magnet.
  2. Buy large quantities of rare earth magnets (a type of permanent magnet) that are large and heavy. This massive magnet is enough to damage data left over from rubbing against the drive (interesting level: 4). And in fact, who wouldn't want a super-large magnet? Surely you will discover many other uses (interesting level: 9 stars).
    • Or, if you live in a foreign country, you can take the hard drive to a scrap yard or a car "graveyard" ... anywhere you can find the giant magnetic cranes used to lift cars and other large metal fragments. Watch your drive "show off" classy aerobatics and your data becomes completely irreversible. Interesting Level: 5 stars. However, many modern drives are resistant to magnetic fields. Therefore, structural destruction is best.

Method 6 of 10: Crushing the hard drive

  1. This is easy - find a 5-10 ton hydraulic press, press and crush the drive in a crackle between the spindles. This only takes a few seconds, but the effect is remarkable. advertisement

Method 7 of 10: Fusing hard drive

  1. Experiment with acid. Imagine that the optical disk of the hard drive you are holding in your hand is a hunted little witch and you are executed by dipping "him" in a basin of electrolyte or similar strong acid. You can monitor hard drive degradation progress. Then, remember to dispose of the acid appropriately (pouring liquid into the yard isn't the right way, you should know it). Interesting Level: 6 stars.
  2. Microwave experiment. Microwaves aren't powerful enough to destroy data, so don't expect an explosion to put an end to this. We just make the optical disc so hot that it can melt or deteriorate and that will make the data irreversible.
    • Buy or take advantage of an old microwave oven, which you should use with a button that opens the door. Hook a rope on the outside and set the oven to spin for 10 minutes. Back too far (glass optical disc rupture under these conditions is dangerous). Open the microwave remotely with a broom handle, pull the cord open to the door, then use a long rod to completely destroy the optical disc if it has not melted itself or been properly damaged. Interesting Level: 6 stars.

Method 8 of 10: Use a five-needle tool for a hard drive

  1. Experiment with sand blasting machine. Rent a blower from an equipment store, remove the optical disc from the drive, and blow sand into the mirror surface of the disc. This will destroy the material that stores the data on the disc. You will be very "cool" when holding a sand blasting gun, and can also take advantage of the time to clean many things other than the old hard disk. Interesting Level: 5 stars.
  2. Experiment with a saw blade. You should not use a saw (because it doesn't work very well). Instead, use an angle lathe, similar to the saw but with a louder sound. These machines are easy to rent in hardware stores. Use a cheap "C" fixed-table clamping bolt to hold the hard drive's optical disc on a suitable surface and cut straight down in the center. In fact, you will have to cut more than just once because the sparks will shoot everywhere like fireworks in the garage. It's okay, as long as you're happy. Interesting Level: 7 stars.
    • Just make sure you do it safely with the right eye protection. You should look at images of lathe wound. You wished you hadn't seen it.
  3. Experiment with a drill. This is a popular, practical, but no less-fun way to destroy a hard drive. Take a drill (you'll need a really hard drill) and drill holes in the optical disk of the hard drive. You may want to drill multiple holes of different sizes, in different positions, to ensure that the data cannot be recovered. Besides, be creative artistically. These can be used as decorations for a Christmas tree. Interesting Level: 4 stars. advertisement

Method 9 of 10: Crush the hard drive small

  1. Experiment with industrial shredder. Have you ever seen an industrial shredder? You should research it right away. Rent an industrial shredder and throw your hard drive in. With the mounts, the machine will crush everything it can. However, you should only release what is necessary and let your cat go. Interesting level: increases with progressively depending on the number of items you crush. advertisement

Method 10 of 10: Apply electrolysis to hard drive decomposition

  1. Grab a plastic container large enough to soak the hard drive in water. Add a sachet of sodium bicarbonate. Are not Use foam salt as it produces toxic chlorine gas!
  2. Find a big pencil. Carefully peel off the wood crust leaving the intact carbon carbon core. The graphite part will be a negative (-) electrode (the electrode should be higher than electrochemical compounds compared to aluminum). Besides, prepare two more large electric wires.
  3. Prepare a car charger.Are not use the car battery because it is too strong. Connect one end of the power cord from the hard drive optical disc to the + anode (reduced electrode) and another wire leads from the graphite to the cathode (additional electrode).
  4. Completely immerse the hard drive in water. Turn on the power. You should see the water start to bubble and bubble, oxygen and hydrogen are being released - open a nearby window for some time!
  5. After 24 hours, the hard drive optical disc loses its mirror coating (oxidized). The disc will be partly decomposed into metal powder and brine. advertisement


  • It is not possible to completely guarantee that every method will effectively erase 100% of data. Technology is changing rapidly and we don't know if there exists someone with infinite resources and a burning desire to have images of your private life. Just do your best and hopefully it's just because you're too nervous.
  • You are solely responsible for the mourning of everything. One simple thing: if authorities are suspicious of the data on your computer, what will they think when they find explosives in your home?
  • Wear protective equipment when performing any of the above methods. These methods are all about the physical destruction of something and will easily injure you. You need goggles (if no safety mask is available), workwear and equipment deemed necessary when working with these tools and materials.
  • Don't be too careless. Focus only on what you are doing. Texting and using lathes cannot be reconciled. Besides, the alcohol and lathes are the same. Surely you also understand: "Safety is you, accidents are enemies".
  • If you have a burning desire to do any of the aforementioned methods and don't want to use the right precautions or equipment, please consider seeking out a psychiatrist. We are a bit worried about you.
  • If you are mourning the evidence of guilt, you are essentially committing one more sin!