How to know if others like you

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
6 Subtle Behaviors To Make Others Like You Instantly
Video: 6 Subtle Behaviors To Make Others Like You Instantly


To see if someone likes you, you can observe their body language. Note eye contact. Pay attention to excessive physical contact or lack of confidence, especially if you're friends. Look for signs of the shy person's body, such as sitting near you or accidentally touching. Don't ignore the obvious signs that come from obvious affection.


Method 1 of 4: Observe body language

  1. Learn body language. 93% of communication methods are non-verbal. This is reflected in the tone, facial expression, body, and finally the content of words. Men and women both share some of the same body language behaviors, but still have special subconscious cues they display when they like others.

  2. Recognize the signs in women. Females have the ability to reveal more than fifty signs through body language. You may not notice all the signs, but you can notice the following things after you are dating or talking:
    • Pull the sleeve and reveal the wrist. This is a good signal, and most women are not aware of this. This is the act of revealing one of the soft and sensitive parts of the body.
    • She will try to close the gap by moving drinks or menus closer to you.
    • She will find a way to touch you. Some people do this smoothly. For example she will say "come here" and show you the app on your phone. Then when you get close, the two bodies will touch.

  3. Recognize the signs in men. Men usually don't show much body language. One signal that you should be aware of is when the guy pushes his shoulders back and brings the breath down to his chest. Another unique sign was that he brought his finger down his waist like a cowboy.

  4. Eye awareness. Eye contact is a common body language sign that contains many things. Both men and women use eye contact when they like others. Do not look for too long, or you will break the surrounding mysticism. The biggest sign is that he looks at you and the two of you look at each other for a moment and suddenly turn away.

Method 2 of 4: Recognize your friends' feelings

  1. Note that friendships can flourish. This is a common occurrence. Sometimes people just see each other as friends, in which one side will have deep feelings for the other.
  2. Note a few obvious signs. Here are some signs that a friend has a crush on you:
    • Touch your shoulder and want to be hugged.
    • Kindly lend a coat.
    • Make a joke about the person you are dating.
    • Invite you out often.
    • Kiss your cheek or offer to kiss your cheek.
    • Ask a lot about the people you like.
  3. Observe a lack of confidence. This can be seen in all sorts of engaging behaviors, but especially when there is intimacy between friends. They can keep an eye on how you react to things around them. For example, they'll look at you if you laugh when they tease.
    • Be careful if you hear them talking about their lack of confidence in appearance. They may look down on themselves and compare themselves to someone you like.
  4. Conversation. If you find that you also like the other person, this is a good thing and let them know. However, if you just want to be a friend, you need to take great care.
    • The best way is to be honest. Should not talk around. Express your feelings and be respectful of your friendship.

Method 3 of 4: Recognize the type of person who is shy and uncomfortable

  1. Note shy people. This type of person doesn't open up and admit that they like you. They often have a short conversation and look at you for a long time.
    • These people usually don't date much. If so, they often maintain a long-term relationship.
    • You can recognize this type of person through their behavior when interacting with friends and people you like.
  2. Be aware of the signs that the person likes you. These people are not intentionally shy, but they are not very confident. You should not reject them because of this. People who are shy or uncomfortable will show feelings to you when:
    • They used to talk sometimes thisBut at low volume makes it difficult to hear clearly.
    • They may blush when you talk or touch them.
    • You may catch them staring at you. If they look away when they see you, this means that the other person is looking at you.
    • They may ask you for help while they already know the answer.
  3. Note the action that attracts attention. The person who has a crush on you will do the things that make you pay attention to them. See if the person talks loudly when you're around, or laughs at your friends while you're nearby.
    • They may not talk to you on the internet, but "like" all of your online activities.
  4. Realize that some people are afraid of rejection. Some people hardly do anything to show that they like you for fear of rejection and suffering.
    • This is often the case with young people unaware that rejection is a part of life.
  5. Note the sign. Even though it's not that obvious, you can still tell if they like you or not. Notice the following signs:
    • Gently touch you just to touch you.
    • Sit next to you although there is still plenty of room. If they are brave, over time they may even sit near you.
    • Be the first to notice your feelings when you are sad, because they are always attentive to you.

Method 4 of 4: Recognize the type of person who shows obvious affection

  1. Character awareness. Some people do not refuse to be crooked, but go straight to the point. They don't feel shy at all! This is the type of person who is good at speaking that excites you.
    • If you feel like they are trying to control you, be very vigilant.
  2. Watch for signs. Whether you want the other person to like you or not, you should respect them. Nobody likes dumbs. Here are some signs that they like you:
    • They are constantly talking to you, even making you start to get upset.
    • They are shy about every little action or word you say to the person.
    • You may catch them staring at you and then smile or make a smile when you see them.
    • They are not afraid to talk.
    • They can ask you out and give you their phone number.
  3. Decide who takes the first step. Don't wait when you like someone. Waiting for the other person to actively date is ineffective. Take the opportunity and invite them out for coffee or a movie.
    • If you are not interested and know the other person likes you, don't ignore them! Be open and honest about how you feel. Respect the other person and don't make them delusional.


  • Believe in your instincts. If instinct tells the other person to like you, it probably is. They may not show many "necessary" signs, but instinct can tell if they are feeling for you or not.
  • If they ask for advice about others, they may like you and want to learn about your personality and how you want to be treated as a lover, but be careful if you like them as this is not the case. whichever is correct.
  • Remember: if shy, they often don't show their own feelings. If you like them and claim that they like you, don't be afraid to talk to them.
  • If the other person makes you uncomfortable, talk to them. Don't get angry, just talk clearly. They will often tell you about your feelings and don't be rude and hurt them in the meantime.
  • If the other person is your friend, avoid meeting a lot, whether you think it is more or less, or you can still be friends after that.
  • Don't hesitate to make much physical contact with your partner, but avoid acting inappropriately. You can give them a light nudge to tease the other person or walk or sit near them so that your shoulders touch each other. If you feel more confident, you can give them a hug as they tell you about their accomplishments. See their reaction to the touch, such as whether or not the other party responds.


  • If you rely solely on your instincts, you should be careful not to let subjective opinions influence your perception of other people's feelings. This way you won't be too disappointed.