Ways to Avoid Alcohol Addiction

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 EASY TIPS To Quit Drinking Alcohol ONCE AND FOR ALL!!
Video: 5 EASY TIPS To Quit Drinking Alcohol ONCE AND FOR ALL!!


You will easily become addicted to alcohol if you are not careful, especially when social life is only around bars or regularly drinks on weekends. Things can be difficult to control if you continue to keep that habit, so start making lifestyle changes and plan to reduce your alcohol consumption now. This is essential when you believe you've crossed the line between regular drinking and alcohol abuse. You should learn the steps below to curb your drinking habits, before you get really addicted.


Part 1 of 3: Reducing Drinking Alcohol

  1. Do not leave alcohol in the house. Drinking alcohol easily becomes a daily habit if you always store them within reach, when the wine cabinet is always full to satisfy cravings. If you always have a half-filled bottle of wine or a six-pack of beer in the fridge, it's hard to overcome temptation. So the first step in preventing alcoholism is not stocking up, unless you are going to treat your guests that day. If you don't want to quit drinking altogether and just want to cut down on drinking to a healthy amount, don't keep a lot of alcohol in the house.
    • Have soft drinks in lieu of alcohol in the kitchen whenever you need something to drink for comfort. Tea, carbonated water, lemonade, soft drink and sodas are suitable for alcohol substitutes.
    • If there is a lot of alcohol left in the party, you should let your friends take it. If no one wants to take it, they should dump it all. You should not have the thought that you have to drink it all so you don't have to dump it.

  2. Do not drink when you are sad. Drinking alcohol when you are depressed, lonely, stressed or when you have negative emotions tend to make you dependent on alcohol. Since alcohol is a depressant, it only makes the condition worse. You drink only on social occasions, when people are having a good time and have reason to celebrate.
    • Avoid the habit of having celebrations every day. You drink only on really special occasions like when someone has something to celebrate.

  3. Drink slowly. If you have a habit of gulping, the chance of you getting too drunk is very high. You should drink slowly, taking time to sip each time you drink. To do that, you should order pure alcohol, do not mix other drinks to avoid losing the true taste of alcohol, is your chance to think that you do not drink. You should drink a glass of water or a soft drink after each drink.
    • Drinking water helps to fill your stomach and also to keep your body hydrated. You can hardly drink a lot of alcohol if you are hydrated and feel full.
    • Do not participate in beer competitions or any activities that require a large amount of beer in a short time.

  4. Don't go to the pub very often. Since the purpose of these bars is to sell alcohol, you feel automatically that you have to buy a bottle.The dim lighting, the scent of the perfume and the stir created by those around you are all elements of the atmosphere that make you irresistible. The pub environment has always tended people to drink more, so it's best to avoid all pubs if you want to cut back.
    • When you are invited to a pub event, such as a fun occasion with bosses and co-workers, order a soda or non-alcoholic drink. If the restaurant serves food, you order one to sip, making it feel like you are pampering yourself even though you don't drink beer.
    • When entering a restaurant, you should choose a place where you can exercise a lot instead of sitting where you only drink beer, like finding a place to have some pastime to distract yourself. You should not choose a table that focuses on the fun of drinking lots of beer.
  5. Take part in activities that don't involve alcohol. People only sit for a long time in the restaurant when they have nothing left to amuse and entertain. The next time you meet, suggest playing a sport that everyone can participate in, such as going for a walk, watching movies, watching plays, or going to music and painting shows. In general, you should choose a place that does not sell alcohol or does not have activities that lead to drinking beer or alcohol.
    • This way not only helps you reduce alcohol consumption, but also benefits your overall health, making your body more active.
  6. Play with someone who doesn't drink. Some people try to get you to drink alcohol even if you invite them to an activity outside the pub. They will pack the wine in a bag and bring it to the cinema, or bring a few cans on the outing. If you really want to quit drinking, don't hang out with them, but choose someone who shares your mind. This is how you don't have to deal with alcohol every time you want to have fun.
    • This means you have to take them out of your life if they're annoying. If you really like someone that he drank a lot, then you should learn to say no when you're together. It can't be because he likes to drink so you have to drink too. It is likely that they will follow you and make an effort to reduce their drinking.
  7. Do exercise. Exercise is a great way to give up alcohol. The habit of drinking beer makes many people become sluggish, swollen body and gain weight. If you are aiming for physical enhancement then the effects of alcohol are a major concern to your progress.
    • Sign up for a jogging tournament or join a soccer club. Once you have set a goal, you must give up alcohol the night before the competition to stay in top shape.
    • In addition to exercise, you must eat well, get enough sleep and take general care of your body so that you are no longer attracted to alcohol.
  8. Recognize the withdrawal symptoms. When you drastically cut back on alcohol, your body will start to experience withdrawal symptoms. You notice signs of physical and mental characteristics, including shaking hands, irritability, feeling tired and weak, difficulty sleeping, poor concentration, and bad dreams.
    • If you have a heavy addiction, other symptoms such as sweating, nausea, headache, loss of appetite, vomiting and heart palpitations may develop.

Part 2 of 3: Serious Cessation Planning

  1. How many called many. Each person feels differently about quitting alcohol or beer. Some people can drink beer every day without having any negative effects. The continuous drinking of beer and alcohol made their alcohol intake so high that they could not stand it if they only drank one bottle a day, eventually leading to alcoholism. You should maintain a moderate level of drinking every day.
    • According to the US Department of Agriculture, moderate drinking is defined as 350 ml of beer (150 ml of alcohol) / day for women and 700 ml of beer (300 ml of alcohol) / day for men (With beer, there are 5 % alcohol and 12% alcohol). If you drink too much for a long time, your risk of alcohol abuse is higher.
    • You should remember to drink more than 2.5 liters of beer / week for women and 5 liters of beer / week for men is considered to drink too much. You should drink less than this limit.
    • If you fall into one of the following situations: a family member who is addicted to alcohol, has a habit of drinking alcohol with drugs, or is depressed, your tendency to be addicted to alcohol will be higher.
  2. Write your commitment on paper. If you decide to only drink up to 1 liter of beer / week write "I will not drink more than 1 liter of beer / week". You have to promise yourself that you must follow what you have written. Then stick the piece of paper on the mirror or put it in your wallet so that you always remember that you've decided to cut down on alcohol, or quit altogether.
    • Or write down the reasons you want to cut down on drinking, such as: "I want to be healthier" or "I want to be with my family and friends more".
    • It's not going to be easy, but making a promise on paper can help.
  3. Record the amount of beer and alcohol you drink. The best way to know how much you drink is to keep a track. You should bring a follow-up card to keep track of drinking beer during the week, or keep a calendar or indoor note pad. If you go out regularly to drink, you should use a note pad or software on your phone to record the amount of alcohol you drink. Every week you need to take out a test, you will surely be surprised by the effectiveness of this method.
    • Having a responsible attitude with each drink will make you more aware of the amount of alcohol you have consumed, thereby helping to quit drinking more effectively.
    • If you find yourself drinking over the limit, keep a diary of why you drink, what made you decide to drink, and how you feel before you drink and after you finish. This is a way to record your thoughts during the emotional changes brought about by alcohol.
    • Write down the situations or reasons that trigger you to not drink. After a while you begin to realize that you need to avoid the situations or causes of drinking.
  4. Take a break from drinking now and then for a while. You try determined to stop drinking for a week or two, this is an opportunity for the body to rest, completely isolated from the daily drinking habits. Or simply cut back by choosing two days of the week that are completely alcohol free.
    • For example, if you get in the habit of drinking one drink a night, then stopping suddenly can turn things upside down, making you feel like you no longer need that drink.
    • If you have a severe addiction, then abruptly stopping drinking will cause typical withdrawal symptoms. Pay close attention to your emotions and how your body responds to these changes. If the reactions are too severe, you should see your doctor as soon as possible.
  5. Keep track of your progress. During the process of quitting alcohol you must record progress each week, assess whether you can control your drinking habits, have cut your alcohol intake to the desired level, or you can resist drinking habits. body lust does. If you feel that your drinking habits are out of control, even with your best efforts, then it's time to seek outside help.
    • If the body develops severe symptoms of withdrawal, unable to fight off self-interest, memory loss or other symptoms of alcoholism while reducing alcohol consumption, you should seek out help immediately.

Part 3 of 3: Getting Outside Support

  1. Know if you need help. Get help immediately if you determine that your drinking habits are out of control. You need to recognize some of the signs of abuse and put you at risk of alcoholism. These are signs of the tendency towards alcoholism: once you drink, drink a lot, drink while driving or operate machinery even though you know your work is illegal and extremely dangerous. .
    • If you have morning and night cravings, irritability, mood swings, drink alone or sneaky, drink gustily, get depressed or shake hands and feet, then ask someone to other immediate assistance.
    • You should also seek help if you neglect a mission because of drinking. Possible reasons for neglecting your job include being busy drinking, having headaches and being unable to go to work or class.
    • Because of alcohol, you get into trouble with the law, such as being arrested for getting drunk in public, fighting in a drunkenness, driving while drunk.
    • The problem is also worrying if you continue to drink alcohol despite the advice of those around you. Your drinking habits are so annoying that others have to warn you, if this happens, it's time to need help.
    • You should not take alcohol as a coping strategy. This is an unhealthy approach if you plan to use alcohol to cope with stress, depression, or other problems. If you are drinking for this purpose, you should seek help to solve the problem, instead of getting relief.
  2. See the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) website. You can use a 12-step program run by AA to help more people find ways to overcome alcoholism. Even if you are not a complete alcoholic, if you take the measures outlined in the program, you can prevent your drinking habits from getting worse.
    • After doing some research, you will find that it is no longer safe to continue to drink according to your current habits. So having an organization ready to help you cope with reality is so important that they guide you to eliminate all of the negative effects of alcohol in your life.
    • You can search online for groups of AA activities near you.
    • AA is an organization based on religious beliefs, so you should only apply this method if you find yourself suitable for such organizations. They use religious messages and pathways to help you recover, depending on organizers and gatherings to reinforce what they teach.
  3. Join the SMART Recovery program. If you are not interested in the AA activities, you can try to join the SMART Recovery program. This program uses cognitive-behavioral therapy to specifically identify the environmental and emotional factors that lead to alcoholism, and help you interact with them in a new and more effective way. . The program focuses on guiding students to quit drinking but does not make learners think they are patients.
    • This program requires the patience of learners, helping you to give up alcohol completely from life. However, SMART Recovery welcomes those who do not have a definitive attitude toward quitting alcohol.
    • The program is suitable for people who do not need many forms and can motivate themselves during practice. Cognitive behavioral therapy requires you to express yourself instead of asking for help from the organizers or group activities like AA. It depends heavily on your own determination.
  4. Join a rehabilitation program (not religiously inclined). You can join a different program if you don't like the AA 12-step approach. SOS (Secular Organizations for Sobriety) is a non-religious program that provides guidance to help you give up alcohol, mainly requiring learners to take responsibility for their drinking habits and towards compassion. give up alcohol completely. It is primarily based on learner determination, just like SMART Recovery.
    • There are also other programs such as LifeRing Secular Recovery (LSR), which is also a non-religious organization, based on the following three philosophies: calmness, disbelief, and self-reliance. They believe that each person's inner motivation is the best tool to stay away from alcohol, and holds meetings for encouragement and support when their determination is not enough. Similar to AA, they have meetings but their beliefs are not Christian.
    • To find more information about activity groups, visit the Faces and Voices of Recovery page. There are many groups of activities to choose from, based on gender, religion, type of addiction and age. The site provides a list of face-to-face groups, medical support groups, online meet-ups or family and friends focused groups.
  5. See a therapist. If you are having trouble with alcohol dependence, ask a therapist to monitor your condition. Drinking habits can have root causes that need to be addressed before successfully quitting. If you start to drink a lot of alcohol after a traumatic episode, from excessive stress, a neurological problem, or another cause that can be handled by a therapist, then you should seek help. their professional assistants.
    • In addition, a therapist can give you advice on coping with social pressures that make you drink alcohol, how to avoid the causes of alcohol, or how to cope with feelings of guilt. breaking the promise to quit drinking. They can help you get through those situations and turn you into a stronger person during the recovery process.
  6. Ask relatives and friends for help. Quitting alcohol on your own is extremely difficult, so ask friends and family to help you with the cessation process. You should ask them not to invite you to a pub or to give you beer on any occasion. This is how you exercise your resolve because everyone around you should pay attention not to create temptation.
    • If you have any chance of meeting, ask them to organize it without using alcohol.


  • You should drink more water, not only because it is beneficial for your body but also to limit you to drink less beer. You can hardly drink a lot of beer if you feel full.
  • Alcohol is a stimulant that releases inhibitions, so keep in mind that when you get drunk you can do things that you would never normally dare to do.
  • Alcohol is poisonous and is never an essential human need. One is to give up completely, the other is to choose other non-alcoholic beverages on the market, but you should know that many other soft drinks also contain some alcohol in them.