How to get rid of unpleasant odors in the toilet and bathroom

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 23 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
11 stinky bathroom solutions to keep your bathroom smelling amazing. | Hometalk
Video: 11 stinky bathroom solutions to keep your bathroom smelling amazing. | Hometalk


Unpleasant smells in the toilet and bathroom are often the cause of awkward situations. Perhaps you want to freshen up the air after using the toilet, or have noticed a musty, unpleasant odor in the bathroom caused by inappropriate cleaning practices. In any case, there are many ways available to keep the toilet and bathroom smelling fresh.Use different methods to eliminate odors, change your cleaning approach and keep these rooms clean.


Method 1 of 3: How to get rid of odors

  1. 1 Ventilate the bathroom. Ventilation is the easiest way to hide unpleasant odors by using fresh air. If you have a ceiling fan, turn it on after using the room. If there is no fan, you can use a window or a window.
    • Ventilation is needed not only after using the toilet. Also turn on the fan or open the window after showering. Moist air after a hot shower promotes mold and the ensuing musty odor in the room.
  2. 2 Use an odor absorber instead of an air freshener. Often people prefer to put a can of air freshener behind the toilet. In this case, it is better to purchase an "odor absorber" rather than a regular air freshener.
    • Air fresheners mask the odor, rather than eliminate it, so after the product is finished, the unpleasant odor returns. If the smell is strong enough, it can be noticed even through the freshener.
    • The absorbers neutralize odors. They will quickly and effectively eliminate unpleasant odors. Look for cans with the corresponding inscription on the shelves of supermarkets. There are a large number of odor absorbers in stores, so you will have to choose the most suitable product yourself. You can read reviews on the Internet to get an idea of ​​which product is most effective.
  3. 3 Air purifiers. If there is poor air circulation in the room, then the air absorber alone may not cope with the problem. Try a purifier, a removable appliance that improves air circulation and kills odor-causing bacteria. The air purifier can be purchased at a department store or ordered from an online store. The price range is very wide. The cost can reach 20,000 rubles for a top quality product, but for a small room you can get by with a simple option by purchasing a small air purifier for about 1,500-3,000 rubles.
  4. 4 Moisture absorbers. Your problem may lie not only in using the toilet, but also in the presence of mold. In this case, it is recommended to use moisture absorbers - a dry substance that absorbs water. Moisture absorbers include silica gel, which is often found in packaging.
    • If it is possible to locate the substance out of the reach of children and pets, then synthetic moisture absorbers such as silica gel can be used. The substance may be toxic if swallowed. You can store the desiccant in a small plastic container with punctured holes.
    • Plants are natural absorbers of moisture. Ferns and lilies will help you get rid of unpleasant odors and keep the air fresh.
  5. 5 Homemade air freshener. Sometimes homemade air fresheners are more effective than commercial products. If an air absorber isn't enough, make a DIY air freshener.
    • Mix three parts water, one part vodka and 10-20 drops of essential oil (lavender, eucalyptus). Essential oils are sold at hardware and beauty stores. Pour the solution into an aerosol bottle, place it behind the toilet and spray as needed.
    • If the above composition has an alcoholic smell, try mixing two cups of water with a tablespoon of white vinegar, a teaspoon of baking soda, and 10 drops of essential oil. Pour the solution into an aerosol bottle, place it behind the toilet and spray as needed.

Method 2 of 3: How to clean the room properly

  1. 1 Use baking soda, lemon juice, and vinegar. Sometimes it is necessary to perform special cleaning of surfaces near the toilet in order to remove stubborn unpleasant odors.A mixture of baking soda, lemon juice and vinegar is recommended for these purposes. Such products successfully eliminate unpleasant odors.
    • Make a paste with equal parts lemon juice and baking soda. It is best to use fresh lemon juice. Mix the substances until a homogeneous pasty consistency is obtained.
    • Apply the paste to the bottom of the toilet bowl and seat under the rim with a damp cloth and let it sit for 10-15 minutes.
    • Pour vinegar into an aerosol bottle. After 10-15 minutes, spray the vinegar over the paste. Let the solution sizzle a little and then remove with a cloth.
  2. 2 Use essential oils. They have a powerful and pleasant scent. If you are worried about the smell in the toilet or bathroom, try adding a few drops of essential oil to a bottle of rubbing alcohol. Use this solution to clean the sink and toilet. Some essential oils (such as cedar nut oil) have anti-fungal properties and can help eliminate unwanted odors.
  3. 3 Toilet bowl cleaning. Without regular cleaning, the toilet can trap urine odor. Often people forget about the toilet when cleaning. You can use white vinegar to clean the toilet.
    • Lift the toilet lid. Pour half a glass of vinegar into it. Then put on your rubber gloves.
    • Use a stiff brush to scrub the sides of the toilet and then rinse. Add vinegar again and repeat several times.
  4. 4 Regular cleaning. Simple regular cleaning of the toilet and bathroom will get rid of unpleasant odors. We recommend cleaning once a week. Clean the toilet, lid and walls. Clean the floor. Wash your bathtub, shower and sink. You can use regular cleaning products or your own solution of baking soda, lemon juice, and vinegar. By cleaning regularly, you will prevent unpleasant odors and other problems.
    • Use quality cleaning products when cleaning. Choose foods that are designed to combat specific odors. In order for the choice to be optimal, you should know what material the washbasin, bathtub and tiles are made of.
  5. 5 Wastewater treatment. Clogged drains are often the cause of unpleasant odors. Clean drains if water does not drain well. Also, don't forget to clean up your drains every month.
    • Remove plug to remove hair, dirt, and other debris. You can use white vinegar and water to clean the cork.
    • Use a straightened hanger to clean the drain. Try pushing the blockage out or out of the drain. You can also use a plunger if the hanger doesn't do the job.
    • Flush the drain. Turn on hot water and let it sit for a few minutes to wash out any dirt and debris that is causing the smell.
    • Mix half a cup of vinegar and half a cup of baking soda once a month. Pour the solution down a drain to unclog the drain pipe and remove blockages and unpleasant odors.
  6. 6 Avoid mold growth. Mold is a common cause of bathroom or toilet odors. In addition, it is harmful for hygiene reasons. Perform regular inspection of the room to check for mold.
    • Finding traces of mold is not always easy. It can be overlooked or mistaken for ordinary plaque or dirt. For example, look for black specks on the ceiling. If they reappear in the field of cleaning and begin to grow, then you have mold.
    • Look under the sink. Typically, the pipes under the sink will grow moldy, especially in the case of intermittent water leaks.
    • Recognize mold symptoms early. If you do not see mold, but notice the following symptoms, then invite experts on this issue. Symptoms of mold include wheezing, rash, increased tearing, redness and burning of the eyes, and a runny nose.

Method 3 of 3: How to Avoid Problems

  1. 1 Re-seal the joints between tiles. The joints between the tiles usually cover all the walls in the room and contribute to the formation of unpleasant odors. Over time, pores form in the sealant that absorb odors. If, after routine cleaning, an unpleasant odor remains in the room, then remove the old grout with a special knife and apply a fresh sealant, which is sold in hardware and hardware stores.
  2. 2 Lower the toilet lid after flushing. Sometimes small changes have a big impact on the smell in the room. Remember to lower the toilet lid after each visit. This will prevent unpleasant odors from entering the air.
  3. 3 Take out the trash regularly. If there is a waste basket in the toilet or bathroom, then remove the rubbish at least once a week. Over time, the debris starts to smell. Regular trash collection will be an effective method of combating odors.
  4. 4 Wash towels regularly. Due to the high humidity in the room, towels quickly become musty. If you store bath towels in the bathroom, wash them every week to prevent unpleasant odors.
    • Try adding half a cup of white vinegar during your wash to effectively combat odors.
    • The washed towels should dry completely. Only then can you hang them on the hooks again or put them on the shelf in the bathroom.
  5. 5 Surfaces resistant to odors or moisture. If, even after thorough cleaning, an unpleasant smell still remains in the room, then consider the possibility of serious repairs. Today you can buy bathtubs, tiles and washbasins with surfaces that are resistant to odors and moisture. This upgrade is not cheap, but if you can afford it, and bad smell is a real problem, then it’s better not to skimp.


  • Ensure good ventilation during cleaning.
  • If mold is the cause of the odor, then you may need a major overhaul. For example, sometimes mold takes root in drywall. If the methods described in the article did not help to get rid of the smell, then check the house for mold. Mold is toxic and unhealthy and may require professional cleaning of the room to solve the problem.