How to speed up your working day

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 22 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Chase Atlantic - Swim (tiktok remix/speed up) Lyrics | luckily luckily luckily chase atlantic
Video: Chase Atlantic - Swim (tiktok remix/speed up) Lyrics | luckily luckily luckily chase atlantic


This is called motivated "work", isn't it? There are days when it seems that all the clocks in the building have stopped working. How do you overcome this condition? With the right organization of work, you can make use of every second of your time.


Part 1 of 3: Designing a System to Make Time Flow Faster

  1. 1 Eat healthy foods for breakfast. Sometimes it’s not the job that’s terrible, and it’s not the time that flows slowly, and our thoughts are occupied with the wrong things. To start your day full of energy, you need to eat healthy breakfast foods. Instead of a donut that will keep you up until noon, opt for something proteinaceous, such as eggs, lean meats, and cereal bread. This morning will go by a lot faster if you work hard.
    • Try avoiding large amounts of caffeine as well. Morning coffee is sacred, but three cups of coffee later can cause headaches during the day and insomnia at night. Not getting enough sleep is a surefire way to turn your workday into a nightmare.
  2. 2 Make your workplace comfortable. If you have an office job from 9 am to 5 pm, then it will physically hurt you to sit in front of the computer all the time. The more comfortable your workplace is, the better you will feel, the more efficient you will be, and the less time you will observe on your watch. In a healthy body healthy mind.
    • A comfy chair and table are great, but there is more to come. Sit up straight and place your computer monitor at the correct height. Half the battle has already been done.
  3. 3 Be sociable. There may be one gigantic reason why time is ticking: you don't have colleagues to distract you. People, social creatures, and sharing witty comments with colleagues will improve your morale, give you an extra boost to your work, and you won't notice how time flies by. Would your boss mind this?
    • Not sure if you should do this? Recent research has shown that making friends with your coworkers will extend your life expectancy. The bottom line is that those who are happier and more relaxed (colleagues play an important role here) are generally healthier. So if you don't want to laugh at Rich's joke just to sound friendly, at least do it for your health.
  4. 4 Have some work rituals. A job that is just a job is a recipe for disaster. You will burn out in no time (although it can take years). We all need relaxation during the day to be able to move on and just live. This can be as simple as a cup of tea at 3 pm or a walk around the building at 11 am.
    • Develop your “stress reliever”. It is not only good for your physical but also for your mental health. Your morale grows, you relax, time flies by, and you end up getting a little less tired at work. Just make sure you choose positive remedies, not pee-washing or stress-eating sugary.
  5. 5 Take care of yourself outside of work. Do you know people who are charged with positive energy at work all the time? They are not only like that at work - this is their lifestyle. To be at your best at work, you must be happy at home, too. This means eating healthy, exercising, resting, and getting enough sleep. If you don't take care of yourself, it becomes obvious why the word "work" scares you so much.
    • In fact, a recent study found that a sleepy person at work equates to a not sober person - can you imagine how slow the seconds will tick if you have to spend the next 8 hours drunk at work.

Part 2 of 3: Working smartly to ignore the passage of time

  1. 1 Focus on your responsibilities. Although this may seem a little strange, because we already think about our work. If you think to yourself, "This is the 35,098,509 sandwich I made today," the job will seem disgusting. The seconds will flow slowly. Instead, mentally imagine that you have fed 35,098,509 people today. Much better, right?
    • It takes time and concentration, but think about the good things that you do with your work and are proud of it. Even if you bring at least a tiny bit of benefit to someone with your contribution, it is worth it. With a positive attitude, you won't even notice how time rushes by at work.
  2. 2 Set a goal. There is a term "break off". Some time ago, a serial killer appeared among the post office workers. One of the arguments explaining his failure was the monotony of work at the post office. Why was this the reason for the breakdown? Every person needs motivation. If you are preparing your hundredth sandwich or delivering your hundredth letter, then you can easily feel that you are marking time in one place day after day. Your boss cannot give you motivation. You must do this. What's your goal?
    • If this makes it easier, then think about the goal, only the current day. Once you've set a goal for the day, try to set a goal for the week. This will help you go towards your intended goal and achieve your goal. And the more you do of what you've set out to do, the faster time will flow for you.
  3. 3 Ask your boss to assign you what you enjoy doing the most. Chances are, you have a number of responsibilities and assignments that you need to complete. Naturally, among them there are those that you like. There may be assignments that you are afraid to take on. Do yourself a favor and ask your boss to start doing the tasks you like. Time will go much faster if you enjoy the work you do.
    • This is good for your boss too. A happy employee who enjoys what he or she does brings more value to the company in the long run.
  4. 4 Take breaks. You may think that you will lose the pace. However, the situation is exactly the opposite. Taking breaks will help your brain to rest so that it can get back to work with renewed vigor. If your boss objects, show him research findings in this area. It has been proven that people perform better when they take 5-10 minute breaks every hour. Your brain needs a recharge, so why not take some rest?
    • If you are sitting during the day, be sure to get up and move around during your break. Go to the restroom. Take a walk or just stretch. This will help increase blood circulation.
  5. 5 At the beginning of each day, make a to-do list. Separate hard and easy tasks. After that, think about your body. What time of day are you most energetic and when do you just need to take a nap? Finish all your difficult tasks at the peak of your activity, and leave the simple ones for later. That way, you’ll use your time and don’t notice how it flies by.
    • Each person has their own rhythm.Some people only need 4 hours of sleep, while others have difficulty waking up in the morning. Only you know your biorhythms.

Part 3 of 3: Stay busy all the time

  1. 1 Listen to music. If possible, listen to music while you work to help distract yourself and pass the time faster. It will also help activate different parts of your brain. Just make sure you listen to music that suits your mood; music that is too slow can lull you to sleep.
    • Each person has their own preferences in music. Experiment with internet radio. You may find that at work you enjoy listening to music that is different from music, you prefer to listen in your spare time.
  2. 2 Make the most of your lunch break. Leave the office if possible. Take a short walk or drive somewhere for lunch. Don't dine in the office cafeteria. Invite colleagues to join you. Such a break with colleagues outside the office will energize you for the rest of the day.
    • Try not to do other things during your lunch break. Dedicate this time to yourself.
    • Try to find other interesting places to dine during your break from time to time. Get your colleagues involved. You can look after some new cafe in the morning on your way to work.
  3. 3 Organize your workplace. Clutter in the workplace leads to clutter in the head. Take five minutes to just tidy up your desk. This activity will not only be time-consuming, but you will also be able to breathe easier.
    • The point is that you need to be busy all the time. If you don't have a personal space to organize, then tidy up the common room. How can they refuse you?
  4. 4 Make a plan for an evening or weekend. When we get home from work, it's too easy to just flop in front of the TV for hours on end, then go to sleep on autopilot. This is great in theory, but if you keep doing this day in and day out, it may seem like Groundhog day has arrived. It is even worse if this behavior continues over the weekend. In your spare time, make a plan for the evening.
    • By making a plan, you will not only be busy, but you will also think ahead of your actions. You will be distracted, recharged with positive energy and work will not seem like a routine to you, since you will be able to spend a quality weekend.
  5. 5 Ask for a new assignment (or take the initiative yourself) if you feel like your day is going slowly. The new assignment will captivate you and, you will not notice how the working day will fly by.
    • If you feel confident enough, then take on a project that you didn't complete for some reason. Make good use of the present to take care of your future.
  6. 6 Don't feel guilty about spending a few minutes on yourself. There are tons of scientific studies that claim that small breaks are beneficial for you and your work. In fact, a two minute break can increase your productivity by 11%. You will keep up with the schedule. So don't feel guilty about taking a few minutes to browse your Facebook page, check your email, or tweet.
    • Just make sure it doesn't negatively impact your work. A few minutes on Facebook is good, but an hour is too much. Taking breaks is always good if it's a short break between work!


  • You can speed up your day by making friends and chatting with coworkers. If you enjoy being at work, then time will fly by.


  • Make sure you know who is watching you when you browse non-work sites (especially if it's your boss).