Ways to Motivate Yourself

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to motivate yourself to change your behavior | Tali Sharot | TEDxCambridge
Video: How to motivate yourself to change your behavior | Tali Sharot | TEDxCambridge


Get self-motivated when you are ready to pursue, focus on a problem and your own behavior. This also means that you are smart enough, sharp enough not to manipulate and still ready to receive positive lessons. To achieve self-motivation is not easy, but it is not impossible, because each person has all the necessary elements, discover it in this article.


Part 1 of 3: Mentally prepare

  1. Be positive. If you keep thinking like "Life is okay, it's still raining" then it's hard to get something done. Those thoughts only make us want to curl up in the blanket until someone comes and pulls us out of there. Don't be like that! Having positive thoughts is a starting point if you want to motivate yourself.
    • Avoid thinking negatively by stopping thinking about it as soon as you realize you have the tendency. Drive your thinking to another subject matter, especially if you are thinking about motivating to do something. This is completely doable and you are fully capable of it. If you only think about the negative things that might happen, you probably never even tried to do anything.

  2. Be confident. You need to maintain a positive attitude towards your surroundings and also yourself. Even the fact that you think you can't be confident is already an obstacle in your confidence conquest. Why do something that you think you can't do yourself? That's right, if you don't think you can do something, you have put an end to it.
    • First, list your accomplishments. What do you have? What great things have you done in the past? Think of all you have achieved so far. There is no reason why you cannot do what you want to do because you have been successful with what you wanted in the past.

  3. Really looking forward to it. When it comes to motivation, Les Brown constantly reiterates that "You must aspire", you must be truly desirous of being there, as if you cannot live without it. If you only think about the good things then it won't be of much use, crave it. Because if you don't really want it that much, what are you doing to motivate yourself?
    • Sometimes you need to ask questions to see if you really want something or not. Are you having trouble getting to work on something? Could it lead to anything else? If you've ever been looking forward to vacation in Hawaii, think about the current situation as you wish. You really want to come to Hawaii, and work will help you achieve that desire someday. When you do something that you don't seem like you want to do very well attach with a specific purpose you really want to make it easier to get started.

  4. There will always be failures. You need to understand that there will always be failures on the way to success. Being too perfectionist about yourself will only make you want to give up in a moment. No one can be perfect and never fail. You may not be able to achieve your goal at one point or another, but always prepare yourself with a backup plan.
    • Failure or procrastination always happens in life. Sometimes it happens because of you (not always the decisions you make are excellent), but sometimes your failures come from things you have no control over. You will gain more than you lose when you fail to hold your head up.

Part 2 of 3: Build momentum

  1. Focus on your goals positive. It is not difficult to realize what we do not want, because they are simply the things that make us worry and fear. On the contrary, it is more difficult to point out what makes us happy and what makes us yearn. However, in order to accomplish any goal, instead of keeping a negative mood, one needs to think of the positive goals first. Don't think like "I don't want to be poor" but think, "I want to save X every month," because that's a better and more likely goal, right?
    • Being active here doesn't mean something is so sublime. Here refers to what you can do and fit in a certain aspect. A goal like "lose 10 pounds in a week" is itself a lack of positivity. “Losing 4-5 pounds with diet and exercise” is a more practical goal, but it also won't bother you when you think about it.
  2. Set small goals. It's not easy to achieve such a big goal, like when you think of a seven-period story you probably won't want to read it at all. So divide your big goal into smaller goals, each time you work on one goal, the rest will be dealt with gradually as it turns out.
    • Instead of "I want to lose 20 pounds", pursue goals like "I want to lose 1 pound this week", or "I want to exercise 4 to 5 days per week". The results will not be much different, but in mind you will feel a lot more relieved.
  3. Keep track of your progress. Since childhood, people have been searching for purpose and direction for work, relationships and even hobbies, not just for survival. If something doesn't seem complete, we won't waste our time doing anything. So, when you need to lose weight, work overtime or study, keep track of the progress of that job. This way you will be motivated and at the same time see the positive results of your behavior. You will find the target there.
    • Pay attention to monitor your behavior and results of those behaviors.Not only do you need results to see your performance, you need results to see what and what behaviors support you, and vice versa. If you're trying to learn three different ways, or doing three different types of exercise, or the like, you will want to know which method or exercise is best for you. From that result you can build your goals and strategies for the next part of your journey.
  4. Rested. Humans are not machines (but even machines need rest). Studies have shown that students who take breaks in between study hours are more effective. And everyone knows that muscles need rest. Rest is not meant to be lazy, but it is for those who want to continue on a long way.
    • Rest time is entirely up to you. Also, the timing of such relaxation depends on your ultimate goal. Not only do you need to relax every day, but you also need to take long breaks to regain balance.
  5. Do what you like. Most people are doing jobs they don't really enjoy, exercises that don't generate excitement and a long list of things that we'd hire if possible. Those things have always existed, so we need to manage and change a little bit to turn what we don't like much but into something that can be controlled and even interesting. If you don't find something interesting, you will probably never get it done.
    • Think about your work. If that's a terrible thing, is there a way you can do it to make the job more interesting? For example, can you offer to do a project that interests you? How can you focus your time on the things that you do really favourite?
    • If the sporty exercise you are still pursuing is not that enjoyable, try another exercise. You don't have to be a marathon runner just to burn calories. You can go swimming, take a class, or go hiking. If you don't like an exercise, don't put yourself in it.
  6. Self-reward. This is a point that needs to be carefully considered. If there is one thing you should do in the end, it is to associate everything with something you are passionate about, like a food or a particular hobby. Self-rewarding will really work when applied effectively. When you've done something, remember to reward yourself with a reward that is worthy of what you achieved.
    • Don't think about rewarding yourself every 5 minutes while you are doing something. This will distract you and take longer. However, when you achieve a small goal, you should reward yourself with something. If you've been exercising all day of the week, reward yourself with a day of relaxation with a home yoga exercise and a movie.
  7. Don't worry about making mistakes. To figure out the best way to achieve something, we often have to do things we never did before. And there will always be mistakes as we discover, grow, and get better. When you make a mistake, you can eliminate it and narrow down the list of what you can do. In a way, a mistake has a good side because it is still complementary to a purpose after all.
    • One worry that makes many people hesitate to try something is that they look weird and stupid. The fact that we always want to be in our comfort zone is a natural human instinct, so you may be afraid to raise your hand in class or dare to try a new exercise device. You don't know how to use it. However, to get the best results, and if you really want to get good grades, have a fit body, or start a business, you need to do things you don't really want.
    • And as mentioned above, don't let mistakes make you fal. It's easy to flinch when you make a mistake and feel discouraged, think there's no point in moving on and then stop. But if you tell yourself that mistakes are inevitable, you'll feel better. Failure is not a problem, lift your spirits and move on.

Part 3 of 3: Going in the right direction

  1. Keep motivational resources around you. This is simply because we always need reminders and encouragement. Motivation can be anything that can help you maintain the right thoughts. It's natural to deviate from orbit, lose balance in one way or another, or forget what you want to be completely natural, and an external source of motivation will keep you from getting lost.
    • There are lots of little things you can do to keep yourself out of the way. Change wallpaper on your computer, stick a sticky note on school, set reminders in your phone. Keep yourself excited by words of encouragement and reminders.
    • People can also motivate you. Inform the people around you that you are trying to lose 4-5 kg. Maybe they will give you solutions to make your weight loss journey easier and they may even pay attention to you.
  2. Keep good friends. Unfortunately, some people can lose motivation. Maybe you will have a friend who encourages you to eat even just one more piece of cheesecake. If you are losing weight then that person is not a very good friend. To be successful, everyone needs to be cheered on during the journey. Tell your friends and family what your goal is towards. You will probably find a few people you can trust with who can help you focus and keep motivated.
    • It helps if you know someone who has gone through similar situations. Talk to someone who has successfully started a business, someone who has lost 20 pounds or someone who has fulfilled their dream. Listen to them talk about how they achieved those successes, you'll see that what they talk about makes you realize how feasible your goals are, and that you need to stay energized and motivated. mine.
  3. Non-stop learning. On your journey, there may be times when you feel bored or distracted. By constantly learning, you will avoid these problems. It is not easy to focus and maintain the momentum of “whatever” a long-term goal. But if your goals are constantly changing, and your knowledge base is continually improving, everything will be simpler and easier.
    • If you're looking to lose weight, read some weight loss stories. Talk to your fitness trainer at the gym, meet a nutritionist, take turns to try new elements (like exercise methods, diet plan, etc.). Refreshing the method as well as the story will help keep a good mood.
  4. Don't compare yourself to others. The most effective way to lose motivation is to compare yourself to others. You will never become that person, and they will never become friends, so what is the comparison for? Even though you've heard this a billion times, it's worth repeating: the only person you should put on the scale with you is yesterday's friend. It matters whether you are making progress, not how well other people are doing.
    • This is also one reason why you need to keep track of your progress. Keeping track of your progress will show you how much success you have achieved. If certain progress is made, you shouldn't be ashamed no matter how far the other person has gone.
  5. Helping others. When you are close to your destination, you have learned a lot from your experiences, so why not share those experiences to help others? Not only will it help motivate you, but it also motivates others. Have you ever wished someone could help you on that journey?
    • Have you lost a few pounds, started a business or successfully completed your exam? Use what you know to help others and, moreover, practice that knowledge.Communicating what you have learned or repeating what you have achieved, helping others help you focus and feel better.
  6. Set bigger goals. When you have completed your small goals, look at the bigger one. Now is the time to set a big goal. Think of your biggest motivation, for example booking a ticket to Vung Tau with a swimsuit that now perfectly fits your healthy, neat body.
    • Be sure to always keep in mind the final goal you set, or you may never get there. Why do you have to do all that? No one else but you knows why, because the light is always at the end of the tunnel. So when it's at the end of the tunnel? Probably a new journey, right?


  • Think as if you have achieved your goal. Instead of saying "I'm becoming more active", say "I'm a positive person", that's much better.
  • Regularly mentioning positives will make you stronger. Choose a "spell" that suits you. For example, when you're scared, say, "I'm safe." If you are embarrassed, say "I am a confident person". Remember to avoid words that are somewhat negative.
  • Your quest to find your hidden abilities is a journey worth conquering. On that journey, whether you are conscious or not, you will still reveal your potential for tangibility.
  • There will always be barriers, but it's your job to keep moving. Taking the wrong step can ruin all of your previous achievements, but making the right move can also help you move forward. That's what life is like.
  • When you really admire something, you really want it. Don't let negative thoughts get in your way, after all, that's just what you came up with, while your goals and dreams are completely true.
  • You need to clearly define your goals and what you are passionate about because you will find the motivation for yourself.
  • Always face the barriers of life, stay strong and move forward, you deserve to be successful.


  • Do NOT worry about stupid things, as negative thoughts lead to negative behaviors, and vice versa, positive thoughts lead to positive behaviors.
  • Don't torture yourself if you make a mistake in building your motivation. You will be back on track. Learn to forgive yourself.
  • Being motivated doesn't mean having to please everyone.
  • If you think you are right, face the challenge with compassion.
  • Need to be peaceful with yourself.