Ways to increase iron absorption

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 1 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOW TO IMPROVE LOW IRON LEVELS (7 science-backed tips!)
Video: HOW TO IMPROVE LOW IRON LEVELS (7 science-backed tips!)


Iron is an essential nutrient for the body. Without iron, your blood cells have difficulty transporting oxygen to the muscles and cells, and you will easily burn out. Start with step 1 below to learn how to increase your body's iron absorption.


Method 1 of 2: Eat the right foods

  1. Eat foods high in iron and vitamin C. The human body normally absorbs iron from dietary sources. In order for your body to absorb iron, you need to get iron through food and supplements. Vegetarians, young children, pregnant women, and people with chronic illnesses may be at high risk due to poor iron absorption or iron deficiency. Certain foods are high in iron and can be included in your daily diet to increase your iron absorption.
    • Vegetarians who eat high-quality fortified grains and iron-rich vegetables can still be iron deficient. The form of plant iron is harder to absorb by the body, but combined with foods and beverages rich in vitamin C can help increase iron absorption.
    • Healthy food mixes to boost iron absorption include chili, black beans, flaxseed and Brussels sprouts.
    • The daily nutritional value of iron is 18 mg for most adults and children over 4 years old. Pregnant women need more iron (27 mg per day).

  2. Eat meat and seafood to get iron through food. Most animal proteins provide iron, and red meat is a good source of iron from food.
    • Just regular intake of a small serving of animal protein can help many people get the right amount of iron in their blood.
    • Eat oysters and other types of clams. One serving of oysters provides 44% of the daily nutritional value of iron (8 mg) for most adults.
    • Eat animal organs. Animal organs like beef liver can also be very rich in iron. 85 g of beef liver provides 28% of the daily value of iron (5 mg).

  3. Eat legumes for iron. Soybeans, white beans, kidney beans, lentils, horse beans, peanuts (including peanut butter) and other legumes are good sources of iron.
    • 1 cup (240 ml) of white beans provides 44% (8mg) of daily iron intake for adults.
  4. Eat fortified grain products. Many cereals are fortified with iron. Sometimes just one bowl of fortified cereal can provide enough iron for the day, but not all fortified cereals will reach that level.
    • Check the composition of whole grains, breads, pasta, and other cereal products to estimate exactly how many milligrams of iron you have consumed from daily foods.

  5. Eat green leafy vegetables. Spinach and dark green leafy vegetables are often high in iron - 1/2 cup of cooked spinach can provide 17% (3 mg) of iron daily for most children and men.
    • Spirulina is also a rich source of iron.
  6. Eat nuts and seeds. In addition to the heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, many nuts also provide the right amount of iron. Try cashews, pistachios, almonds, or pine nuts (which are actually nuts).
    • Sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds also provide iron.
  7. Eat tropical fruits with iron-rich vegetables. Guava, kiwi, papaya, pineapple and mango are all rich in vitamin C, which helps the body absorb iron from food, especially green leafy vegetables, legumes or cereal products.
  8. Combine iron-rich plant foods with citrus fruits. Oranges and grapefruit are good sources of vitamin C. Eating whole or fresh juices can help boost your iron absorption.
  9. Eat more vegetables. Bell peppers, broccoli, kohlrabi, cabbage, sweet potatoes, cauliflower, and kale contain vitamin C and are easy to combine with other iron-rich vegetables. advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Take iron supplements

  1. Consult a health professional about iron supplements. Iron requirements vary with different stages of life for men and women. Young children, teenagers in rapid growth phases, menstrual women and pregnant women often have high demands for iron. Many babies get iron supplements or iron-fortified formula to get the iron they need. People who are anemic or take antacids may need to take iron supplements. Your doctor can help you determine if you need to take iron supplements.
    • In most cases, the required daily iron intake can be obtained through diet or by taking a multivitamin.
    • Pregnant women who are taking a pregnancy vitamin may have an adequate amount of iron.
  2. Get tested for iron deficiency. In many cases, a simple blood test can instantly show your current iron level and alarm the risk of iron deficiency.
    • To confirm true iron deficiency or anemia, one more test is needed. These tests can help determine if iron deficiency is caused by insufficient iron intake or another medical condition.
    • People most at risk of iron deficiency are pregnant women, infants and young children, women with heavy menstrual bleeding, frequent blood donors, cancer patients, patients with gastrointestinal disorders. or heart failure. People living in developing countries are also at greater risk of iron deficiency.
  3. Explore over-the-counter iron supplements. Many iron supplements are available without a prescription.
    • Depending on each person's needs, even a low dose of a supplement a day can help you reach your iron needs. Remember that iron supplements are only needed when iron intake through diet is not enough to meet your needs.
    • Iron drops for babies and other special supplements often require a prescription.


  • Iron supplements can darken stools, even black. Don't worry, this is normal.


  • There is a possibility that too much iron or iron builds up in the body to dangerous levels due to disease. This condition is called hemochromatosis and can cause damage to organs in the body.