How to Find Your Talent

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How to Find Your Talent | Tom Bilyeu | Goalcast
Video: How to Find Your Talent | Tom Bilyeu | Goalcast


It's time we need to rethink the concept of talent. Talent can be expressed in art or engineering, mental or physical, personal or social. You can be a talent for an extrovert or an introvert. Your talent doesn't have to be materially beneficial, useful or traditionally conceived, but it's always your own, part of who you are. Finding talent and then developing true skills and abilities will take your effort, but the creativity in execution will help you discover natural possibilities and uncover your natural talents. me.


Part 1 of 3: Find your talents

  1. Don't wait for talent to show up on its own. You never know if you have a talent for the guitar if you have never tried it. This is similar to playing the flute, knitting crochet, playing badminton and singing in parallel. Pick a talent that seems interesting and learn every aspect of it. Discover what conditions it entails and what qualities you have available. If you've never tried it before, you probably won't know.How can you discover your talent if you don't try it? You can only discover your natural, talented, and gifted abilities only when you challenge yourself and actively seek new experiences. Face obstacles and look for challenges to see how your innate talents and qualities may remain deep within you.
    • Set a goal to try something new each week. You may not be able to find a field that you are "super good at" in, but one day you feel comfortable holding the guitar in your hand, and then you decide to dig deeper into it. Maybe you found out that you have the ability to connect with animals when visiting an animal shelter, an experience you have never had in your life? Maybe you could easily get excellent marks on a day trying to play Star Trek game at a certain game store? These experiences are the starting point of talent.
    • Step out and experiment. Take an adventure and experience the world around you in a natural environment. Try a variety of sports, enjoy outdoor hobbies like fishing, hiking, and rock climbing to discover your untapped natural abilities or your natural talents.

  2. Try the easy things. What comes to you naturally? What can you do without thinking? What activities do you love? Reflect on your passions and obsessions to find your hidden talent. If you like to spend the day indulging in endless brushstrokes, infatuated with the pages of books, or engrossed in dances, then don't waste time wishing you had a talent for baking. Discover the talents you have by focusing on what comes to you most easily.
    • When you go to school, which homework do you find the easiest to do? Which subject makes you the least worried? That could be a clue to help you find your natural talent.
    • Watch what other people realize you have. Often outsiders will be more observant than you in this. Ask your family, friends and teachers about what seems easy for them to do.

  3. Try difficult areas. Are you afraid of the stage, afraid of talking in public? Or are you afraid of writing and completing a storybook? Grab the microphone and put the pen on the paper. Do things that make you scared. What is a list of things you would like to accomplish? What do you wish you could do well without difficulty? Meet major challenges and find out what you need to do to be good at it.
    • Begin to explore every aspect of the different talents to understand its entire journey. Training to play the electric guitar like Hendrix seems like an impossible task, but if you don't know where the major sol chord is, you won't know how difficult it is.
    • James Earl Jones, who voices Darth Vader and best known for his roles in Shakespeare's plays, has a godlike voice that used to stutter as a child. When he was in school, he was afraid to speak in front of class, and he only learned how to speak correctly by facing his fear. He is now recognized as one of the most talented voice actors in the world.

  4. Pursue your obsessions. What do you often talk about so drunk that the listener gets bored? What was it that took you so hard to get out? Think about the things that fascinate you to discover the possibilities and talents that may be hidden deep within you.
    • Even if you are passionate about something that seems hard to relate to talent, such as watching television or movies, make a note of it. Maybe you have a talent for storytelling or story analysis. Maybe you're very good at evaluating camera angles. Every film critic started exactly like that. Direct that passion into the study of film history and filmmaking.
  5. Recognition of small successes. If you feel like you are not talented, it may be because you have neglected your own successes. Pay attention to the things you have achieved, big or small, to find out what you do well. Be creative when you associate those small accomplishments with greater talents.
    • Maybe you have just successfully organized an epic party. It may not sound like talent, but if you have the communication skills, the ability to plan, and organize to get the job done, celebrate it as a success. Maybe you have leadership skills and managerial skills, and that will be helpful later.
  6. Don't be concerned about television programs. Programs like "Music Idols" or "Asian Talent" have a very limited connotation of talent. If you are not a young and attractive person with a smooth story and a flamboyant voice, such shows will lead the audience to believe that they themselves have no talent. The truth is not like that Talent doesn't have to be synonymous with fame, attraction, or something to show off. Talent is dedication, creative thinking, and attention to detail. Talent is the endless desire to develop one's innate abilities into skills. Your job is just to find it. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Creative thinking

  1. Take a personality test. Personality tests are often used in job agencies to find out what your natural abilities are. It is also a form of talent. Digging deeper into your natural inclination to be for or against certain ideas, attitudes, and behaviors can help you learn more about your talents. These types of tests don't really define talent, but they can give you a clue where to look.
    • The Myers-Briggs is perhaps the most famous personality test in which people divide people into one of 16 personality types, based on answers to a series of questions and research conducted by real Carl Jung. show.
    • The Keirsey Temperament Classification classifies people into different personality types, identified based on responses to a variety of scenarios and questions. You can find this quiz online.
  2. Talk to friends and family. One of the best ways to uncover your hidden talent is by talking to people who know you best. We often overlook our skills and obscure our abilities, often forgetting the qualities that make us great. If you are fortunate to have family and friends who care, they will be more than happy to help you point out those qualities.
  3. Look at your pros and cons to find your potentials. One way to reflect on talent is to think of some supernatural ability to make it seem easy. But another way of thinking is that talent is the ability to overcome obstacles. Not that Blind Willie Johnson is considered a particularly talented guitarist because of his blindness, actor James Earl Jones is more famous for his stuttering childhood, or Michael Jordan becomes the better player for being eliminated from the team?
    • Don't let flaws or difficulties you feel prevent you from experimenting with new things and developing talent. Look for the traits in your personality or abilities that others might see as obstacles. If you are a shy person, will you make a stronger impression when you become a good rock singer? If you have a very modest height, can you become an excellent player?
  4. Define your own talent. Some people think that Hendrix is ​​the greatest guitarist of all time, but he could not play any classical music because he could not read it. If he focused on that he would have done it, but a classical musician might see Hendrix as incompetent. Don't let others tell you that a good stroller driver is not "real" talent, or that making those delicious cheesecakes is not called talent either. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Talent development

  1. Determined to develop talent into talent. Ryan Leaf was once a player with a promising future. He is an excellent rugby midfielder, a Heisman Cup finalist, who finished second on the list of players selected for the US National Rugby. The few years passed quickly, and Leaf was ranked as the worst loser of all time when it failed to survive at the high rankings. A natural talent in sport is nothing if you are not determined to develop to the point of excellence.
    • When you discover your talent, think of it as a seed you're cultivating. While you're off to a good start, you still need to water, nurture, and weed to make sure the seeds grow into a big, strong tree. This process requires you to put some effort into it.
  2. Find other talented people. Just as iron can sharpen iron, talented people can make other talented people more sharp. If you have talent, even just hoping to develop talent in a certain area, interact with other talented people and learn their behaviors, paying attention to their habits and attitudes about their talent. Learn everything you can learn from other talented people.
    • Find a teacher willing to guide and coach you in the development of new skills. Future guitar players promise to have good teachers, not just relying on YouTube. Talented singers need music players to accompany their voices.
  3. Pay attention to the complexity of your talent. Developing talent into skills and developing skills into abilities won't be easy. The more you delve into a topic, task or possibility, the more complexity you will see. Be determined to learn every aspect of your field and challenge yourself to become a master. Turn your talent into something special and realize your talents.
    • Chess didn't get any easier for Magnus Carlsen just because he was a chess phenomenon. Now you know how complicated the game is. The more you delve into a subject, skill or field, the more you have to learn. This is never easy.
  4. Practice. Even if you don't have the talent to play the guitar, two hours of practice a day will help you play much better. People who practice regularly, whether in sports, art or any other field, become better than people who never pick up an instrument or a brush, people who never practice. practice. Hardship always surpasses talent. advertisement


  • Never give up, even if you fail!
  • Remember the three words in your life… Capture "Opportunity" and make "Choice" to bring "Change" in your life.
  • Please be patient. It can take time and many false starts to find the field in which you are best.
  • Have a glimpse of talent. It probably won't be what you think it is.
  • Test different fields and read more about them. If it doesn't feel right, let it go; If appropriate, explore more.
  • Don't always assume that talent is just singing, dancing or something that only your friends have; talent can be a comforting gesture. Talent comes in a variety of colors, and you should be glad to have it.
  • When you feel like you've failed, take a step back and look back at yourself. Did you do it right? There is always room for growth! Always like that!
  • Motivation is an important factor in maintaining your passion and helping talent flourish.
  • When you have a talent that is not as important as the talent of others, don't compare you to them. Don't think about what they have, but think about what you have.