Ways to Change Yourself

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to motivate yourself to change your behavior | Tali Sharot | TEDxCambridge
Video: How to motivate yourself to change your behavior | Tali Sharot | TEDxCambridge


All of us at one time or another have changed ourselves. Change can come from intentional or unconsciousness. If you want to change yourself, you can do so by considering your habits, beliefs, and outlook. Changing yourself is not an easy process, but it can be done.


Method 1 of 3: Changing habits

  1. Determine what you want to change. If you want to change yourself, think about your daily routine. Which habits do you want to change? Developing new habits means giving up old habits. For example, you might want to make friends, but if you are naturally shy and have little outward capital, you may have to consider finding new habits that include others in it.
    • If you are often anxious and fearful, reflect on how your habits contribute to those fears. Many people say that taking a break from social media leads to greater happiness.
    • Start small. Small changes are easier to make than big changes.

  2. Prioritize what you want to change. If you want to live healthier, change a habit that can be very beneficial. For example, if you want to be healthier, then quitting smoking is a beneficial new habit. This will make you healthier, easier to exercise, and will cost you less money.
    • You can replace a bad habit with a good one. If you find yourself starting to engage in negative behavior, whatever it is, consider what else you could do instead.
    • Think about who you want to be, then think about all the habits your new person needs to have in your life. What is a habit that you can easily change? That could be a good start.
    • The basic rule to remember is that you should start with a habit that is volatile, or one that has many negative consequences. You can decide which habit to start with.

  3. Use reminders to activate your new routine. No matter how good your intentions are, if you try to rely on your motivation and memory to learn a new habit, you won't go very far. A good reminder doesn't depend on motivation or memory, but on good habits. So, if you are trying to improve your skin by moisturizing before bed every night, start applying moisturizer right after washing your face, something you are doing every night. Soon the act of washing your face will trigger your moisturizer routine.

  4. Repeat new habits as often as possible. Learning a new habit can take a long time - 15 to 254 days. Repetition is essential for the new habit to take root. Even when you feel discouraged, you still try to move on. If you find it too difficult, consider finding a new or easier reminder for your new routine.
  5. Consider changing your routine over the course of one day at a time. Even if you want to change a bad habit forever, the visualization ahead of you is a long and arduous process that can be frustrating and overwhelming. Instead, try to tell yourself that you'll change that habit today, and not thinking about the future. If a day seems too long, try not to do it for 10 minutes. Thinking that the process will only happen for one day will help you find the task seem more manageable, and you will also be less overwhelmed.
    • If you are starting to make a new habit, try to do it every day at the same time. If it becomes part of your daily routine, it will be easier to remember. For example, you might try to walk for 10 minutes a day after dinner, or visit the old lady next door every Sunday afternoon.
    • Remind yourself that you don't have to stick to a new habit forever, but instead once every day for just one day. Then the next day you focus again on implementing a new routine for the day that day, and so on.
  6. Be comfortable. Remember that you don't have to change everything right away. The feeling of failure makes limits that you probably don't want at all! Instead, when you want to change yourself, focus on what you are doing well. Be patient with yourself and believe that change will come.
    • If you make a mistake and fall back into the same behavior, don't stress over. Just start over the next day.
    • You don't need to understand your old habits or mistakes when trying to practice new types of behaviors. Instead, keep focusing on who you want to be.
  7. Think simple. If you find that the habit you're working hard to change is too difficult, think about whether it can be broken down into smaller parts. For example, if you're trying to be a more kind person, you could start by allowing someone else to use your parking space, or keeping the door open for someone behind. You don't have to quit your job or set up a charity kitchen to be a good person.
    • Becoming more kind is a big goal that involves many small steps. All you need to do is choose a step.
    • If you're trying to learn a new skill, start by focusing on it for 10-30 minutes per day. Done every day.
  8. Commit to someone else. Asking someone else to help you reach your goal of change is one of the most practical steps you can take. It may be a close friend but must be willing to act as a responsible partner. That person must check every system you have agreed to use and be serious about their role.
    • Many people find that daily inspection is the most important of that responsibility. Check in every day is a way to maintain a daily routine.
    • It is likely that the other person also wants to use this commitment to become responsible for something of their own. Working with someone who is also determined to change in your life can be a great motivator.
    • If you know people who are trying to make a fundamental change in their life, you can form a group of responsibilities with them. As a member of the team, you will be supported and encouraged in the change process.
    • Others may notice changes in your life before you. Sometimes radical changes are more noticeable from the outside.
  9. Set out consequences and rewards. Part of working with others is knowing about your successes and your failures. That creates consequences of social dynamics. If you do it on your own, or if you want to have a more concrete consequence, combine the rewards to encourage yourself. You can also have negative consequences to prevent yourself from being lazy in practicing new habits.
    • For example, you can use the positive consequences by calculating how much money you have spent on cigarettes over a period of time and using that money to buy something lovely for yourself.
    • The reward can be as simple as a "Victory!" every time you successfully complete a new routine.
    • One bad consequence you can have is doing housework that you absolutely dislike every time you commit a behavior you are trying to change. For example, if you are trying to get rid of the habit of gossiping, but find you have just told a hot sensational piece to a co-worker, then you have to spend at least an hour. scrubbing baths and toilets as punishment.
  10. Patience. Understand that changing yourself is a long process. You can change in ways that are difficult for you to see yourself, even though the habits you focus on are very specific.
    • The ancients said, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step". Even if it doesn't seem to be the case, every step on the path helps to fill the gap.
    • Do not give up! The only possibility that you cannot change yourself is to decide not to change. Keep that in mind and follow the instructions above, remembering that you will change if you keep trying.

Method 2 of 3: Personality changes

  1. Believe you have the power to change. The first requirement to change a certain aspect of your personality is to believe you can change. If you don't have this belief, your personality will remain the same. In any case, the belief that you can change will be the single most important factor contributing to your success in personality change.
    • Most of us grow up believing that our qualities and personalities will always follow the same pattern. Research has shown that this is not the case.
    • If you don't believe you can change it, think about why this could happen. Think about how some of your personality traits that are of little interest to you can benefit you. If you have a fear that keeps you from believing that you can change, deal with that fear.
  2. Choose an aspect of your personality to change. Consider the "five major factors" ("Big Five") that psychologists believe they make up a person's personality. You can use this model as a guide to figure out what you want to change. Once you've identified common features that need to be changed, start thinking about smaller, more specific steps to take. The change is as specific as possible, especially how you want to do it. The five factors are:
    • Ready to experience: This includes willingness to experience, emotional depth, an inquisitiveness to learn, and an acceptance of diversity.
    • Conscientious: Also known as morale, aspects of this include self-discipline, discipline, a sense of authority, and a sense of responsibility.
    • Outward: If you are a shy person, you might consider improving your trait, as well as your assertiveness, enthusiasm, social interest, and activity level.
    • Comfortable: Characteristics such as sincerity, humility, trusting others, understanding, and altruism belong to this factor.
    • Natural reaction: Consider your emotional responses. Do you react tense to small things? You may want to practice for this trait, such as anxiety, hostility, sensitivity to stress, shyness, and self-indulgence.
    • If you are not sure what you want to change and you just feel like you want to be different in some way, spend more time thinking about the things that make you uncomfortable.
    • If you still don't know how to think about it, ask for help. People who can help include: a parent, close friend, counselor, therapist, religious priest or other trusted person. It is important to remember that you are not alone.
  3. Consider the pros and cons of a new personality. Before you dive into cultivating a new personality, you need to consider how it can help or hinder you, and whether it is consistent with your beliefs about values. If you are going to be a gentle and submissive person, but in your valuable beliefs that include standing up to the face of injustice and wrong, then your new personality will contradict your valuable beliefs. address may be embarrassing and irritating. Maybe you need to rethink because that personality doesn't match your opinion.
  4. Notice how you feel about the change. The first thing you need to notice is how you feel attached to that trait in your personality. Most people create their own traits through their personality traits. For example, if you are a person who reacts quickly to danger, you may find it anxious to give up the defensive trait of your personality. You fear people will think you are weak or that they will take advantage of you.
    • Fear of personality change is a natural feeling! It is important to acknowledge the fear so you can set it aside.
    • Make a plan to deal with the inconsistencies you might feel when thinking about your personality change. Using positive affirmations, relaxation techniques, and your responsible partner are all factors to help you deal with any fears or doubts about changing yourself.
  5. Imagine who you are with your new personality. Part of believing you can change is visualizing yourself in a new life, a new style.For example, if you believe that you can become an introvert, visualize yourself receiving energy from spending time alone. Develop that belief with the image of a quiet night nourishing your soul. Imagine yourself feeling happy with activities alone.
    • Being ready to learn new personalities means letting go of ideas you might have thought about yourself. If you are learning to feel happy alone, notice each time you begin to feel like you are not suitable for being alone. Laugh at yourself for those mistakes.
    • Notice people who also have the traits you want to create for you and emulate them in your everyday life.
  6. Identify new patterns. These are people who represent the life or lifestyle you want to create for you. One thing that can help you in visualizing yourself in your new personality is to look around for people who seem to be displaying those qualities or qualities.
    • For example, if you want to become a warm person, look for people who seem enthusiastic and happy to help others. What do they love, and what do they usually do? You can learn a lot by imitating them.
    • Don't forget that you're a role model for others too - it can help you persevere in life-changing. Are you living a life you want people to look at and imitate on? Do the changes you are making make a life that you are proud of?
  7. Practice your new personality. The more often you practice it, the more your new personality will become. What is needed to make a new personality natural is practice in many different situations and times of day.
    • Notice opportunities to act in the new style instead of the old one. For example, if you're practicing impromptu life instead of prudence, invite a new friend to rollerblade. Do things you didn't plan to do.
    • At first you may find acting in a new way seems fake, but do not be surprised. There is an old adage that says, "Pretend, until you can do it!"
  8. Try using affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements about what you believe or want to believe. If you want to change yourself, you may have to change what you still believe about yourself and about your weaknesses. Those are the negative beliefs limited belief. Limited beliefs can be replaced with positive beliefs, or affirmations.
    • For example, if you believe you are the type to be overwhelmed easily, replace it with the idea that you have strong stamina.
    • Write your affirmations on a sticky note and stick it in a place where you can see many times a day. Every time you look at it, read it aloud. Gradually, this will begin to become part of your mental self-belief.
  9. Find an instructor. Personality change coaching or counseling can help you identify which traits you want to change, and how to achieve those changes. You can discuss your beliefs about your values ​​and attitudes about your ideal ego, and the counselor can teach you methods such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, acceptance therapy and commitment, or solution-focused therapy to help you reach your goals. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Change in appearance

  1. Change your look. Cutting your hair, updating your makeup style, preparing a new wardrobe are all the ways to refresh yourself. If you are changing your life, try changing your appearance to suit your new person.
    • Most of us need a new look every five years. The clothes you normally wear in high school will become obsolete by the time you enter college. If you've become a young professional, it's time to swap out comfortable college student outfits for more professional ones.
    • Take a look at the pictures of people living the life you want to get some idea of ​​the change you can apply to your appearance.
    • Although things like your hair, makeup, or clothes may seem like a superficial way to change yourself, they still reflect your personality. Your appearance can affect the way people treat you and the way you think about you.
  2. Adorn them with color. Many people find themselves stuck in a path with a monotone outfit. If your wardrobe has been all black since you weren't twenty, now is the time to add some color. The new colors on your outfit will give you a whole new look.
    • Get rid of clothes you don't want to wear anymore. Check out your wardrobe and donate old clothes to charity and make room for new ones.
    • Don't forget the accessories. New belts, shawls and jewelry will give old clothes a fresh look.
  3. Do something spectacular with your hair. Nothing says your new change is more powerful than your haircut. Whether it's coloring your hair, getting a haircut, hooking up your hair, or getting a shave, the complete change of your hairstyle will impact your look.
    • The right hairstyle will help you look thinner, younger, and healthier.
    • Try out a hairstyle you've never thought of before, and you'll see how it affects who you are.
  4. Simplify your look. If you are changing yourself, you will need a basic wardrobe. If you already have a clear idea of ​​who you want to be, you need to make sure everything in your wardrobe supports that basic look.
    • Shop at least 10 items that will match your new style, and make sure they all work together.
    • These ten outfits will vary from person to person. The outfit needed by an investment consultant will be different from that of an artist in Soho. Choose clothes that match your new look.
  5. Consider getting a tattoo or piercing. Getting a new tattoo or piercing doesn't have to be an act of rebellion, it can be a good way of asserting that you are changing yourself. Which tattoo can represent you? People often use symbols like butterflies, mermaids or abstract figures to see their transformation.
    • Make sure to get a professional tattoo or piercing service and be safe.
    • Understand that tattoos are permanent. Before deciding on a tattoo, you need to make sure it's a tattoo that you want to keep forever.