How to Show Love without fear of rejection

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
One Mindset to Conquer Rejection
Video: One Mindset to Conquer Rejection


Do you like someone but are timid when you have something to say to them? Perhaps you're afraid of being rejected or worrying about what you say is stupid. Never mind, cheer up! Your chances are not as bad as you think (especially if you and the person you like are already friends). Remember, if you do nothing, your chances are zero. Keep that in mind and be ready to start the conversation with the person you love are not let me be denied!


Part 1 of 2: Choosing the right moment

  1. Take some time to prepare before going to talk to them. Preparation is always helpful. You cannot just walk into the exam room without studying, or take your driver's license test without practicing before. People who spend time and effort conquering the people they like will have a higher chance of success.
    • Try to create a balance to avoid over-preparation. Who you love prefer get your attention, but they don't want to feel like you've been thinking about them every moment of the past three days. That is a bit bizarre even the truth!

  2. Take some time to relax first. Take a deep breath and practice letting your entire body go limp. Sometimes it is easier to do when you are in private. Relax in bed before you go to sleep, when you get home, or while taking a shower.

  3. Think before you speak. You can overcome the stress or get rid of it completely by taking the time to consider your options. Practice at home before you actually approach the person, and you won't fall into a moment of confusing silence. Don't be in a hurry, especially if you want to impress someone important to you.
    • Practice in front of the mirror. You have to know what you're going to say, but don't say it like you've rehearsed. Imagine different situations where you get a chance to talk to the person you like, and practice in front of the mirror. The more prepared you are, the more confident you will be in the conversation.
    • Say it in a funny way. Sure, you have to practice speaking in serious situations, but you can also talk in a dumb way to make you both laugh. The less serious you are taking it, the more natural you will be when the moment comes.

  4. Find out a little bit about them. Spend time figuring out what pictures they have in their notebooks, what they eat for lunch, or what sports they enjoy playing. Knowing these small but important details will help you make the conversation later. You can say things like:
    • "I noticed those movies in your notebook. I really liked the movies from the 80s. Do you like any movies?"
    • Well, he and his friends were going to the soccer field after school. Would you like to join? "
  5. Find creative ways to boost your confidence. One of the reasons you are afraid of being rejected is because it hurts your confidence. Don't let that happen. It's crazy to let your confidence be shaken by just one person. Much of your confidence should come from your thoughts your about me. So you need to find ways to boost your confidence before you start getting to know your crush. This way you will become more attractive in the eyes of that person, and not be broken if something bad happens.
    • Look at your personal wall on Facebook. Many studies show that just looking at a personal wall on Facebook for 3 minutes can significantly increase confidence. Worth a try!
    • Spend time with Dad. Research also shows that children who spend more time with their fathers during their teen years become more confident than children who rarely spend time with their dad.Note: It's probably best to hang out with dad for hours before talking to someone you like. The goal is to get the best results.
  6. Not interested in the results. What does it mean? That means you have to put yourself in a position where you don't care if they like you back or not. Why is this important? It is important for two reasons. That thought helps you deal with rejection, which is ultimately the obstacle you are trying to overcome. (If you definitely don't get rejected while confessing your feelings, there's no need to try.) Second, it helps you have a healthier relationship with the person you like. Instead of building the person you like as a superhero who will save your world, treat them like a normal but special person.
    • You will say, What? How can I do that? I don't even control it. You may not be in control. But sometimes we think about our loved one too much, and imagine life with them, that's when we begin to develop an unhealthy relationship with that imaginary person. This imaginary relationship becomes so unhealthy that we cannot imagine a life without them, all the things that even the person does not know.
    • If you don't care about the results, confidence will increase. This is a charm for a lot of people. You don't feel that being rejected by any girl or guy is a big deal, and so you can just shrug it off. Your confidence is greater than their rejection.

Part 2 of 2: Action

  1. Approach your crush when no other person is there. The first time personal level interaction should be done under normal circumstances, with not too many people around to avoid distractions. For example, the area between the dance floor are not should be the right place to talk for a long time.
    • Approach the person during the lunch break at the cafeteria. Ask them to let them sit next to them and start a conversation to talk. It's all as simple as that.
    • Talk to the person you like at a party. Regardless of whether it's a birthday party or a pool party, if you are invited you should ask permission to chat with them.
    • Interact with them through one of mutual friends. If you two have a mutual friend, then meet with that person and wait for him to give you the opportunity to start.
  2. Introduce yourself. If you have introduced yourself formally before then all you have to do is say "hello". Remember to make eye contact when you say hello. You often accidentally talk too much if you look down at the other person's shoes while greeting.
  3. Ask about themselves. Ask questions that need to think about and are relevant to your current situation - "why" and "how" are usually appropriate if you want to talk for a while. That way of asking often leads to a deeper conversation that the two of you can engage in, ideal for talking to someone you like.
    • Avoid using simple questions that simply answer "yes" or "no". If you ask them, "Did you go to class yesterday?", They don't need a lengthy answer. If you ask, "How did your teachers teach you yesterday?", They'll have a lot to say.
    • Ask about family, relatives. Where are they from, what do their parents do, how do they know ... and so on. In general, people like to talk about themselves, including their loved ones.
  4. Remember to interact occasionally if they tell a long story. This means you ask a few questions while he / she is telling the story. This shows you care about what they say. If you have a story to tell, then wait for them to finish, keep it short and sweet so your loved one doesn't think you just wanted to talk about yourself.
  5. Pay attention to body language. Body language conveys a lot of messages, whether you like it or not. Sometimes your body says things you don't want to reveal. But usually if you know what your body is saying, you can fix the problem when it is betraying you. Here's what you need to pay attention to:
    • Eye contact. Make and maintain eye contact that shows you are interested in what the other person says.
    • Point your body towards them. That means you care about what they say and don't be afraid.
    • Smile. Your smile shows that this person is making you happy.
    • Flirt with body language. Especially when you are a girl. Gently wink, brush your hair or touch their shoulders.
    • Laugh when they're joking. Even if their jokes aren't funny, you should laugh and try to please them.
  6. Don't say obvious flirting! Whatever you do, you shouldn't say those things. They sound really bad and they don't work either. If you are a boy and can't think of anything to say other than a familiar girl conversation, read this article on how to initiate a conversation with a girl.
  7. Don't take it too seriously. I'm telling the true! If you're a normal person, being around someone you like will drive you crazy. When you feel that way, you have the ability to do stupid things. Let's shake off that seriousness. If you are faltering, say something like "God. I can't say it. Maybe it's because I'm around a pretty girl, so I do." If you stumble and he comes up to you, asking you, "Are you okay?", Say something like "Yes, I must have landed on the ground".
  8. Ask for an appointment. If you feel like the talk is going well, don't hesitate to ask when they are free. Maybe just a few minutes of lunch tomorrow or a real date with movies and dinner - what you suggest is up to your confidence and the person's actions during the talk.
    • After thinking it through and you realize that they like you too, don't worry about asking them when they can meet again.
  9. Awareness of the situation. You don't have to have a warm reception when you first start talking. If the person you love doesn't seem enthusiastic or bored, ask if something is wrong; Maybe it was a bad day for them, or maybe they're busy thinking something.
    • If nothing seems to distract them, and their discomfort with you continues to grow, politely and quickly scramble, consider trying another day.
  10. Treat rejection calmly. Chances are your crush might not feel the same way. If you can determine that, you can still talk, but you have to accept that there is no romantic relationship between the two of you.
    • There is nothing worse than feeling unrequited love, so if they just see you as normal friends, accept and move on.


  • If you miss a word or say something thoughtless, pretend you're joking by smiling or shrugging.
  • Try to remain calm and confident, but not be pushy.
  • All you have to do is be polite and not be angry. Things may end up better than you might think.
  • Don't always follow someone you like. This action shows disrespect and shows your stress.
  • Try to sit next to them if you are in the same class.
  • Don't fantasize about a romantic relationship with them. Sometimes you can sink into this imaginary relationship and be easily rejected. Instead of delusional about a relationship, think about talking to the person until you are ready to talk to them.
  • Tease them in a decent way. If they tease you back, your action was working. Usually this is the funniest way to talk to get you started.
  • Don't be too hasty and do dumb things. They may misunderstand you and assume that you are not ready to date.
  • Be sure to get to know your crush well before inviting them out.
  • Don't start by trying to talk to them privately! Join your group talk so they get some information about you.
  • Try to get to know their friends. They will feel comfortable in your presence if you know their friends.


  • After a few failed attempts, it's time to forget about the person. Even if you think you might make them like you if you get a chance to talk more, that kind of forced relationship doesn't end well.
  • As long as you have practice and preparation, this won't be a problem. You already know what to do in any situation.