How to name a great YouTube channel

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
YouTube Channel Names - 6 Steps to Pick Your Channel Name!
Video: YouTube Channel Names - 6 Steps to Pick Your Channel Name!


You want to start a YouTube channel and are having a headache about how to choose a name that really "calls" and attracts? Your username is a bridge for others to find out and learn about your channel's content. Because the name of your YouTube channel is always the first and foremost impression, you will want to choose a brilliant name. Brainstorm to find a name that is both creative and targeted at the right audience without making common mistakes.


Part 1 of 3: Choose a creative name

  1. Make a list of your traits on paper. Part of building a YouTube channel is learning how to promote yourself. Your YouTube channel name should represent why one person should watch your videos and the other should not. Brainstorm to come up with words that suit you and how you want to reflect yourself on your channel.
    • If you want to make a YouTube channel about comedy and portray yourself as a "mischievous," "sharp personality" and "upbeat." You can name the channel "Uncle Ba Phi" or "Mr. Bean".

  2. Boldly play words. With a vivid name, the audience will remember it more easily. Use rhyming, first syllable repetition, or synonyms. Don't overdo it and make the channel name too complicated or confusing.
    • Let's say you are creating a cooking channel. You can set it as "King of Spaghetti" or "Baked with Huy".
    • Some examples of vocabulary used as YouTube names: Vietnamese Vocals, Intensive Course, Reality TV, Family Awareness.

  3. Try naming with just one word. The trendy names are usually a word related to your content. The audience will be more likely to remember your channel name if it's short and interesting. Look up a dictionary of unique words and explore their meanings. If the word sounds relevant and feels natural to it out loud, then you have found a name that suits you.
    • Some simple YouTube channel names: Tinh, Ngoi, Phở, and so on.

  4. Match two words that are related to your content together. Compound word is a word made up of two different words. For example: "brunch" ("breakfast" and "luch" - brunch / early lunch), "smog" ("smok" and "fog" - photochemical smog) or "sitcom" ("situation" and "Comedy" - situational comedy). Put together two words that describe the content of your channel. Brainstorm to come up with a few compound words until you find a witty name.
    • For example, if you are making a video channel about a game, you can combine the words "Võ Lâm" and "Gamer" to form "Game Thu Vo Lam".

Part 2 of 3: Ensuring Popularity

  1. Define the criteria of the channel. To create a popular name, you must first decide what your channel has to offer. What do you hope to bring that no one else can? Maybe you have an exclusive sense of humor, an excellent baking talent or have a great idea about chain of websites, and so on.
  2. Associate the channel name with the channel content. A proper name will go a long way in attracting potential viewers. Your name should give the audience an idea of ​​the topic of the channel. Therefore, the appropriate and specific channel name will attract a large number of viewers.
    • For example, if you are creating a art history channel, you would like to name the channel "History Discussion", but your viewers will not know that the channel is about painting. Having a name that should be a little bit specific, such as "Van Goghing's Life", will make it easier for your potential audience to find the channel.
  3. Target audience by name. Understand who your prospective audience is and what they're looking for in a YouTube channel. Think about the age, interests, and personal needs of the audience you want to meet.
    • Let's say you are working on an astronomy channel. Think of words that might entice people to subscribe to your channel (like "universe," "planets" or "galaxies") and take them as their names. You can name your channel "Our Magical Universe" or "The Mystery of the Milky Way".
  4. Choose a name that is easy to remember. Word of mouth will become the core means of expanding your foothold. A complicated name will make it difficult for viewers to remember to recommend to others. Choose something that is easy to spell and easy to remember, so that everyone can talk about your channel.
    • For example, "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" might sound like a good name for the medical YouTube channel, but your audience will not be able to pronounce the channel name like this.

Part 3 of 3: Avoid common mistakes

  1. Avoid using names that are meant to be profane or profane. Even though you have freedom of speech on YouTube, giving a crude name will severely limit your channel's fan base. You can give a more crude impression than what your YouTube channel actually gives. So, keep your YouTube name courteous and away from obscene humor.
  2. Avoid names that are too general or stereotyped. Specific names will help your channel stand out. Limit naming such as "Tip Writing" or "Movie Facts". Make your name unique and avoid exaggerated or stereotyped phrases. Duplication will keep the audience's attention from your username and give off a sense of laziness.
    • You can turn your YouTube name from boring to unique by rotating around a pattern. Instead of naming your ghost storytelling channel "Midnight Tales", you can rename it "New Midnight Story Telling".
  3. Do not add symbols or numbers. A good YouTube name should be easy to find. Don't confuse your channel name with too many underscores or numbers. Viewers may hear a glimpse of your channel's name and try to search, but your channel gets missed just because they forgot to add the symbol to your keyword when searching. Username with just letters will sound more elegant and professional.
    • "Joseph_599485," is an example of a hard-to-remember channel name for everyone. Choose a name that makes an impression like "Yo Joseph Yo" or "King Josephasaurus."
  4. Avoid given names. Before making your YouTube name official, try a quick internet search to see if the name you choose is the same. If someone has named a channel similarly then you should think about a different one. You don't like your channel being confused with other people's channel. advertisement


  • Spend as much time choosing your name as possible. Do not be in a hurry to give a name. Try it a few days in advance if you are unsure.
  • Do not use your full name unless you are an adult or have the permission of a parent or guardian.
  • If you've tried everything and still can't come up with a name, try using a user naming program.