Ways to burn fat

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 7 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Diet To Lose Fat FOR GOOD (4 Phases)
Video: How To Diet To Lose Fat FOR GOOD (4 Phases)


Body fat seems to be easily added and difficult to remove. Are you trying to exercise and restrict your calorie intake but the fat still won't disappear? If this sounds familiar then rest assured that there are many healthy options for effective fat burning. While there's no guarantee that fat will simply melt away (as many ads for fast diets / weight loss pills / exercise often promise), you can improve your health and appearance with ways to help the body burn fat and prevent excess fat storage.


Method 1 of 4: Adjusting eating habits

  1. Reduce calories slowly. Immediately following a low-calorie diet will shock the body. When you stop calorie intake completely, your body won't adapt. As a defense, the body is forced to maintain its stored fat. Therefore, it's best to get your body used to the diet gradually by cutting back on calories.
    • Set a reasonable daily calorie goal so you can slow down. Maybe this goal is around 1,200-2,200 calories, depending on specific factors. Ask your doctor, dietitian or a dietitian for specific instructions based on your needs.

  2. Diversify your caloric intake per day while reducing overall average calorie intake. The body can adapt to a gradual but stable calorie intake, meaning it will not derive energy from stored fat. In order for your body to change and increase its metabolism, you should try switching between higher and lower daily calorie intake. This will help avoid a dreadful steady state after weight loss, while also boosting your willpower.
    • In other words, if you stick to a prolonged low-calorie diet, your body will adjust its metabolic rate so as not to lose too much fat. But if it makes unpredictable changes in the body, it will not be able to effectively control fat storage.
    • This plan still needs to be combined with slowly reducing the average daily calorie intake. Ask your doctor or a trusted dietitian for instructions on how to set up this type of diet.

  3. Eat several small meals regularly. Simply put, eating promotes metabolism - the process in which the body converts food into energy. Therefore, eating more often means the metabolism occurs faster and more times per day (eg, if you eat 6 times a day, the metabolic rate will "increase" for 6 times). However, making sure to eat more often doesn't mean eating more; you still need to reduce the average total calories per day.
    • For example, eating once every two to four hours can be effective. If you finish lunch at 3pm, you can add apples, some yogurt or vegetables.
    • Try setting up an overarching schedule, like eating every two to four hours.

  4. Have breakfast. Fat burning is about keeping your metabolism running. When you sleep all night, your metabolism also "sleeps". So when you wake up, brush your teeth and eat breakfast. The more protein and nutrition for your breakfast, the better.
    • The menu should include eggs, low-fat dairy products and lean meats on a regular basis. Stay away from empty calories (donuts, high-calorie coffee drinks you love, ...); Choose whole grains and whole-grain breads.
  5. To drink too much water. Drinking enough water is not only good for skin, hair and internal organs, but also helps with weight loss. According to some studies, drinking water by itself can stimulate metabolism. At least drinking water before a meal can help you feel full (and eat less).
    • Drink more and more water every day. The body will be well hydrated, healthy and no longer want to store fat.

Method 2 of 4: Choose the right food

  1. Cut down on harmful carbohydrates. Fat is actually stored food; in other words, it is energy for the body. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy from the outside, and the body can burn carbohydrates or fat similarly. Therefore, if you provide carbohydrates, your body will not burn fat.
    • However, cutting back on carbohydrates alone will not result in weight loss, unless combined with cutting out overall calories.
    • Remember, not all carbohydrates are the same (for example, refined sugar with whole grains). There are still types of carbs that are good for the body (the ones that are burned slowly, like oats or vegetables); Harmful carbohydrates are simple sugars (white foods and sweets).

  2. Eat more lean protein. Protein and carbon-hdyrate contain roughly equal calories per 1 gram, but protein isn't the preferred energy as carbohydrates. Protein is used as a muscle building block in the body and is not converted to fat. Therefore, the daily diet should include lean meat, fish and soybeans.
    • When you increase protein and say "no" to carbohydrates, the brain sends out a signal (which you understand as hunger) before going into ketosis (ie, burning fat). After that, the hunger will subside.
    • Excess protein intake can put pressure on the liver, kidneys, and many other factors to consider when following the "keto diet". Experts do not recommend complete removal of carbohydrates; Instead, limit and consume only good carbohydrates.

  3. Do not drink alcoholic beverages. Alcohol-based drinks are all about empty calories (bad carbohydrates) and difficult to quit when you drink a lot. So, while it is difficult to resist drinking alcohol during social activities, you should exercise restraint - or at least strictly restrict it. In short, drinking too much alcohol will make you no longer bother to burn fat.
    • If you absolutely must drink, you should limit it to 1 cup for women or 2 cups for men, and should only drink it once in a while because of the goal of burning fat.
  4. Drink green tea and coffee instead of alcohol. Some studies show that 750 ml of green tea or 480 ml of coffee can help stimulate metabolism. Just make sure not to add a lot of sugar to your drink.
    • Green tea and coffee seem to offer a variety of health benefits, most notably the antioxidant properties of green tea.
  5. Choose foods that burn fat. Don't just focus on foods you can't eat or should avoid when possible; There are still plenty of delicious foods that you can and should eat to speed up your metabolism. You should include foods like:
    • Oat
    • Low-fat or fat-free dairy products.
    • Healthy fats like nuts, avocados, olive oil, and fatty fish
    • Eggs (egg whites, the better)
    • Spicy food
    • Grapefruit

Method 3 of 4: Exercise to burn fat

  1. Break up the workout. Metabolic rate increases after a period of physical activity. So, if you could split the workout into two small sessions of 30 minutes each, your metabolic rate would increase twice instead of just once. The body burns calories at a higher rate after exercise (sometimes hours later) and increases the rate of calorie burning at the end of the day the more effective it is.
    • You can take advantage of this in other small ways. Even two walking sessions of 15 minutes each can help speed up your metabolism. So, for both meals and exercise, it is recommended that you break it into small / short sessions, but more frequently.
  2. Combine strength training with cardio. Cardio is good for the body, but combining cardio with weight lifting is even better for fat burning. If you want the best fat loss effect, you should do both forms of exercise.
    • Weight training is an important form of exercise if you cut calories. By limiting your calorie intake, you risk losing muscle mass instead of losing fat. In that case, you may be able to lose weight but still not achieve the desired results of fat loss.
  3. Start with strength training, then move on to aerobic exercise. If you do both cardio and weight lifting, it is ideal if you do lift weights first and then do cardio. In other words, help firm your muscles before you burn fat. This way, you can keep your post-workout metabolism at a high speed longer, possibly throughout the day.
    • This sequence of exercises can give you more control. In general, lifting weights will require better cheese and technique. When you're tired from running or cycling, it can be difficult to lift weights with the right technique.
  4. Try interval training. This type of exercise can help you break up your workout without actually having to stop each session. Interval practice is to exercise at a low speed for a period of time, then do as much as you can. You can also adjust times and breaks between fast and slow cycles. This helps burn more calories and can speed up your metabolism.
    • The simplest example of interval exercise is on the treadmill. Walk for 30 seconds, then run as hard as you can for 30 seconds. Just 15 minutes of interval runs can be more effective than a 30-minute slow walk.
  5. Try a cross exercise. Whatever the exercise (a 15-minute dog walk or a 10-kilometer walk around the park) your body will become accustomed to the exercise. As your body gets used to the level and type of effort it goes through, your body burns less calories. So, in order to be less alert, you should try cross-training. You can see this as a good opportunity to choose a hobby that interests you.
    • Cross training simply means doing a lot of exercise, jogging one day, swimming the next day, cycling the next day. Not only is this good for the body, but this combination also helps you to reduce boredom.

Method 4 of 4: lifestyle adjustments

  1. Stay away from the scale if this helps motivate you. You lose fat, not muscle, but muscle is heavier than fat. Therefore, the numbers shown on the scale are for reference only, and your appearance and feel are remarkable.
    • Even so, having a check-in at least once a week seems beneficial for long-term weight loss goals as well. So, do not throw the scale away, you should see how often to weigh it effectively.
  2. Find ways to reduce stress. People who are overly stressed tend to choose unhealthy foods and their body will also burn fat more slowly. Excess stress is also bad for the skin, affects sleep and relationships, and is generally harmful. Find ways to get rid of stress. So, no matter how much fat this way, you will generally still feel better.
    • Many people have successfully reduced stress with meditation and yoga practice. But you can also choose to take a walk in the park or listen to relaxing music. Just try and find out which stress relief works best for you.
  3. Get enough sleep. Everyone's needs are different, but in general it is recommended that you get about 7-9 hours of sleep per night. It may seem unreasonable to hear that sleeping helps reduce fat, but the fact that well-rested body tends to process carbohydrates more efficiently.
    • Also, if you don't get enough rest, you will start craving sugar. Hormone levels (cortisol, ghrelin and insulin) fluctuate and the body begins to retain fat and sugar throughout the body. Prevent this by getting enough sleep.
  4. Always operate in small ways. Even being active at its lowest level is better than being inactive at all. Research shows that people who are always on the move lose weight. Inactive people even store calories in the form of fat. So besides cleaning the house, taking the dog for a walk, and parking in the farthest spot in the parking lot, make time for odd activities (if you like).
    • There are always small opportunities for you to get active. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Go around the store by going as far as possible. Pretend to be sitting in a chair, but not fully seated, but like squatting. These habits bring cumulative benefits that you may not even realize.


  • Absolutely do not let yourself go hungry when you are limiting your calorie intake. The body will stop functioning and health will be destroyed.
  • According to most experts, it's best to consult your doctor before starting the keto diet.