Ways to Raise Baby Squirrel

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 4 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How to Take Care of a Baby Squirrel - Everything You Need to Know
Video: How to Take Care of a Baby Squirrel - Everything You Need to Know


You happen to see an abandoned little squirrel? The best way is to find a mother to take care of the baby, but you can still take care of him and raise him. If you are in the US, keep in mind that this may be prohibited in some states. You should first contact a wildlife aid worker. Raising wild animals is often much more challenging and dangerous than keeping domesticated animals from birth. With the right food and shelter and good care, your baby care will thrive right in your home until you can return to the wild.


Part 1 of 4: Baby care rescue

  1. First you should find a mother for the baby. Although you can certainly nurture the baby, no one can take care of the baby better than the mother. So when you find an abandoned baby squirrel it is important to find a mother for it before you do anything else. The mother will find and retrieve the baby if it is still warm.
    • The mother does not take back the baby when she is cold because they think she is sick or about to die. You need to decide for yourself whether to monitor the situation or not. If the baby squirrel is injured, cold or it is night time and the baby squirrel has not come to take the baby within 1-2 hours, then it is probably abandoned and needs your help.
    • The human hand odor on the squirrel's body will not prevent the mother from receiving the baby, so touching the babysitter is not a concern.
    • If there are two or more children and one child is dead, the mother squirrel will not take back the surviving child. So it is up to you to decide whether to bring them home or not, to see if the mother squirrel will accept them after a while and the smell of the dead baby has decreased.

  2. Gently pick up the baby squirrel. Remember to wear thick leather gloves (for your safety), and take this opportunity to look for and look for injuries, bed bugs, blood stains, bumps or wounds. If the squirrel is bleeding or you notice a broken bone or serious injury, you should seek out the vet to treat it as soon as possible. Most veterinarians will not accept examination for a squirrel if you do not have a license to keep it. If this happens, you should immediately call any wildlife aid workers in the area.

  3. Keep the baby squirrel warm. Baby squirrels cannot generate heat on their own, so you need to warm them. Find or rent a heating pad, electric blanket, hot water bottle or even a heating pad. The heating plate contains hot circulating water for the best heat control. Make sure the heating device you choose is low to medium in temperature.
    • Baby squirrels should be kept warm at about 37 degrees Celsius. If you have a thermometer available (or borrow it), you can use it to create an environment suitable for the squirrel's health.
    • Some heating panels will turn off on their own after a few hours, so check them regularly to prevent the appliance from working. If you have no other option than to raise the baby yourself, you should buy a heater that does not turn off automatically. Its life will depend on the heating plate. You can also place a towel over the top of the box or the lid has a vent to keep the heat inside.

  4. Find a small box. Once you have found a warming device, the next thing you need is a small box, basket or plastic food container about three square feet (hole holes in the lid). Place the heating pad on one side. With this setting, if the squirrel gets too hot, it can crawl to the other side. If you use a heating plate, you must put it on the side below box, do not put in the box with the baby squirrel.
    • Make a nest in the box with the material from where you found the baby squirrel. Make a round nest and put the baby squirrel inside. You should squeeze the heat source into the socket, but not in direct contact with the squirrel.
    • If necessary, you can use a soft cloth from discarded clothing. Do not use a towel as squirrel can get its toe in the fabric and break the ankle or break the leg etc.
  5. Try to find mother care again. Set the drive outdoors. If there are no dogs, cats, raccoons and other predators in the area, you can place the nest on the ground. If in doubt, place it on a tree branch or pole for safety.
    • Since the squirrel's body is kept warm, it instinctively calls its mother. If the mother squirrel is around, this is a great opportunity to bring her baby away. The mother squirrel carries the baby around like a cat, so you don't need to worry about the nest in the tree.

Part 2 of 4: Self-rearing

  1. Bring the nest home. After about 1-2 hours it is time to accept the reality. There are many reasons why the mother did not come, possibly injured or dead. In any case, now is the time to bring in the baby.
    • If you have a dog or a cat in your home, you must place the baby squirrels in a protected space, and other animals never have access to squirrel.
    • Remember to keep the nest warm regularly.
  2. Find a squirrel relief center. Call your local veterinarian, animal rescue center, humanitarian association and wildlife protection groups to get a referral to a wild animal rescue worker to adopt a squirrel. You can also search online using the phrase "squirrel relief" with the name of the state and the city.
    • Visit http://www.thesquirrelboard.com for instructions on how to raise a baby until a relief person is found. This is a forum where you can join and ask questions, and they will help you raise your baby until you find someone to help.
    • If you can't find a relief person, a squirrel committee will help you with your baby until you can release it to nature.
  3. Remember that some countries and states have strict regulations on caring for children. In the UK, fostering, keeping or releasing gray squirrels in the natural environment is a criminal offense, and punishments can be up to 2 years in prison. Some states in the US, such as Washington, have regulations that do not allow the possession or maintenance of sick, injured or abandoned wildlife, such as a squirrel, unless you are transporting it to a relief center. operating license. Find out about the laws in your area and remember that you can be prosecuted if the law does not allow abandoned wildlife.
  4. Cleaning for the baby squirrel. Be aware that baby squirrels can carry parasites such as fleas, ticks, bed bugs, and maggots. Use a comb and / or tweezers to remove fleas and ticks. The Petco brand also has a flea and aphid-killing spray that is specifically made for small animals like hamsters. Always check to make sure the product is safe for baby care. You can use chemical-free products like diatomite powder and blue Dawn dish soap (blue only).
    • If a squirrel is very young, do not apply chemicals to its skin. Spray the fabric around the baby squirrel, and do not spray the wound. The chemical will hurt it if you spray it on the wound.
    • Wash your hands immediately after cleaning your puppy as the parasites can infect you or other animals.
  5. Check for dehydration. You can check for dehydration by gently pinching the skin of the squirrel. If the pinched skin remains in place for one second or more, it is dehydrated. Dehydrated baby squirrels need to be hydrated as soon as possible because you don't know when it was last eaten or drank.
    • Wrinkled skin, hollow eyes, or emaciated eyes are also signs of dehydration.
  6. Choose a liquid. Most abandoned animals need water. A better solution is to go to the supermarket or pharmacy to find and purchase the Pedialyte electrolyte water at the baby products section. Pedialyte also has its own product for rehydrating babies (the Gerber brand also has this product). Squirrels love the fruity flavor, but you can use unflavored water if there is no other. Do not use Gatorade water or any sports drink.
    • If there are no supermarkets or pharmacies near you, here's a recipe for you to make your own:
    • One teaspoon of salt
    • Three teaspoons of sugar
    • One liter of warm water
    • Dissolve evenly

Part 3 of 4: Feeding the baby squirrel

  1. Use an oral pump cylinder. This is a syringe without a needle. Do not use a cylinder larger than 5cc, it is best to choose 1cc cylinder. You can go to a pharmacy near you and ask for a syringe without a needle.
  2. Check your squirrel's temperature. You don't need a thermometer to take an accurate body temperature, just touch the squirrel's body to see if it's warm. This is an important step before you hydrate the squirrel as it will not be able to digest food if the body gets cold.
  3. Be very careful when feeding young squirrels that have not yet grown feathers. If the red squirrel has not yet grown feathers, it is probably only 5-7.5cm long. Young squirrels of this size are very prone to choking and fluid will flow into the lungs. This can cause pneumonia and lead to death. To avoid choking, hold the squirrel upright in palm with the cylinder pointed at the upper arch of the mouth. Don't force the baby squirrel to eat - pump slowly while it is still ready to eat. It takes about an hour for the squirrel to finish eating 1 cc, and you have to do this until it knows how to suck the cylinder.
    • The liquid should be warm but not too hot. You can store unused portion in the refrigerator.
    • For young squirrels at this stage, you should only place a drop on its lips and let it suck in. If the squirrel doesn't suck the liquid, put a drop in your mouth to let it taste first. Some will open up their mouths to suck in the liquid.
    • If their eyes are open, push the syringe into your mouth and gently pump them a few drops.
    • If fluid spills out of your mouth or comes out of your nose, you are pumping too quickly. Immediately tilt their heads down for 10 seconds, then soak up the liquid in both nostrils and wait about a minute before continuing to feed.
  4. Feed the right amount. For young squirrels that have not yet opened their eyes, feed 1 cc every two hours; squirrel has grown enough hair but not open eyes is 1-2 cc every two hours; Squirrel eye opening is 2-4cc every three hours until your lifesaver calls for instructions.
    • If the squirrel insists to shut up or become unresponsive when fed, take it to the animal aid worker right away and request an electrolyte infusion. If done correctly, your squirrel will start eating again.
    • Feed every two hours throughout the day until the baby squirrel is 2 weeks old. Then you feed it every three hours until it opens its eyes. You need to continue feeding your squirrel every four hours until it stops feeding, about seven to ten weeks old.
  5. Stimulate baby squirrel. You need to stimulate the baby squirrel so they can go to the toilet without their eyes open, so before and after each feeding you must gently wipe the genital area and anus with a cotton ball soaked in warm water, or with a cotton swab. until they can urinate or defecate. Otherwise, the belly of the squirrel will swell and possibly death.
    • In the natural environment, the mother squirrel will do this for the baby squirrel. If baby squirrels are severely dehydrated and have not eaten for a while, they may not urinate until they are fed several times, and may not have defecated throughout the day.
  6. Reduce the time between meals. If the baby squirrel is eating well and growing continuously without problems, feed it every hour for four to six hours. Use the following formula:
    • 1 part formula for puppies
    • 2 parts distilled water
    • 1/4 serving whipping cream or plain yogurt
  7. Reheating food. You can use the microwave to warm food. As well as liquid, you should slowly feed squirrels this soft food. However, like Pedialyte, you will speed up the feeding steps quite quickly.
    • Do not mix Pedialyte with infant formula. Start with the liquid milk powder mixture. 4 parts water to 1 part powder for 1 day. 3 parts water to 1 part powder for 1 day. 2 parts water and 1 part flour until squirrels stop eating soft foods.
  8. Wean off soft food for baby squirrels. When squirrels can eat solid food (with their eyes open), you can buy foods like Rodent Block (by Kaytee), Oxbow or Mazuri at most pet stores. These foods contain the complete and correct nutrition for squirrels. You can buy lumpy foods specifically made for squirrels at HenrysPets.com. Feed the squirrel with lumpy industrial foods until released back to nature.
  9. Initially you can not feed the squirrels. Start with healthy greens (broccoli, kale, salad ...). Once the squirrels can eat all the lumpy foods and green vegetables, you begin to eat the fruits and seeds. Eat only one seed and one to two small pieces of fruit a day.
    • Like babies, baby squirrels won't eat formula after this age.
    • If squirrels pee on food, don't worry because it's just a squirrel's habit.
    • Only feed him one food in small amounts at a time to avoid diarrhea.
    • Avoid picking up the match for squirrels as many of the seeds contain toxins that can kill it in an instant.

Part 4 of 4: Transition to adulthood

  1. Buy a large cage. Squirrels need space to run and jump a little. You should buy a cage with a minimum size of 60x60x100cm with a stand, with a bed and a place to hide and climb.
    • Place the ceramic water tray in the cage. If using a plastic water bottle, squirrels will chew, damage or eat plastic.
    • Provide toys for squirrels. For example, some toys, such as pine cones, sticks, or large cleaned dog bones. Don't let squirrels play anything that can be torn, swallowed, and thrown indiscriminately (like a bean stuffed toy).
    • Place objects in the cage so that they sharpen their teeth as the squirrel teeth are continuously growing.
  2. Play with baby squirrels. A squirrel needs social interaction, especially when it is alone. This means you should take the squirrels out of the cage to play for at least an hour a day. If the outside space is unsafe, you can put it in a large outdoor cage (you will need one later, but don't transfer squirrels to the outdoor cage without a carrier cage) or Move it to another cage in a different location in the house. Don't let the squirrel play outside without cover. Hawks and other predators are so much faster than you, they can grab the squirrel before you can react. Squirrels may panic and run away without knowing their way back.
    • Getting them used to the heights is a good idea, so the curtain rod will come in handy here. You should not let squirrels run on the ground when going out to play, many domestic squirrels are often run like that and have become prey for snakes, cats ...
    • The rescuers pair the squirrels with another squirrel before they open their eyes, so they become very engaged as they grow up. Here's another reason why you should take the baby squirrel to the relief worker: the two squirrels support each other in the wild in a variety of ways.
    • Squirrels raised in small cages for too long may be physically disabled, due to tight spaces or too small running around the cage.
    • Once the squirrel has stopped eating the recipe, do not remove it from the cage. Squirrels need to maintain their fear of humans to stay safe in the wild.
  3. Relocate the nursery to the natural environment. When you are 4-5 months old, you need to move squirrels to an outdoor cage as large as possible, and should be at least 2 meters tall. Make sure the cage is resistant to predators.
    • The cage should have nests, sticks to make toys, create many surfaces for squirrels to climb and jump back and forth, partially cover the cage to block rain. The cage should have a solid bottom, otherwise the squirrel can escape. If you make your own cage, use a cover to make sure you don't jump out while you are opening the door to feed it. Be sure to make a door the size of a squirrel's body so that you can let it out later. This door should be a square 10cm side.With such a design, when the squirrel is chased by predators, it can safely return to the cage without worrying that the animal will follow. When it's time to release, just open this door and let the squirrel go out and explore on its own.
    • You should leave squirrels in outdoor cages for at least four weeks before stocking. During this time, you must feed the squirrel with natural foods so that it knows what to eat.
  4. Let go of the squirrel. Since squirrels do not have a mother or a brother, make sure the drop area is free of dogs, cats, squirrels and predators. This area needs plenty of water, food, fruits, and seedlings.
    • Provide enough food for at least three weeks after stocking. If you leave squirrels in the yard, put a tray of food and provide fresh food regularly. After all, you know what your squirrel likes to eat.
    • Release the squirrel back to the natural environment where you previously found it is best, if it is safe and has enough food.
    • It is especially important not to release the squirrels too soon. Four months of age is still too early for the baby squirrel to survive on its own, and it will easily become prey for other animals.
    • You must monitor the squirrel during the first week to make sure it can find food and water and is confident in a new living space.


  • Because of the formula's characteristics, squirrel urine will have an unpleasant odor. However, once the squirrels stop eating the formula, the smell of their urine will go away.
  • Baby squirrels need friends. You should try to take the squirrel to the wildlife aid worker so it can have friends. They will learn from each other, get to know each other and exist together.
  • When you start to feed dry seeds, make sure you feed them raw seeds. Salt roasted / roasted seeds are absolutely not good for squirrels. It is much easier to feed them nuts with hard shells.