How to bake sweet potatoes

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
BAKED SWEET POTATO | how to bake sweet potatoes perfectly
Video: BAKED SWEET POTATO | how to bake sweet potatoes perfectly


  • Cut the sweet potatoes into even pieces. Most importantly, the cut potato slices should be of equal size. So the new potatoes are ripe evenly.
    • Cutting into thick triangles is a popular potato cut, but you can cut it to whatever shape you like. Many people love the stick-shaped baked sweet potato.
    • Pieces of potatoes cut into small cubes will have a stronger caramel flavor because of the greater surface area exposed to heat. Triangular cut sweet potatoes will be crispy if cooked for longer at lower heat.

  • Pour the pieces of potatoes into a large bowl and sprinkle with spices. The added seasonings will help accentuate the sweetness and deliciousness of the sweet potato.
    • If you want to highlight the sweetness of sweet potatoes, you can sprinkle a little cinnamon powder or Jamaican peppercorns, add orange peel and juice of an orange (amount of 4 servings). You can even add honey, brown sugar, sweet and sour chili sauce or similar spices, but you need to set the temperature a bit lower and check more often to make sure the sugar doesn't burn.
    • If you want to enhance the delicious taste of sweet potatoes, add in a clove of crushed garlic and 1 teaspoon of thyme and rosemary mixture.
  • Sprinkle oil over the seasoned sweet potatoes. Stir thoroughly so that the oil covers all the pieces of the potato. Thus, the surface of the potato will be beautifully golden after baking.

  • Sprinkle with spices! You don't always need to marinate the seasonings before baking. Fresh and lighter spices can be sprinkled after they've processed. Eg:
    • 1 tablespoon (16 grams) of balsamic vinegar (or salad dressing) and salt and pepper, seasoning right before serving.
    • Chopped parsley or basil, chilli and a little lemon juice sprinkled on top.
  • Poke the potato repeatedly with a knife or fork. This will make it easier for the steam to escape during the cooking time and ensure the tubers don't break.

  • Select a baking tray and place foil in it. If you have a high quality non-stick baking pan or a metal casserole grill that's fine.
    • Sweet potatoes contain a lot of sugar and water, making them easy to stick to a tray that is not lined with foil.
  • Preheat oven to 180ºC. Sweet potatoes can withstand many different heat levels, so if you are baking another dish you can cook them at any heat level, just remember to adjust the baking time.
  • Place the sweet potato on the baking tray and place in the oven. At 180ºC, you can bake for 1 hour. Check potatoes after baking for 45 minutes. Poke a sweet potato with a fork; If you get into a potato easily, it is ripe.
  • Remove the sweet potato from the oven and enjoy. Whole roasted sweet potatoes can be served like baked potatoes, just cut the potatoes in half, spread with a little butter and salt and pepper. You can also peel the potatoes (when it cools down), mash them, and sprinkle with spices.
    • To increase the sweetness of mashed sweet potatoes, try adding a pinch of brown sugar and cinnamon powder, and adding a little butter. This makes the mashed sweet potato a delicious side dish.
  • Advice

    • If you want to make sweet potato quick and easy, try microwaving it.
    • You can grate the sweet potato fibers and bake them to make sweet potato noodles.
    • Sweet potatoes are very nutritious. Add sweet potatoes to your diet to add antioxidants and beta-carotene.


    • Because of its high sugar content, sweet potatoes will turn yellow faster than other vegetables. Keep an eye on the potato to make sure the potato doesn't burn.