How to find out if someone is pregnant

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 3 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
10 signs you’re pregnant
Video: 10 signs you’re pregnant


Asking a woman if she is pregnant is quite odd, whatever the truth. Maybe you're just curious, or maybe you're wondering if you should give the bus seat to her. Anyway, there are some signs that she is pregnant that you can observe before you ask to avoid the awkward situation. But in general, it's best not to assume that a girl is pregnant. Avoid asking the issue directly and wait until they speak up on their own.


Method 1 of 2: Identify a new pregnant woman

  1. Notice your clothes change. When they first become pregnant, many women will begin to wear loose clothing or clothes that can hide the "clumpy belly". As the belly gets bigger, women will also need to buy more maternity pants or large-sized clothes. If you see her wearing clothes that are different from her usual style, or she buys larger sizes, she is probably pregnant.

  2. Listen when she talks about her eating habits. Many women will change their taste and also change the type of foods they want to eat. So, paying attention to her complaints or comments about food will help you determine the truth:
    • Cravings: Not everyone is like that, but some people find that they crave exotic food combinations (like pickled cucumbers with ice cream) or they just like certain foods (like fruits oranges or Chinese food). Pay attention when she talks about her favorite foods.
    • Fear of eating: Many pregnant women are suddenly afraid of a certain type of food and they have no previous problems. If you know that she likes sushi and suddenly becomes nauseous at the thought of fish, she is probably pregnant.
    • Drink plenty of water: Water is an important factor in bringing nutrients to the fetus, so pregnant women are often very careful in drinking enough water. Pregnant women may suddenly express a need to drink enough water and / or begin to carry water bottles.

  3. Watch for signs of nausea. In addition to changes in eating habits, many pregnant women experience nausea - also known as "morning sickness" during the first few months of pregnancy. This may be due to changes in her diet, for example she only ate savory crackers, but it may also have nothing to do with eating. Many people feel tired throughout the day, not just in the morning, so watch for any signs of nausea and vomiting. To differentiate this symptom from a common digestive illness or the flu, keep in mind that morning sickness is more severe and lasts longer than the flu - which lasts only a few days.

  4. Pay attention to complaints about pain or discomfort. Pregnancy causes a lot of changes, and it leads to painful swelling throughout the body. If you hear her talk about lower back pain and headache or dizziness, it could be a sign of pregnancy. When she talks about pain or swelling, ask her where she got hit or it was from over sports and see what she said. For example:
    • "Oh no! How long have you had back pain?
    • I just heard you say you feel dizzy, have you been so long? "
  5. Pay attention to her behavior. In addition to physical changes, many pregnant women also change behavior or habits. Observe the person you suspect may be pregnant for the following symptoms:
    • Going to the bathroom more than usual can be a sign of pregnancy. Due to the hormonal changes as well as the pressure the uterus exerts on the internal organs, pregnant women may experience constipation, urinate a lot and vomit.
    • Mood swings are also a common phenomenon in pregnant women due to hormonal changes, leading to fatigue and emotional ease (for example, they can cry and laugh at once without any reason).
  6. Pay attention when she talks about sleep. Fatigue is a common complaint of many pregnant women, especially in the first trimester. If you notice any of the following, think about her pregnancy:
    • She exhibits considerable fatigue and difficulty performing daily activities.
    • She talks a lot about feeling tired or "completely exhausted".
    • You see her lying down at odd times (like during work or school hours).
  7. Ask her about her future plans. A subtle way to determine a woman's pregnancy is to ask about her upcoming intentions. Since normally, pregnancy will last for 9 months, if you ask about what plans are in that phase, you can probably guess if she is pregnant or not. If she does, she won't be able to travel in her last trimester, so you can ask her if she's going to hang out in the next few months. You can also ask her if she has a plan for the summer, maybe she will blurt out about decorating the baby's bedroom! advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Determination of pregnancy at a later stage

  1. Look at her belly shape. A woman's body changes a lot during pregnancy, especially in the abdomen. As the baby gets older, her tummy will also grow to accommodate the baby. Sometimes, it is difficult to distinguish a pregnant belly from a fat belly, but there are still slight differences in the belly. Weight gain may manifest in a round belly, but if the other parts have little or no similar size gain, it is possible she is pregnant. If you accidentally bump her, remember that her belly will be harder than her belly fat.
  2. Pay attention to her breasts. Growing breasts are the most common sign of change, as the breast tissue is often very sensitive to hormonal changes. If you have not known her before, this tip will not help because you do not know her inherent breast size to compare; However, some pregnant women in the middle and late stages of pregnancy may have breasts that are larger than their body balance, which is due to the swelling of the breasts in preparation for lactation.
  3. Look at her feet and ankles. Swollen ankle is a common phenomenon in pregnant women, especially from about 5 months onwards. This is because the body begins to store water and produces more blood and fluids during pregnancy. She can wear low and calming shoes or sandals to ease the pain of walking with such swollen feet.
  4. Notice how she walks. As her body changes and grows, her gait may look different. Look for the following common signs:
    • A bulky gait and other changes in gait usually happen due to an enlarged belly and swollen legs, so she will lose her balance a bit.
    • Many people tend to hold their stomachs or put their hands on their stomachs when moving. Both actions are aimed at maintaining balance, in addition to being the act of bonding between mother and baby.
  5. Pay attention to rapid breathing. In addition to the changes in the way you walk, many pregnant women also experience shortness of breath during the second and third trimesters. This is because the fetus is growing and needs more oxygen; In addition, the dilated uterus puts additional pressure on the lungs and diaphragm. The feeling of shortness of breath and difficulty exertion is very common, and when combined with other signs of pregnancy you can confirm she is pregnant. advertisement


  • Although she may exhibit many of these signs, it is best not to ask directly about pregnancy. Many of the signs above can be derived from many other factors; asking about getting pregnant when she wasn't at all can make her sad and uncomfortable.