How to tell if a Wife is Cheating

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: 7 SNEAKY SIGNS YOUR WIFE IS CHEATING ON YOU! (signs of a cheater)


Feeling insecure at suspecting that your wife is cheating is terrible, so you probably want to quickly find out the truth. Sometimes signs of cheating can be difficult to spot, especially if your heart is rippling with jealousy. If you're concerned about your relationship, examine your wife's behavior and appearance for suspicious clues. Pay attention to her social life, her behaviors at home, and changes in her appearance.


Method 1 of 3: Recognize changes in your wife's social life

  1. Notice if your wife often goes out without a companion. Granted, a couple should have space from time to time, but if your wife seems to prefer going out alone then there is reason to be concerned. Even more worrying if she chooses to do activities with other people instead of a romantic night of the couple. Note if your wife starts going out every week by herself or with friends. Maybe she's going to meet someone.
    • It is normal and healthy for a couple to separate from their partner from time to time to enjoy private time. Don't assume your wife wants to have a night out with girlfriends or entertain co-workers after work is a sign she is stealing.
    • If your wife uses social media often, check her profile on the nights she goes out. If your wife posts photos of her gathering with girlfriends or co-workers, she is probably telling the truth.

  2. Note if you have not been in touch with your wife for a long time. If your wife suddenly doesn't pick up the phone or answer the text message, something is wrong. Pay attention if you don't get a response from your wife several times a week, and also note what time of day this happens. When your wife makes a comment, ask a few questions about whether her story is consistent and her reasons are justified.
    • Let's say your wife normally still replies to messages while at the office, but recently all your messages sent to her have not been answered. Talk to your wife to see what's going on. It's possible she's working on a big project and very busy, but it's also possible she's spending time with a third person or prioritizing replying to their messages.

  3. Observe for changes in her story or irrational details. Make it a habit to talk to your wife about what happened during her day. Listen to her and look for inconsistencies or irrational details. If in doubt, ask your wife about the details to see if she tells otherwise.
    • For example, your wife says that she eats lunch with a female co-worker but then complains that she is off work for a week. This can be seen as a warning signal. Likewise, if your wife comes home late and explains that she has to drop by the laundry but doesn't bring her clothes, she is probably lying.
    • Plus, talking with her and asking about her daily stories can also help strengthen the relationship.

  4. Focus on listening if your wife starts talking about a new friend. People often like to tell stories about a new relationship. If your wife is having a crush on someone else, she may be talking about that person all the time, even though she is still trying to hide it. Be wary if your wife keeps talking about someone new to you, male or female. This could be a sign that their relationship is not normal.
    • For example, your wife suddenly started telling story after story about a new colleague named Duy. Chances are she has something to do with this Duy guy or cares for him.
    • Before jumping to conclusions, consider how your wife normally talks about her friends. Maybe she's just excited about having a new friend.

    Advice: Try to schedule a group outing with her wife and friends to get to know them. You may find that their relationship seems completely pure. Conversely, if your wife doesn't want to let you hang out with her friends or seems to be wary, this is a sign that something is wrong.

  5. Pay attention to wife's working frequency and business trips. While regular business trips and long hours can be normal, your wife can use an excuse to work to hide her cheating from others. Note any unreasonable changes in your wife's schedule and talk to her about it. Also, notice if she works overtime and her income has not increased or if she has recently received new responsibilities that are not in the correct position.
    • For example, your wife usually works 40 hours a week, Monday through Friday, but suddenly has to work overtime or work on weekends. Ask your wife about the projects she's working on at the company if working overtime is reasonable, and check her bank account to see if she gets paid overtime pay.
    • Remember that your wife may be just striving for a career. If your wife just got a promotion or is hoping to get one, she's probably working overtime. Do not assume that your wife is lying.
  6. Notice how much money she spends when she goes out to play. If you have someone else, your wife may spend more or less money than usual. Maybe she pays extra for clothes or special underwear, hotel room or food. It is also possible that she will spend less money than usual if the lover pays for their dates. Check your bank statements and credit card bills for abnormal expenses.
    • For example, you might see baggy purchases, hotel room payments, or large cash withdrawals.
    • Likewise, if your wife goes out with a group of girlfriends every Friday night but doesn't spend any money, she is probably dating someone else.

Method 2 of 3: Recognize your wife's changes at home

  1. Notice if your wife is starting to complain about you or your relationship. She may begin to point out your flaws or express concerns in your relationship. Maybe your wife is really unhappy, maybe she is trying to find excuses to justify her love affair. Whatever it is, it's important to be mindful and talk to her about this. Ask your wife what is upset about and talk to her about how to improve the relationship.
    • For example, your wife might nag, "I get sick every time I come back to this messy house", "I've never heard you speak", or "We don't have any fun right now", Please respond by asking questions like "Can we go together at the table to see how to clean the house?", "So what do I need to do to let you know that I'm listening?", "So this Saturday night. shall we go out This way, you can relieve her anxiety and help improve your relationship.

    Warning: If you've tried everything and your wife is still unhappy, she may be trying to pluck her feathers to justify her cheating.

  2. Notice her change in sex. Your wife may desire more, less, or change the style. Notice if she starts to suggest more but doesn't seem very warm, or suddenly becomes cold and resisted when you want to be close. In addition, you should also pay attention if she is suddenly interested in role-playing or "adult" games.
    • Maybe your wife "pampered" you more because she felt guilty, maybe because the ideological adultery made her desire more humiliation.
    • Your wife may be less likely to be close to you if the other third person has satisfied her needs.
    • Your wife may want to change the sex pattern if she wants to imagine being with someone new.

    Warning: Remember that there are innocent interpretations of these changes. For example, your wife may desire more because she can rest or feel more confident, or she may lose interest because she is too busy or has a low self-esteem. Likewise, she might be trying to refresh your sex life with you, so don't judge.

  3. Know if you are less likely to share your feelings. Your wife may no longer tell you about her happiness, and that is a signal that something is wrong. If your wife doesn't talk to you about her daily activities, troubles, feelings, or things that excite her, then she probably has someone else to share. Talk to her to find out what's going on.
    • For example, if your wife seems to be closed to you, go over to her and say, "Honey, I think you are so quiet lately. I want you to tell me what's up. "
  4. Notice if your wife suddenly wants more private space. If there is a sneaky relationship, your wife will have to keep it a secret. She will not let you have access to her phone, her bag, her calculator, or her bills. If your wife is naturally hiding everything or taking a defensive attitude when you ask questions, she may be hiding an affair.
    • For example, you might notice that all of his wife's electronic devices have changed their passwords. In addition, your wife may start hiding her credit card or phone bill, and maybe she even has a new secret credit card.
  5. Note if your wife starts to hug the phone more than not. Maybe she's calling or texting the other person. Notice if she texts someone a lot, especially if she doesn't tell you who the person is. Also, pay attention if she often shifts away when answering the phone.
    • Observe your wife's reaction to incoming calls or new texts. For example, she might laugh cheerfully or get extremely excited while texting her lover.
    • If you and your wife share the same phone plan, check the bill to see if anything is wrong. You may find that she calls or texts someone every day.

Method 3 of 3: Observe your wife's appearance

  1. Note if your wife started exercising more. Maybe your wife just wants to improve for her personal reasons, but maybe she's exercising for the other person. You should observe the big change in her appearance as well as her long time in the gym. These signs could be clues that she's sneaking around with someone.
    • Don't assume your wife is cheating on lead because she is exercising eagerly. Maybe she just wants to be in a sexier figure and more satisfied with herself, or maybe she wants to impress you.

    Advice: Ask her if she wants to practice with you. If your wife's only goal is to improve her health, she will probably enjoy the support.

  2. Know if your wife has "upgraded" her wardrobe. While maybe your wife just wants to look prettier, it's possible she buys new clothes to impress the other person. Especially suspicious if your wife buys sexy outfits you've never seen. Take note if she takes new clothes home or you notice expenses on clothes on a bank statement. If in doubt, tell your wife about it.
    • Say “I see you buying lots of new clothes these days. What's so special? " and listen to what she said.
    • Remember that your wife may just want to buy new clothes quickly because of a trend, or she may just gain or lose a lot of weight. Don't think she's cheating.
  3. See if your wife has a new hairstyle or more careful makeup. Your wife can use these methods to beautify, sometimes meant to attract the other person. However, it is also possible that she changes her makeup and hairstyle simply for a prettier look. Take note if she prepares well when she is not with you.
    • You should think about your wife's circumstances. If your wife has been dressed for years because she is busy with her children, then now that she has more free time, she can spend more time taking care of her beauty, as it makes her happier. .
  4. Notice if she has a hint of men's perfume. The manly perfume on your wife could be due to her being with her lover. If you notice your wife smells different, ask her. If your wife can't give you a good explanation, she may be cheating on you.
    • Don't assume your wife did something wrong to you just because she smelled weird once. For example, maybe your wife sits next to a colleague with strong perfumes.


  • Don't forget that your wife can begin to change her behavior just to improve herself, not because she cheats. Don't be quick to blame her, as this can create a wall between you and your spouse.
  • If you suspect your wife is having outside sex, it is best to talk to her.


  • Do not accuse your wife of cheating without verifying the questionable points. If your wife doesn't cheat and you accuse her, it could end up leading to problems that haven't happened before.