How to respond when a thief enters a home

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Burglar explains how he breaks into homes
Video: Burglar explains how he breaks into homes


Your home is like a castle that you always want to be safe and secure in. Unfortunately, thieves can break into your ransack to steal money and valuables. Usually they just want to take things without harming the landlord, but these guys are still terrifying nonetheless! If you hear someone breaking into your home, try to escape if possible. Another solution is to shout to the thief that you have called the police and used your belongings to fight back. Meanwhile, you should reinforce your home so that your house is not vulnerable to breaking.


Method 1 of 3: escape from thieves

  1. Get out of the house if you can. In general, it's better to leave the house when someone breaks in. Run to the nearest door or window to escape. When you are safe, call the police for help.
    • If a neighbor is nearby, run to their home safely. If not, find somewhere where you can hide, like in a grove or behind a fence.

  2. Hide in the nearest room or in a wall cabinet with a lockable door inside. Look around and choose the safest place to hide. If possible, move to a locked room or wall cabinet. Enter the room and lock the door.
    • You can also find a hiding spot in the room. For example, you can get under the bed or hide in a closet to hide more.

    Other solution: If you have a safe room in your house, try to enter that room, but be very careful when moving indoors to avoid encountering intruders.

  3. Block the door to prevent thieves from entering the room. If possible, push heavy furniture to block the door so it won't open. Another way is to insert the recliner under the door handle so that it is difficult to push the door outside. If the door is facing outward, tie the belt around the door handle and the legs of a heavy piece of furniture.
    • For example, you could push the closet in front of the bedroom door, then sit behind the closet.

  4. Do your best to keep quiet so that the thief cannot detect it. Once you hide, try not to make a noise. Do not talk unless you call emergency services to report a thief is in your home. Also, do not move or move anything.
    • Make sure your phone is in vibrate or silent mode.
    • Do not try to change hiding places. You will make noise and be able to catch your attention.
  5. Listen to your headphones to avoid surprise attacks. It sounds scary, but most likely thieves will ransack the house for things of value. They may reach the room you were hiding in before the police arrived. Listen to what thieves are doing. Notice the following clues:
    • Can you hear footsteps or other noises approaching you? If so, be prepared to run away or fight back.
    • Do you hear the thief talking to someone? If so, then maybe there isn't just one name.
    • Can you hear thieves stealing your possessions into your pockets? This can help you guess where they are.
  6. Call the police when you are in a safe hiding place. Once you've found your hiding place, you can use your cell phone to ask for help. Tell the dispatcher your name and home address and say your home is burglary. Explain that you are hiding from them so keep quiet. Keep the phone on until they say you can hang up.
    • Keep the phone at low volume when calling for help to reduce the risk of hearing.

    Advice: Don't worry about calling the police in a false alarm situation. If you feel afraid, call the police for peace of mind.


Method 2 of 3: Coping with an intruder

  1. Only face intruders when you can't hide. In general, it is safer to avoid facing an intruder than to confront them. You don't know what thieves' motives for entering your home, and they can panic and harm you when they find out about you. Try to find a way to escape or hide well.
    • Safety first. Do not risk your life to save property!
    • Remember that an intruder is more likely to be arrested if you press hide and call the police. If the thief thinks you are not at home, they will remain in your home when the police arrive.
  2. Shouting "I called the police" to scare the thief away. If you are exposed or cannot find shelter, shout that you called the police. Yell several times to make sure they hear. This can scare the intruder and leave your home automatically.
    • You can shout to the thief, “I called the police! Police 113 is coming! They will come anytime! ”
  3. Get weapons for self-defense if you have one. Maybe you have a gun equipped for self-defense. If so, take out your gun as soon as you hear the thief break in and get ready to defend yourself.
    • You can warn thieves that you have a gun, like "I have a gun!" However, it is likely that the person who broke into your home also has a gun.
    • In some areas, you have the right to shoot at intruders. However, there are rules about what is legal, so you should check with local laws. For example, you are not allowed to shoot at an intruder leaving your home.

    Warning If you want to equip a gun for self-defense, you need to join a training program to know how to protect yourself properly. Learn how to reload, shoot accurately, and prevent others from stealing weapons.

  4. Grab the knife if you are near the kitchen. Don't try to go to the kitchen to get a knife, but if you are nearby then grab the knife when you hear thieves. Hold a knife in hand so you can surprise intruders if they come close to you.
    • A knife is a powerful weapon but is sometimes difficult to use and can be taken away. Don't get close to the thief with a knife, you should just use a knife to scare them away.
  5. Grabbing some heavy object can be used as a weapon. To defeat someone, you don't need a universal weapon. Use something as a temporary weapon to gain an advantage against intruders. Attack thieves with your weapon if they get close. Some household items that you will use are baseball bats, heavy pots or pans, table lamps, a heavy trophy or a bottle of wine.
    • To prevent theft into your home, place some heavy objects scattered around your home, such as by your bedside, under a sofa, or in drawers. If you happen to be stealing, you can also quickly get these items from any room in the house.
  6. Hit the thief's weakness to neutralize the opponent. If you are near an intruder, hit their perils. Kick the opponent in the groin if he's a man. Next, attack your eyes, nose, neck, and abdomen. Hit as hard as you can, then run away.
    • Your goal is not to fight, injure or capture the thief, but just neutralize the opponent for a long enough time to escape.

Method 3 of 3: Keep it safe indoors

  1. Practice ahead of time with a safe plan in case your home is broken into. Don't worry too much about the thief coming into your home, as chances are you're safe. However, it is also helpful to practice in advance how to deal with the intruder so that you can be prepared. Plan with your family and practice ahead of time to get it ready. Here are some things you should consider:
    • Set up an escape from the bedroom and common areas.
    • Conventional a word to alert other members of the house about intruders.
    • Select an area for all family members to meet.
    • Create a safe room by installing a heavy, locked door in a particular room.
  2. Always close doors and windows. Don't make it easy for a thief to enter your home. You should close and secure all doors and windows, even when you are at home. This will make it difficult for the thief to break in.
    • Check doors and windows before going to bed every night to make sure the door is locked.
    • Install additional door latches open to the outside.
  3. Store valuables in the garage. Thieves often choose things that are easy to get, so they won't be able to ignore items like bicycles or expensive gear. Keep these items in the garage when not in use, and tell the kids not to leave them in the yard.
    • Thieves can see these in the yard as they roam around houses in search of targets and then return to steal.
  4. Prune the trees around the house so that thieves have no stalking place. You might think that trees and bushes help shield your house, but they actually shield anyone who might break into your home. Thieves can easily snoop around if they are covered by leaves. Eliminate these hiding places by pruning overgrown grass and bushes.
    • If your home has many floors, cut down branches that thieves can use to access windows or balconies.
  5. Install outdoor lights so that crooks feel exposed. Thieves want to hide in the dark, so they may avoid your home if it is well lit. Install lights above the doors and leave them on when it gets dark. In addition, you should also install motion sensor headlights above the garage and the side of the house.
    • Check for lighting areas around the house for safety.
  6. Hang curtains to prevent intruders from seeing your property. When scouting your home to try to steal, the crook will look through the window to see if there is anything valuable in your home. You can make them difficult by placing curtains or blinds on windows. This way your house will attract less thieves.
    • The more you need to cover your windows at night. If you turn on the lights indoors, the things in the room will become clear once viewed from the outside.
  7. Install a security camera on the front door or garage as a deterrent. Thieves don't want to be photographed, so they may avoid your home if they see a camera there. Furthermore, if they did break into your home, then you should have proof to the police. Install a camera on your door or garage to deter people looking at your house.
    • The camera is more effective at deterring if the intruder is easily seen.
  8. Install home alarms to scare burglars and call for help. An indoor alarm system can discourage any thief stumbling into your home. Plus, it will alert the police, and you will get more assistance quickly. Check with the companies that provide home alarm systems to find the one that suits your needs and preferences and install it.
    • Be sure to put up an outside-of-home alarm service company sign so that intruders know you are protected.


  • Thieves tend to target homes that are away from homeowners, so they will often run away if they know you are at home. However, do not rely on this! It's best to hide if you can.
  • If you can see the thief, try to memorize as many details as possible. If they do escape, you can give the police information to track down the thief.
  • If you want to have a pet, consider having a large dog to discourage the thief.
  • If you're really worried about getting hacked, consider learning to defend yourself. This way you will be prepared to fight back and be more confident in an emergency situation.
  • If you are using your mobile device to call emergency services, leave it on vibrate. If not, the phone rings when they need to call back and the thief will know your location.


  • Learn about self-defense laws. Although some regions allow the use of lethal force when someone enters a home, many have different definitions of "reasonable force".
  • Call the police if your home has been stolen so they can open an investigation.