Ways to Eliminate Anxiety

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
#LetsTalkAboutIt: How to Overcome Anxiety
Video: #LetsTalkAboutIt: How to Overcome Anxiety


Do you often find yourself constantly thinking about something? Do you often think about what could happen? If so, you have an anxiety disorder. Anxiety is a form of thought. It can be repetitive and not helpful because it cannot settle the situation, and sometimes, it only makes the situation worse. When you are anxious, your stress level increases. This will affect your decision-making skills, your happiness, and your relationship. Worrying may not seem like a big deal at first, but it will quickly get out of control and take over your life. If you feel that you are no longer able to cope with your anxious thoughts, it's time to regain control of your mind and let go of worry.


Method 1 of 5: Identify Anxiety

  1. Understand what anxiety is. You cannot solve the problem if you do not understand its implications, so the first thing you need to do is identify your feelings of anxiety.
    • Write down the moment when you think you are worried. It can be helpful to write down your feelings, what's going on around you, and the thoughts you have in your possession. Be aware of your body sensations - whether you are experiencing muscle tension or abdominal pain. Next, you can look back and analyze the cause of this feeling.
    • Ask the people around you to help you pinpoint the moment when you are anxious. Sometimes, when people are anxious, they ask a multitude of questions to try to feel like they know what's going to happen. Usually, the anxious person will talk about the matter and their friends and family will know they are worried. Having people around you tell you about this moment will help you find out what caused you to encounter it.

  2. Separate the real and the unreal. Anxiety is contained in the factors that you do not know well. This makes perfect sense, because something you have never heard about can be scary. You will have many questions about the future. The problem is that they will probably never cause you problems and you will end up worrying in vain. This is why anxiety is often not beneficial for you. It is important to determine whether your anxiety revolves around what's happening or if it's just something MAY happen.
    • Write about your worries. Focus on what is really happening to you and eliminate whatever is only likely to appear. You just need to focus on current problems because they are all you can deal with in the moment.
    • You can plan and prepare for the future, but once you complete the process, you should accept that you've done your best.

  3. Ask yourself if your thoughts have been helpful. When you think about a situation, it can be easy to get lost and start thinking about what might happen. When you are in a stressful situation, it can be difficult for your anxiety to realize whether you are on the right track in dealing with the situation. Ask yourself to determine if your thoughts are getting you out of your current situation. If not, you're just in a state of anxiety.
    • An example of this is when you have to deal with a damaged vehicle. You need to work, but you don't know how you can get to work without a car. You quickly think that if you are absent, you will lose your job. Then you think about the prospect of you having no money to pay your rent, and you will be evicted. As you can see, you will quickly wander about. However, if you focus on the situation at hand, you won't need to deal with the possibility of losing your job or being evicted. This will make you more relieved because you don't know well if the situation will happen to you.
    • You love your baby very much. You don't want anything to happen to them, so you take all the necessary precautions you need to make sure they don't get sick. Stay up late to think about any situation that might have harmed your baby that day. Focusing on their health, safety, and fun will allow you to spend quality time with them and they will benefit from the process, thus forcing yourself back into the present. Now will help you to do this and end the whirlwind of anxiety.
  4. Write down any worries about the past, present, and future. Many people feel anxious about their own past and its effects. Others worry about what they need to do now and how they will affect their future. Some people even feel anxious about everything, whether they are past, present, or future. Writing down any concerns will provide you with purification and relief in the moment.
    • Take note of your worries every day. You can do this at the end of the day or simply when you're feeling anxious.
    • Use smartphone to write about your concerns.You can use a note-taking app or some other app dedicated to journaling.

Method 2 of 5: Trash to confide in anxiety

  1. Talk to someone you trust. It can be helpful to talk about what's causing you worries. Talk to a friend or family member who can understand how you are feeling.
    • Let your loved one know that you realize you are anxious, but you need to remove this thought from your mind in order to move forward. Often times, the person you love will understand you and will happily become a place for you to vent your thoughts.
    • If possible, find someone who shares the same concerns you have so that you will feel less lonely. You can also help each other ease your fears by focusing on truths you both know well in the present.
    • Occasionally, anxiety is formed from feeling that you are going through a difficult situation alone. You should talk to someone who can provide you with the support and comfort you need.
  2. Journal about situations that cause you anxiety. Continue writing about them until you have completely drained your emotions to write. This form of free writing will help you get rid of some of the problems your subconscious is currently dealing with. It will be quite surprising to look back at everything you've written because often, your concerns focus on something you don't consciously fully understand.
  3. Talk to a therapist about anxiety. An expert will help you ease your worries, treat them, and get rid of them. Anxiety therapists understand that anxiety is a mutable psychological state. Just try to address them and follow the therapist's instructions.
    • Seek a therapist with experience helping someone with an anxiety disorder.
    • Let your doctor know that you are working to get rid of your anxiety so you can feel happier.
    • Don't hesitate to discuss your concerns in detail. Sometimes, this is the only way to get rid of them forever.

Method 3 of 5: Eliminate Anxiety

  1. Ask yourself if worrying can help you. Because you care about taking care of yourself, you won't want to hurt yourself at any cost. Anxiety can also be painful for you, so remind yourself to keep this in mind. Usually, when people become honest with themselves, they easily let go of anxiety.
  2. Count your breaths. Inhale from your nose and out from your mouth. Because anxiety can be exacerbated when stress levels rise, counting your breathing will help mitigate this.
    • If you continue to feel anxiety as you breathe, allow yourself to reflect on your concerns for a few seconds and then let your breathing wash it away. Use breathing techniques to get rid of anxiety.
    • Do this several times until you feel relaxed. Some people do 10 breaths, while others do 20 breaths. You don't even have to decide on the number of breaths before starting this technique. Just evaluate your own condition when you reach 10 breaths.
  3. Give yourself 30 minutes to worry. Learn to control your anxiety by allowing yourself to be anxious for 30 minutes. At the end of the 30 minutes, tell yourself that you need to focus on other things. Setting an alarm can also be quite helpful in helping you not lose yourself in worrying over time.
  4. Use thought blocking techniques. As soon as you start to feel anxiety, tell yourself to stop. This action will help replace negative thoughts. You can speak aloud to yourself or use self-talk. Many therapists use this technique to help patients avoid negative thoughts. As soon as your concerns come to mind, asking yourself to stop will help you get rid of them quickly. Just remember that these are behaviors that are shaped through the learning process. It may not work at first, but after a few practice sessions, you will be able to stop worrying thoughts immediately. Many people feel that this method works better for them than some others. If you find that it is not helping you, you should try the practice of mindfulness.
  5. Give yourself the conditions to stop worrying. Tie an elastic band to your wrist and shoot the rubber band in your hand whenever you're nervous. This is a form of thought blocking and can help you stop worrying and focus on the present.
  6. Hold something in your hand. Research has shown that people who keep their hands busy tend to worry less. When you focus on any object that you have in your hand, you will not focus on your thoughts too much. You can hold a necklace or a stress ball. Try to count the number of beads on the chain, or squeeze the ball with each beat. advertisement

Method 4 of 5: Take care of yourself

  1. Get enough sleep. Most people need 7 hours of sleep each night. Lack of sleep contributes to increased stress and anxiety, so getting enough sleep is very important.
    • If you have trouble sleeping because you are worried, you should seek medical attention. You will need sleeping pills in order to be able to control your sleep, and this may be more than enough to eliminate anxiety.
    • If you want to take a natural sleeping pill, you should consider taking melatonin. You should consult with your doctor first to make sure this medicine is safe for you.
  2. Healthy eating. Vitamins and nutrients found in healthy foods help lower blood pressure and improve brain function, and will be of great help for stress. This measure will minimize your anxiety.
  3. Do exercise. Exercise reduces stress, so you don't have to worry too much. When you are anxious, you can go for a run as it can be difficult to maintain anxiety during physical activity. Being active also releases endorphins, calms you down and also energizes you to complete your workday.
    • Take a bike for a walk in a beautiful view.
    • Jogging in the park.
    • Play tennis with your friends.
    • Go for a walk in the garden.
    • Go hiking in the woods with friends.

Method 5 of 5: Meditation

  1. Start meditating every day immediately. Research has shown that meditation can reduce anxiety in the brain. This is because meditation has a calming effect on the brain. Since anxiety stems from anxiety, regaining control over your nerves will cause you to worry less or at all.
  2. Sit with your legs crossed and put your arms beside you. This posture will help the body relax. When you are able to relax your body, your mind receives the signal that you are not in danger and can begin the relaxation process.
    • If you can't cross your legs, sit in a position that makes you comfortable.
    • You can also lie down, but remember not to fall asleep.
    • If you are sitting on a chair, arrange more soft objects around in case you fall asleep while meditating. This can happen to some people because they feel highly relaxing.
  3. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Your body already has an internal soothing mechanism - your breath. When you focus on the rhythm of your breathing, it will be easier to see if you are breathing too fast. In this case, you should slow your breathing by taking deep breaths of air into your lungs and exhaling completely.
    • Try to count your breathing. Inhale for 3 seconds and exhale for the next 3 seconds. Hold your breath for a second or two before exhaling. Go through this process slowly and steadily.
  4. Focus on how you feel in this moment and allow yourself to feel at peace. Pay attention to what's going on in your mind as you meditate. If you get nervous, repeat the phrase "calm down".You can also choose a different word or even a sound, as long as it is the calm factor.
    • If you are thinking about what causes you anxiety, don't try to fight it or you will just feel more anxious. You should review it for a few minutes and then forget about it. You can also say to yourself, "Let it go ..."
  5. Slowly get up. To help yourself get back to your present life, open your eyes slowly, sit quietly for a few minutes, and then stand up. Stretch as needed and walk in complete relaxation and peace. Coping with everyday life with serenity will help keep you from feeling anxious. advertisement


  • Use these measures whenever you feel you are worrying too much or for a long period of time.
  • Getting rid of anxiety takes practice, so keep doing these techniques until they work.
  • Avoid becoming restless because you are worried as this will only make matters worse. Allow yourself to worry for a moment and then try to overcome it using the methods above.
  • If you can't stop worrying even though you take all of the steps, seek help from a therapist, psychiatrist or therapist.


  • Anxiety can cause depression. If you experience signs of depression lasting more than a week, you should seek help from a health professional or a health professional.
  • If you feel like harming yourself or others, call the Magic Number hotline 18001567.