How to Remove Dark Circles Under Eyes

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Rid of Dark Circles - 7 Pro Tips and Natural Remedies
Video: How to Get Rid of Dark Circles - 7 Pro Tips and Natural Remedies


Dark circles under the eyes tend to make you look older than wrinkles or gray hair. However, you can still minimize the appearance of dark circles under the eyes and in some cases get rid of them completely. See Step 1 for more information.


Method 1 of 3: Find the Cause

  1. Go to bed early. Get enough sleep every night. It is not yet clear why not getting enough sleep leads to dark circles under the eyes, but lack of sleep tends to make the skin appear paler (thereby increasing the appearance of puffiness), and Reduce blood circulation. Too little rest is also believed to be a cause of dark circles. Before going to bed at night, wipe it off over eye makeup cream. If you don't, as you age, your eyes may look much more tired.
    • Determine how many hours you need to sleep (usually 7-9 hours per night, but the amount of time fluctuates for different people at different times throughout their lives). Try getting enough of those hours of sleep on a regular basis for a few weeks to see if it helps.
    • Alcohol and drugs can adversely affect the quality of your sleep. Avoid these products or use them only in moderation for best results.
    • Get enough sleep support vitamins. Lack of sleep, plus vitamin malabsorption tends to impair adrenal function. The less function of your adrenal glands, the less vitamin B6 you tend to absorb. The less you absorb B6, the less active your adrenal glands will be, and you'll end up in a vicious circle. Sleep, take a regular vitamin (if needed), get a good calcium / magnesium supplement in the form of green leafy foods (they have a higher content of calcium and magnesium than dairy products), and adequate mineral intake will restore function of the adrenal glands.

  2. Treatment of allergies. Allergies are a common cause of discoloration under the eyes. If the allergy is the root of your problem, treat the allergy or get rid of the allergen. Seasonal allergies such as colds can be effectively treated with prescription and over-the-counter medications.
    • For other allergies, the best course of action is usually prevention. If you suffer from frequent dark circles or puffiness, you may have an unknowing food allergy or an allergy to chemicals in the home or workplace. Talk to your dermatologist for help determining what you are allergic to. People with allergies also sometimes tend to be deficient in B6, folic acid and B12. Taking a multivitamin may also help.
    • Gluten intolerance. Another common allergy to dark circles is gluten intolerance - a special type of wheat allergy. More seriously, you could have Celiac disease. To check for celiac disease, have a blood test. It's important to remember that you may be gluten intolerant, but not have Celiac disease.

  3. Cure stuffy nose. A stuffy nose can lead to dark circles under the eyes because the veins around your sinuses darken and dilate.
  4. Eat well. Eat a healthy, balanced diet, take vitamins, and drink plenty of fluids. Lots of cosmetic problems can be caused by vitamin deficiencies. Dark circles and puffiness are often caused by a lack of vitamin K or insufficient antioxidants. Additionally, a B12 deficiency (often linked to anemia) can lead to dark circles.
    • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially cabbage, spinach and other green vegetables. Take a daily vitamin supplement if needed. Drink enough fluids to increase circulation.
    • Reduce salt intake. Excess salt causes the body to retain water in unusual places, and this can lead to puffiness. Too much salt can also decrease circulation and cause blood vessels under the skin to look bluer.

  5. Examine your smoking habits and decide to quit. Smoking causes blood vessel problems that not only threaten your life, but also make your blood vessels more prominent and look greener.
  6. Relax. Relaxation can help eliminate the source of stress and anxiety that are making you lose sleep, eat poorly, and rest uncomfortably. Instead, enough relaxation will help the skin under your eyes improve as you feel less stressed and more comfortable. Skin tends to reflect many mental and physical ailments, so don't ignore the need for relaxation.
  7. Accept the things you cannot change. Unfortunately, there are several causes of dark circles under the eyes that you can't do much about. These include:
    • Pigmentation abnormality. They can cause dark circles under the eyes.
    • Sun exposure. This can increase melanin production.
    • Skin thinner due to age. Aging thinning the skin, makes veins and blood vessels stand out more as your fat and collagen deplete over time.
    • Genetic factors. Determine if the condition is present in your family, as dark circles under the eyes are thought to be hereditary. This doesn't mean there is nothing you can do to improve the situation, but be prepared to accept very small successes when trying to eliminate them.
    • Features of your face. Dark circles can simply be the shadows of your facial expression. There is not much you can do to change this beyond careful use of cosmetics.

Method 2 of 3: Natural Methods

  1. Apply cucumbers. Cucumbers have long been used to reduce puffiness and lighten the skin around the eyes, providing a quick "stimulant" for tired and puffy eyes. Apply a slice of cucumber to each eye, spreading out over the dark area. Do so daily, combined with resting for about 10-15 minutes. Close your eyes.
  2. Apply a cold tea bag or an ice cube wrapped in a soft cloth daily to your eyes. Tannins in tea bags reduce swelling and darkening of the skin. Lie down, preferably in the morning, and let the cool, wet tea bags containing caffeine above your eyes for about 10-15 minutes. Close your eyes. You can keep them in the fridge overnight for use the next morning.
  3. Make a brine solution. Mix 2 cups of water with 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt and / or a half teaspoon of baking soda powder and place it in one of your nostrils. Tilt your head to one side to let water drain from the other nostril. It's best to use it when you have a stuffy nose.
  4. Use potatoes. Put a raw potato in a blender and mellow the whole potato. Scoop it out and apply the pureed potato to your closed eyes. Hold it for 30 minutes, lie on your back. Clean with warm water. This method works well for some people.
  5. Use a frozen spoon. Place a spoon in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Take it out and move up on the dark circles. Keep it there until the spoon warms. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Aesthetic Solutions

  1. Apply an eye cream containing vitamin K and retinol. Dark circles can be caused by vitamin K deficiencies. However, regardless of the cause, creams containing these two ingredients reduce puffiness and discoloration significantly in many people. . Long-term daily use seems to bring the greatest benefits.
  2. Use under eye cream. Use concealer that will conceal dark circles under the eyes. It is important to use a concealer that matches your skin tone (namely, yellow and peach (for blue halo). colorless on top.
  3. Do skin allergy test. Before using cosmetics, do a skin allergy test first. Stop using any cosmetics that irritate your skin, get a rash, or make your eyes hurt or watery. advertisement


  • Drink water. Drinking water has always been beneficial for the body, but when it comes to dark circles under the eyes it really does. It also helps you relax because it's a soothing drink.
  • Eat a healthy diet rich in vitamins C, D and E.
  • Make sure you don't drink too much fluids before bed. This can contribute to / add to your eye bags.
  • Focus directly on the skin under the eyes. Remember that any direct contact with the skin under your eyes should be gentle, as this is the most sensitive area of ​​your body.
  • Avoid rubbing your eyes. Frequently rubbing the eyes is caused by an allergic reaction, but not always. It could also be a habit of anxiety or a reflexive act. Whatever the reason, it's best to stop the action because rubbing your eyes irritates the skin and can break down tiny capillaries underneath the skin, causing puffiness and discoloration on both sides.
  • Wear sunglasses to protect your skin from melanin changes.