How to make money easily (for teens)

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Legit Ways To Make Money As a Teenager [In 2021]
Video: 10 Legit Ways To Make Money As a Teenager [In 2021]


Due to their age and work experience, it is often difficult for kids to find a way to make some money. However, there are still opportunities for you, as long as you know where to find the right place. To make money at a young age, you can do housework to ask your parents for pocket money, babysit, mow the lawn, find a part-time job that requires a minimum age, or even own a business job. joint business - for example, opening a lemonade stand or a sidewalk craft! This will be great when you do not have to ask for money from parents, in addition some jobs can help you add information to your resume and gain valuable experience.


Method 1 of 4: Doing business in the neighborhood

  1. Open a lemonade stand. Lemonade stalls are popular in the summer and can give you a lot of money. You should invite some friends to mix lemonade for sale in the neighborhood.
    • There are many factors that make your lemonade stand profitable, and the first is location. You need to choose places with high traffic and easy to see in areas where there are not many competitors, such as on street corners.
    • Decorate your water counter so it is so appealing. If you're creative, set up a vintage-style water counter decorated with ribbons and a sign with your "company" name on it.
    • Record your raw material purchase costs and calculate the profitable star selling price. Don't overcharge.
    • Make a menu of what you want to sell and consider selling something other than lemonade. You can sell biscuits, brownies or juices in many different flavors. Create a website to advertise your business. Remember to ask your parents for permission first. You can try to create a website.
    • Assign tasks to everyone. Make billboards and have some friends stick around the block or stand in the blocks to advertise. Have someone else make a drink so that it's always available for sale.

  2. Selling drinks and baked goods on the street. Similar to opening a lemonade stand, you can use this idea to sell food and beverages at community events. Buy a sales cooler or bottled water at parks on hot days.
    • If your sibling is in a ball game, you can go to the stadium to invite the players and parents to buy soft drinks.
    • Make a sign and choose a small area for the table and cooler.
    • Selling water and juices to earn extra money.
    • Reasonable price calculation.

  3. Make and sell jewelry and other items. Gather some friends and make crafts; Beaded jewelry, decorative items, etc. Sold at markets and second-hand areas, even online with parental permission and help.
  4. You can also sell the items you don't need above eBay or at events. You should check with your parents first to make sure you're allowed to sell.

  5. Gather a group of friends to do a car wash "service". Invite a few small friends in the neighborhood also want to earn pocket money and invite everyone to wash cars.
    • Schedule work and do some flyers to advertise. Put flyers in mailboxes of homes in your neighborhood and get each member of the group to get the family involved.
    • Choose a good place to wash your car, such as in a house with a large front yard.
    • Gather buckets, water, rags, scouring, etc. Wash your car during the day and collect money.
    • Only accept car wash for those you know and under the supervision of an adult.
    • Always check with the client before using cleaning products other than clean water.

  6. Trim grass and clear walkways for neighborhood homes. Opening a lawn mowing and snow removal service (if you live in snowy areas) is another great way to get extra pocket money. Think of this as a business and name your service.
    • Hand out flyers around your neighborhood to advertise your service and how to contact you. You can also ask the neighbors directly.
    • It is best to have your own tool, although some clients also have it available for you to use.
    • Calculate the reasonable price depending on the size of the lawn or path and the time you have to spend to get the job done.
    • With lawn mowing, schedule a certain date and time each week that you can go to their house to work. With path cleaning, you should finish on time.

Method 2 of 4: Tutoring, babysitting, and taking care of pets

  1. Tutoring friends and neighborhood kids. If you are really good at something at school or do well with an instrument like the guitar or piano, you can offer to tutor your friends or neighbors to earn extra money. Don't forget that your friend may not have a lot of money, so be generous and don't overpay close friends.
    • If you are better at something than your classmates, you can offer to tutor your friend, help them with their homework and review.
    • If you have her, you can also tutor your child to study so that parents don't have to always check their grades and homework.

  2. Keep neighbors and uncles who are friends of their parents. Child care is one of the ways you can make the most money. Start with babysitting at home, then you can babysit in your neighbor's house as you gain experience.
    • Take a child care course. The Red Cross offers certified courses that train in skills, from babysitting to coping when children have health problems. You can get this job easier if you have a certificate, you can even charge a higher price.
    • Thanks for an introduction. Ask your parents to ask someone you know who needs a babysitter and put up ads around your neighborhood.
    • See babysitting as your business. Name the service and choose the price.
    • If you are in the US, you might consider joining an online babysitting network like Sittercity.

  3. All-day babysitting service is open. During the summer holidays, when you don't have to go to school but your parents still have to work, opening a babysitting service in your neighborhood can be another great way to get extra money. This will be most effective if you have a few more friends to support you.
    • Not all parents want to send your kids to you all day, but if you have a good babysitting reputation, you might be in luck.
    • This job is best if you are a little older and have a few friends to help you with.
    • Advertise babysitting around the neighborhood and describe interesting activities for children. You can let the kids go to the park to play games like soccer, or draw pictures and crafts at home.
    • You can even combine babysitting with tutoring.
  4. Take care of a pet or take the dog for a neighbor's house. If you love animals, keeping a pet or walking the dog is a great way to earn pocket money. Dogs and cats often need someone to look after, but people also need to hire someone to look after other pets such as fish, amphibians, reptiles, etc. However, you should not accept animals without your knowledge. take care how.
    • Making service brochures. You can put it in individual mailboxes and stick to billboards in your area.
    • Make a plan. This will help you remember which animals to care for and at what time. You should also make notes about the animals' food and needs.
    • Be sure to keep the keys to the homes with the pets you care for. Label your keys to identify each home, but don't include their home address, in case you lose your keys.
    • Fees are reasonable, but prices are competitive with other pet sitters. In the US, $ 4-10 per visit to take care of a pet or take your dog for a walk is a reasonable starting price that you can negotiate.

Method 3 of 4: Earn pocket money from parents

  1. Parents pocket allowance. Ask your parents to pay you for chores on a weekly basis. If your parents don't agree, try explaining that if your parents give you money this way, you won't have to ask for money every time you go out.
    • Making pocket money this way is also a job. When you get paid for your work, you can begin to build a serious attitude toward work, and that will work for you later.
    • Negotiate with parents. Schedule the week and write down the jobs you can do and how much compensation you think is worth, then negotiate with your parents.

  2. Housecleaning. House cleaning is a great way to ask for pocket money. Whether cleaning windows, sweeping or vacuuming, there are many tasks you can do to earn money from your parents.
    • Keeping a tidy private room may not be enough for your parents to give you money. Your parents may think it is your responsibility. So, you should do more than that and clean other rooms in the house.
    • Talk to your parents about how much you are paid for each room. It is possible that the hallway cleaning will not be paid as much as the dining room, as the hallway is smaller and easier to clean.

  3. Do outdoor work. Garden cleaning is also a great way to earn pocket money from your parents, as your parents may not have time or be afraid to work.
    • Do tasks like clearing leaves, clearing snow, mowing lawns, and pulling weeds in the garden.
    • If you are seasonal but have regular demanding jobs like mowing lawns or clearing walkways, negotiate with your parents about how much money you will receive each time.
    • For leaf-scratching, ask your parents to pay by the hour.

Method 4 of 4: Find a part-time job during the summer

  1. Work in retail stores or restaurants. Most retail stores and restaurants have age requirements. However, if you're old enough, summer vacation part-time jobs are a great way to earn some money and get a job to start filling out your resume.
    • More and more teenagers are finding part-time jobs by running tables or working in hotels. Although these jobs are not the "brightest" but you will be more likely to receive.
    • Retail places such as fashion stores or supermarkets may also be suitable for job hunting. Look for job vacancies on the websites of the companies.
    • When applying for a job, especially when you are interviewing, you need to dress properly and politely, unless you are asked to wear a special outfit during the interview. If you don't have a resume, you will need to talk about the jobs you used to do. If you are referred by someone, the better.
  2. Be a lifeguard or park manager. Another way to make easy money and sometimes even get tanned skin is to work as a lifeguard or to manage a park. You can go to swimming pools and parks to ask if they are hiring and what you need to do to get it.
    • Lifeguards need to be trained and certified, so if you intend to be serious about the job, you should take a well-trained training course.
    • However, having a certificate does not guarantee that you will be accepted. Find out if swimming pools or beaches in the area are available, or seek advice from a trainer for a position.
    • You can also contact parks management to find out if there are suitable jobs for you to do in the summer. Sometimes these jobs include monitoring children's weekly events, or managing sporting events.
  3. Work in the family business. If your parents own a business, ask if you can work part-time. Instead of doing chores around the house to get pocket money, you can work at a parent's business. It is also easier than finding another job if you are not very experienced or too young.
    • Ask if you can clean the store to get paid hourly.
    • There are other busy tasks to do like sorting files, removing envelopes, even handing out flyers or coupons.
    • This is also a great opportunity to start adding your resume.


  • Always charge reasonable and competitive price; do not overpric or overpric.
  • When looking for a job, find someone you know first, as they will most likely help you.
  • When you want to make money on the internet, set up a PayPal account. PayPal is a secure way to send and receive money.
  • Always ask parents for permission before doing anything.
  • Make sure you have all the "tools" needed to get started.
  • If you want to find customers for a dog walk service, you should hand out flyers at the grocery store or library. Be sure to ask your supervisor if you can distribute flyers in those places. You can also go door-to-door for an introduction, but this is a bit risky. It is recommended that you accompany an adult when going door-to-door.
  • When selling drinks, you should sell a variety of drinks and charge a lower price for water than other drinks.
  • If you make your own crafts, you can sell them online or at lemonade stalls.
  • Try to interact with customers so they feel welcome and want to come back.
  • Tell people what you need money for; If you have good intentions, people will be happy to support you.
  • Always get work done on time and be polite, especially when you're working for someone else. Being a good employee is a great way to get referrals and get more jobs.
  • The craft fairs are a great place to make money.


  • Be sure to get parental permission when selling anything on eBay. Maybe you don't want to sell something that your parents might need.
  • In the US, you are not allowed to put promotional publications in your home mailbox. In Australia, you can do this if it says "Do not receive spam" on the mail box.
  • Be sure to get permission from the local government when opening the lemonade stand.