How to make a guy regret losing you

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: DO THESE 5 Things To Make Him REGRET LOSING YOU!


Your relationship with your ex has ended, and you want to make sure he knows exactly what he missed. Whether you want the two of you to get back together or not, you want to remind him that you are a great person and that he lost the chance. Consider who he is, who you are, and let him know that he is missing out on things. The best way for him to know this is to focus on yourself, not him.So keep your distance from him, make positive life changes, and seize opportunities for new experiences.


Method 1 of 3: Set boundaries

  1. Keep distance. He doesn't have the power to decide when and whether you want to talk to him anymore. Of course you need to respect his boundaries and demands, but if not, you will be the one to choose when and how to talk, whether by phone, text, or email. This may be difficult at first, but with practice it becomes easier to keep your distance.
    • Your discretion over the first contact will let him know that he no longer has unlimited access to you.
    • You should wait at least a month after breaking up to start talking to him again.
    • For example, if you are used to texting him during the day to remind him of a medical appointment he must visit, don't go for it. He needs to rely on his schedule, not you.
    • Or, don't call to let him know that your favorite movie is playing on TV. Instead, make some popcorn and enjoy your show.

  2. Appreciate positive change. After you break up, it's time to renew yourself a little. Not for your ex or for anyone else, but for you. You deserve a fresh start. Perhaps you're interested in joining a club or pursuing a hobby - now is the perfect time. Whatever you choose, you should give yourself the power to change to be better than you were yesterday, and do it for yourself and not for anyone else.
    • Your ex will notice a positive change in you and realize that you are moving forward and growing without him. Hope he will be happy for you and regret that he is not a part of it.

  3. Definition of your relationship. It is important that both of you understand the nature of this relationship. Are you still together or not? It can be difficult to keep your word, but you need to let him know that you are both still acquainted or over. There is no "sometimes no" option and you won't wait for him to come back when he wants.
    • The problem here is control over yourself and with your emotional health.
    • You can tell him, “Now that we've broken up, we need to define the nature of our relationship and how we will interact with each other, if any. We can't be ambiguous and you need clarity ”.

Method 2 of 3: Increase confidence

  1. Do exercise. Exercise will help nourish the body, mind and heart. Whether or not you enjoy exercising at first, you should maintain it. Make exercise a new habit. Your body will become healthier, your brain will function better, and you will nourish your heart.
    • There are quite a few gyms that offer membership each month, meaning you can enjoy all the perks of the gym without being bound by a lengthy contract.
  2. Social. Go out, be social, and enjoy your life. Take this opportunity to reconnect with others and with a fun activity. This is also an opportunity to discover new social activities that you want to explore. Perhaps he will hear about your new social life, or will even see some pictures online, and will find that you are living your life without him.
    • Friend meeting
    • Going to dinner
    • Go to the cinema
    • Go to the festival - take a day for this activity
    • Join a group of friends
    • Join a hobby club
    • Don't go overboard with your outing pictures, it can make you look like you've lost control of the breakup.
  3. Practice thinking positively. There is an opinion that you will absorb what you think, and if you think about the positive things, you will attract positive energy in life. Furthermore, by practicing positive thinking, you will learn how to let go of negative thoughts, self-doubts tend to arise when we least expect it. Positive thinking is an effortful habit, but it will be well worth the effort.
    • Start with the little thing. Think about the negative thoughts you often have and how you can turn them into a positive light. Then the next time you have a negative thought, let it go and replace it with the positive thought.
    • For example, you may often have the idea that you are not as talented as everyone else is and that you will never be able to succeed. Fight them off. You are merely showing anxiety and fear, not the truth. Instead of allowing your fear and anxiety to develop, you should adjust your fearful thinking. For example, you could say, “Everyone has talent. I just need to discover my talent ”. And “There are many ways to be successful. I have been successful in many aspects of my life. I will find ways to become successful every day, and will continue to find ways to improve.
  4. Focus on your strengths. You have your own strengths, and you need to focus on them. Focusing on what you do well will encourage you to thrive and succeed. Success is yours, and it's something no one can take away from you. You build it by harnessing your talents and, like everything else, the more you do it, the better you'll get. And your continued growth will only open up more opportunities for personal growth and progress.
    • You might consider your professional strengths, your personal talents, or even your artistic abilities. Combine many strengths to develop something truly unique about yourself.
    • For example, you have been a baking hobby for many years. You absolutely love making candies yourself and sharing them with loved ones. Consider creating a blog site to highlight your baking skills and recipes.
    • Or maybe you're good at organizing and dealing with complex tasks. You're the person people in the company turn to to fix problems, especially when they seem too big to deal with. You can use this skill and build your own career as a personal assistant or even a life coach.
    • Maybe you love animals and want to spend more time with them. Maybe you have a sympathetic connection with them. You should use this special talent and volunteer at the sanctuary to renovate the animals or the zoo.
  5. Learn yourself. You may be wondering, "what now?" after breaking up. You are so used to sharing experiences with others that you have lost contact with yourself. Understanding and identifying who you are, what you like and dislike, and even how you feel about religion and politics are essential to moving forward. As you move forward, he will see what he missed.
    • Get started easily and set up the list. Make a list of activities you want to do for fun, adventures you want to do, dream vacations, and hobbies. Set up as many lists as needed. Thinking about yourself and writing about your thoughts will help you get to know yourself better.
    • Or you can meditate, formally or informally, by closing your eyes, breathing calmly, and allowing yourself to sit in silence. Realize and let go of your thoughts so that you are alone with yourself and without any distractions.

Method 3 of 3: Enjoy yourself

  1. Make a new friend. Whether you lost a few friends during the breakup or not, making new friends after the breakup is always a good idea. This doesn't mean that you should eliminate your existing friends, but that you need to expand your social circle.Making new friends opens the door to a new experience and will also help you keep distance from your ex. If both of you don't share the same social circle, he won't be able to observe you, and this will allow you to recover.
    • The digital age has truly opened up new options when it comes to meeting other people. You can join the forum. These groups can be about common interests (books, genres of movies, or even music), geography (city, state, neighborhood), or even shared experiences (making parents, divorce, veteran).
    • In addition, bookstores and cafes in your area will regularly organize meeting groups with similar interests or goals.
    • If you are still in school, your high school or university will have social, sports and learning clubs that you can join.
  2. Treat yourself. You yourself deserve to treat to something you don't normally have. Go ahead - indulge yourself a little, or explore, go on a date with yourself, or perhaps buy a handbag you've been looking at for a long time. Think about one or two factors that you really like and reward yourself with a gift.
    • Try to travel or vacation alone. Take time to explore new places or experience something new on your own.
    • Pamper yourself with a gift of personal care. Maybe this is when you should buy the massage package or the pot and pan you've always wanted.
    • Go out with yourself - you can go to the bookstore, or to dinner, or even go to the movies.
  3. Be kind to yourself. You know that being kind to others is important because it helps others and also helps you feel better. But don't forget to be kind to yourself, especially at this point. You take care of others and now is the time to take care of yourself. He will regret for missing your kindness.
    • Stop and buy yourself a cup of coffee on your way to work.
    • Spend money on new clothes, games, or sports equipment.
    • Praise yourself - find something to praise yourself every day.
    • You need to be patient with yourself.
  4. Be happy. You will want him to regret losing you, but the most important thing you need to focus on is your own joy. Let's go out and have fun! Don't worry about his regrets. You can't control how he feels. But you can have fun - hang out with friends, play mini golf, go swimming, go camping - just get out and have fun.
  5. Establish a new routine. It's a bit different from changing habits. Establishing new habits means developing new positive behaviors that can become a second instinct if done regularly. A new habit that you develop needs to form with a single focus on improving your life or making yourself happier. After all, your happiness is what is so wonderful to you and very attractive to others.
    • Your habits can be learning based, like learning two words of the new language every morning or spending 20 minutes reading the news.
    • Or they can be physically based, like push-ups or crunches for two minutes every morning.
    • Or they can be spiritually based, like reading a bible for half an hour every night.


  • Be friendly with him. Don't purposely ignore him, but at the same time remember to keep your distance.
  • Losing someone as unique and special as you is his loss. So, don't take pity on yourself. The world has many other boys.
  • Just smile, and show that you are happy. This may be one of the reasons why he wants you back.
  • Show him that you live better without him.
  • If he really wants you, he will do his best to get you back. He needs to work hard to win back your love so that he can appreciate the value of having you in life.
  • If all else doesn't work, enjoy being single.