How to slim legs quickly

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 3 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
SLIM LEGS IN 20 DAYS! 10 min No Jumping Quiet Home Workout ~ Emi
Video: SLIM LEGS IN 20 DAYS! 10 min No Jumping Quiet Home Workout ~ Emi


Do you think your legs are too fat? Or do you want to have stunning legs in shorts, tights or bikini? It is entirely possible if you practice hard and have a reasonable diet! You should know that you cannot "just" lose weight in your thighs, but your whole body, but your persistence and efforts will pay off.


Part 1 of 5: Start with Simple and Regular Habits

  1. Walk for 5-10 minutes to warm up your muscles.

  2. Start each muscle for at least 1 minute.
  3. Run gently for about 15 minutes. You can also warm up by jumping the rope for 10-15 minutes, just make sure it's done properly.

  4. Butt kicking, also known as butt kick or back kick. Do at least 50 reps per leg. It sounds difficult but the reality is it is not as much as you think!
  5. Run with thigh highs (raise knees to waist height while running).

  6. Walk for about 5-7 minutes at ease.
  7. Do squats and roll leg exercises.
    • A leg squat is as simple as opening your legs shoulder width apart and then sitting down so your feet and thighs are at right angles to your legs.
    • Leg roll exercises are performed by lying down on the floor, lifting one leg up, and then rolling it in a circular motion.
  8. Stretch your muscles or take a gentle walk for at least 5 minutes to relax your body.
  9. Go jogging whenever possible! And try to drink plenty of water. advertisement

Part 2 of 5: Other Leg Exercises You Can Do At Home

  1. Cycling. Cycling is an effective way to help burn fat and build muscle. According to some estimates, if you weigh 59 kg, you could burn 325-550 calories per hour anywhere, depending on your pace. So cycling is an effective way to lose weight. There are a few ways you can get slim legs with a bike:
    • Cycling instead of driving. Ride your bike to the grocery store instead of driving there. Take a bike instead of taking public transport. When cycling at a speed of about 18 km / h, you can burn 275-450 calories per hour depending on your weight.
    • Ride your bike at home or at the gym. This is a gentle exercise that can help burn between 350-450 calories per hour depending on your weight.
    • Sign up for practice class Spinning (indoor cycling practice). Indoor cycling classes are usually quite expensive, but what you achieve will be completely worth the money. This method of training helps burn a lot of calories, if you exercise seriously a person weighing about 66 kg can burn about 750-1000 calories per hour. On the other hand, you may find this exercise quite monotonous, so you need to try your best to get the best results.
  2. Pilate (mat exercises) is also an option for those wishing to have toned legs. Pilates help tone the abdomen and legs and thus pilates are a perfect choice to help you with slim legs. Pilates do not burn as many calories as cycling, but they are easier to do. Plus, if you are afraid to exercise in crowded places, you can find an instructional DVD and practice at home instead of going to exercise classes.
  3. Do leg rolls. Leg roll exercises are simple and effective and you can easily do them at home again. Although it is not as effective as the spinning exercise, it still is better than nothing.
    • Lie on your right side and place your left arm on the floor in front of you for support and balance. Raise left leg up to hip height. Imagine your feet are in a circular crate, using your feet around the inside of that round barrel, your feet will go up, down, and circle around in a circle. Do 50-100 laps, then switch legs and do the same.
  4. Do squats. Squat exercises are very versatile. You can do different squats, with the same fundamentals, and will give you different results. When doing squats, it is extremely important to practice the correct technique.
    • Practice the exercises Basic squat.
      • With legs shoulder width apart, slowly lower your hips down, bend your knees, and keep arms straight forward.
      • Bend your back slightly, but keep your upper body straight.
      • Lower your hips as low as possible, keeping your calves tight.
      • Breathe deeply, using your legs and hips but not using your back to lift your body. Repeat 20 times, 3 times each time.
    • Practice Belgian squat with a dumbbell or other heavy object.
      • Using both hands, hold a dumbbell or heavy object in front of your chest.
      • Stand in front of the bench, lift your right leg back parallel to the floor and rest comfortably on the bench. The thighs and knees will form a 90 ° angle.
      • Get down by lowering your left leg, so that your right knee is almost touching the floor.
      • Stand up completely. Do 8 reps, 3-4 times each. Repeat with the other leg.
    • Practice Squat combination jumps
      • Start off like with a standard squat exercise.
      • But instead of returning to the starting position, jump as high as possible and hit the ground with both feet.
      • Carefully repeat 15 times, 3-4 times each. This squat exercise requires strenuous knee work.
  5. Do some other exercises. There are many effective exercises to help burn fat and firm. Here are a few examples:
    • Go with a pillow. Hold a dumbbell in each hand from 2 to 4 kg, bend forward with one leg and bring the other knee about 2-3 cm above the ground. Step back and continue with the other leg.

    • Exercise the inner thigh muscles. Lie on a mat, bend your knees and soles of your feet on the ground. Place a medium-sized rubber ball (or a knot-style beach towel) between your legs and press for 30 seconds. Repeat like that.

    • Hips open. Get on your knees on a rug so your elbows touch the floor. Raise one leg and stretch back straight. Fold the leg, then pull it back so it touches the back of the other leg. Stretch that leg out again. Repeat with the other leg.

Part 3 of 5: Exercise at the Gym

  1. Swimming is a way to help you exercise the whole body. Swim freely for a few laps. Learn how to swim around, so you won't have to stop by the end of the lap. Swimming helps burn fat in the legs and firm legs very effectively, and is also very good for the cardiovascular system. Swimming freely for 1 hour will burn about 440-480 calories.
    • Different swimming styles are for different subjects. Different swimming styles burn different calories. Butterfly swimming burns the most calories, while swimming backstroke consumes the least.
  2. Use an elliptical machine. The elliptical machine is quite fun and is the spot machine where you can walk or jog; It also aids in arm movement while you practice. A person who weighs about 64 kg of moderate intensity exercise on an elliptical machine can burn about 725 calories.
    • When using the elliptical machine, try not to do the leaning (steep) mode if you don't want thigh muscles. Walking or running on a slope burns a lot of calories but also helps build thigh muscles.
  3. Zumba dance. Zumba is a dance practice program created by a Colombian dancer and choreographer. A person weighing about 64 kg can burn about 450 calories after an hour of Zumba dance practice. A dancer will probably consume fewer calories depending on exercise intensity, usually around 275 calories per hour.
  4. Join a sports club. The gym is the perfect place for you to meet like-minded people who lose weight. Here are the thighs, legs and arms reduced in sports, in order to burn the most calories:
    • Play basketball will help someone who weighs about 64 kg burn 700 calories.
    • Play fighting soccer will burn 650 calories for a person weighing 64kg.
    • Rollerblading or skating can help someone who weighs 64 kg burn about 525 calories while ice Hockey Can burn 450 calories.
  5. Run or walk on a treadmill. It sounds very boring, but if you just choose to run or walk, the treadmill is very effective. Walking on the machine at 4 mph (6.6 km / h), for someone weighing 64 kg, will burn about 175 calories. If running at a speed of 6 mph (10 km / h), with a person weighing 64 kg, it will burn about 540 calories. advertisement

Part 4 of 5: Tips for Diet

  1. Eat more protein than carbohydrates. Protein is very important in building and maintaining muscle. Foods that provide a lot of lean protein include fish, chicken, tofu, and turkey.
    • Do not eat carbohydrates from processed or refined products.These include:
      • Candy
      • Sugar-sweetened, carbonated beverages, like cola
      • Syrup
      • Street
    • You can eat complex carbohydrates, but it should only make up 60% of the total calories you absorb. Complex carbohydrates include:
      • Bean
      • Vegetables contain starches
      • Bread made from wheat and cereal
  2. Add to your diet with fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, which helps to reduce the amount of fat accumulated in the body. They also contain many essential vitamins and minerals, making the body comfortable after monotonous meals.
  3. Drink water instead of sugary drinks. Many doctors recommend that men should drink 10-12 glasses of water per day, equivalent to 2.5-3 liters, while women are encouraged to drink 8-10 glasses per day or about 2-2.5 liters. Water keeps the immune system healthy, beautifies the skin and provides longer energy to work.
    • You probably already know this, that you shouldn't drink soft drinks, juices, and other sugary drinks if you want to slim your legs. Sugar, as mentioned above, is a simple carbohydrate, which leads to excess calories if eaten in excess. Instead, drink more water! You will see the difference.
    • Drink unsweetened green tea instead of sugary drinks. Green tea contains a large amount of antioxidants, which means it helps the body fight off free radicals - the cause of the signs of aging in humans.
      • If you are trying to eat less then drink a cup of green tea before a meal. You will feel fuller and reduce your appetite.
  4. Choose the right fats for your meals. It is often said that if you want to lose weight you have to cut the fat out of your diet, but that is not always the case. If you choose the right type of fat, it will give you energy and help absorb vitamins, while if you choose the wrong type of fat will become more difficult.
    • Eat omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s are essential for regulating adhesion, building membranes, and supporting cells. Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids include:
      • Fish, especially salmon
      • Nuts, especially flax seeds
      • Green vegetables, especially broccoli and Chinese spinach
    • Avoid saturated fat such as butter, lard, fat and fatty meats.
    • Avoid trans fat Found in margarines, margarine, biscuits, snacks and other foods containing or fried in partially hydrogenated oils.
  5. Eat several small meals. You should eat several meals a day, but eat only a little at a time. Try eating five meals a day with a few snacks (stir-fried vegetables or beans are a great snack).
    • Try to eat a lot for breakfast and limit eating at night. Have you heard this saying: "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar"? That's because metabolism stops at night to prepare the body for bed, late dinner causes the body to accumulate fat instead of burning calories.
    • Drinking water before a meal helps to consume less calories during a meal and can ultimately help with weight loss. This is probably because drinking water before meals makes us feel full and we don't want to eat much.

Part 5 of 5: General Advice

  1. Don't expect you can just lose weight in your legs. The body converts fat into energy from food. Unfortunately, the body takes and metabolizes fat anywhere, not at all, according to our wishes. It also depends on the person's body. Some people may get lower fat, while others may lose upper body fat.
    • Exercising for a place or area of ​​the body for a while, it has some advantages such as toning the body but also the downside is that excess fat cannot disappear quickly. Don't expect the leg exercises to immediately give you slim legs without losing overall body size.
  2. Try to burn more calories than you take in. This sounds simple, but it's the key to weight loss. To lose half a pound in a day, you have to burn 3,500 more calories than you absorb. So it doesn't make sense. Set reasonable goals for yourself. Little by little will make a difference.
  3. Don't starve. A lot of people who want to lose weight have made this mistake. The reason they give is: Calories are stored as fat when the body is not using them, but calories are converted from food so if they go fast, they will eat less calories and store less calories fatter. This is a wrong conception.
    • What happens when you fast? Your body will find that it lacks food, its metabolism slows down to save energy, and the body will start consuming muscle instead of fat.
    • If you lose weight by fasting, as soon as you eat again, your body will accumulate fat to replace what has been lost, and obviously you cannot starve forever. Why is that? Because the metabolism is still in hibernation, and it needs to be activated. How do you activate it? By eating it's correct foods from the very beginning.
  4. It will take time to see results. A lot of people with the right goals and serious training gave up shortly before they see the results. They practiced like crazy for a month and didn't see any results and so they gave up in despair. You need Slow but sure To achieve the goal.
  5. If you are thin but your legs are muscular, you should limit leg training. Most people who want to lose their legs want to be able to reduce their body a little. Some people want slim legs with very thin stomachs and arms, but not their legs.
    • Exercise your whole body, not just your legs. Stop squatting and start aerobics, swimming, or zumba dancing. If your legs are suddenly muscular, that is a sign that you are making them work harder than the rest of the body.
    • Sometimes it's genetics. Although exercising hard, having a strict diet can reduce it because it is due to birth. Instead of working hard against it, know who you are and learn to accept it. It sounds cheesy, but in the end you'll be happy. Whoever truly loves you won't care if your feet are big or small.


  • Eat healthy and don't give up. Everything you have done will bring you worthy results.

Long strides will help slim your legs, while short runs will help them feel stronger. In fact, if you eat a lot of protein, healthy foods, taking long steps can help tone your legs.

  • If you feel thirsty, drink water instead of carbonated soft drinks. Water is both healthy and weight loss.
  • Don't use the elevator, take the stairs if possible. If you live near work, go for a run or walk there. This is a great exercise for a busy day.
  • Try to exercise 2-3 times a week.
  • Patience and a healthy lifestyle are the keys to your goals.
  • Physical sports are also very beneficial such as hockey, soccer, basketball, volleyball, swimming. These are very effective ways to burn fat in the legs.
  • Stay away from junk food in any case.
  • Consider swimming. Swimming requires all the muscles in the body to work, so it can burn more calories than most other sports. Swimming helps your body toned and in proportion. In addition, swimming has little effect on bones and joints, reducing the likelihood of injury.
  • Try some cross-country running competitions. That way you will run non-stop until you reach your destination, which is very difficult, but you will see immediate results!
  • Playing tennis is an effective way to lose leg fat because it requires all kinds of activities, slips and other moves so you can lose a few pounds with ease.
  • Try horseback riding, it helps to train thighs, calves, and buttocks. It can be quite expensive and requires a riding certificate for your birthday and also see if you like it. It's a great way to exercise! In addition, you can also exercise!


  • Do not starve to lose legs. Fasting will mess with your metabolism, making it easier for your body to gain weight when you eat again.
  • Remember that you cannot lose weight without burning fat or exercising. Otherwise fat can coat muscles.
  • Do not continue if you experience muscle tension or pain during exercise. Stop if you don't find it right for you. But don't forget to keep trying.
  • Don't try to change yourself too suddenly. Set reasonable standards and go step-by-step.