How to reduce eye swelling after crying

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to avoid swollen eyes in the morning after crying at night
Video: How to avoid swollen eyes in the morning after crying at night


The puffy red eyes after crying are undesirable. Fortunately, eye swelling can be reduced with just one cold pack. On the other hand, if your eyes are constantly swollen and severely swollen, there are some minor lifestyle changes that may help.


Method 1 of 3: Treat swollen eyes

  1. Wash your face with cold water. If you are in a hurry or in a public place, you can go to the toilet to wash your face. Fold the tissue twice to make a square, then dip it in cold water. Press gently on the eyelids for about 15 seconds on each side. Look up and place the tissue just below the lower eyelid, gently press for 15 seconds on each side. Wait for the skin around the eyes to dry. Repeat if necessary.
    • Do not rub your eyes or use soap to wash them.
    • Some people claim that you can mix 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of refined salt with 1 cup (240 ml) of ice to wash your face. However, you shouldn't use this method if your skin is red and irritated.

  2. Apply a cold washcloth to your eyes. Soak a soft cotton towel in cold ice. Wring out the water, then place the towel over your eyes for about 10 minutes. The cold will constrict blood vessels around the eyes, helping to reduce swelling.
    • Applying an ice pack or a bag of frozen peas can do the same thing. You can make your own cold pack by stuffing rice in a sock (sock) and then placing it in the freezer. Do not use a bag of vegetables that are crispy and too large because the vegetables cannot move around the eye area flexibly.

  3. Apply a cold spoon to your eyes. Choose two small metal spoons that can cover your eyes. Place the spoon in the freezer for 2 minutes or in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes. Then, remove the spoon and press gently on both eyes. Leave until the spoon warms.
    • If you have time, you can freeze all 6 spoons. Replace the spoon when the old spoon warms up. It should only be applied up to 3 times to avoid damaging the skin due to prolonged exposure to the cold.

  4. Pat the eyes. Using your ring finger to gently pat the swollen eyelid area can increase blood circulation and push away the accumulated blood around the eye.
  5. Massage along the bridge of the nose. Close your eyes and massage along the bridge of your nose. Focus on the skin on either side of the nose, where the eyeglasses are supported. This can help reduce sinus pressure that builds up when you cry.
  6. Lie and raise your head. Place 2-3 pillows underneath to raise the head above the body. Lie flat, close your eyes, and relax. A little rest also helps lower blood pressure.
  7. Apply a cold moisturizer. Put your facial moisturizer in the refrigerator for about 10 minutes and then gently rub it on your skin. The cold will help reduce swelling, while the cream helps soften and brighten the skin tone.
    • There is still a lot of controversy around the use of eye creams. It is not clear whether a specific lotion is more effective than a regular face cream.
    • Avoid using flavoring or mint creams. These ingredients can irritate the skin.

Method 2 of 3: Prevent eye swelling

  1. Get enough sleep. Even if the swelling is caused by crying, other factors can affect the severity of the swelling. You should get at least 8 hours of sleep each night to reduce puffiness and swelling.
    • Recommended sleep time for a nursery will vary with age. It's best to ask your doctor for advice.
  2. Provide enough water. Salt accumulating around the eyes can cause water retention and swelling. You need to drink water to reduce this condition.
    • Also, reduce your salt and caffeine intake as these substances cause dehydration.
  3. Treatment of allergies. A mild allergic reaction to allergens, dust, animals or foods can cause eye swelling. Avoid foods that make your eyes itchy, swollen, or uncomfortable. Take allergy medicine if you can't avoid the allergen.See your doctor for more advice.
  4. See an ophthalmologist. Frequently swollen eyes may be the underlying cause. An optometrist can check your vision and instruct you to use eyeglasses or contact lenses to reduce eye strain. The ophthalmologist can check for eye conditions (if any).
  5. Rest your eyes while looking at the computer screen and reading. Take a break every 20 minutes while using a computer, phone, or book. During these 20 minutes, you should focus your eyes on something around the room. While eye strain is not the most common cause of eye swelling, avoiding eye strain is beneficial for overall eye health. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Use home remedies

  1. Use a cold towel instead of a tea bag. Many people often apply cold, wet tea bags to the swollen eyes. This works simply through the cold temperature. On the other hand, many doctors believe that using black tea, green tea or other herbal teas is helpful. However, these teas have not been studied and caffeine - the ingredient that seems to be most effective - has no effect. Using a cold washcloth is just as effective and is less likely to be infected.
  2. Avoid food ingredients. Cucumber slices are the most common treatment for swollen eyes. This works, but only because of the coldness of the cucumber. It's best to use a cold washcloth or ice pack to reduce the risk of foodborne infections.
    • If you want to use food, you should use clean cucumbers safely. Avoid potatoes, egg whites, yogurts, and acidic foods like strawberries and lemon juice.
  3. Avoid eye contact with irritating drugs. Some medicines are dangerous when used around the eyes due to the risk of pain or serious injury. Do not treat swollen eyes with hemorrhoid cream (Preparation H), Heat Rub cream (BenGay, Icy Hot) or hydrocortisone. advertisement


  • If crying is blurring your makeup, you should use a Q-tip to remove makeup to wipe your tears. If you don't have makeup remover, you can dip a paper towel in soapy water.
  • White eyeliner pencil to line the eyelids close to the inside can help the eyes look less red.
  • Use a light-colored concealer or a blend of concealer with liquid highlighters to cover swollen eyes.


  • Wiping away tears can cause swelling in the eyes. You should absorb tears instead of wiping.