How to Lose 25 Weight in Two Months

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How I Lost 25 lbs In 2 Months! 💦  How To Lose Weight Fast!
Video: How I Lost 25 lbs In 2 Months! 💦 How To Lose Weight Fast!


To lose 25 pounds in 2 months, on average you need to lose 2.5 pounds per week, meaning that the calories burned must be 2,500 more calories per day than you take in. The rate of weight loss is considered healthy in the range of 0.5 kg - 1 kg per week, which means that the amount of calories burned will be more than intake of 500 - 1,000 calories / day. This may be slower than you would like, but keep in mind that slow weight loss is more effective than rapid weight loss in reducing fat, waist circumference and hips. When you lose weight fast, it is more likely that you will only lose more water than anything else, and the weight can return to its original size.Focus on developing a healthy weight loss plan, exercising more and using other proven methods to reach your ultimate goal of weight loss.


Method 1 of 3: Adjusting your eating plan and habits

  1. Set realistic weight loss goals. Determining how much weight you want to lose over the long term is highly recommended, but short-term goals are also important. Try to focus on how much weight you want to lose in 1 month and what it takes to achieve that goal. Setting small goals to move towards bigger goals will help you stay on track.
    • For example, you can start by setting a goal of losing 4 kg in a month, which means losing 1 kg per week. That way, you will need to burn an additional 1,000 calories a day to achieve this goal by cutting down on calories in your diet and exercising regularly.

    Laura Flinn

    Laura Flinn-certified personal trainer Laura Flinn is a National Sports Medicine (NASM)-certified personal trainer, American Olympic weightlifting coach and sports nutritionist, plus She is also a full-body trainer with resistance belts. Laura runs a personal training program in the San Francisco Bay Area and specializes in topics such as weight loss, muscle development, cardio, and strength training.

    Laura Flinn
    NASM-certified personal trainer

    Expert advice: "When working with clients on a weight loss plan, I advise them to aim to lose 0.5 kg - 1 kg per week; usually that is a reasonable and viable goal. The actual weight can be lost in 2 months depending on the person. For example, if there are 25 excess pounds to lose, you will lose weight faster than someone who only needs to lose a few pounds. "

  2. Identify your calorie needs and calculate calories to reduce. Calorie counting is an effective way to ensure that your food intake is reduced enough for weight loss. You can ask your doctor to help you determine a healthy calorie goal or make a self-calculation. Aim to lose 500 - 1,000 calories a day in a diet combined with exercise. Record any food and drink you have in your food diary or use a calorie tracker.
    • Healthy calorie intake is usually between 1,200 and 1,500 calories per day for women, and 1,500 to 1,800 for men.

    Advice: Small changes cumulative every day also help with massive calorie loss. For example, if you drink 480 ml of soft drink or sugary juice every day, when you switch to drinking water, you can lose 200-300 calories!

  3. Choose foods rich in nutrients but low in calories. Fruits and vegetables will fill your stomach with fewer calories than other foods like bread, chips and candy. Eat 1-2 servings of fruit or vegetables at each meal to get fewer calories and still feel full. Some suitable options include:
    • Mixed salad with romaine lettuce, mixed vegetables or spinach, tomatoes and cucumbers.
    • Steamed vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, green beans and zucchini.
    • Watermelon, berries, apples and pears.
  4. Learn about intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is the method of eating whole meals for 8-10 hours during the time of day with the highest level of activity. For many people, this is from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. However, you can set a time frame that works for you, just make sure each day has the same timeframe for 14-16 hours of food-free from last day's last meal. first meal the next day.
    • For example, you can have breakfast at 7 o'clock, lunch at 11 o'clock and dinner at 3 pm if you want to maintain a meal time frame for 8 hours and fast for 16 hours.
    • Another option is to eat breakfast at 9 o'clock, lunch at 1 o'clock and dinner at 5 pm to maintain the 10-hour meal time frame and a 14-hour fast.
  5. Try a low-carb or low-fat diet. Both of these diets can help you lose weight as they limit your calorie intake across selected foods. Therefore, it is more important to choose diets that you can follow in the long term. If you like to eat low-carb foods like eggs, bacon, cheese and low-carb vegetables, then a low-carb diet will be right for you. On the other hand, a low-fat diet may be a better choice if you can't live without fruit, bread, rice, and pasta.
    • Don't forget that the most important thing is to cut calories and create a deficiency. You won't be able to lose weight without losing all of your calories.
  6. Drink more water than other drinks. Water contains no calories but helps provide fluids for the body to function smoothly. Once you drink water, you don't need to drink anything more. Drink mostly water each day to reduce your overall calorie intake.
    • Avoid sugary sodas, alcoholic drinks and anything high in calories.
    • Try adding a few lemon slices to add flavor to your drink. A few fresh berries or a few slices of cucumber soaked in water also create a new flavor.
  7. Practice paying attention while eating to slow down. Attentive eating is one way to increase body awareness and the eating experience in which you will eat less. Some techniques that you can apply include:
    • Turn off the TV or computer or store the phone while eating.
    • Use your left hand when eating, or eat with chopsticks.
    • Focus on other aspects of the food to slow down. Smell the aroma of the dish, watch the dish on the plate and chew it slowly to enjoy the taste and texture of the food in your mouth.

Method 2 of 3: Exercise for weight loss

  1. Do exercise at least 150 minutes per week. This is the recommended minimum amount of time to stay healthy, but the more you exercise, the better. Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. Choose activities that you are interested in to make it easier to follow.
    • For example, you can go for a walk during lunch break or after dinner, go to aerobics classes or indoor cycling, or just dance around the room to your favorite music.

    Advice: If you can't work out for 30 minutes straight, break it up into shorter workouts, such as two 15-minute sessions or three 10-minute sessions.

  2. Try to be more physically active throughout the day. Just getting a little more exercise every time you get a chance can burn more calories and lose more weight. Some tips you can use to increase your daily activity include:
    • Park your car farther from the entrance to the place you're going, like when going to work or at a supermarket.
    • Take the stairs instead of taking the elevator.
    • Walk or cycle to school or work.
    • Get up back and forth or do some squats during TV commercials.
  3. Try interval training to burn more calories. When doing high intensity interval training (HIIT), you will start with moderate intensity, followed by high intensity exercise, then repeat the cycle in regular intervals. You can do HIIT with any activity, such as walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, or even dancing.
    • For example, you could walk at an average pace for 4 minutes, followed by a 4 minute brisk walk, then come back at a 4 minute average pace. Keep doing this in batches until you have completed 30 minutes of exercise.
    • If cycling, try pedaling on horizontal pavement, followed by uphill, then return to pedal on horizontal road and uphill again. Continue doing this for 30 minutes.
  4. Incorporate strength training exercises to speed up your resting metabolism. Building muscle helps speed up your metabolism at rest, meaning you burn more calories even while you sleep. You can use resistance belts, dumbbells, strength exercise machines or weight training exercises. Try to practice 2 sessions per week, each session 30-45 minutes.
    • Make sure to work out each of the major muscle groups during strength training sessions. These muscle groups include the arms, legs, back, buttocks, abdomen, and chest.

Method 3 of 3: Seek help to lose weight

  1. Find therapies to change your eating habits. If you have a habit of relieved eating when you are stressed, sad, lonely or tired, then therapy can help you change this habit. A psychotherapist can help you develop new tools for coping with negative emotions instead of turning to comfort food.
    • For example, if you routinely eat sweets or other unhealthy foods during times of stress, a therapist can help you practice relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or stretching - muscle relaxation. instead of eating and drinking.
  2. Join a support group to find the help of others. Meeting people in the same situation can help you stay motivated and keep obstacles out of the way. Try joining an online weight loss forum or find a weight loss support group in your area.
    • There are some paid weight loss programs that help connect clients with support groups, but there are also free support groups that you can look out for, for example in the US there are organizations like Take Off Pounds Sensibly ( TOPS) or Overeaters Anonymous (OA).

    Advice: If you are having trouble finding a support group, ask your doctor or therapist if they know any support groups in the area that you can join.

  3. Talk to your doctor about weight loss medications. Many medications have been shown to be effective in improving weight loss outcomes. This may be an option for you if you have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher or have a BMI of 27 plus weight-related health problems, such as diabetes or high. blood pressure. You can discuss options with your doctor and the risks of the medication. Some of the prescription weight loss medications include:
    • Orlistat
    • Lorcaserin
    • Phentermine and topiramate
    • Buproprion and naltrexone
    • Liraglutide
  4. Find out if weight loss surgery is right for you. Although often seen as the last resort for people who have been trying to lose weight for years, weight loss surgery is very effective. This surgery involves reducing the size of the stomach so that the body is not able to overeat. If you've tried everything that doesn't seem to work, consult your doctor to see if this is the option for you.
    • Remember that weight loss surgery has the same risks as any other surgery. Discuss with your doctor carefully before you decide to choose this option.


  • Moderate caffeine intake combined with diet and exercise also improves weight loss outcomes. You can try drinking a cup of coffee or tea at breakfast or before your workout to boost your energy levels.


  • Avoid over-the-counter weight loss supplements and pills. Most of these are ineffective, and only a few have shown a modest benefit. There is no weight loss pill or supplement to help you lose weight and maintain lasting results.