Ways to Improve Organizational Skills

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How I Started Learning Organization Skills & Why You Should Learn How To Improve Time Management
Video: How I Started Learning Organization Skills & Why You Should Learn How To Improve Time Management


Work, family, friends, leisure activities, and many more can make your life difficult and chaotic. Lack of organization makes it difficult for you to achieve your goals. Organizational skill is essential for you to manage many of your responsibilities, but mastering this skill is not easy. However, if you succeed, you will accomplish the task more efficiently and competitively, and this will lead you to a happy and sustainable life.


Method 1 of 4: Organize thinking

  1. Make a list of things to do. List things that must be done today, and cross out when done. When you write your to-do lists, you won't have the stress of memorizing them. Crossing out list items makes you feel more productive. Write down your completed activities to cross them off.
    • Arrange work in order of priority. Evaluate the urgency and importance of each task to help you prioritize efficiency. Think about yourself, "What if I were to do only one thing today?" This is the top task on your list.
    • If possible, make a list for the next day and go through it before bed. When you wake up in the morning you will have a plan in mind.

  2. Add lists to the persistent jobs. If you want to read a book or try a new restaurant, you should create a list that is constantly with you. If you want to watch a movie, you don't have to watch it today, and therefore should not be listed on a daily basis. The list continuously helps to remind you of some “extra” things to do.
    • You can make continuous lists in notebooks you always carry with you, or use an online program like Dropbox for easy access wherever you are.

  3. Take notes while talking to others. Record details of the conversation with the opposite person. This is especially important when discussing work, but is also quite helpful when communicating with friends and family. Taking notes helps you keep track of important things the other person has said, a task to complete without your anticipation, or simply a tool that reminds you of a good time with loved ones.
    • You don't have to keep a notebook with you at all times and take detailed notes about what others are saying. Just take a few minutes to write down what's important in this conversation.

  4. Use the planner. The year planner is extremely helpful in organizing the mindset. You can use it to record appointments, trips, and other important things. Go through each day and make a list of things that will happen in the long run. For example, if you plan to have a phone meeting in the next 6 months, you can write on the planner now to remind yourself.
  5. Clear your mind. Just like when you throw away unimportant things at work and at home, you also have to get rid of unnecessary thoughts inside your brain. Try meditation techniques to get rid of negative thoughts such as anxiety and stress. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: House arrangement

  1. Throw away unnecessary belongings. Cleaning is the first step in home arrangement. Clean drawers and discard unused items, throw out expired food, clean or donate clothes and shoes that you haven't used for more than a year, clean up expired medicines, throw away or adding new toiletries, and all the furniture you really don't need.
  2. Make a cover for the important things in life. Prepare documents labeled "Auto Insurance", "Travel", "Invoice", "Budget", and all other important parts or events in your life.
    • Specify colors for each profile. Blue for Bills (gas, food, clothing), Red for Insurance (vehicle, home, life), etc.
    • Put files on a tidy shelf.
  3. Hang hooks and close shelves on the wall. Take advantage of horizontal spaces in unused houses. Attach a hook to hang your bike in the cellar and a rack to store furniture and decorations.
  4. Invest in lockers. Just like when organizing your office, you should buy cabinets and baskets to hold your belongings. Put things of the same type in a closet and arrange space for the closets. Buy cabinets and baskets in a variety of sizes to organize household items, such as kitchen utensils, makeup, stuffed animals, food, shoes, and jewelry. advertisement

Method 3 of 4: Office arrangement

  1. Buy a locker. You can go to a cabinet store and buy at least ten of them in a variety of sizes to hold pens, papers, and large items.
    • Buy cabinets, baskets, file drawers, and items that store items.
  2. Buy a label printer. If you arrange things in a cabinet and do not know what is in the cupboard, is it still important to be tidy? You should use a label printer to label each locker. For example, you can label “Pens” for ballpoint pens, pencils, and markers, as well as label “Tools” for drawers, presses, staplers, and punchers. .
    • Label everything including files, drawers, and drawers.
  3. Prepare a record containing information based on "how to use it later". Instead of placing your papers in your application based on where you received them, you can organize them based on your future usage. For example, if you have a profile of a hotel that will be staying in Hanoi while on a business trip, you can stack the “Hanoi” file and file, instead of the “Hotel” profile.
    • Make a sub-profile. Prepare a file of "Hotels", but divide it into several "cities" corresponding to each regular business location.
  4. Make a manuscript or “Table of Contents” for the office. You need to arrange the furniture, but cannot remember where the item is located. Make a list for each box or closet and what's in it for a quick search.
    • This list also helps you to rearrange your furniture to its original position after use.
  5. Arrange "to do" and "done" spaces on your desk. Separate the two areas on the table for things to do (sign papers, read reports, etc.) and finished items. When separating the two sections, you won't feel confused about the pile of papers that are done or not.
  6. Throw away things you don't use. When arranging furniture in boxes and cabinets, you should also throw away unnecessary items. Clean up untouched or open furniture for a year, items damaged, and return leftovers.
    • You can destroy old papers and ask co-workers if you need to use the ones you are about to throw away.
    • If you can't throw it away, you can donate it.

  7. Computer arrangement. You can organize tangible things around, but a lack of organization will limit productivity and still make you feel cluttered. Create new folders and save files to one location, neatly organize your computer to find needed items, delete duplicate files, set detailed titles for text, and remove software and unnecessary text set. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: Maintain tidy

  1. Take ten minutes a day for a quick cleaning. You've spent a lot of time sorting things, so it's important to stay that way. Every evening, set a ten-minute timer to put items back to their original locations, and clear drawers and baskets.

  2. If you buy new items, throw them away. Before buying a new book, you need to take a look at the bookshelf and then throw away the unread books. Donate or throw them away to make room for new books.
    • Take an extra step and clean two or three old items to leave room for new ones.
  3. Always have a “Donation” box ready. Keep an empty box to put your belongings in the donation box. When you notice an item you don't want anymore, you should immediately put it in the donation box.
    • If you don't use something but can't donate it, throw it in the trash immediately.
  4. When you see the drawer open, close it. There's no need to wait until cleaning to start organizing. Whenever you find furniture falling out of its original position, it is recommended that you place them in place. When you find the trash is full, you should take it out immediately. If papers fly through the room, pick them up and organize them neatly. Form a tidy habit to bring efficiency in work and life.
    • Don't spend too much time doing chores. Do not leave the workplace to close drawers. If you are on your way to a meeting and you see an open drawer, you can easily close it. If you interrupt work just to close the drawer, you reduce overall performance by 25%!
  5. Take advantage of technology to help you stay organized. Currently there are thousands of applications to help you maintain your tidy. You can use listings apps like Evernote, reminders apps like Beep Me, travel software like TripIT, and apps that help you prioritize task order, like Last Time.
    • Choose which apps sync with your device so you can access them anywhere, anytime.