How to ripen pears

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to ripen the perfect pear
Video: How to ripen the perfect pear


  • If you buy or pick ripe pears yourself, you should eat them right after picking.

Method 2 of 5: Maturing pears

  1. Speed ​​up the ripening process of pears in the following ways:
    • Remove the pears from the refrigerator and store at room temperature (18ºC to 24ºC). Pears will ripen quickly when refrigerated, usually 1-7 days. Note that pears stored in a cool place as long as they are stored will ripen faster when kept at room temperature.
    • Put a ripe banana or apple in a brown paper bag to take advantage of ethylene gas (a fruit ripening chemical) released by the banana / apple. Be careful though, as pears can overcook or spoil quickly. In that case, follow the instructions for using cooked pears below. If you don't want the pear to ripen, just place the pear next to the bunch of bananas and eat it right after it's done.

  2. Differentiate pears. Knowing which type of pear can help concretize the process at room temperature. Eg:
    • Le Bartlett: 4-5 days
    • Le Bosc and Comice: 5-7 days
    • Le Anjou: 7-10 days.

Method 3 of 5: Recognize the signs of ripe pears

  1. Examine the pulp on the stem. As noted above, pears ripen very quickly and also quickly ripen. A pear that has just ripe to eat will feel soft in the flesh near the stem and the peel will be slightly concave when pressed. advertisement

Method 4 of 5: Slow down the ripening process

  1. Storing pears in the refrigerator will help slow down the ripening process. advertisement

Method 5 of 5: Use raw or rotten pears

  1. Cook dishes from cooked pears. You are just peeling and shredding the pear to add it to a cake, cake, or a fruit cake. Since pears have a sweet taste, when baking, you can add less sugar.
    • Here are a few suggestions: Chocolate and pear cream cake, veggie pear cream cake, and pear cake.
  2. Cooked pear stew. Stewed pears are the best because they come off easily and don't need to maintain the same shape as when blanched. However, pears will taste better if stewed with berries or apples for a delicious dessert. You can sprinkle yogurt or cream and sprinkle with cinnamon powder or nutmeg powder over the pear stew. advertisement

What you need

  • Paper bag (optional)
  • Temperature reading instrument to measure the room / storage temperature