How to take care of jasmine plant

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Growing  Jasmine - How To Grow Jasmine Plants In Containers
Video: Growing Jasmine - How To Grow Jasmine Plants In Containers


The purplish jug is a beautiful plant that stands out with its hard, colorful leaves. This enduring, perennial plant grows well when planted outdoors to cover the ground or in pots so that its branches hang down like falls. Purple jasmine is relatively easy to care for and extremely easy to propagate, a trait that makes them great for indoor plants.


Part 1 of 3: Starting to plant the jasmine jasmine

  1. Determine growing conditions. Jasmine is a tree native to South America that prefers sunlight and warm temperatures between 13 and 24 degrees Celsius. This shouldn't be a problem if you're going to be growing indoors; however, you will need to ensure proper conditions if you want to grow jasmine outside. You can refer to part 2 about getting sunlight.
    • The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has created a zoning map in the United States based on average minimum temperatures. Plants are classified in one or more regions in which they thrive. For example, the jasmine jasmine grows best in zones 9 to 11. According to the USDA map, most of the Southern United States and the West Coast are in these three regions. Check with this map to see if the temperature in your area is warm enough to grow the jasmine jasmine if you're going to be growing outdoors.
    • If you do not live in the 9-11 area under the USDA farm, keep in mind that you may not be able to grow jasmine outside during the winter. You may need to have a tree indoors.

  2. Choose the right pot. You can use a regular potted plant with a saucer or a hanging basket. Whatever you choose, make sure you have a drain hole.
    • If you are using a hanging basket, be sure to rotate the basket daily so that the plant receives an even amount of light.
    • Be sure to choose a pot that is not too heavy, especially if you plan to hang it. You should probably choose a plastic pot over a ceramic one for this reason. Lighter pots will make it easier to move inside in the event of frost.

  3. Plant jasmine jasmine into the pot. Fill the pot two-thirds full of the potted soil, then place the plant in the center of the pot. Put the soil around and fill the pot walls. Gently press the soil around the plant and water it until the soil is completely moist.
    • You can buy jasmine jasmine in many garden houses. Cuttings are also a great way to plant a tree. You will need to take some jasmine stems that are cut from a mature tree. You also need to learn how to plant cuttings from a mature tree.

Part 2 of 3: Taking care of trees

  1. Provide enough light for the plant. If possible, give your plant both direct and indirect sunlight.
    • An east-facing window sill is a good place to grow the jasmine jasmine. The plants will receive strong and indirect light throughout the day, but make sure the site is not too hot in the afternoon. If it is hot, move the pot away from a window, or use curtains to filter out light.
    • If the plant lives primarily outdoors, look for a location with indirect sunlight. This could be a hallway that receives morning sunlight for a few hours. Just make sure that you do not leave the plant in direct sunlight without shade for most of the day.
  2. Water the plants regularly. Jasmine loves wet soil, but they don't want to be submerged in water! Every day, you need to check it with your finger to the ground. If the soil is dry, water enough to completely moisten the soil. Excess water will flow out through the perineum.
    • If you have a saucer under the pot, make sure to empty it when it's full.
    • Be sure not to water the tops directly to avoid rotting the tops of the plants. You can water less during the winter months, when the plants grow slowly. Just let the soil dry for a little longer before watering.
    • Some people find it convenient to use an automatic watering ball that plugs into the potted plant; however, these glass spheres need to be rinsed and frequently filled with water. You will still need to monitor the moisture content of your plants if you choose this option.
  3. Fertilize plants periodically. Every two weeks, you can use a 10-10-10 liquid fertilizer diluted with the same amount of water to fertilize the plant.
    • A 10-10-10 liquid fertilizer is a multipurpose fertilizer with 10% nitrogen, 10% phosphorus and 10% potassium. Be sure to read the directions on the packaging carefully, as some liquid fertilizers are actually powdered and must be mixed with water.
    • Fertilization is only needed during the plant's strongest growing season, from spring to early fall.
  4. Prune the tree. To help keep the plant from being skinny, remove the branches above the leaf's eyes. Don't be afraid to cut too much! You can cut off a quarter of the tree. This will stimulate the plant to sprout new shoots instead of continuing to grow through the tendrils.
    • The best time to prune is the spring and summer months, when the tree is most growing. After pruning, give the plant a chance to sprout new shoots and grow well.
    • If you find the tree is too dense and overgrown, you will need to prune around the base of the tree so that the plant receives enough air and light.
  5. Eliminate dead, diseased and rotten leaves. The plant will eventually stop growing leaves at the base of the plant, but will continue to grow tassels, and then you may need to repair and repot the plant. To do this, you can plant cuttings, plug some of the shoots in the water, or simply place the branches on the ground. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Common problems and solutions

  1. Eliminate aphids. The young shoots of the jasmine plant often attract tiny green insects called aphids. They usually appear near the trunk. An effective treatment is to cut off or cut branches that are infested with aphids and spray the rest of the plant with plenty of water. You can also use a hose or a high-pressure jet to knock aphids off the leaves of the plant.
  2. Refresh brown leaves. Mist your plant regularly. When the humidity drops, the leaves will turn brown, but you can help keep the leaves healthy by misting them regularly. Wet leaves will also help get rid of aphids that can live on the plant. Simply fill the spray bottle with water and mist until the leaves are slightly damp.
    • Browning leaves may also be a sign that the plant is overexposed. If this is the case, be sure not to expose the plant to direct sunlight by moving the pot away or by installing light filter material between the plant and the window, such as a curtain.
    • Try to use distilled or bottled water when misting the leaves of plants for best results.
  3. Restores faded leaves. The leaves lack vitality and color may be caused by not getting enough sunlight. You should gradually increase the amount of sunlight the plant does not get shocked. You can move the pot closer to the window to let the plant get more light, or find a more sunny spot in the yard for the plant.
  4. Get rid of rotting roots. If the plant is discolored but the leaves are turning light yellow, the plant is probably waterlogging and the roots are rotting. If this happens, the plant may not have as many new shoots, if any. You will have to cut off the rotten part and cut a branch from a healthy part of the plant to replant it. advertisement


  • Be careful. The jasmine sap can irritate skin in humans and cause allergies in dogs.

What you need

  • Cuttings or trees
  • Planting soil contains peat moss
  • Plant pots or baskets
  • Country
  • Fertilizer
  • Automatic watering ball (optional)
  • Pruning scissors (optional)