Ways to Conquer Ex-girlfriends

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back | Easy Steps To Win Back Your Ex Girlfriend
Video: How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back | Easy Steps To Win Back Your Ex Girlfriend


It's harder to win over an ex than chasing the girl you just met, but if you really want to get your girlfriend back together, there are a few things you can do to give yourself the opportunity. To win her over, you have to make her want to get back to you, show your changes and take the initiative.


Part 1 of 3: Make her want to get back to you

  1. Give her some space. The first thing you need to do is give her some space. If you keep coming to see and call constantly, she will try to avoid you. The time and space you spend with her will depend on what happened while you were dating. If you've just ended a serious relationship, you need to give her more space than you did when you dated a few times.
    • Don't take the initiative to call or chat with her when you are meeting or email her to inquire about the situation.
    • If you happen to see her by chance, be polite and smile, but make it clear that you won't disturb her.
    • However, do not let her too plenty of private space. If you stay away from her for too long, it will give her time to get to know other people.

  2. Take time to reflect on your own. Not only does she need space, but you also need to give yourself some time to reflect on your relationship's mistakes. Take time to sit down and ask yourself what you did to get her to break up; Have you been in too tight control, become cold or cold? No matter what it is, you should be sure never let it happen again if you want to conquer her.
    • Write down your mistakes. Think about what you can do to change those behaviors.
    • Don't date anyone during a reflection period. Focus on improving yourself and try not to repeat the previous mistakes.
    • Don't go after her until you realize your mistake and how to fix it.

  3. Get busy. While you should avoid becoming busy in other relationships while trying to win over your ex, you can choose to live an active, busy lifestyle with plans to become independent and follow your hobby. If you just wait until you have time to start getting back to her, she will quickly realize it.
    • Continue to pursue your interests and passions. Don't put off the things you love just out of love.
    • Spend time with friends. They will encourage and share with you a different perspective on the problem you are facing.
    • Do exercise. Your self-esteem should improve after a few weeks of exercise, and things should get better once she knows you're training yourself.

  4. Show her you're happy. When you give her some space and try to improve herself, she will be more likely to come back to you. However, now it's time to get things sorted out and let her see you as a great man and having fun with you. Make a plan. You shouldn't be a stalker, but you can plan to show up where she goes so she can feel the joy of being with you.
    • Laghing out loud. When you know she is looking at you, you will try to smile comfortably with your friend in a natural way.
    • Get excited. When she is around, show her excitement and interest in the conversation, let her see that you are passionate and enjoy chatting with friends.
    • Don't ignore it when you see her. You will wave goodbye and return to your conversation.
    • Dancing. Right. This may make her a little sad that she can't be happily dancing with you like she used to be. Let her see you dancing in the crowd.
    • Show her your best side. Must have something make her like you; So, you should take advantage of yourself.
  5. Make her jealous (optional). This is an optional step as it depends on the situation. If your previous relationship ended because she was jealous of you seeing other girls often, don't make her jealous lest she remembers why your relationship didn't work out well. . However, if the two of you break up because she thinks you love her so much that she doesn't care about anything else or she doesn't find you interesting, making her jealous can be a breakthrough. You would do the following:
    • While you are talking, you will mention other girls.You can talk about a girl a few times so she has to wonder "Who is that girl?". Or you talk about a group of girls, you mention you go to a party with a lot of female guests, but you just feel normal.
    • Let her see you around other girls. You will tell her a few words before you move on to flirting with another girl nearby. Make sure you're not too far away so that she can see everything.
    • Don't overdo it. If she hears you talking about other girls and flirting with others, she might be more likely to get back to you, but if you fall in love with all the girls at parties then you may seem hopeless or indecent.

Part 2 of 3: Show her how you've changed

  1. If your previous relationship seemed too smooth, try making her pursue you. If you can't think of any problems in a relationship because you've always loved her so much, this is probably the reason the relationship has broken down. She must have felt your love and your relationship have been so peaceful; Therefore, you should create more challenges.
    • Keep distance. You still pay attention to her, but try to be busy or distracted and look like you're not giving her all of your attention. This will make her anxious and want to get back to you.
    • Limit your compliments. If you complimented her all the time while you were together, limit your compliments to show that you are not paying too much attention to her.
    • Let her come to you. Maybe she's used to you taking the initiative to approach, cuddle, and talk, but it's time to do the opposite. While at a party, let her approach you instead of stopping everything you're doing to get to her.
  2. If things are too difficult at first, you will make the changes easier. If you break up because she thinks you aren't spending enough love or time with her or you flirt frequently with other girls, now is the time to do the opposite by spending more time with her. and don't keep an eye on any other girls.
    • Let her know you have free time and that you can see her anytime. She will no longer have to enlist meeting you in your spare hour.
    • Don't make her jealous. In this case, you should stay away from other girls to prove that you only have her in your eyes.
    • Take time to listen. If she previously thought that you didn't care about her feelings, you would keep eye contact and not interrupt her while she was speaking. You can mention what she said in a previous conversation to show that you really care about what she said.
    • Praise her. If you haven't complimented her before, giving her compliments now is your way of letting her know you've changed.
  3. If you hurt her, say sorry. If you really want to get back into her, you have to act like a man and apologize for your previous mistakes. If you've ever hurt her, she'll probably want to avoid you because she doesn't want to be hurt again. Be manly and apologize.
    • Apologize when the two of you met. Texting or emailing won't work; You should meet in person lest she thinks you're not serious about apologizing and she won't take it seriously either. Get up with the courage to come to her to say sorry for your mistake.
    • Show sincerity. You will look her in the eye as you speak and speak in a calm voice. She won't believe you if the apology seems reluctant.
    • Specific presentation. Don't just say, "I'm sorry for everything." Instead, you will say, "I'm sorry I didn't listen when you spoke. I should have been more concerned with you." She will appreciate it, and it shows that you have a sense of yourself as well.
    • Don't be disappointed if she doesn't accept your apology right away. Maybe she's still trying to get through the old thing, but still appreciates your efforts. Just say, "I'll give me a chance to correct my mistake" instead of trying to analyze it so she can accept your apology.
  4. Show that you have become better and more mature. She will realize how you've changed without you having to say or prove yourself completely different. Let's face it, girls are more mature than men of the same age; Therefore, you should surprise her with your maturity and understanding.
    • Don't be too emotional. Be calm and composed to impress her.
    • Become confident. Show her that you are satisfied with yourself and what you do; She will also be happy to accept you.
    • Responsibility. Let her know you can manage your finances well, maintain a stable job and still take good care of your pets.
    • Do not be jealous. Don't ask about the guy she's talking to lately; This only encourages her to talk to him more and makes you look insecure from being overly concerned.

Part 3 of 3: Proactively moving forward

  1. Share your feelings. When she comes back to you and realizes your change, it's time to stop your tactics and let her know how you feel. At this point you have to do something to make it better. If things go badly, she might not give you any more chance; Therefore, you need to take the opportunity and express your feelings.
    • Tell her at the right time and place. Pick a time when she's not too busy and you're not distracted, ideally at night or in a relatively quiet location.
    • Make eye contact as you speak. Don't look around and don't check the phone.
    • Don't act like a cold guy. This is the time to open up and share your feelings honestly.
    • First, acknowledge your mistake and say it again. Then, let her know how you've changed and want to be able to get back to her.
    • You would say, “I can't believe I was so stupid. You are the best thing I've ever had, but I don't know how to keep. Let me make up for my mistakes ”.
    • Do not speak in pleading and pleading tones; instead, you will speak in an affirmative tone. Let her know that you intend to come back because maybe you will get the results you want.
  2. See her out. If she agrees to hang out, make a plan right away. You are lucky to have a second chance, but it will be difficult to get a third. Make use of the time you were together and be sure to treat her properly. You should do the following:
    • Arousing love. Give flowers and take her to a romantic restaurant. However, do not overdo it, lest she feels uncomfortable. Just add a bit of romance that wasn't there before.

    • Praise her. Tell her that she looks great when you pick her up and continue complimenting her during the date.

    • Say how much you missed her. Grab a moment or two from your date to tell her that you are happy that she is in your life.

    • Always be yourself. You can be a good listener, caring person, or understand her desires, but most importantly, you should still be yourself. Don't try to show that you've changed and become a completely different person.

  3. Best regards her. When the date is going well and the two of you keep going, make sure the relationship doesn't end for the same reason as before if you really wanted to be with her. If you want to bond with her, you have to remind yourself to continue making her feel special.
    • Remind yourself of what happened before and make up your mind not to repeat it.
    • See this as a fresh start. You don't need to fix your old relationship, but try to build something completely new and better.
    • Relax. Enjoy time with her instead of always worrying about how not to ruin things.


  • Make sure you stay calm when you talk to her. Stuttering will make her think that you are not confident and will interfere with your start-up.
  • When you ask her about getting back to her in front of her friends, she might think you're brave and agree. However, be careful as this can make things worse and she will be embarrassed.


  • Be careful with what you say and what you do. If you act childish or rude, the more she will believe that the breakup is the right decision. Show her that you are mature and polite. She might think again and give you a chance.
  • She may not like dating. Some girls think that when they break up, they no longer want to go back to their ex. If she doesn't want to come back, accept that. Maybe she needs time.