Ways to Start an Online Business

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Start an Online Business For Beginners (In 2022)
Video: How To Start an Online Business For Beginners (In 2022)


If you're ready to own your destiny but don't have the capital to buy a franchise or open a store, consider going online. With an online store, you can reach millions of customers instead of waiting for them to enter the store - moreover, you won't have to pay space rent. However, like any other business, you need the perfect product and an effective marketing plan. Read Step 1 for the essentials of starting an online business.


Method 1 of 3: Build a business

  1. Identify the product or service you offer. Your online business has the advantage of reaching millions of customers, but you will also have more competitors. No matter what product you sell, there are probably hundreds of other online stores with the same idea as you. What differentiates your product from other similar products? For the product to stand out more, you will have to find your own.
    • Let's say you make jewelry - but there will be millions of others just like you. What makes your product different? If your category is jewelry (or other product) unique goods, make sure they are truly unique.
    • Demonstrate your expertise in a certain area. Even though the product is not so unique, you can still create a strong selling point with your expertise. For example, if you are running a chain of skin care products, it would be more efficient to sell if you have a degree in a field related to skin health.
    • Study your competition. Find things not yet market and seek to fill that void with your product.

  2. Business Registration. You need to register your business in accordance with national law. Select a name for your property and complete the appropriate process to start your business officially.
    • Before signing up for a business, you should have a copy of your business plan ready. Consider production costs, shipping costs, taxes, and website maintenance costs.
    • Understand state business regulations, obey the law when setting up and running your own business.

  3. Domain name registration. Like your property's name, choose a name that's short and fun to make it easier for everyone to remember. Go to the website of the domain registrar and check the names you want to set to see if they are still available. After choosing a suitable name, register that name.

  4. Sign up for a web hosting service. There are many places that offer free hosting, but if you are serious about having a long-term online business, you should consider paying for the services you need. You will also experience fewer problems when you start making a business. Choose a hosting service that allows you to grow in the future.
    • Some hosting services are designed very clearly, allowing you to choose from a variety of templates available to create your website. Some other services are more flexible, allowing you to program yourself.

Method 2 of 3: Create an online store

  1. Create a stylish and smooth website. Elegant or unusual, classic or unusual, your online store needs to reflect the product you're selling. Whatever style you choose, the most important thing is to show professionalism. The website will sell for you, because you are not in front of customers to win their trust. Therefore, that page must attract visitors, and more importantly, make sure customers can easily manipulate them when shopping.
    • The design of the website should match the product. For example, if you make traditional diamond jewelry, a website that looks like a shabby cardboard, uses thorny fonts and is filled with photos will scare away your potential customers.
    • Build an online portfolio. Whether you are a Javascript programmer, a graphic designer, a 24/7 plumber, or a copywriter ready to write about anything, the achievement site assists guests. Potential customers measure your capabilities and play a vital role in the success of your online business.
    • You don't have to design the website yourself - there are plenty of qualified professional designers out there for this. In addition, e-commerce websites will also provide you with dozens of suitable website templates. When you know what you want in advance, you will easily choose a designer or website template.
    • Focus on the main things when designing a website. Your ultimate goal is to create a simple, easy-to-use website.
    • Customers will not have to click more than 2 times to reach the purchase page.
    • If it's an ecommerce store, the top of each page should have a link to the shopping cart.
    • Buttons to be loud, clear and easy to read; The information field should also be large and convenient for entering information.
    • The simplest is the most. Do not be redundant at the checkout page.
    • Make sure the logo at the top of the page always redirects to the homepage.
    • If the web page has a dark background, use light text and vice versa.
  2. Use e-commerce software. You need software so that customers can view products, fill in information, and make transactions securely. This software will keep customers' information confidential. Do not ignore this step, because the e-commerce software you choose for the store will determine the peace of mind of customers when buying.
    • You can use the e-commerce web service package. Websites like Shopify and Volusion offer you competitive packages with free website templates, optional packages, credit card payments and more. Ecommerce web services make it easier for you to sell goods online without spending too much money. You do not need to manually set up the interface or choose a website template, just open an online store on the available framework of that web service.
  3. Create an e-commerce account (merchant account). Service industries in the past had relied on cash or checks - and building an entire credit card payment system at the time was difficult and expensive. When using a service like PayPal, you will be able to accept most credit or debit cards when receiving payments from customers, and resolve disputes when necessary (and the dispute will inevitably be happening). advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Promote your services

  1. Create engaging content for your website. Focus on your key areas of expertise and present them professionally. Similar to when potential employers contact a referral, let your potential client see the best aspects of you. Add explanation as appropriate or necessary.
    • Don't use jargon. If you are providing a technical service, the footnotes on your website should be engaging with your customers, not your industry.For example, if you want to show your client that you can program PHP and AJAX, don't write something like: "In this case, if the input field is empty (str.length == 0), this function will remove the placeholder. txtHint and exit the function. " Customers who want to hire you to program websites will only scratch their heads and "huh?" Instead, say "Enter text in the box, the text will auto-complete."

    Ylva Bosemark
    Morning Morning, White Dune Studio

    Please share your story on the website. Ylva Bosemark, jewelry designer, says it's important to let clients know about me: "With my website, I can write about what it means to be a high school student and an entrepreneur. That way, people will know where these products come from and who I am. "

  2. Be generous. No matter what your business is, where it is located, the key to success on the Internet is knowing how to make a reputation. Open business accounts on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. If your work is graphic-oriented, set up accounts on Flickr and Tumblr. When new news comes out - new contracts, websites, articles or photos, you should post them on all social media sites. Make sure those pages lead to your main website, and that the main website also links to all social media sites.
  3. Become an affiliate marketer. Many companies and webmasters (webmasters) use affiliate programs to increase their online sales, and most of these affiliate programs are free to join. When you sign up for an affiliate program, you will be provided with your unique link and username (ID). The link above will be used to market the seller's product. When a customer buys a product through your affiliate link, you earn a commission.
    • For example, if you're an affiliate marketer for Musician's Friend, an instrument retailer, you could advertise their products on your site. If a person visits your site and clicks on a link to Musician's Friend's page, and then purchases musical instruments for a specified period of time (usually 24 hours or more), you will be rewarded with commissions for that transaction.
  4. Add an advertisement Google AdSense to your blog or website. Google AdSense is a revenue sharing opportunity for large, medium and small websites. These sites will place advertisements for goods and services related to the content of the site to target people who regularly visit the site. In return, you get paid a small amount when an ad appears on the page or when a visitor clicks on it. advertisement


  • Building an online business can be either easy or difficult, depending on careful research and the process of preparing your business foundation before you start. You can make money online if you take all the necessary steps and don't overlook the essentials of success.
  • Most ecommerce shopping cart providers allow you to use the service for free for a certain period of time, you can use this time to build and learn how to operate an online store. .
  • Find a business system that has proven to be successful.
  • Since 2015, Google's algorithm has changed to favor pages with diverse content, so create creative, engaging content to sell products without spending too much effort. strength.
  • Another thing to look out for in online business is choosing a billing service. Many businesses charge customers directly after signing the contract, the bill will be paid by check to the bank account of the service provider. In addition, some customers have to go through certain online charging systems to pay for the contractual service. You may have to sign up for a billing system like PayPal to make it easy and less fuss-free for both you and your customers.
  • Interacting with customers. Ask for their opinions on the product and after-sales service. Congratulate them on birthdays, wedding anniversaries and other occasions. Discount if they are regular customers.
  • In your target business area, is there a great demand for your products and services?


  • PayPal is a limited payment processing tool, because customers who use a debit / credit card to pay via PayPal will not be refunded directly.
  • Don't give money to others to teach you how to make money. Be careful when you spend it, even if it's just a penny.
  • Remember you are in business. Learn from your own failures and from the successes of others. You need a determination to learn with enthusiasm.
  • Be careful with hosting and website building services that don't help you build your ecommerce website.