Being confident about your appearance

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be Confident About Your Looks
Video: How To Be Confident About Your Looks


Your overall self-esteem stems from a variety of more specific areas, including your physical appearance. Perceived iterial imperfections can lead to grief, an obsession with your appearance, excessive grooming, undergoing unnecessary cosmetic treatments and / or social isolation (such as staying at home, shunning the camera, etc.). In extreme cases, a person may even contract a chronic mental illness, such as a body dysmorphic disorder, or eating disorders that may or may not be accompanied by social anxiety disorder. In less extreme cases, decreased confidence in appearance can seriously lower your mood and the enjoyment of daily activities. For these and other reasons, it is important to your overall mental health to understand and (if necessary) increase confidence in your appearance.

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Method 1 of 3: Increase confidence about your appearance

  1. Identify the source of your lack of self-confidence. Finding out why you lack confidence can help you focus on those feelings. Start a "confidence diary," in which you write down when you feel more and less confident about what you look like.
    • Did you feel more confident in any of the following situations: when you spent more time grooming or preparing, when you dressed a certain way, when you spent time in smaller groups, when you spent time away from certain people , or when you spent less time on social media or celebrity news?
    • Are there “bigger” issues underlying the lowered self-esteem? For example, are there personal problems that are troubling you or are you unemployed? Some people focus these kinds of fears and worries on their self-perception because it may seem more manageable than the “bigger” problems like job security or the personal issues.
    • If you can't find patterns or are still not sure what's causing your lack of confidence, here are a few more tips you can follow to find out what will benefit you the most.
  2. Address your perception of body image. Psychologist Dr. Vivian Diller has developed a number of cognitive behavioral techniques that can improve self-confidence in your appearance. Dr. Diller calls these techniques “beauty self-esteem”, or “self-confidence in one's own beauty”. These techniques focus on evaluating the source of your self-esteem, questioning negative opinions about your appearance, and thinking about ways you can approach your looks more positively.
    • For these exercises, sit upright with your chest out for maximum confidence.
  3. Write down your positive qualities. Write down the three things you like most about your appearance and the three things you like most about your personality. Sort the six points according to relevance and write a sentence about each point. For example: “I help others. I volunteer for a local charity every week and always call my friends right back when they need to talk. ”
  4. Analyze your positive traits. Notice where the physical traits scored relatively higher than the character traits. Most people attribute their character traits a higher score than their physical traits. This highlights not only that our sense of our personality has a greater influence on our self-esteem, but also that the opinions of others are likely to be based more on our personality than on our outward appearance.
  5. Make a list of your best qualities. List three physical features that you think are most attractive about yourself, and write a phrase to describe each of them. For example: "My long curls - especially after I just went to the hairdresser and they look so nice and full and vibrant" or "My broad shoulders, especially when my girlfriend puts her head on my shoulders for comfort".
    • This exercise shows that everyone has qualities that they can be proud of. These properties can be accentuated by the choice of clothing.
  6. Look in the mirror. Look at yourself in the mirror and see what thoughts come to your mind. Whose words are those words: yours or someone else's? Whose words do they remind you of: those of a bully, of a parent, or of a friend?
    • Question the accuracy of those words. Are your muscles really smaller than most people's? Are your hips really that wide? Are you really that much taller than other people? Do those things really matter?
    • Think about how you would talk to a friend. How is that different from the way you talk to yourself? How can you ensure that you start to think positively about yourself instead of always in that negative or critical tone that you started with?
    • Try to find out in the mirror what you like about yourself. From now on when you look in the mirror look at that quality; instead of the negative qualities you normally focus on.
  7. Be skeptical of the media. Know that the media portrays the human body in a way that is meant to make you feel bad, because that will make you buy new products and clothes. The bodies that are depicted are not only non-average, but are also digitally embellished with software such as Adobe Photoshop. People who recognize this and are more aware of the media's intentions often have a better self-image than people who don't.
  8. Work on positive reframing. If you find yourself having negative thoughts about your appearance, then you should stop those thoughts and reframe them as something positive. For example, if you think your nose is too big, stop yourself and remind yourself that you have a powerful and unique profile. If you think you are overweight, think about your fantastic curves and try to see ways you can positively change your lifestyle.
  9. Keep a self-confidence journal. Before going to bed each night, write down three positive things about yourself. Read these things again in the morning and add two more points. It's okay to repeat what you've written before. The more you think positively about yourself, the more confident you will become. .
  10. Seek guidance. If you persist in negative self-esteem, you may want to consider seeking therapy. Thoughts about how you look may be related to deeper issues that you are not fully aware of, and therapy can help you develop a more positive self-image.

Method 2 of 3: Adjust your style

  1. Wear clothes that make you feel good. Research has shown that the clothes we wear can have a significant effect on our self-esteem. For example, a superhero costume can promote self-confidence and make people feel stronger; women score better on math tests when they wear a sweater than when they wear a bathing suit; and a white coat gives people more “mental agility”.
    • Wear clothes that make you feel good, like a nice soft sweater, your favorite jeans and a suit (or anything else that looks professional).
    • Dig through your wardrobe and make sure your clothes match your style. If not, you will have to go shopping! If you don't like shopping in public or don't know what's on trend, you may want to consider looking for a service that picks out clothes for you and sends it to you, or look for an online retailer that makes returns easy. and is free.
    • Wear colors that you like. This will help lift your mood. If you can't find a color you like, then you can go for blue. People usually respond positively to that color.
  2. Wear clothes that accentuate your favorite physical features. Look for outfits that suit you because they match your body type or have accessories that emphasize your good features. There is no perfect body type, but there are clothes that suit certain body types well or badly. Clothes that look good because it suits your body type are likely to look better than clothes that don't.
    • If you are very thin, avoid darker colors such as black. Dark colors slim down. Rather opt for lighter colors. Slim women can try to create a curve by putting a belt or belt around their waist when wearing a dress. Skinny men should avoid wearing clothing that is too big or baggy to give the impression of size; clothes in the right size will look better.
    • If you have broad shoulders and narrow hips, you should avoid patterned scarves (that draw attention to your shoulders), tops that accentuate your shoulders, and footwear that seems small for your body type. Wear pants that make your hips look bigger and shoes with wider heels or boots with buckles or zippers that draw attention to your feet.
    • If your body is pear-shaped, choose vibrant colors or patterns for your tops and dark, solid colors for your bottoms. For example, opt for a flower shirt and dark jeans. Avoid horizontal stripes, especially at the bottom.
    • If you have a round body type, try not to wear too much fabric in the center of your body. Do not wear belts or skirts that reach above the knee. Choose details above the bust line and below the hip line.
    • If you have a voluptuous body, try to wear clothes that are slim at your waist, but flowy on top and bottom. This will accentuate your curves and tone down the size of your legs.
  3. Wear clothes in the right size or have them made to measure. Wearing clothes that match your current weight and height will make you feel better about how you look, even if the clothes aren't exactly the size you would like.
    • Order clothes in sizes that actually fit you. For example, if you are a very tall and thin man, it is better to go to a specialty store than to buy clothes from a regular store that is too wide and baggy.
    • Have your clothes taken in to make you fit properly. Tailors know tricks to make your clothes emphasize positive features, such as curves. For example, they can fold pieces of fabric so that it takes on a more flattering shape.
  4. Use the right lipstick. Making good use of lipstick involves more than just choosing the right shade; it also ensures that you care for your lips as part of your overall appearance. You do this by exfoliating the lips twice a week (with a mixture of salt and almond oil, for example) and applying lip balm. When it comes to lipstick, makeup artists recommend the following:
    • Avoid lipstick that shimmers and sparkles as it tends to look cheap and tacky.
    • Choose a bright color based on the color of your lips (e.g. pale lips = cherry red lipstick, natural lips = cranberry, and dark lips = burgundy).
    • Choose a "nude" shade based on your skin tone (choose a shade slightly lighter or darker than your skin tone).
    • Avoid blue lipsticks and black-based shades. These tend to make you look older than you actually are, give you a more serious and also scary one (think vampires, for example).
    • Lip liner is not necessary, but if you do use it you should choose a color that matches the color of your lips; not the color of your lipstick.
    • Apply the lipstick carefully, and gently wipe the edges for a softer effect.
    • Apply the lipstick from the center and then blend towards the corners. Be careful not to apply the lipstick directly to the corners of the mouth.
    • Apply a strong shade to the lower lip and then press your lips together to lighten the color of the lipstick.
    • Apply the lipstick for the first time, then pat your lips on a tissue, and reapply the lipstick for a longer-lasting effect.
  5. Apply makeup based on the shape of your face. While make-up is not for everyone, those who do use make-up can improve their self-image by learning how to use their make-up better. As with clothing, the goal here is to match the makeup to the shape (of the face, in this case) and draw attention to the features and characteristics you want to accentuate. To determine the face shape, pull your hair back and look in the mirror at your hairline and chin:
    • People with a heart-shaped face (broad forehead and pointed chin) should divert attention from their prominent chin and cheekbones with soft tones on the face and soft color on the lips.
    • People with round faces (forehead and under face are roughly wide) can add definition by using makeup on the cheeks and eyes (like smokey eye shadow).
    • People with a square face (angled jaw and hairline) can apply soft colors to the skin, mouth and eyes to soften the facial features.
    • People with an oval face shape (forehead and lower face are the same width with long sides) can apply blush with horizontal movements and accentuate their eyes and lips to limit the length of their face.
  6. Get yourself a good haircut. A good haircut cut by a good hairdresser or barber can help you feel more confident about your appearance. Also, it will give you a more fashionable and up-to-date look. As with makeup, the face shape determines what is a good hairstyle for you.
    • People with heart-shaped faces may want to consider bangs and side-parting with chin-length hair for more rounded face.
    • Round-faced people may consider parting in or slightly off center. They can also have their hair cut in layers to limit the “fullness” of the hair and give the impression that the face has been “chiseled out”.
    • Square-faced people can also consider layering, as well as a side part that draws attention to the cheekbones.
    • People with an oval face can choose any kind of hairstyle. The techniques for all other face shapes are intended to make the face appear more oval.
  7. Make sure you keep taking good care of yourself. Looking like you've spent time on your appearance and are taking good care of yourself can help boost your confidence. With a few simple tips you can do it like this:
    • Make sure your nails are neatly trimmed and clean (this applies to both men and women). Also make sure that the skin under your nails is kept clean.
    • Brush your teeth several times a day, especially after meals where food could get stuck in your teeth.
    • Always keep moist and cleansing wipes nearby to wipe your makeup, sunscreen, and sweat off your face, or just to refresh yourself after a few stressful hours. Also, make sure to thoroughly cleanse your face every two or three days to keep the skin clear.
    • Use an "anti-aging" moisturizer, sunscreen and concealer (to hide skin imperfections).
    • Use your fingers (instead of brushes and brushes) to apply makeup and get a better idea of ​​how much makeup you are actually applying. This can help you create a more natural look.
    • Use artificial nails to quickly create a manicure look. Even for people who have consciously experienced the 80s, these days fake nails are a lot more acceptable than you might think!
    • Apply deodorant or antiperspirant regularly.
    • Use natural oils (such as avocado, coconut, or almond oil) to keep your body and hair hydrated.

Method 3 of 3: Improve your quality of life

  1. Choose your friends wisely. Pay close attention to your friends and see how they make you feel. Surround yourself with people who don't criticize or judge you, because that can negatively affect your self-image.
    • Your friends can even help you reach your health and fitness goals, which can also help you feel more confident about your appearance. Maybe one of your friends wants to go to the gym or go for a walk with you.
  2. Smile and laugh as often as possible. It may sound too simple for words, but smiling, even when forced to do so, can relieve stress and make you feel better about yourself. In addition, people will see you as approachable and friendly if you smile more often.
  3. Accept compliments. If someone gives you a compliment, don't try to avoid it. Accept the compliment! If you are unsure about your appearance, it can be quite uncomfortable to accept compliments. In response, you could anxiously try to avoid or downplay the compliment. Suppose someone compliments you on your top. You could tell him / her that it is a discard and that you are only wearing it because all your other clothes are dirty. This reflects your insecurity about your appearance, which can make both you and the person who complimented you feel uncomfortable. Rather just say "thank you" and enjoy the compliment you deserve.
  4. Exercise regularly. Whether exercise actually changes your physical appearance or not doesn't really matter. It can change the perception of yourself, and thus lead to an increased sense of self-esteem. An American study of exercise and weight found that people who are dissatisfied with their size are less likely to exercise, regardless of how much they actually weigh. This finding argues that physical activity may be directly related to better self-esteem.
    • The amount of exercise should be sufficient to give you a sense of accomplishment and should be regular; it does not matter which form of exercise you choose, and there is no specific duration that you have to meet.
  5. Eat a healthy diet. Certain foods, such as those rich in carbohydrates and sugars, can make you sluggish, lethargic and negatively impact your mood. Foods that can actually improve your mood are foods that are low in fat and release their energy slowly. These foods provide energy for longer periods of time and these foods do not pose any risks of weight gain, bloating and / or irritability. They can lead to stronger hair and nails, which can help improve overall self-image.
    • Don't eat foods that are high in sugar, or that are fried or over-processed.
    • Eat more nuts and seeds, legumes, and fresh fruits and vegetables - especially fresh produce with vibrant, rich colors.


  • What people think of you doesn't matter. The most important thing is what you, and you alone, think of yourself.
  • You can build your confidence by saying positive and confident things to yourself out loud.
  • When people say mean things to you, remember that they are showing a negative side of themselves - nothing more, nothing less. Their comments say more about them than they do about you.
  • Stay true to yourself and find out what makes you feel good and confident.
  • Don't try to compare yourself to others.