Get your boyfriend to stop ignoring you

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 9 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Make Him STOP Ignoring You - Subliminal Affirmations Audio
Video: Make Him STOP Ignoring You - Subliminal Affirmations Audio


Do you also hate it when your boyfriend ignores you, doesn't answer his phone, or doesn't answer your texts? If you can relate to this, read this wikiHow article for some helpful tips.

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Part 1 of 5: Examining your own behavior

  1. Wonder if you might have caused your boyfriend to get short of breath yourself. He may have taken a step back because he needed some space, if you've been a bit too pushy or too demanding lately. Maybe you text him all the time, or you called him three times every hour last afternoon. Understand that most guys really value their freedom and privacy, and don't want to feel like they have to spend 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with you.
  2. Try to see the situation through his eyes. It may seem like he is "ignoring" you for many reasons, but often those reasons have nothing to do with you at all.
    • He may be busy. Maybe you usually talk to each other every day, and then when that suddenly stops, you get desperate. You've had a busy day, and you really want to talk to him. Well, he's probably just really busy! And if he's busy, you can expect him to temporarily stop all communication until he's done what he needs to do.
    • He does not feel well. He has a bad cold, has pain in his shoulder or stomach cramps. Stoic as he is, he just doesn't react for a while, because he doesn't want to bother you with his ailment, or because he just doesn't want to show that he's not feeling completely good.
    • He is tired. Totally exhausted. He just needs some space to recharge with new energy and that's why he retired for a week to catch up on sleep.
    • He's had a problem with his family. He's having a hard time talking to you about it because he's having issues with his weird / possessive / insane / angry / moralist or any kind of family, and it's just too hard to explain all the details. He would rather not involve you, because once you are involved, all kinds of complicated problems will soon arise. In fact, this is a very protective attitude on both sides.
    • He has problems at work. The deadline is approaching, he feels his boss's breath on his neck, or the future of his job is in jeopardy. He's trying to save what's left of his job, and you're all of a sudden a distraction.

Part 2 of 5: Take it easy

  1. Take a break. If you think you may have been a little too "present" in his life, take a step back and give him back the space you have been trying to fill. That doesn't mean you should start acting less nice to him or get out of his life altogether; it just means you shouldn't rush things and slow down.
    • Don't call or text him for a whole day. Try to keep it up. If he hasn't been in touch all day, ask him what he expects from a relationship. If you're expecting something he doesn't intend to give you, you may need to find a boyfriend elsewhere.
    • Don't call, text, or app him about things that don't matter. Don't call him because Maaike broke up with Sander if your friend doesn't even know those people. Even if you think it's such important news, it probably isn't.
  2. Don't worry. If you worry about it and get all down or emotional about it, it doesn't make you more attractive, except for a certain type of very sexist man. Just be cheerful and try to laugh more often. It won't make your days any less just because he ignores you for a moment. The happier you are, the more he will want to enjoy your cheerfulness.

Part 3 of 5: Find out what's bothering him

  1. Be direct. Ask him if he has any reason to ignore you. Maybe you did something wrong? Did you accidentally say something wrong? If he's acting so weird for some reason, you better know so you don't risk making the same mistake again.
    • If he tells you he needs more space, try to figure out for yourself if you can live with that. If you want to spend as much time together with your boyfriend as possible, and you think the kind of space he wants is something you're going to struggle with, then you may not be able to get it together.

Part 4 of 5: Reconnect with him

  1. Contact him to be way. As you have already read above, the fact that your friend is temporarily ignoring you can have many different causes. On the other hand, he may not respond because he feels that the things you say are not that important; for him your chatter is a pointless pastime, things that do not require an answer or that do not give rise to a good conversation. Learn to talk to him on to be level, and you will see that in no time he is all ears; in other words, save the celebrity gossip and hair and nail conversations for your girlfriends.
    • Talk to him about what he likes. Who knows, maybe he likes running, cars, or maybe chemistry. He can be passionate about all kinds of things. Talk to him about the things he likes to do and respond enthusiastically to his passions. Every boy has a passion; you just have to discover it.
    • Ask him questions about the things he likes. Ask him why he likes what he likes. Ask him to explain his favorite hobby and how he got interested in it. If you are enthusiastic about something he is enthusiastic about, then he can hardly ignore you.
    • Don't interrupt him when he's having a nice talk. If he's talking wildly enthusiastically about something, let him talk. Don't interrupt him when he's finally sitting on the talking chair.
  2. Try to agree to do something fun together. Tell him you'd like to do something fun again, and hopefully he'll get the hint and understand that you would like him to organize it. If he doesn't get the hint, then you may have to organize something yourself. And if it turns out to be a nice date, it will be more than worth it.
    • Remember, the best thing you can do is do something he likes. Shopping might be something you would love to do for days if you had the chance, but it might not be such a good idea for a perfect date. See if you guys can't go to an amusement park, to the movies, or to the concert of a band he likes, or something like that.
    • Put on your nicest clothes, put on a smile and wear your hair just the way he likes it. Sometimes all you have to do is shake a guy up and remind him that his girlfriend is the cutest girl in the neighborhood. That should change his mind ...
    • Try to keep yourself busy with only fun things during your date. Keep him involved. Ask him questions. Be playful, warm, nice and optimistic. Give him the chance to improve his life and remind him why he is actually in a relationship with you again.
    • If the date is unsuccessful, tell him that you hoped your date would allow you to get closer together, and that you are worried that the bond between you is not as close as it used to be. Doesn't seem to be doing that much to him? Then he doesn't really deserve a second chance.

Part 5 of 5: Standing up for yourself

  1. Demand respect. If he thinks he can keep ignoring you after all the trouble you've put in to sort things out, and you're okay with that, then he can ignore you without a problem. If you demand respect from him by telling him what you will and will not accept, then you leave him no choice.
    • Tell him how you feel. Tell him that you expect a better form of communication and that you will do your best to communicate better. Tell him that if communication between you does not improve, you will have to think about breaking it up.
    • If he loves and respects you, he will immediately change. If he doesn't love and respect you, why would you want to go on with him?
  2. Take some distance. Go do fun things with your friends, girlfriends and gay friends. Make sure he understands that you have a life too and that he should be happy that you let him be a part of it.
    • Most guys will soon come back and stop ignoring you, especially if you hang out with other guys too. He will want to defend his territory. That's just how boys are put together.
    • If he doesn't come back and keeps ignoring you, ask yourself if you want this relationship. You probably get more from someone else who goes 100 percent for you than this guy who only makes half the effort for you.
  3. If you feel like he's cheating on you, break up. Of course it helps if you have proof: You better not break up just because you have the feeling that he is cheating on you. But if you feel like it's not right, talk to him and find out what's going on.If nothing's going on, and this is just what it is, then maybe you should find another boyfriend after all, because it just doesn't seem to work between the two of you.


  • Do not immediately answer every message or phone call from him; take your time. If he calls or texts you, wait a moment before responding. A good rule of thumb is that it takes you twice as long to answer as it takes him to answer you.
  • If a guy ignores you as a form of punishment to show that he doesn't like something, you may need to let him know that you don't appreciate such behavior once things get better between you. If he keeps going the same way after that, then you may have to break up because it's not right for you to let him treat you that way.
  • Sometimes things are not as bad as you think. Wait a minute first, then send him a message like, "Hey, how are you?" Often he was just busy, or he didn't realize that you had sent him a message. Always try to call or text him if you know he can answer at that time.
  • Don't keep texting him or bothering him if he doesn't respond; just forget it until HE calls you.
  • Try to get to know his friends and family. That way, you'll find out what kind of people he hangs with, if you should care at all, and set your limits from day one. A man respects a woman who respects herself and who cares about herself.
  • Don't call or text him while he's on the toilet.


  • Don't let him walk all over you. Boys often feel that girls are always there for them. If things aren't going well, he's ignoring you, and you're not happy / satisfied with the situation, end the relationship. You'll feel a lot better with someone who does treat you with respect.