Know if you are attracted to someone

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 3 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Subtle Signs Someone Is Attracted To You
Video: 10 Subtle Signs Someone Is Attracted To You


It can be a great experience to feel attracted to another person and an amazing feeling that evokes interest and desire. Deciding whether or not to be attracted to someone can be complex, because the human mind is complicated in itself. How you think and what you value in life will often determine whether or not an attraction exists.

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Method 1 of 4: Examining your subconscious behavior

  1. Notice how often you think about the person. When you are attracted to a person, you may think about him or her more than someone else and you cannot control it. When you aren't attracted to someone, it will likely leave you indifferent. Ask yourself the following questions:
    • Do I notice that I often want to be with the other person?
    • Am I disappointed when the other person doesn't answer my texts or phone calls?
  2. Watch for changes in your physical appearance. If you care a lot about your physical appearance, especially if it is more than usual, then you are probably attracted to someone. You show that you care how the other thinks about your appearance, and you probably care how the other thinks about you. Here are a few questions to ask yourself:
    • Do I find it more important how my hair is?
    • Will I spend more time deciding which clothes to wear?
    • Am I wearing more perfume or cologne?
  3. Monitor your physical response. Sometimes it is very easy to discover that you are attracted to someone because you have an immediate physical response that seems to grow in your body and is sometimes felt in your mind, body and heart. This can include nervousness or a feeling of butterflies in your stomach.
    • Watch your heartbeat and sweaty hands when you think about the person or when they are around.
    • You will behave differently around the other person, without being aware of it, when you feel attracted to that person. The main reason is because you are nervous and want to make a good impression.
    • This may sound strange, but believe it or not, as humans we are also attracted to others based on their natural scent. Just as you can be attracted to a person's physical characteristics, so can smell. In addition, scent can cause you to remember events and think lovingly of a person and period you spent together.

Method 2 of 4: Understanding your emotions

  1. Process your feelings. Sometimes your emotions about another can be so strong that they become completely overwhelming and you immediately know that something special is going on. If you want to find out if you are attracted to someone, the first thing to ask yourself is how happy you are to see the other person. This can be an indicator of attraction.
    • Laughing at all the person's jokes can be a sign of attraction.
    • Smiling often can also be an indication of attraction.
  2. Examine your physical preferences. Be honest with yourself and consider whether or not you have physical preferences. If you prefer someone who is tall, then you may not be attracted to someone who is short. Make a list of your preferences.
    • Physical attractiveness is subjective and what one person finds physically attractive does not apply to everyone. You have to look at the person's general appearance to find out if you like what you see.
    • Physical appearance can include facial features (such as eyes, nose, lips, cheekbones), hygiene, haircut, clothing, and anything else that determines a person's general appearance.
    • You can't always make a general statement about your preference because you can be absolutely attracted to someone who is the exact opposite of what you usually find attractive. Sometimes, however, your personal preference will be a deciding factor.
  3. Know the turn-offs for you. You may not find someone who smokes attractive. While this is not a physical trait, it is certainly something that can affect overall attractiveness.

Method 3 of 4: Determine what you like about the person

  1. Examine the person's character. Think about positive qualities and traits you like about the person, such as humor, loyalty, compassion, or creativity. Think of specific examples because those examples can give you a glimpse of the possible future relationship with that person.
    • Note whether the person is trustworthy or not.
    • Notice if the person is happy for you when good things happen in your life.
  2. Notice the person's altruism. How someone interacts with other people and whether they are nice or not is important. Most people find such a person attractive because if they are nice to others, they are likely to be nice to you.
    • Examples of altruism include volunteering to help the less fortunate and being available to help friends.
  3. Spend time together. Doing something together gives you the opportunity to discover whether you like each other and also what you like about each other.
    • Actively listen to the person and ask open questions that require him / her to really open up and talk. For example, you can ask about the past and how his / her childhood contributed to current choices.
  4. Build a bond. It is known that participating in a stressful task together can build a bond between people. Consider organizing a volunteer project or doing something new and exciting together, such as rock climbing or rafting.
    • People who go through a stressful experience together tend to form stronger relationships, but if the event is too overwhelming, it can have the opposite effect.

Method 4 of 4: Find out if the feelings are mutual

  1. Learn clues to recognize circumferential attraction. Both men and women give physical cues when they are attracted to another person. Important signs are dilated pupils, hunched shoulders and feet facing you.
    • Women sometimes play with their hair, tilt their heads, or act timid when they are attracted to someone.
    • Men smile, rock, stretch, or stare when they are attracted to someone.
  2. Share your feelings. Sometimes it's better to just be honest and tell the person how you feel about them.
    • Be prepared for rejection and don't take it personally if they don't return your affection. As discussed, there are many factors to do with attractiveness and you will certainly find someone who finds you attractive.
  3. Pursue a healthy relationship. A stable and healthy relationship requires that you respect and appreciate each other. It's best if the attraction is mutual, but if not, consider moving on before getting too involved emotionally.


  • Understand that attraction is not always physical. You can be attracted to someone for a variety of reasons, regardless of what that person looks like.
  • Wonder if you are often attracted to the wrong people. If so, focus on the root of that problem and fix it so that you are more successful in future relationships.


  • Don't ignore warning signs (such as lying, verbal abuse, or self-defeating behavior) no matter how attracted to the person you are.
  • Don't force yourself to be attracted to someone, because it might not last long if it doesn't come on its own.